Well, the fact checkers went over the analysis of BKK and found a lot of reasons to discredit the analysis, and therefore found the firing of the CEO justified: https://www.tagesschau.de/investigativ/swr/bkk-provita-studie-querdenken-101.html

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Lol, conveniently written in a German magazine. Didn't some American "fact checkers" have to admit in a court of law a couple of months ago that their "facts" were merely "opinions" -in order not to be sued out of existence?

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Did you know that biden paid MSM a billion dollars to push vaccine agenda(it's got to be our money that he paid with) Did you know that PFIZER KNEW of 1291 severe reactions to vaccine and did not alert anyone about them, they knew and knowingly let the vaccine out! THAT IS CALLED FRAUD!!! Since the drug(vax ) is EUA and thus Pfizer had NO LIABILITY, BUT and this is big, if there is known FRAUD on Big Pharma's part YOU CAN SUE THEM even with EUA!!! BIG Pharma and FDA all knew about the severe reactions and INSTEAD of pulling vax off the market, they chose to let it out and make billions, they hoped that the truth wouldn't come out for 75 years. But FREEDOM of INFORMATION ACT GOT THE TRUTH ROLLING!!!! SUE THOSE BASTARDS for everything, sue anyone who forced or mandated you, hospital, nurses, doctors, big Pharma, fda, cdc, nih, who sue everyone!!! Then sue biden personally and the MSM for going along with LIES!!!

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Amazing condensed explanation of covid by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko in this video starting at about 8:30 minutes on the timer. Really worth the time. https://cvdsecrets.com/sneek-peak/?mpweb=1603-842-470789

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Watched all of it. The pieces are starting to come together but for many, it is too late b/c they trusted other people verses taking the time needed to do their own research first. Dr. Zelenko is right when he stated this is the mechanics of enslaving humanity. I highly suggest everyone take a few minutes and watch this video as well.

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It's so great you took the time to check it out. It is such a short description but so succinct.

What always stands out for me about Dr. Zelenko is that he did his research early for his patients and successfully tried the treatment method he very early had spotted in a paper by researcher Ralph Baric. Dr. Zelenko's further research gave him the insight that Dr. Baric was consistently on the inside track with the coronavirus research orchestrated by Vaccine Czar Tony Fauci. When the Fauci-led authorities deep-sixed hydroxychloroquine, Zelenko smelled a rat. Baric's perfect antidote to covid was being purposely blocked from use for regular sick folks. What a shock that must have been!

For many Dr. Zelenko has been like a Paul Revere of The Covid sounding the alarm early. Such a deception by Fauci and all his insiders, keeping the antidote to themselves and letting the rest die. But when we see things like the Elite crowd partying with the UK Prime Minister, or the beautiful Hollywood crowd going gleeful and maskless at the Super Bowl, I sense they can all get the antidote without fear of reprisals like the rest of us.

Egad, if one reads this, Egad, the video segment with Dr. Zelenko might take less time!

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Science deniers succeed in de-ad-ing (de-monetizing) a climatologist's posts because they didn't like that the data he was collecting could not be used to support the dominant narrative.


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I’m a pessimist, but am starting to feel like the tide might be turning and certain authorities are looking for cover.

Watch this video of Australian Health Official.


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The gift from Global Tyranny that keeps on taking instead of giving.

An mRNA package, a synthetic chemical non-living pathogen, a mechanical medical device, delivered in a molecular-sized package of tech that is being injected into the human system.

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Funny how nowhere have I seen people talk about that. Doctors losing their jobs for having a difference of opinion? Really?

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That is what they were threatened with, losing their license, but I still blame them for not standing on their OATH, FIRST DO NO HARM!!! Boy, they did A LOT OF HARM!!!!

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I still blame them for not standing on their OATH, FIRST DO NO HARM!!! Boy, they did A LOT OF HARM!!!!

BINGO! Putting money ahead of someone's life is the ultimate wrong.

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It's the big test for 21st C professionals. They may have passed all of their other exams, but this is the only one that counts. Deep down, we all know it.

