Thanks JB - My eldest daughter lives in Melbourne and had to endure six lockdowns between 30 March 20 - 26 October 21 for a total of some 257 days with the politicians & media incorrectly labelling Melbourne as the most locked down city in the world* All premiers & health officials + media personalities mandating such hardship should be …
Thanks JB - My eldest daughter lives in Melbourne and had to endure six lockdowns between 30 March 20 - 26 October 21 for a total of some 257 days with the politicians & media incorrectly labelling Melbourne as the most locked down city in the world* All premiers & health officials + media personalities mandating such hardship should be held accountable but so far, no, as you indicate....
In Queensland the former chief health officer (Dr.) Jeannette Young was rewarded with the plumb position of state governor in November 21 despite her husband (Prof) Graeme Nimmo the State's Director of Microbiology for Pathology having "sponsorship" connections with Pfizer et al.
My eldest daughter was also trapped in Melbourne and I was forced to watch from afar as her mental health declined due to the lockdowns and mandates. My other two children were exposed to Covid in March 2020 with no effect and got Omicron in Jan 2022 with my son just having sore joints one evening.
What they did to our children is literally insane.
Thanks JB - My eldest daughter lives in Melbourne and had to endure six lockdowns between 30 March 20 - 26 October 21 for a total of some 257 days with the politicians & media incorrectly labelling Melbourne as the most locked down city in the world* All premiers & health officials + media personalities mandating such hardship should be held accountable but so far, no, as you indicate....
In Queensland the former chief health officer (Dr.) Jeannette Young was rewarded with the plumb position of state governor in November 21 despite her husband (Prof) Graeme Nimmo the State's Director of Microbiology for Pathology having "sponsorship" connections with Pfizer et al.
and if you haven't please see
My eldest daughter was also trapped in Melbourne and I was forced to watch from afar as her mental health declined due to the lockdowns and mandates. My other two children were exposed to Covid in March 2020 with no effect and got Omicron in Jan 2022 with my son just having sore joints one evening.
What they did to our children is literally insane.