The FBI raided Trump so that my appearance on FOX would be postponed. ;). Moved to *Wednesday* now, same Bat-time, same Bat-channel (for those of you who remember the Batman series).
Hopefully it will be worth your while. Maybe they will find evidence of Trump's plot to break the Nuremberg Code and murder Democrat voters by taking advantage of their faith in science or something.
I don't agree with him on everything but he's so witty and funny and oddly likeable. I'm not sure if he's really a Republican or just playing devil's advocate for the hell of it. Sometimes he seems sincere, other times he comes across as a stealth parody of a Republican, a little like Stephen Colbert used to be except less obviously a parody. And sometimes he just has really bizarre takes that his viewers likely don't agree with, such as apologizing about making fun of Biden for wanting to get too warm and friendly with children. And sometimes he's just plain childish and ridiculous. I don't watch his show much at all but one of the few times I watched an entire episode I saw a clip of him arguing with a politician who made a commercial about putting out a dumpster fire and attacking him for not literally putting out a dumpster fire or something silly like that... he came across as even more hyperactive and childlike in his talk with Dave Rubin, where he tried to discuss how he actually thinks that the election of somebody like Trump is a danger signal, and Dave Rubin tried to steer the conversation toward cheap lowbrow bashing of the left like he always does. Tucker is usually more sophisticated in his criticisms of the left and will even give them their due and praise how they used to be.
I hope you're rescheduled when Tucker can do the interview! It's hard enough for me, a former Democrat, to watch the 'dreaded faux news' but i can tolerate Tucker Carlson. :)
Steve, you need to arrange an hour interview with Tucker Carlson on his Tucker Carlson Today show which airs on Fox Nation. He had excellent interviews with both Dr. Malone & Dr. Scott Atlas just to name a few
No one should be watching Fox News save Tucker and Gutfeld. Will Cane seems okay (maybe). The rest are uniparty NPC’s. It’s all basically WWE, Fox is the heal and CNN, etc are the dolls.
This is insane. While no one should be above the law, I have seen nothing which would warrant invading a former President's home. And I'm far from a Trump supporter. Outrageous! Where's the raid on Fauci or Baric?
Remember the words Coastbound: "we have it all"....did the FBI really think they would find something? How desperate and pathetic the left has become...
Not saying he couldn't have done more, but he was surrounded and attacked by swamp on both sides and in all agencies, some of it he surely learned as he went. Taking more drastic measures would have cost him support among the normies. His biggest accomplishment was waking up more people to just how deep the swamp goes.
Steve you are threatening them with facts. On fox he immediately said that the Wayne claim cannot be checked by him.. so what. Why would Wayne lie.. and it can be checked BTW.
And there are also people on substack which seem to be frauds and not really after the truth entirely (gatekeepers maybe). They pretend to be truthseekers but yet I get a bad feeling in my exchanges. When I bring up Steve's surveys they try to immidiately discredit them. Why is that? They say there is confirmation bias so out the window it goes? I for one want the truth and hence answer trying to be as truthful as possible trying to overcome my own bias! Therefore I was insulted and withdrew my subscription from that author on substack.
Something smells fishy though and I am good at this. What are they trying to do here? This author also claims that young teens somehow got a few lifes saved by the vaxx. No they didn't. And for this we do need to add the Injuries. Then this author claimed they can't be really calculated its too hard. Well you can estimate? But because of our severe confirmation bias we can't estimate even? Bull. So therefore I think 'they' are on substack now. Beware!!
Ha - less than a minute after I posted, your segment started. Kilmeade did the interview. Bravo! We need to keep getting the word out... Cheers from another FORMER Silicon Valley Democrat.
I just saw your interview on Tucker Carlson Tonight for Wednesday but the host was Kilmead not Cain. Still it was a good interview. He was respectful of you. I am surprised you got on knowing how paid off Fox News is from Pfizer.
Steve you were great. Kilmeade didn’t give you enough time. Too bad it didn’t turn out to be Will Cain. Tucker should do a longform interview with you for his daytime show on Fox Nation.
