Down here in Australia, we have a psychotic Labor Party state premier named ‘Daniel Andrews’. He has effectively been speaking down to his constituents as though they were a pack of naughty school children for two years straight! Pushing the boosters like a mad salesman! It’s nauseating to watch, yet the menticided masses still love him …
Down here in Australia, we have a psychotic Labor Party state premier named ‘Daniel Andrews’. He has effectively been speaking down to his constituents as though they were a pack of naughty school children for two years straight! Pushing the boosters like a mad salesman! It’s nauseating to watch, yet the menticided masses still love him dearly! Many of his diehard fans would love to see him run for prime minister! The mainstream media suggest he’s the hot tip for winning the Victorian state election in November. Even though he’s extended his draconian ’emergency pandemic powers’ for another six months and continues to kill them and their children! Funny old world ain’t it..?
I am truly shocked and saddened at how easily the Victoria population has been manipulated by Dictator Dan. The majority of the population turned into cowering Aussies... something I could never ever have imagined of an Australian population.
Such is the power of intensely concentrated military grade population mind control techniques I guess. We can’t afford to underestimate this theory of mass formation.
Down here in Australia, we have a psychotic Labor Party state premier named ‘Daniel Andrews’. He has effectively been speaking down to his constituents as though they were a pack of naughty school children for two years straight! Pushing the boosters like a mad salesman! It’s nauseating to watch, yet the menticided masses still love him dearly! Many of his diehard fans would love to see him run for prime minister! The mainstream media suggest he’s the hot tip for winning the Victorian state election in November. Even though he’s extended his draconian ’emergency pandemic powers’ for another six months and continues to kill them and their children! Funny old world ain’t it..?
I am truly shocked and saddened at how easily the Victoria population has been manipulated by Dictator Dan. The majority of the population turned into cowering Aussies... something I could never ever have imagined of an Australian population.
Such is the power of intensely concentrated military grade population mind control techniques I guess. We can’t afford to underestimate this theory of mass formation.