Steve, I am a physician who has volunteered to submit patient data to VAERS for physicians who do not have time or have other restrictions (AB 2098). Please give the named pediatrician my substack info. I can submit it with my FL information, although the clinic where the patient was seen will be named as well. If any trouble occurs, I can say it was my judgement to submit the patients to VAERS.

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Clue. The unvaxxed children are fine.

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Dr. Ladapo is almost 2 years late. Pay some attention to those of us who figured it out in early 2021 (i.e., me) in time to have saved some people.

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Perhaps Dr. Ladapo will pay as much attention to what's happening to healthy young women who get vaxed as he's paying to healthy young men.

I have a feeling he would not have raised the alarm like this if the high number of cardiac events were occurring in young *women*.

For a while now, we've had reports of tons of disturbing female reproductive issues in vaxed women, including spontaneous abortion and babies ingesting milk from a newly vaxed mother and then becoming ill or dying. Where's the equivalent hue and cry?

I mean, it's sufficiently worrisome to the point that Pfizer's supposed to be setting up a follow-up study to investigate these female issues. Did Ladapo simply miss the issues raised vis-a-vis the effect of these vaccines on healthy female reproductive systems?

Frankly, one would have hoped that Ladapo's call to stop vaxxing healthy young males would instead have covered everyone, not just males. Some things never change, IMHO.

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Very good point which I'm sorry to say didn't even occur to me. In fact of course the jabs are simply very dangerous for those of all genders and all ages regardless.

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Sock it to them Steve, you are the person with the amassed data, stats, careful analysis. We have to fight them wherever and whenever. We had a WCH meeting for medics in London on Saturday. I got an invite, but my doctorate is in computer science/formal logic, and before that I was a zoologist. So I contrived a cunning plan to sponsor a ticket and sent the invite to invite to my local GP surgery, thinking a day with Tess Lawrie et al would be enough to make an honest info-spreader of anyone. They didn't take the bait, so I asked Tess to place the ticket with someone. I then learned the shocking truth that the ticket has been placed with someone who has had to step away from their NHS work for ethical reasons, and are finding it difficult to make ends meet. Ghastly to see what happens to the best people Dr Jo

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Since we use the British Parliamentary system I know you will inderst when I say that Trudeau is a minority propped up by our third party who are getting nervous. The liberals want am election at the most opportune time. If they go now they lose and if they wait it isn't clear what will happen but the more information that comes out on the mRNA poisoon the worse they are. So latest tactic is to try and control the Internet. They will have limited success since that is the equivalent to herding cats.

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“She is the sole breadwinner in her family so she has to remain silent while other kids die.” I call BS on this as an excuse.

I am a CPA. My professional code of ethics states that if I see financial fraud being committed in my workplace, even by my employer who signs my paycheck, I MUST speak out about it or I will lose my CPA license. It doesn’t matter if I am the “sole breadwinner” in my family, or if speaking out costs me my job, status, friends, whatever.

In my smallish city, there was a well-known, successful local company that did a great deal for the community, donating a lot of money to civic projects and generously supporting the local (large) university. But it turned out that their success was built on a house of cards. They were secretly defrauding their banks, their creditors, and even their customers. When the truth finally came out, various office managers and accountants - many of whom were the “sole breadwinners” for their families - were charged with federal crimes and are currently serving sentences in federal prison. They have each been assessed tens of millions in fines that they will be paying for the rest of their lives. These were not high-level executives, these were just ordinary employees making modest salaries, who are paying a huge price for not risking their livelihoods by speaking up.

So the idea that we should be sympathetic to doctors who are willing to let people DIE rather than speak up because it might cost them their big house or their luxury car is absolute BS, and we all need to stop excusing it.

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Can someone explain this to me?

"Here’s an example. Say we have a deadly vaccine which kills 50% of people at exactly 20 weeks out. Those who aren’t killed are fine.

