Thank you for all that you do Dr.

Would anyone trust getting surgery today? I’m scheduled for shoulder surgery which requires getting swabbed prior and put under. I’ve been putting it off as it’s not life threatening. I eat a low carb zero sugar low inflammation diet and can’t remember last I was sick. I’m not letting anyone mess with my God given incredible immune system. Some people call me crazy for holding off. So my question is, would anyone trust being put under or getting any kind of surgery for something that isn’t life threatening?

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Thank you for pointing this out! I have a friend who used to work for a guy who works for Gilead. He is vaccinated, and recently he developed meningitis. Of course, nobody is saying it could have ANYTHING to do with the vaccine! But in the video on this page, you can see that meningitis is listed as one of the possible side effects! https://realcovidresearch.blogspot.com/2022/01/how-i-finally-got-my-mom-to-see-other.html

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Hey, I'll sign up to be in your sudy. No vax's, never tested, only wore a mask at work for one week May 2020 and only about a dozen times since then (airport, a couple stores). I work close up to clients (massage therapist). Got only 2 insignificant colds since CV19 came out. Boosted my vitamins and was fine. Age: Lower 60s.

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Wow, extremely sad. Hoping for a full recovery for that young girl, and I hope she’s back to cheering soon.

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I will pray for the poor child and her family. This is INSANE. We have to stop the Medical Industrial Complex

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This is a paper that associates nasal swabs and bacterial meningitis https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/ene.14736

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Even in NZ Adern is an acolyte of Swarb

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Your articles are so informative. Thankyou. I live in Western Australia and remain unvaxxed. I also wear a mask as little as possible. Here in Australia our registration board for health professionals is totally on board with the vaccine program, masking and everything. It’s like they are stuck in time. I fear for Australia’s health. I am part of a ‘the vax control group’ have you heard of this? It was started from the UK. Www.vaxcontrolgroup.com. I am sure you can find some helpful participants for study here.

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They are afraid of the repercussions for what they have done. We really do need a Nuremberg type tribunal to air this evil perpetrated on us by our unthoughtful governments

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Hey,good work Tons-I'm a Victorian(country)Aussie,my family of 3 are all unvaxxed. I haven't heard of the vax control group. I too fear for the health of Australia.

What's with Mark McGowan? Is he ever going to let people in or out? Omicrap's a bloody cold. People are dying of the"vax", not omicrap. We're just about under martial law,with Dictator Dan Andrews;that's if you're unvaxxed.

And our dear lying,blaming,blaming again,ignoring,lying P.M.,has got to go!They've all got to go-maybe Aussies might wake up!

Good to hear from a Western Australian!

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I believe there is a clear case that Covid vaccines are causing significant immune suppression. Please read my post on Covid Vaccines and West Nile Virus: A Case for Immune Suppression. https://jeffreylundeen.substack.com/p/covid-vaccines-and-west-nile-virus

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So very glad you have dedicated yourself to these issues in the COVID-19 "scamdemic"! Your brave, generous offer of $1,000,000 to people who will debate COVID-19 issues with you is wonderful, and the fact that there are no takers is very telling! Best wishes in exposing and condemning this COVID scam!

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As a neurosurgeon I would just stay vigilant and draw no conclusions at this point. Clinicians see clusters of fairly rare conditions all the time. There is nothing in medicine that can explain this seemingly anomalous phenomenon in disorders that do not arise from extracorporeal pathogenic mechanisms in unrelated individuals. For example, assume that the incidence of a disease X indicates that a population of a certain size should see 12 cases of X in one year. That would neatly work out to one per month. However the universe is not that boring. If I see 3 cases of X in one weekend it would certainly raise the level of alertness but if at the end of the year only 12 cases occurred then there would be no worry that there is a new mechanism producing disease X.

A word of caution; it is essential that those of us holding views contrary to the masses be exceedingly exact in our arguments as we are not allowed to make any mistakes. The ax of the executioners is raised waiting for the tiniest of errors.

“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.”

– Gustave Le Bon

The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind

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Yada, Yada..

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Just don't let your cluster idea blind you from the facts. We see what we want to see. Right now the entire Medical Industrial Complex is suffering cognitive dissonance

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Quite agree. When ever l pull into a lay by it is usually devoid of vehicles but when l return, the place is so full of cars it resembles Walmart on a Sunday. One of life's little foibles.

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I wonder if these patients had root canals as well…

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Fair question

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I remember when India had an uptick in some fungus respiratory infections. I've been to India- I've seen the living conditions. So imediately thought: mask- increase humidity- exacerbation of respiratory flora... I've also seen how carelessly people are handling themselves and the masks- nothing hygienic about that!

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I had to poke a hole in my mask so that l could pick my nose.

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My husband got a stye in his eye which very rarely happens. We suspected it was from having to wear a face diaper on a 4 hour flight from CA to the midwest plus time in the airport. When we mentioned it to an ophthalmologist friend, he said come to think about it, he has seen an increase in stye cases but hadn't made the connection to masks. A tech in my opthalmologist's office said they have seen far more stye cases and it is due to mask wearing.

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Mask and intracranial infections you say. They can be deadly.

Sept 29 to Oct, 2 , 2020

I was out of it for 3 days.-

From ~ 10:45 pm or so Saturday until ~ 8:30 Monday morn night I remember only a few things that didn't almost seem like a dream.

Walking up a friends basement stairs. The folks there said I was perfectly fine when I left.

Seeing my Aunt led from the ER. Yes an O.B.E..

A blanket over my face and the doctor yelling Richard we got you back. Aunt was being told as I started yelling, everything was unhooked and the room was cleaned up. They had to re do everything, sensors, IV's, etc...


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