A good response back to Brian on “we can’t confirm the numbers” from your Wayn Root statement would have been, “you don’t try to confirm anything, FOX!”. You took the high road. I know you where loaded for bear but didn’t have enough time.
Your segment was GREAT Steve! You got the key info covered, right out of the gate. I can't believe that Fox let you say what you said, about the number of vax injuries and deaths! Well done.
The FBI raided Trump so that my appearance on FOX would be postponed. ;). Moved to *Wednesday* now, same Bat-time, same Bat-channel (for those of you who remember the Batman series).
I definitely remember it… Grew up on Batman and Robin… ka-pow!!!
Adam West could hit so hard words would appear midair from the impact.
Holy Scheduling Conflict!
old enough to remember
Hopefully it will be worth your while. Maybe they will find evidence of Trump's plot to break the Nuremberg Code and murder Democrat voters by taking advantage of their faith in science or something.
Maybe Tucker will be back as well. New guy sucks.
Tucker's on vacation this entire week.
Which REALLY aggravates me...HOW DARE TUCKER TAKE TIME OFF. I'm only kinda kidding...I LOVE the guy.
I don't agree with him on everything but he's so witty and funny and oddly likeable. I'm not sure if he's really a Republican or just playing devil's advocate for the hell of it. Sometimes he seems sincere, other times he comes across as a stealth parody of a Republican, a little like Stephen Colbert used to be except less obviously a parody. And sometimes he just has really bizarre takes that his viewers likely don't agree with, such as apologizing about making fun of Biden for wanting to get too warm and friendly with children. And sometimes he's just plain childish and ridiculous. I don't watch his show much at all but one of the few times I watched an entire episode I saw a clip of him arguing with a politician who made a commercial about putting out a dumpster fire and attacking him for not literally putting out a dumpster fire or something silly like that... he came across as even more hyperactive and childlike in his talk with Dave Rubin, where he tried to discuss how he actually thinks that the election of somebody like Trump is a danger signal, and Dave Rubin tried to steer the conversation toward cheap lowbrow bashing of the left like he always does. Tucker is usually more sophisticated in his criticisms of the left and will even give them their due and praise how they used to be.
Looks like this raid is going to last all week as well.
Creating distractions.. keeping eyes 👀 on everything, thank you Mr. SK
Not surprising...the left is very scared of Trump
i put it on to watch you and ended uo hearing about Sandy Berger’s shoes and Hillary’s emails!
I always forget about ol' Sandy. THE most in-your-face theft of government documents ever!
I hope you're rescheduled when Tucker can do the interview! It's hard enough for me, a former Democrat, to watch the 'dreaded faux news' but i can tolerate Tucker Carlson. :)
trying for both
Steve, you need to arrange an hour interview with Tucker Carlson on his Tucker Carlson Today show which airs on Fox Nation. He had excellent interviews with both Dr. Malone & Dr. Scott Atlas just to name a few
No one should be watching Fox News save Tucker and Gutfeld. Will Cane seems okay (maybe). The rest are uniparty NPC’s. It’s all basically WWE, Fox is the heal and CNN, etc are the dolls.
Oh my. This DOJ and FBI are like third world tyrants.
And the USA is looking more and more like a third world country with its censorship and mandates and militarized arms of the government
This is insane. While no one should be above the law, I have seen nothing which would warrant invading a former President's home. And I'm far from a Trump supporter. Outrageous! Where's the raid on Fauci or Baric?
NOBODY should judge this prior to our seeing the judge's order.
Agreed, but EVERYONE should be very concerned about the direction in which this country is going and about those who are taking it there.
They have evidence justifying the raid, wait for it!!!
Exactly! We have people in power responsible for the murder of thousands - they are protected. The country we thought we knew and loved is dead.
Wait until those 87,000 IRS agents are hired.....
Or Hunter or Jimmy Biden?
Wouldn't that be sumthin...or even Zho Xiden maybe?
Or Clinton. Or Epstein.
Both sipping margaritas on a private island right about now...
I'm not sure Epstein is doing that now.
Or Hunter?
Obviously our real State does not want to investigate itself!