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Max, yes it absolutely is TRUE if that was what you were really asking. I knew of this back in Aug 2021. and it was confirmed by one Physician who was brave enough to come forward and has since been confirmed by many others.

This is what I posted back in Aug on a Medical Forum I belong to:

Our medical professionals are being threatened with license revocation by the FSMB, who represents every medical board across the United States, if they give any credence to vaccine injuries caused by the jab or if they go out of CDC/FDA protocols by recommending/administering non-approved protocols such as Ivermectin/Hydroxychloroquine therapies. They are being silenced before our very eyes. Lest we say complete coercion/blackmail. Believe it! It's True!

...and it has been kindly affirmed below by "Dr. Karen Slabas| Ob/Gyn & Women's Health" although you won't get many to admit it in the face of this tyranny.

Dr. Karen Slabas| Ob/Gyn & Women's Health

Statement Regarding Dissemination of COVID-19 Misinformation

The American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG) fully supports the statement published by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) that asserts that providing misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine contradicts physicians' ethical and professional responsibilities, and therefore may subject a physician to disciplinary actions, including suspension or revocation of their medical license. Additionally, ABOG supports a recent American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) statement, which expresses concern regarding the serious public health effects of the persistent spread of misinformation regarding the COVID-19 virus. Patients rely on physicians to practice evidence-based medicine based on facts and scientific data. The FSMB and ABMS statements align with the ABOG standards and policies for certification and maintenance of certification that involve medical professionalism and professional standing. These standards include:

• acting in your patients’ best interests

• behaving professionally with patients, families, and colleagues across health professions

• taking appropriate care of yourself

• representing your Board certification and MOC status in a professional manner

Providing intentional misinformation that may harm patients or public health does not meet these standards and may be grounds for adverse action on OB GYN certification status. In addition, ABOG is alerted if an OB GYN is investigated for practice or professionalism violations by a state medical board. ABOG acts based on its certification policies as described in the current MOC Bulletins and the Revocation of Diploma or Certificate Policy. A recent article highlights the risks posed to pregnant people by COVID-19 and the reports of increasing numbers of unvaccinated pregnant individuals in ICUs in several states with severe infection. The CDC has reported that the deaths in August are the highest number of deaths reported in any month since the start of the pandemic, citing that about 97% of pregnant people treated in the hospital for COVID-19 have been unvaccinated. The ACOG, SMFM, and CDC recommend the COVID-19 vaccine for all people over the age of 12, including pregnant people. ABOG supports these recommendations and has incorporated this information in our Maintenance of Certification (MOC) learning and self-assessment offerings to help diplomates provide evidence-based care to the people and families that we serve.

and the latest as of Feb 7th, 2022!!!

D.H.S. issued bulletin - Now Labels Free Speech as Domestic Terrorism in America!

I never in my life thought I would ever hear/see this in my lifetime! If you value your Freedom, you had better watch this:

< 3 minutes.


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Last year, my son's physician wrote a beautiful letter to my son's HR manager clearly elucidating why it was critical, due to pre-existing conditions, that my son be exempted from the mRNA therapy. Just the next day, that physician emailed my son and requested that he not use the letter. In later conversations, the physician told him that the entire practice he worked for had just been informed that morning that they would put not only themselves, but the entire medical practice in grave danger if any medical professional there spoke out in any way aganist the experimental gene therapy. That especially included writing letters of exemption, no matter how contraindicated the mRNA was for any individual patient. This happened at the height of Biden's push to force vax the workforce. The doctor involved seemed to be in a state of shock regarding the directive from his superiors at the time.

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Sheer Tyranny flourishing before our very eyes yet so many still refuse to see it or even begin to believe it.

I hope your son did not get jabbed because there is no back button, no reversal, no changing DNA back to the way it was.

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As usual, not sure where to post this, which Steve K. article's comment section. But, merely quoting from the RFK Jr. site which quotes from a Kansas newspaper:

"The Kansas health agency stopped airing television advertisements promoting the COVID-19 vaccine after some Republican lawmakers took issue with calling the shots safe and effective.

