if you know the culture of NZ society, you realize how f*cked the people are - i'm a law student in NZ and my fellow students have a hard case of stockholm syndrome... i'm left aghast by the overt idiocy... shoulders cramp from shrugging so much these days...
if you know the culture of NZ society, you realize how f*cked the people are - i'm a law student in NZ and my fellow students have a hard case of stockholm syndrome... i'm left aghast by the overt idiocy... shoulders cramp from shrugging so much these days...
if you know the culture of NZ society, you realize how f*cked the people are - i'm a law student in NZ and my fellow students have a hard case of stockholm syndrome... i'm left aghast by the overt idiocy... shoulders cramp from shrugging so much these days...