This is such total bullshittery! Unvax at my job had to report every c19 test to the employer if you didn’t take the shot AND that took it had to report it to the employer. So how top secret is our medical data? And how is it no one is suddenly smart enough to extrapolate the date without revealing the ‘patient’ data ? C’mon I’m no scientist but this is more like a smoke screen than HIPPA, smh!

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‘Those’ that took it, not ‘that took it’ Substack need an edit tool 😋

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These new graphics are very cool. Kudos to whoever's helping you with them!

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I stopped going to Sodom-America’s doctors years ago when I left America forever in 2018.

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So the authorities in the name of public health protection can order what ever they want for us to do, and we are not aloud to protect our health by ourself ,or examining reasons of their measures.That is exactly what organized crime in governement wants!

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But wouldn’t that also mean that unvaccinated people’s records would also be kept safe?

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Kept safe from what?

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If we can stay informed with more than just the propaganda from the MSM we stand a chance of not making the same mistakes as before. Thanks for speaking out Sir. 🎯

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My normie family and friends continue to believe that any news not coming from MSM is someone posting from their mom's basement.

Only when Anderson, Rachel & Sanjay speak directly to the camera and say VACCINES ARE BAD will they MIGHT change their opinion.

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HIPAA has always been a grossly incontinent beast.

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for those interested and can be bothered go to citizengo.org and scroll down till you find a petition ..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalize the pandemic treaty....be sure to read it carefully to understand just how serious things really are..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world that said dont waste your time sharing it on gestapo book who you can be sure will censor and suppress it which is the very reason it doesnt have anywhere near the amount of signatures that it should have the same also applies to you tube and twitter it currently has over 268000 signatures

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Did that and sent it on to others!

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To make you even more dumbfounded by this slight of hand, in the US those electronic records were paid for you the tax payers (or, more accurately, billed to the national debt taxpayer tab). The government pushed for RHIOs and EHRs, with lots of money dumped into networks that eventually had terrible business planning and became unsustainable. They forced doctors offices to join in the network even if they preferred paper. Another unethical trick was opting patients in without consent. Now they hide the data behind HIPPA.

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"... and men loved the darkness more than the light because their deeds were evil."

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While the swamp mandates HIPAA bondage onto the healthcare industry, they themselves setup servers outside the domain of American citizens' freedom of information act. Let the boomerang begin!!!

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How will HIPPA protect our privacy if we must disclose our health records at every entry to a store, restaurant, airport, college, etc. due to public health tyranny with the creation of health-record I.D.s that "prove" the holders' vaccination status, etc.? They intend to force these I.D.s on us and that will result in the complete removal of 'privacy' in our daily lives!

Looks to me like the Overlords will use HIPPA as their excuse/justification for doing whatever they want to do to us whenever they want to do it.

None of this is about health and safety. It is all about removal of choice and informed consent, technocratic control, our compliance or punishment, secrecy, profiteering and depopulation. Now they intend to gaslight with this 'privacy' claim? Stats are numbers, not names -- but they would pretend we are hallucinating if we point that out.

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Big tech literally knows everything you do and sells it to anyone (including the government) who's willing to pay. But so glad public health is looking after my privacy hahaha!

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And they know who has been injured and died or who is receiving treatment for various diseases post vax. They could expose a lot of this at any time and remain silent. There are some problems with verifying data as legitimate because "our data" is manipulated, falsified, enhanced, and collated to satisfy whoever the "client" is. I've seen it repeatedly done before my own eyes, when things slip out accidentally. Data is big business. Another form of enslavement and at the very least collected and sold without informed consent or compensation.

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For more than 50 years so called national gvnments are against the people and their public politics are in the sense of extermination them. I read the book of Estulian at least ten years ago and all was written there very clear. But the people wait until is too late. And the worse never will change in better per se. Only trough fight and only with blood.

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