Based on the study design looking at 28 days vs. the range after the 28 days, our vaccine would be a miracle life-saving drug when in reality it should be immediately stopped."

Is it because the study would have to count people at 20 weeks vs the range after? I don't see how there wouldn't be a signal? Because so many deaths after 28 days makes the few deaths within 28 days seem small?


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"rates of myocarditis caused by COVID are higher than those from the vaccine"

Sloppy, or precise terminology, is used alternatingly, when beneficial.

The above statement could be right: COVID.

You know, the lung-eating, severe assortment of symptoms that people usually at least almost die from.

Those who have that, might also get heart problems.

But... HARDLY ANYONE who had a "SARS CoV 2 infection" also had COVID - it's not the same (not to mention just a positive test). Except when media wants to give the impression that what most people have makes it time for this here again - then they are the same:


Because everyone who had a slight scratch in the throat had "COVID", and you know that's dangerous.

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Please listen to this video w/ Paul Present and the New California movement. He is a not a whack but VERY SANE. It seems feasible and they are very organized. Please at least listen. Thank U.


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Video (2 min) - Director of the CDC lie about their own vaccination status.


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We have a vacation home in Florida but, due to our vax status, cannot enter the USA until sanity returns! (Maybe your 'mid-terms' might produce possibilities?) I'm 77 and in great health. Never bought the Covid & DEADLY VAX hype and none of my wider family has either (15 in number). Florida is the most reasonable State in the US for dealing with Fauci's man-enhanced Covid virus (Gain of Function Bio-Weapon research = USA - then moved to Wuhan). Big Pharma LIABILITY MUST BE REINTRODUCED to stop this genocide (Murder) for which Fauci & others need to be imprisoned! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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Supposedly some U.S. customs agents don’t ask for the vax cards, but if they do, you’ll risk wasting $ on a plane ticket. Maybe you could fly to Mexico and walk over the border.

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We considered it! But my wife isn't as brazen as me, so the trauma would be unbearable - Then there's the getting back to the UK afterwards. OK for me but not for her. LIABILITY for deadly vax makers would immediately solve this farce. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Agreed about the liability but the direction will have to come from Europe -the US (and my sad state - Canada) do not have the leadership to question big business. They comply as directed. There are a lot of other countries out there that may be able to bring some rational through to the situation.

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I'll keep banging my drum because - the more that agree, the more the matter will be talked about. So, join me in drip-feeding the LIABILITY message - we'll win in the end and Covid/Vax (WEF&WHO) will be behind us! Mick from Hooe (UK). Unjabbed and doing my bit for reality!

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It is not getting into the US that is the problem. If I can fly direct I get into MX with no trouble at all. Two years ago I flew to North Dakota and got a ride and walked across the Canadian border because our dear PM locked the unvaxxed out of the country - in reality they cannot deny entry but can make rules. For the following 14 days the covid police followed up - actually it was kind of fun creating issues for them. (I can't believe I just wrote that - but it is actually what I felt).

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Tyrants (Pussies like Trudeau) change the rules to suit their WEF Agenda! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed - but happy and healthy!

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As annoyed as you may be don't vax. We did it because we live 6 months of the year in Mexico and our Canadian govt held you prisoner unless you took the jab. Rolled the dice and hoped for the best and that was stupid. I have what appears to be a permnent injury (swelling somewhere near my ear drums). Not that bad but no improvement over 2 years.

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Sorry to hear the consequences of you being forced into DEADLY Jab! We're decided long ago that the risks and underlying reasons for injecting the Planet has nothing to do with Covid - more to do with De-population and eventual SLAVERY which is the WEF's end-game. The EU Parliament are finally asking for compensation from Pfizer & Co for selling duff injections (They haven't yet mentioned the excessive death rates POST VAX). Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and fighting for LIABILITY to be reinstated for deadly vax makers.