What a crazy world we live in today.
get on when Tuckers back...he's a better interviewer than Cain
i'm gunning for both.
It sucks all get pre-empted and we are now a Banana republic.
We've been in a Banana Republic since 1865...more people are just now starting to realize it.
Agree completely
Thanks for letting us know! I can’t wait to see your interview.
Couldn’t the FBI have waited till tomorrow to raid Trump🙄
they forgot to check with me before the raid, apparently.
Remember the words Coastbound: "we have it all"....did the FBI really think they would find something? How desperate and pathetic the left has become...
trumph is as corrupt as the rest of them. What good did he do? I'm not saying it's fair but he isn't smart enough to avoid the corrupt dems.
Not saying he couldn't have done more, but he was surrounded and attacked by swamp on both sides and in all agencies, some of it he surely learned as he went. Taking more drastic measures would have cost him support among the normies. His biggest accomplishment was waking up more people to just how deep the swamp goes.
Well, considering they never 'found' anything on the other 'evil's', do you really think the FBI 'found' something today?
You sound kind of like a person who would 'probably' run away and hide while leaving your loved ones behind.
You sound like a person who thinks trumph isn't corrupt.
I still choose Trump over biden.
me too :)
Are you drunk? I will say good night since you seem to be all over the place....
Looks like Steve Kirsch WILL NOT be on Tucker Carlson tonight, preempted by the FBI raiding Trump's home. No Will Cain seen.
Although Will Cain is on for Tucker, just talking about the raid. Will look out for your reschedule.
Great interview, and we can be thankful that Fox is giving heroes like you a voice, who are sadly being censored by most of the msm.
you looked great and you knocked it out of the park!
Steve you are threatening them with facts. On fox he immediately said that the Wayne claim cannot be checked by him.. so what. Why would Wayne lie.. and it can be checked BTW.
And there are also people on substack which seem to be frauds and not really after the truth entirely (gatekeepers maybe). They pretend to be truthseekers but yet I get a bad feeling in my exchanges. When I bring up Steve's surveys they try to immidiately discredit them. Why is that? They say there is confirmation bias so out the window it goes? I for one want the truth and hence answer trying to be as truthful as possible trying to overcome my own bias! Therefore I was insulted and withdrew my subscription from that author on substack.
Something smells fishy though and I am good at this. What are they trying to do here? This author also claims that young teens somehow got a few lifes saved by the vaxx. No they didn't. And for this we do need to add the Injuries. Then this author claimed they can't be really calculated its too hard. Well you can estimate? But because of our severe confirmation bias we can't estimate even? Bull. So therefore I think 'they' are on substack now. Beware!!
Watching Tucker's Wed. show and Brian Kilmeade is hosting. No sign of your interview. Am I missing something?
Ha - less than a minute after I posted, your segment started. Kilmeade did the interview. Bravo! We need to keep getting the word out... Cheers from another FORMER Silicon Valley Democrat.
I just saw your interview on Tucker Carlson Tonight for Wednesday but the host was Kilmead not Cain. Still it was a good interview. He was respectful of you. I am surprised you got on knowing how paid off Fox News is from Pfizer.
Steve you were great. Kilmeade didn’t give you enough time. Too bad it didn’t turn out to be Will Cain. Tucker should do a longform interview with you for his daytime show on Fox Nation.
A good response back to Brian on “we can’t confirm the numbers” from your Wayn Root statement would have been, “you don’t try to confirm anything, FOX!”. You took the high road. I know you where loaded for bear but didn’t have enough time.
Excellent job tonight, Steve! Thank you for speaking truth to millions of Tucker viewers! I wished you had an hour or two.
Vaccine truth, vaccine harm -is critical news. Thanks for standing tall.
Vaccine truth, vaccine harm -is critical news. Thanks for standing tall.
Great job Steve! You got a lot in with little time. I’m sure you knocked the socks off of some normies with those figures.
Great to see you on TV.
It'd be nice for Tucker to have you for an hour on his show. That would be paradigm shifting.
Your segment was GREAT Steve! You got the key info covered, right out of the gate. I can't believe that Fox let you say what you said, about the number of vax injuries and deaths! Well done.