The Delusion of the enemy is complete and assumes a mix of all three now that the statistics are in from actuarials world wide. Pitchforks anyone?

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He's the enemy; He's paid to lie; He'll lie through his heavily funded PhD-green-teeth into our faces, with no hesitation and no fear.

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We live in clown world now.

Things are about to get really ugly soon..🤮

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He need to be held accountable

And on national TV questioned about his comments

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Lancet Assessing COVID-19 pandemic policies.pdf


After you quit laughing, notice who funded the research.

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Who funds Imperial College? There lies the answer. Shattock and Ferguson are nothing more than Gates's stooges.

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He is obviously a liar liar pants on fire.

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Same institution as Neil Ferguson, the other liar!

He knows there has been no proper investigation by post-mortem examinations so he lies.

They are disgustingly dishonest and a stain on academia (but par for the course!)

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Just looking at this Shattock guy it looks like he died a while back and has been embalmed. Or maybe the vaccines he promotes are killing him.

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Steve, I love your sense of humor...the only way to stay sane during these insane, upside down times. Thank you for calling them all out and holding them accountable. Criminals or idiots - both dangerous.

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Get a look at his banking. Probably a decent donation from funders who wish to remain anonymous.

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They don't even hide it. Its open and transparent who funds him.

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The Imperial College has been part of the false narrative since the get go. Follow the $...I’m sure he sold his soul and reputation for a significant amount of money. The truth would not give him the same protections from government and the elites.

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IC is funded by CCP, Kill Gates and Pharma. Follow the $cience Steve.

The idiot IC Director, Neil Ferguson, connected to TPTB and famous for his terrible predictions in times past (mad cow, 2009 swine flu etc); employs his 13 yr old models written by first yr computer science students. Many of us looked at some of the available code. It is a joke. No docs or db schema info either.

Ferguson was caught with his pants down during the LDs he screamed support for, with his married lover. Obviously someone you trust.

Chris Whitty Chief Idiot sorry Medical Officer of the UK used Fergutard's fake models to intone in Dec 2021 that 5000 unstabbed would die per day in the UK.

Still waiting.

Steve, you will die before you hear a single iota of truth or reality from IC.....they are shyte and bought for propaganda with their quackademic credentials giving 'respectability' to their fake declarations.

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Are you sure that Chris Whitty publicly estimated a death rate of 5000 per day in Dec 2021? That seems extraordinary to me because he had the evidence of the peak of the epidemic in April when about 30,000 died over a 6 week period giving you an absolute maximum of 700 per day and that's with some blatant overcounting and 1000's of iatrogenic deaths from the over prescription of Midazolam. A man of his experience and knowledge would have known this, so either he was utterly mendacious or you have taken what he said out of context.

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Not sure of the UK covid drug murder protocol. But in the US they mixed midazolam with propofol, and fentanyl.

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How truly dreadful. Why were they doing that? Were the hospitals getting more money for a fatality than a recovery? I think I know why the elderly were being hastened to their deaths in the UK, it was because we have a free National Health Service and the elderly are a big drain on resources, also early deaths of the elderly saves money for the government on pensions.

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Why is there no all of the above option in the poll?

My vote is that he is all three: a stupid, ignorant, liar.

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He’s funded by the Gates Foundation pretty much tells you everything you need to know.

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I did not want to get into this, but it is too hard to resist. I was a physician assistant for a very famous plastic surgeon. Drug companies paid for my for trips to Hawaii, and Bora Bora. In exchange you have to go to conferences. The companies track your prescribing. If you do not prescribe enough, you are not going back Hawaii etc. The whole thing is a criminal operation. Our government won't even mention it.

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