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All scientific studies are flawed. This includes that all mathematical models are wrong as I've mentioned in https://zebm.substack.com/p/why-epidemics-never-grow-exponentially

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I hate to bring politics into this but it’s uncanny how the Left is always accusing everyone else of what is really true about themselves and you wonder how these people can be so blind. They really are delusional about themselves. It’s also ludicrous that the LAme Times passes themselves off as some kind of authorities that should even be listened to. They, like the New York Waste of Times, are unscientific and flawed and can’t help but make counter factual claims on just about every subject. Hopefully they will wind up on the ash heap of history where they belong. I’m so sick of these corrupt liars.

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Sadly, this hit piece is not something new. It has been standard operating procedure for decades.

I'm reminded of the (what used to be) often referenced 1984 federal register comment:

“...any possible doubts, whether or not well founded, about the safety of the vaccine cannot be allowed to exist in view of the need to assure that the vaccine will continue to be used to the maximum extent consistent with nation’s public health objectives.”

HHS, FDA 21 CFR Part 630 (Docket No. 84N-0178): Additional Standards for Viral Vaccines; Poliovirus Vaccine, Live, Oral.

Action: Final Rule.

Summary; amendment of regulation governing testing.


federal register friday june 1 1984 vol 49 no. 107 pgs 22751-23018

pg 255 of pdf. Pg 23007 of register. Middle column, top.

Interestingly, as an aside, searching that on commonly used search engines these days brings up mostly official sources only (exception being reddit?). It would appear the tech giants have scrubbed or demoted unofficial sites using the above as "misinformation".

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I read that in Suzzane Humphries book - and I mean her book not the amazing one she coauthored with someone else. Her autobiography is the one that mentions it.

I'm sure she talks about it in lectures.

"Whether or not well founded"

Which is why Fauci scoffs when asked if the DPT shot causes brain swelling like it is the craziest thing he has ever heard, but when called out on it he will admit "it is extremely rare side effect"

Meanwhile the actual science was showing anywhere from 1 in 15,000 to 1 in 100 kids were suffering brain swelling.

Not the 1 in a million we are led to believe.

Imagine how many people have been hurt by these nutters. And their vaxine programe is going doing the drain because they lied.

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Rising From The Dead was a very interesting read.

The establishment have go to answers & deflections for every question & concern raised. They cover all their bases well. All we can do is keep on chipping away at it.

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There are many studies that are only interested in promoting what they want to show and so they are biased and I suppose all studies have some bias that we only ignore if it agrees with our bias, but there are sources of data that are not linked to covid that expose the hidden truth.

Is the LA Times biased? They certainly are.

So if we look at some factual data from other sources we can see the truth.

Comparing the all cause deaths increases for the years before the "vaccines" were used with the years since, we find a shocking difference. Insurance companies have reported increases of between 40% to 187% depending on the age group or the industries involved. Government data for all ages is 40%.

This shows us how many deaths from "vaccines" have been labeled as "covid" caused deaths. The reason why they can hide them is because of the 1300 different side effects of these "vaccines" from blood clots, heart attacks, myocarditis, cancer, etc.

It also shows that the added HIV / AIDS in these "vaccines", that was used to enable the mRNA to evade the immune system, has enabled any disease already in your body to reactivate.

Normally your immune system takes care of all the cancer cells that grow in all our bodies, but when the immune system is destroyed by these "vaccines" they grow into a deadly cancer.

All diseases that were under immune system control are now a problem for the "vaccinated".

The more shots the worse it gets as we can see in government data here.


The other thing we can see in these figures is that the '"unvaxxed" that go to hospital are very low, but because hospitals get paid to kill them they don't leave hospital once they enter. They all end up dead.

This is Real World Data and it needs to be interpreted by knowing why people are pushing the "vaccines".

The Georgia guide stones told us that the NWO wants to depopulate the earth and Bill Gates has told us there are too many people, but we can reduce that number with "vaccines".

It also works if you want to bring in the "Great Reset".

It seems the richer some people get the greedier they get. They can never get enough.

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