Very good program, thanks for yet another blockbuster! A lot of progress is being made!

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Dr Yeadon just did a great interview with them

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Significant COVID-19 Vaccine Study Censored by Medical Journal Within 24 Hours

Researchers searched all published autopsy and necropsy reports related to COVID-19 vaccination through May 18, 2023, resulting in 678 studies. After implementing inclusion criteria, they chose 44 papers containing 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case. A panel of three expert physicians independently reviewed each case to determine whether COVID-19 vaccination was a direct cause or significant factor in each death.

Findings showed the most affected organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system at 53 percent, followed by the hematological system at 17 percent, the respiratory system at 8 percent, and multiple organ systems at 7 percent. Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days—with most deaths occurring within a week of the last vaccine dose.

Of 325 autopsies reviewed, 240 deaths, or 74 percent, were independently adjudicated as “directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.”


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Young women are dropping dead everywhere - airports, buses, at a bar, having dinner, coffee, in the shower, hiking. COVID-19 vaccine myocarditis in women is up to 1 in 30 per jab.


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1. Generate Fear

2. Generate Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). I had relatives who were calling every 30 seconds to get the first clotshots.

3. Give incentives (that’s our money BTW): cash, groceries, donuts, social media badges,prostitutes (in Germany), all kinds of 🥕 carrots.

4. The Stick, take things away- jobs, freedom to travel, shame, family.

5. Ghost the vax damaged, refuse to pay for care, “doctors” blame the victims

6. Change the channel- Ukraine 🇺🇦

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Ask him why hospitals are still giving Remdesivir for mild Covid.

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A (real) journalist for The Washington Stand wrote a great summary of RFK Jr.’s remarks at the Congressional Hearing on Government Censorship. This is the hearing where 102 Democrats tried to prevent RFK, Jr. from speaking.

It’s a quick read that highlight’s Kennedy’s excellent remarks. I added a few of my own thoughts. This move will no doubt boomerang on the Censorship Industrial Complex. What those censors really did was throw ‘B’rer Rabbit into the briar patch.


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You get the feeling the Democrats are a slave to their ideology despite all evidence and will use the most abstract and disingenuous arguments to justify themselves. At what point do they realize they can no longer deny reality and their ideology is wrong? When the fourth compartment on the Titantic is three-quarters full? I think they need to listen intently to RFK, Jr.

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This is an article from the other side talking about misinformation- specifically about Steve (what’s new about that). Always good to keep up with what they are saying. I get a newsletter email from company’s insurance program as does every employee. This newsletter has links to many articles still promoting vax. Also has article to research that indicates damage from long Covid. I can’t read all of them it just make me sick. Also mentions a non-profit group to be on the lookout for. I’ve never heard of them - Brian Castrucci, president of the the Beaumont Foundation, a public health nonprofit.


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I posted here, but it was the wrong thread. See above. Thanks.

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Just thought of another strategy in lawsuits - maybe need to target insurance companies for spreading misinformation disinformation regarding shot. Hold them liable for continuous support of shot. They should be the ones to know all the damage via ins claims being filed for what is thought to be vax damage. Well I guess maybe that is not possible at this stage if doctors are not coding damage as related to shot.

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Great job on Dr Drew, Steve!

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Good luck Steve. I appreciate all that you are attempting to do, but after watching the democrats attack Kennedy ruthlessly at todays hearings, it is looking very hopeless. The democrat party comes across as corrupt and absolute morons.

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They are helping Kennedy by constantly attacking him .. for telling the truth. They don't know they are sinking their own ship or cutting their own throat.

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Agree. It would be laughable if so many people weren't dying and so horribly injured the past 3 years.

I do not watch congressional hearings because I have not tolerance. Can't read MSM for the same reason.

But I watched the hearings yesterday because the subject of censorship is so important.

All I can say is that I am glad I watched them on CHD with the live chat to accompany. If I had not been able to vent through the whole insance proceeding I'd have had to throw my laptop out the window.

As it was, I was busy calling the offices of Plaskett, Wiley, Wasserman, Sanchez to let them know what I thought about their vindictive, false, twisted attacks on RFK, Jr.

I never saw anything like it. Frightening.

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Agree. Mass hypnosis continues throughout the halls of Congress. I saw the video blurb where Mitt Romney was talking about National hot dog day at the same time these hearings are going on. It was enough to make me want to vomit and go find another nation to live in.

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Nice job, Steve. Good show.

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I watched the show. I have little hope for our species. But maybe a good thinning was needed? Dr. Zelenko was onto something in those regards, was he not?

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I don't think much of Drew. He interviewed Vladimir Zelenko MD in late March or early April 2020. I immediately understood Dr Zelenko and started his Prophylaxis Profile and never got COVID. Drew didn't and eventually got COVID. He wants to inject adults for childhood diseases. I think he is an idiot.

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With Rare Exception

The Vaccinated Did This To One Another.

They Will Get No Pity From Me.

In Fact They Will Get Nothing From Me

Beyond Mockery And Utter Disdain.


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We also got off the charts pre eclampsia with preterm babies. Of-course the nurses are ringing the bell because so many are on "hypertensive protocols" which involved rechecking the BP sometimes Q 30 minutes...but no one in authority appears to care at all.


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