Is there a replay somewhere for those of us who missed it?

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there will be soon, last i heard...

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Is there a way to see the recording?

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Thank you!

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Im’ a nobody from the Midwest, this is beyond belief that my email would disappear

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oh... it's out there... somewhere...

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Say what ever crap pops into your head then say “ no offense “ , that will get you off the hook

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No offense?? what does that mean

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i wasn't trying to make light of your distress... my apologies if i was offending...

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as I said Im a nobody from the Midwest, they are reading EVERYTHING we sa even if it’s nothing

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apologies accepted, we are all super sensitive now and need all the support we can get

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This is totally unacceptable and evil

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Went back to an old email

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glad you had options!

i actually pay for reagan mail for certain correspondence... i am going to check out the unplugged app, mentioned in the comments here, too, soon!

i recently heard a suggestion (from Naomi Wolfe maybe?) to be sure to PRINT OUT bank statements or asset records for backup... if only my post viral brain would remember! (i keep that stuff on a different device...)

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Steve I don’t know what happened but my email was totally deleted, this is frightening and at the same time making me VERY ANGRY

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Wow, you’re all over the place Steve! Thanks for fighting the good fight!

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Stop using "APPS" AKA Government Surveillance Programs"

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ever see this from 2019? couldn't find the original link where i started, but it has links that I'm still trying to process! fwiw


not to mention Dinesh D'Souza documentary about buying cell phone tracking data for 2000mules.com

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Check out Mike Adams' report on "engineered biostructures" being found in the blood streams of dead COVID injured patients: https://www.brighteon.com/e0235d0a-9940-444f-a86e-ef62b5b81c77

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Very disturbing my email App vanished for a while…Im sure this is a clue to our future… I’m not mistaken

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the App literally disappeared from my screen

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What the h*ll is happening

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I’m trying to log in and my email is disappearing

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STOP the vax/travel/work passports, STOP the rona vackseen, STOP the rona testing, and STOP promoting the lying covid pandemic narrative.

There is no pandemic. Only lies, theater, and massive criminal medical malpractice.

The rona flu ain't deadly, but the CDC/FDA/NIH treatment protocols & vacks are.

Deep State Operation, the #Plannedemic: Death by fraud, death by remdesivir (& sedatives, incl midazolam), and now death by vacks.

Agenda: Not health. Culling the population & tyranny.

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D@ n@t C@MPLY!!! 100% ✅

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Excellent dear Steve, your our Brave Warrior. ❤️🙏🌟

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