If your kid gets COVID, the risk is 3 in 1 million that your child will die from COVID. And that is likely an over-estimate because today all early treatment protocols are suppressed worldwide.

I'm a bit late getting back on this one.

How can early treatment protocols be suppressed worldwide?

I can accept that in certain western countries where the governments, hospitals and doctors have been PAID OFF by Big pharma to stick with their Bio weapon agenda and of course depopulation, which the majority of the sheeple haven't a clue about. I know, I've spoken with many and they haven't the slightest clue what is going on.

Somehow I cannot see treatment protocols being suppressed in South America, Africa and the Far East. The people wouldn't put up with it. Especially when we know that a whole province in India was treated with Ivermectin and there are no covid deaths.

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Yes I would too. I did look into this about a year+ ago, and found what you would expect, a decline just like we saw with "influenza" deaths. Same thing, but reversed, happened after "polio" was declared eradicated after vaccines were administered. I verified that through my own research (which is condemned these days with statements like: "who do you think you are...claiming to have performed 'research'?!" and "are you even a doctor?" ...as if med school qualifies one to read learn and think...travesty!) but right here is a nice little summary vid from one of Steve's favorites ;)


Thanks for the comment

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Just like Rubin, we have an aligned monster. WEF YGL alum Greg Hunt (ex-Federal Health Minister) who freely admitted the world was engaged in a large trial.

“The world is engaged in the largest clinical trial, the

largest global vaccination trial ever, and we will have

enormous amounts of data.”


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OH - I think the the latest recommendations "suggested" by the CDC done woke up the MAMA BEARS - we've moved far beyond taking the gloves off - we be bearing (pun intended) our massive claws and finely sharpened teeth. Don't know how the "pushers of bullshit" slide past this one!

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ACIP is corrupt, captured, bought and sold. Not one of those 15 cowards dared to dissent from the approved message. Yes, ACIP must be dissolved (as well as the CDC and FDA, among many other 'alphabet' health agencies that have become thoroughly discredited) and rebuilt from the ground up with honest healthcare professionals who are not in the pockets of the pharma cabal.

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WHO compared the Covid3.4% CFR (Case Fatality Rate) not to the Flu's 10% CFR but to its 0.1% IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) so Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold https://www.amazon.com/dp/b09dfgld8d and now we find IFR for kids is 3/1000 of the Flu.

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You know, I think some people are too lazy to fight for their own God given rights or do nasal washes, and that's why they took the shots, they acted like they did it because "it was the right thing to do" and now they regret it, but I think it's laziness. We have all been so fortunate where we were born, our freedoms, and everyone just flushed them down the toilet! I look back when my kids were little and gave them their childhood vaccines, I did the same thing back then. I didn't want to, but I told myself it was the right thing to do, I didn't want people to go "oh my God, you didn't vaccinate your kids?! They are going to give everyone Polio!!!" This shit has been going on for a century now and we are just waking up. I'm convinced ALL VACCINES ARE BULLSHIT!!! All those diseases were erradicated and we had herd immunity, then they developed the vaccines.

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Laziness I agree with, in believing what they were told without doing their own research. But also downright stupidity on the acceptance of an "experimental" vaccine pushed on the market (profit before saving lives) that has caused countless deaths and millions of adverse effects and yet still it's being pushed. Has it still not sunk into these thickos two brain cells?

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'Polio' was caused by DDT poisoning. I encourage you to o look up Dr Sam Bailey on Odyssey for more in-depth analysis of the 'science' of virology and immunology, and how germ theory of disease was cunningly installed by powerful people with a vested financial interest in 'medicine' over the more holistic terrain theory of disease. Lots of very eye-opening revelations on her channel.

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Absolutely correct, Janet…very well worded. And I hear your frustration. The herd mentality will be the demise of freedom. I’m 70, been a ‘health nut’ since the ‘70’s…do you know how much ‘fighting’ I’ve had to do to keep my kids un-medicined!!! But, now my kids don’t get too much flack for not injecting anything in my beautiful healthy grandkids. I’m glad my younger self stuck to her guns…and, if that wasn’t enough, I haven’t watched a lick of TV in 47 yrs, or visited any doctor in 40 yrs (my last birth). You can imagine what I’ve been called (hahaha).

Now, with the internet, there are no excuses to be ignorant of the real facts.

I love your passion, and hopefully you can invoke that in younger people…the truth is ALWAYS worth knowing.

Love & blessings 💖👩🏼‍🌾

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https://youtu.be/wj4rE0LrpR0 excess baby death investigation.

7:27 for glorious moment.

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WOW, how can these doctors and nurses live with themselves. I'm an RN, I don't work at a hospital, but I can understand at the beginning of the pandemic in the "fog of war" and underneath all the garb they had to wear with no way to breath that they were following orders and just trying to get through, but they have to know now how not treating people early and the remdesivir was killing people. But what's going on now is cognitive dissonance and denial. And in this video I just watched? I just don't get it, are they threatening to kill their families or something? I mean what could coerce doctors and nurses to just outright lie like that?

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When they first made the ridiculously stupid decision to allow the EUA interventions for children, my first thought was 'When children start dying people will finally wake up, but how many children will have to die? I find it terrifying that we are still counting. As an atheists it is difficult to admit, but this is proof of true evil that exists in our world.

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So true, this is an evil that knows everyone is about to see it for what it is, so it's fighting with everything it has to keep control.