The revelation came during Janet Stanek’s confirmation hearing Wednesday before the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee. Stanek is the acting secretary of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

Sen. Mark Steffen, R-Hutchinson, again raised the issue Wednesday. “When it comes to the COVID shot … we talked about the problem that KDHE was basically saying ‘safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective’ when we have a CDC VAERS reporting system that ties 20,000-plus deaths, and more complications, to these shots than all the other vaccines combined,” he said.

“One thing we’ve done is revisited the ads, which were brought up by many of you, and we have removed the TV ads,” Stanek said.

Steve, gracias. I do see echoes of the Steve K. meme (a true one) that the Covid19 "vaccines" have racked up more reported adverse events than all previous vaccines combined: I see that meme made it to the Kansas state legislature.

P.S. if this got posted twice, I think Substack did that. I only hit Save or Post once.

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Interesting article if you follow the money, as financial news, on MarketWatch yesterday:


In brief: "Twitter is expanding Birdwatch, its crowd-sourced fact-checking project it started as a small and -->little-publicized<-- pilot program more than a year ago. The program lets regular people flag and notate misleading tweets... This is separate from Twitter’s news verification partnerships with The Associated Press and Reuters."

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Steve! Have you seen this yet?

Wasn't sure where to post this.......!!!!


This is a DHS Bulletin issued Feb 7th, 2022!

I never in my life thought I would ever hear/see this in my lifetime!

If you value your Freedom, you had better watch this:

< 3 minutes.

D.H.S. Now Labels Free Speech as Domestic Terrorism in America!


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Privacy of personal information is VITAL in a free society. And privacy of medical records is part of that!

The privacy of one's medical records is a protection against being singled out for discrimination based on health! Why would anyone want even one of their health records open to public scrutiny? Indeed, when those who are vaccinated turn out to be the ones who can be classified as sicker (due to having injured immune systems, greater risk of cancer, greater risk of heart disease or stroke, and so on), they may find employers or insurers, or credit and loan sources will use such information against them considering them too great a risk. Can the vaccinated not see that their vaccine status can quickly morph from a beautiful Compliance Trophy into something that marks them for exclusion? It will be an invasive remover of protective privacy.

Many of the articles on Vaccine I.D. claim that medical records will not be on the passports. In response I say: Vaccine status IS A MEDICAL RECORD, probably one of the most blatant! You might not care if someone knows you gave birth with Caesarean section or that you had tennis elbow ten years ago! But if you are now unlucky enough to be a vaccine injury statistic, that Vaccine Passport could mean your vaccine health status being an open book is going to be a problem.

Check out what they're up to now:


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"Vaccine Passport could mean your vaccine health status being an open book"

Not 'Could Mean'...

You can be guaranteed it will be!

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True! Here in EU they changed on 2020 the Privacy law on the Health critical info, allowing the State and the Tax Agency (and silently Banks/Insurance too) to access your health data on vax status.

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This is censorship

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United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights are moving and profound, until one reaches near the end where they tell you -- What the U.N. gives, the U.N. can take away.

Article 29, N0. 3

These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

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GLOBAL Pandemic Policy Brewing

If you think the Global Elite are backing away on mandates, think again.

The World Health Organization (WHO or more appropriately Bill Gates' Vaccine-pushing WHO Toy) is not admitting that covid vaccines don't stop infection and transmission, or that covid vaccines are not worth the literal COST$, not worth the coercion and fear, and not worth rolling out PROOF-OF-VACCINATION-PASSPORTS. Instead, VACCINE PASSPORTS are still on the table. And they want us to "buy-in" on such schemes. (Plan seems to be a step one totalitarian creeping compliance requirement for PROOF-OF-VACCINATION-PASSPORT beginning with a VAX-THAT-DOESN'T-WORK-PASSPORT for all international travel.)

Here's a quote from one WHO release:

"...to maintain continued community buy-in for public health and social measures after two years of the pandemic and the risk of overly optimistic statements regarding the state of the pandemic...." https://www.who.int/news/item/19-01-2022-statement-on-the-tenth-meeting-of-the-international-health-regulations-(2005)-emergency-committee-regarding-the-coronavirus-disease-(covid-19)-pandemic

WHO has power to instruct member states. Note the existence of Public Hearings; are they really public? Can anyone attend? Can the public comment?



