Steve, since anyone who wants can take this survey, claiming to be anyone aren't you afraid a bunch of pro-vaxers could come in and skew the results?

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So there was this one time I put out FB ad telling folks they could find out the real truth about Van Halen. When I surveyed the responders they were 100% Van Halen fans.

Did you know 100% of people are Van Halen fans!

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So anyone who happens to find this can fill it out with any numbers they like and it gets included in the results? Steve you are one of our most valuable players! How did you think of this? Want to go after the moon landing next?

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There are plenty of doctors, nurses and patients / victims for this to be stopped. On the one hand, states like Texas have stepped up and said they will ignore the FDA/CDC and not require this for kids. On the other hand, there is still an unwillingness by politicians, judges and law enforcement to do anything. Of these, to me, the avenue we should all be pressuring is law enforcement. Doctors and nurses must be arrested and charged with assault at the very least, if not manslaughter, and the district attorneys and state attorneys general must proceed with prosecution. I understand that these people all think they have some sort of federal protection but here's how I think the states can attack this. Use the state marijuana laws against the feds. Marijuana is still a federally controlled substance but the states have somehow figured out a way to legalize marijuana. Okay, fine. That should work in reverse, then. States should be able to make the jab illegal and the prosecute anyone found in possession of it.

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I am a now a permanently disabled vaccine injured healthcare worker. Feeling in an impossible position so I took it, ending up losing so much more then my income, which was my original fear. The last 17 yrs before I was poisoned, I worked as a Hospice RN. (Amazingly both my batches each have over 1600 reported adverse advents. Even more amazing is I just found out my VAERS report “disappeared “. Hmmmmm🙄)

I am ecstatic to share this with all the healthcare workers I can. The tireless work that you and so many other organizations as well people really does make a difference. One day I will see vindication, I am sure of and counting on it.

Thanks, Dani Baker

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I've known about the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System for many years. I know of one time that a physician or nurse, including myself has ever filed a report, specifically for vaccines. I saw someone at the age of 57, who was vaccine injured when age 2. The physician at the time of this person's injury was in 1959 and that physician filed whatever reporting system was in place at that time. The child's mother and father filed in court and they won the case for vaccine injury. In the agency (government), where I worked, many years later, we did a complete history of the individual, which included all the history of both parents, sisters, brothers, all relatives that were known of. As I listened to the mother describe her child from the beginning of pregnancy to the time of the vaccine and what happened after, I was assured in my mind that the decision was the correct one in 1959. There is no confusion as to what caused a healthy young todler to go into a coma, develop seizures and never come out. The individual was taken care of by a trust set up by the pharmaceutical company, as his parents were able to prove damages prior to Bayh-Dole Act. The thing that has stayed in my mind is that the person was the same age as myself, and suffered a life of chronic seizures, inability to engage in the fullness of life, where as I could go to school, have a job, get married, have children, etc. I have filed adverse event reporting for other drugs, other than vaccines. And on another note, I believe it is strange that in Tuskgegee, they have the most stringent laws for vaccine compliance. I saw a physician get on Cspan in 2020 and refer to the EUA as Early Release Authorization. I believe it was Pedro, who was hearing him speak and did not question his error. It is about money.

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My daughter is applying for her first nursing position. I don’t want her risking her future health.

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Religious Exemption. Is that a possibility.

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Possibly. She received one for clinicals from a different hospital. This is unconstitutional. What do we do when we have no military or healthcare workers well enough to take care of us?

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I know I get cranky when I am tired. going to get off. LIKE I posted before,, I slept for close to 18 hours straight.. got up drank water, drank a vanilla probiotic shake and went back to sleep and I think I dreamt for an hour.. about working in Lab/toy store no kidding it was vivid.. when people got tired they could go to the Toy section filled with like gameboard games.. and puzzles. I just woke up and I still tired too late to drink coffee .. going to watch Mark Levin.. :) Have a good Sunday

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I filled the survey out but recently left medicine to pursue other interests.

Years ago, there were a lot off independent privately run medical clinics and the doctors could practice the way they wanted to. Then the big hospital systems started buying all the independent clinics off. If you are a doctor in one of these mega systems, you are pawn. They own you and "administration" tells you how to treat your patients. If you don't comply with "admin" they just fire you. Most administrators at big hospital systems are MBA's with zero medical training

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I feel like digging a ditch is more honorable than the medical field right now. I am just a nurse, and have worked with very fine doctors and nurses in the past. Mostly all gone. It is hard to fight the system.

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Sounds like a great system. It’s why I have my own and a thorough health care proxy document and agent.

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Funny (not ha ha funny, but ironic funny), this is the same flimsy reason given for the explosion in the number of people diagnosed with Autism.

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It is work like this that will save lives while restoring sanity! Thank you.

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Great work as usual Steve we all owe you a great debt of gratitude for all your hard work thank you.

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Spot on. Steve's head is high above the parapets firing bolts in all directions. God bless people like Steve. Intelligent, fearless, factual, moral. A Rare breed indeed.

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What can you do Steve to help get a national initiative of healthcare worker class action suits going. I see that litigation slowly working through the courts is probably our best remedy. We need those who work in healthcare now and we’re forced to take jab and see the truth and those who were fired for not taking to band together to sue and demonstrate in court that their rights have been violated based on the new information about Pfizer’s lies about transmission and whatever else has been falsified. The Supreme Court was lied to and this their ruling about healthcare mandates should be revisited at least and thrown out at best. If we had at least one major class action in every state against one major healthcare system think of the awareness and the discovery. We could uncover the corruption and the dillusion the denial of harm and failure to report vaers and the lies in all stats for vaccines and shots like flu for medical workers. Etc.

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Listen, and understand. [Steve Kirsch] is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

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i am a turminada

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I thought that was ouchie fauci or maybe it was billy goat gates..

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Oct 23, 2022
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Steve’s such a chad. This is a whole extended chapter of his life, one he never wanted, but he’s truly heroic here. Even after having a successful, productive life, by any reckoning, this may be his finest hour.

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He is quoting Kyle Reece from the first Terminator movie. Not sure if he is joking or not.

Did I read it wrong? It looked like he was saying Steve Kirsch is like the terminator he won’t be stopped he’s up late at night early in the morning writing and posting and doing many other things.

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Oct 23, 2022Edited
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Steve is a furious alpha chad.

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I really hope they don’t move on to pets. 😩

LETHAL INJECTIONS: 18% of cattle DIE immediately following mRNA “vaccination”


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In California where I live, I suspect most people would take their dead pet worst than than there dead relative. And what the Australians are doing is animal abuse, what a bunch of donks!

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John Wayne would hunt all these no good cattle killing bandits down and string em up the nearest tree!


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