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Ivermectin might be a novel way to combat Covid. OOOPS! Sorry - IVERMECTIN was cancelled in order to get deadly vax an EUA. LIABILITY MUST be reintroduced for DEADLY Covid VAX = COMMON SENSE and cessation of De-Population. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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Even to brain-dead individuals it must soon become evident the math is not adding up...except of course for the jabbed in my circles... who refuse to believe math exists.

That there is zero intention on the part of those in authority...of turning this boat around...should also at some juncture become evident those of us who claim we are awake.

If we are truly awake, we also need to look at the evidence that is screaming in our ears every day. They are not going to stop with this charade. That is at least as obvious...if not moreso...than the jab injuries and death.

The problem we face is two-fold.

1...What is their real endgame?...

2...How do we stop it... when it is obvious our current tactics are not working with much efficacy?

Whoever is behind this...the visible and the hidden faces...they are showing us clearly they are dead serious about succeeding. We need to re-assess our defense if we hope to defeat their game plan. Very soon we must to get our offense on the field... or the game is lost.

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Problem is that these people aren't braindead, they're brainwashed.

The programming is so strong, the societal and financial consequences of dissent so severe, it's near impossible to convince them of logic and facts.

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Take your last sentence after the comma......brain dead.

You just clinically described brain dead.

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"Covid" remains unproven. The observation of death or a cough or fever is not proof of a virus. Metagenomic sequencing and PCR and take home tests don't prove virus either. The correct method of proving Covid is a disease caused by a virus has not been performed or accomplished in a reasonable and scientific way...which does include isolation/purification. But certainly "trust the science" and "trust the experts" is an effective campaign to discourage critical thinking. "Safe & effective" statements had incredible results too. I recommend reading the science, hearing "the experts" hearing the "misinformation spreaders" and thinking for yourself.

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I'd like to see a comparison of the number of deaths for every disease prior to Covid compared to the # of deaths for those same diseases after they all were classified as Covid deaths. It appears to me as if Covid mysteriously cured a lot of diseases. It's obviously absurd to me.

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Well from what I can tell 30 states will enforce the CDC mrna covid shot mandate

for children in order to addend school. OK parents -your children are not at risk from covid, and you will allow them to be injected with something that could permanently damage their heart. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

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Any parents who go along with this are really playing with fire. Childhood disabilities can alter the course of a life in ways that are tremendously costly for every family member. The pain, suffering, and expense is really almost unimaginable for a healthy person. Be careful.

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first they put us thru “Contagion”, is this so we all end up like in “Cell” with John Cusak, before or after “I Am Legend”, when they switch on their 5g towers to do whatever they have been filling ppl with graphene for...

I dare you to read Amazon Terms Of Service below, scroll to number 42.10.


“42.10. Acceptable Use; Safety-Critical Systems. Your use of the Lumberyard Materials must comply with the AWS Acceptable Use Policy. The Lumberyard Materials are not intended for use with life-critical or safety-critical systems, such as use in operation of medical equipment, automated transportation systems, autonomous vehicles, aircraft or air traffic control, nuclear facilities, manned spacecraft, or military use in connection with live combat. However, this restriction will not apply in the event of the occurrence (certified by the United States Centers for Disease Control or successor body) of a widespread viral infection transmitted via bites or contact with bodily fluids that causes human corpses to reanimate and seek to consume living human flesh, blood, brain or nerve tissue and is likely to result in the fall of organized civilization.”

Interestiiiinngggg ... 🧐👀👀👀👀🤓

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Oct 21, 2022Edited
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doesn’t seem so bee essss w the prion diseases we see from these shots right now, let alone with targeted frequencies and the diabolical MO these psychos have. If u think these psychopaths are ‘bored’ u have not researched much into their human trafficking and ‘hobbies’

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Oct 21, 2022Edited
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i did ‘get it’ and i disagree. mockery is their fave way of telling us their ‘plans’ for decades. aka 9/11 was ‘predicted’ in movies and media +50 times min since the 1950s.

Maybe dig deeper hun, with less arrogance, kiddo - i am a communist survivor and i have lived thru things the western world hasn’t seen since the 1800s, kiddo. Older isn’t wiser, experience teaches, and arrogance is for the weak ignorant minds. U might be older but u sure r not wiser

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Oct 21, 2022
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i lived thru a revolution to end communism, where thousands of people died and we were shot on the streets, i would NOT call that a ‘rebel without a cause’. how DARE u, really! we were tortured for decades, while u lived in ur nice cozy democracy, telling me how much wiser u r and how much more u know.

u tell me that u r old but u act like a spoiled teenager with no life experience or any social & emotional awareness. if ur purpose here is not sharing knowledge but arrogant self- congratulatory statements while boasting a strange sense of superiority, great job at this public self defecation.

maybe u didn’t hear me, darling, i lived under communism, so little tantrums and childish insults from ignorant first world adult babies isn’t really going to do anything past amuse me.

Maybe pick up a book, i thought u said u r old enough to be my grandmother, that’s a long time to not know how to spell stupid in ur own language.

I see a lot of PROJECTION, darling. Might be that U know that r the one who needs to grow up.

Don’t forget to pick up a dictionary, and some class and self dignity.

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I have e mailed some attorneys about this. The CDC has no legal authority to pass laws. All they can do is make recommendations. It is up to the state legislators to pass covid shot mandates. Biden and the CDC are impotent and cannot force covid shots on your children. But if you live in a leftist state - yes, they can forcibly inject your child. It's your call parents.

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