Steve - I'll be there! We've been working on some interesting programs to help the vaxx injured.. which can and should be reviewed and applied toward the autistic group you have. Chlorine Dioxide (Cl02) is the missing link - and the only approach not fully explored in the US. But it IS working outside the US with reputable docs. Look forward to the event - Michelle www.snootspray.com. www.comusav.com

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Hello Mr Kirsch, the grassroots volunteers for Kennedy are not being disfranchised by the campaign people, please tell him they are many on ground doing lots of hard work and gathering supporters -- see people4kennedybayarea. facebook- and melissa whites group

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How do we donate to his campaign?

I agree that electing RFK Jr. as our next President is the easiest way to end the vaccine insanity and so many big business and Pharm crimes against humanity. Thanks for sharing Steve.

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Steve, love your work with exposing the dangers of “ the jab” . Question your endorsement of RFK.

He is a major climate zealot and was even quotes awhile back that he didn’t care if “gas went to 12 dollars a gallon”. Climate is cyclical and while it appears that hurricanes and earthquakes can be controlled thru insidious alliances RFK should realize we are being lied to as usual for other nefarious globalist reasons.

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Climate change is a diversion and dividing tactic. RFK is fighting ecosystem collapse such as the oceans and vanishing marinelife. We are being poisoned in plastic. There is no argument that air pollution caused by gas fumes is causing chronic illness such as asthma. We are eating a credit card worth of plastic each month. RFK is fighting to clean up the planet which is a priority for most Americans, especially parents and those who aren't certain God will save us within the next 20 years.

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Thank you!

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In my opinion:

RFK, Jr. is super impressive, which really can't be understated. I feel big picture he's 70% there, but the 30% is a significant 30%. Trump is not playing 4D chess, and he couldn't figure out how to get HCQ-based protocols in use for early treatment with results tracked even though Zelenko, et al. said they were getting 85% reductions in death and hospitalization. He left Pence in charge and that was clearly a mistake. He also thinks the vaccines saved millions of lives, and I think it is a no brainer that is not the case. Is he boosting himself? If not, why not? If he gets elected, let's hope he doesn't have any big challenges again, but he would be far superior compared to Biden or any replacement Dem standard-bearer to put it mildly.

I think RFK, Jr. team needs to put in the effort to come up with a strategy to reach the Dem primary voters who consider him an anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, etc. and the internet should enable this. He needs to get past the untrustworthy MSM and then he is off to the races.

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Let us know what kind of crowd shows up in Silicon Valley for such a fine event, be the paparazzi for those of us not in the area. Spill the beans.

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I'd like to attend his fundraiser in Denver this coming Thursday September 21st, but not in my budget, but if you have an extra $1,500 lying around, feel free to get me a ticket for that one. You don't have to, kidding. But hey way to go and support him. Thanks you for all you do, thank you for all the data, for me to share with our school board to suggest they tell the public health officials no thank you if they attempt this crap again. You rock!

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Hi Steve: Thanks for all the hard work you do to expose the Great Covid Scam. I tried to leave this message on your mask article, but the comment box didn't work. Here is my idea: Cars kill more people than viruses, We should sell windshield masks designed like large surgical masks that fit on the windshield and attach to the rearview mirrors. That would actually stop all traffic deaths if they were required.

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I don’t think people will tolerate that again!

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God Bless your trip. ~ Pamilla

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Not on your life! I will never support anyone who thinks abortion up to birth is permissible. That takes a special kind of wicked or ignorance.

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Anyone looking for an honest leader who knows how to manage corruption at the top should vote for RFK. Simply put, there are no better alternatives.

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RFK is a one trick pony. He is a Democrat. Was happy he joined in with the righteous never vax crowd but beyond that, many of his policies are the Globalist agenda.

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Um, RFK is good on one issues. Otherwise he's a loony leftist.


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I would give almost anything to see a Trump /Kennedy ticket. Trump is going to win!!

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> Trump is going to win!!

Not if they rig it again.

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What I would like to see happened in light over recent events I just heard about today in regards to Kennedy and security, (found out on Health Nut News wit Erin Elizabeth). Since Biden will not provide armed security for Kennedy, wouldn't it be the statement if Trump was like, here are a few of my men, because being an American I believe in free elections and would hate to see the most decent person to run under that parties label have something bad happen. Wouldn't that just be a slap in the face to the far left extremist and help with unifying this nation.

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No thanks. He can't win but what he can do is ensure that Joe Biden, or whoever replaces him, will win. The DNC will do the same to Kennedy that they did to Bernie Sanders - rig the primary process to support Gavin Newsom once they induce Biden to disappear.

This forces Kennedy to go third party, which is what the DNC would LOVE. In doing so, Kennedy will peel off enough indy voters from Trump to elect Newsom, thereby defeating the purpose of your push for RFK Jr. Newsom is merely a younger Biden. Is that really what you want? Think about it.

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He needs to work on winning the Democratic primary before he keeps putting out these videos about "the left" etc.... Save the hard right pivot for the general election...

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They are, either; or else they are just cucks who want mainly to keep their phony-baloney jobs! They are the cuckservatives standing athwart the lines of time mewling, 'oh please, we'll do anything you want -- just SLOWER, please!'

*I* want our version of Pinochet:

The recidivism rate for commies is 100%. The recidivism rate for DEAD commies is 0%.

Do I think that's achievable? No. But it needs to be a GUIDEPOST for our future!

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