Article 19 of the WHO Constitution provides the World Health Assembly with the authority to adopt conventions or agreements on any matter within WHO’s competence. The sole instrument established under Article 19 to date is the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which has made a significant and rapid contribution to protecting people from tobacco since its entry into force in 2005.

Under the decision adopted today, the INB will hold its first meeting by 1 March 2022 (to agree on ways of working and timelines) and its second by 1 August 2022 (to discuss progress on a working draft). It will also hold public hearings to inform its deliberations; deliver a progress report to the 76th World Health Assembly in 2023; and submit its outcome for consideration by the 77th World Health Assembly in 2024.

Through the decision, the World Health Assembly also requested the WHO Director-General to convene the INB meetings and support its work, including by facilitating the participation of other United Nations system bodies, non-state actors, and other relevant stakeholders in the process to the extent decided by the INB. [Unquote]

Looks like a swift move that could bring a tighter, stricter program before Bill Gates' and Vaccine Czar Tony Fauci's next pandemic?

NOTE: It took decades to stop the Corporate predators from capitalizing on deadly and addicting cigarettes. Is this retribution for all those lost tobacco profits? I guess this is payback time for pushing for honest truth on tobacco products. Now they'll use those same control and safety methods for tobacco, refashioned for "viruses" against us to try to force us to be vaccinated and prove it over and over wherever we want to go, whatever we want to do.

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This is really like in a dystopian totalitarianism, vax totalitarianism, although the vaccines dont work preventing infection or transmission of COVID, most of the Western governments want to force their citizens to take it, and although the evidence is mounting, how dangerous the vaccine is, everyone trying to warn about the risks is being censored and destroyed. What is going on here? Is it only about profits, or is there something more sinister behind this?

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Can patent holders be sued for KNOWINGLY devising drugs that are toxic and harming?

Vaccine Czar Anthony Fauci and many other rogue bureaucrats have patents on some of these drugs that are harming people.

Looks like a number of their machinations to literally hide the facts about the dangers of these mandated drugs -- or stop the information from becoming common knowledge via manipulation, intimidation, censorship and suspension of scientific discourse -- are now being found out. These rogue bureaucrats kept data from original Pfizer trials from the public; will the court mandated releases have redactions? The rogue bureaucrats have collected data on covid and released only that which supports their outrageous claims of safety and efficacy.

Isn't taking them to court for BREAKING LAWS the next step? It's the tool we have to flush them out.

And here's another example of their duplicity -- purposeful changes to death certificate procedure:

"These changes in data definition, collection, and analysis were made only for COVID. The changes were implemented by the CDC by allegedly violating the Administrative Procedures Act (APA), Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA),"

If they violate the LAW, they need to be taken to court.

[The details--



On March 24, 2020, the CDC published the infamous COVID Alert No. 2 that significantly de-emphasized pre-existing conditions (comorbidities) by relegating them to section 2 of the death certificate dealing with contributing factors, while simultaneously incentivizing COVID diagnosis, even in presumed cases, and placing COVID in part 1 of the death certificate dealing with causes of death. Nevermind, that this is not how death certificates had been reported for the previous 17 years for all other causes of death.

Then, on April 15, 2020, the CDC adopted the April 5, 2020 position statement (Interim-20-ID-01) from the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologist (CSTE) allowing for COVID to be diagnosed from a single cough and offering no methodology for ensuring the same person could not be counted multiple times. In essence, the CDC effectively outsourced the responsibility for developing clinical definitions for what constitutes a COVID case to a non-profit organization heavily funded by special interest dollars, but not before providing FOUR subject matter experts to the CSTE for the development of this attempted bypass of federal oversight. The CDC is filled with brilliant epidemiologists and doctors, why outsource these crucial decisions to a non-profit organization? Why adopt the position statement without public comment or federal oversight? ]

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