I mostly avoid tv but break down and watch it occasionally. I keep hearing both democrats and republicans keep stating the same lie that covid killed 1 million Americans.

The vast majority of "covid deaths " fall into 2 categories:

1.Those that died of other medical conditions in the presence of a bogus covid pcr test. For instance, my Dad died of pancreatic cancer. They did a covid test on him after he died and labeled him a covid death on the death certificate.

2. Those that had covid that could have been easily cured with outpatient treatments, but the CDC said covid shots are the only outpatient treatment. Covid shots do not treat anything. The do not prevent transmission, infection, hospitalization or death. They are good at causing heart damage, immune damage, infertility and organic brain damage. Some states punished doctors for safely treating covid with generic medications. They told patients if your sick stay at home. If you can't breathe go to the hospital. They then put you on remdesivir, sedation and ventilation- that cdc protocol is a death. sentence. Covid did not kill these people the CDC protocol did.

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Refusing a covid shots is sound medical advice. But we may be being indirectly injected. The Australian government approved a patent for an airborne aerosol vaccine that can be sprayed on the public from military and commercial aircraft. Informed consent does not exist. It's possible this is happening in the other countries already.

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Hi Dr. Schwartz, can you please tell me if this particular vaccine is safe to receive? I'm afraid to receive any mRNA vaccines due to the many destructive side effects. If anyone else can answer this question, I would greatly appreciate it. 🙏

CHINA approved its first messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine for COVID-19, clearing a shot from a domestic drugmaker.The mRNA vaccine, developed by Hong Kong-listed CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd. and which targets the Omicron variant, has been approved for emergency use by the National Medical Products Administration, according to a statement from the company Wednesday.CSPC said it independently developed its vaccine, called SYS6006. The shot demonstrated an efficacy of between 70.2% and 85.3% up to four weeks following its use as a booster in a clinical trial involving 4,000 participants, CSPC said.The firm said testing showed incidents of adverse effects were low and, specifically, the severity of bad events in an elderly group were significantly reduced, which could be a boon for China as it has stressed the need to focus on vaccinating and boosting its vulnerable elderly population.Last August, the firm reported a “good” safety profile for the shot and in a November filing revealed positive progress of the candidate in several clinical studies.The firm got emergency approval to conduct clinical trials of the mRNA shot in April last year.

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Covid can be easily treated with safe generic medications on an outpatient basis.

There is zero clinical need for any covid shots.

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You should talk to Dr Vinay Prasad, the oncologist of YouTube fame from UCSF, who has been critical of the regulatory agencies.

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Good idea but would UCSF fire this oncologist if he keeps telling the truth?

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It must be challenging to be a parent today. Your kid wants to go to college but will not be accepted without taking an unneeded, experimental shot that is more likely to cause harm than good. These shots have killed college and high school students.

Ironically, I went sterile after the anthrax vaccine in the miliary, so I cannot have children. But if I had children, would I recommend college as a viable career option? It's needed for entry to law or medical school, but blue-collar jobs can be great, and the training won't put you into deep debt. I am still paying off my med school loans. My buddy in the Air Force became a jet mechanic. He is debt free and actually makes slightly more per hour than I do.

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Steve, you might want to listen to Monkeywerx 02-24 video on pilots deaths and mid air medical happenings. It is at the end of his video on reporting.

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Steve has had several stacks about flight safety and FAA corruption. Things are not going to go well long term for vaccinated pilots.

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I know, this is his latest I can send current message in.

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Years back the University of California and California State University System used to be excellent.

The education was top notch and tuition was dirt cheap for instate residents. Both systems have deteriorated into woke ultraliberal think tanks. If you are a conservative professor or student expect to be treated poorly. You will not be welcome.

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I wish I still lived in SF. I'd be all over it.

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Steve, you are so LOVED! I’m going to figure out if I can get to UCSF. I live about 1.5 hours away, but I might be able to figure it out. I’ll let you know ♥️

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Most sane people are done with all things covid. They just want to move on. The not sane love the idea of masks and shots and we will not bond or agree. I hate heat and humidity- spent my grad school in Alabama. But the people from the south are warm and friendly. I cannot tolerate California or the attitude of the people, nor the fact that a 1-bedroom apartment in the Bay Area is 3000$ a month. Adios California. Going to South Texas

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Oh yes, people lover their pills and shots!

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To repeat history chalk GTT (Gone To Texas) on the door as you leave which is what Texas pioneers did when originally flocking there.

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The downside is due to the influx of people from communist states the rental and home real estate markets in Texas and Florida are going insane. Inventory is down and prices are up.

Florida is fairly built up and there is not a lot of land left to develop. Texas on the other hand has thousands of square miles that could be developed. New housing projects in Texas could generate thousands high of high paying jobs.

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Sermon on the mount should be mandatory reading for all high school students no matter if they are Jews, Buddhists etc. It is a deeply profound speech about human behavior and ethics. You don't need to agree with it but it's worth having an open debate about it.

2 other speeches that should be mandatory. Lincons Gettysburg Address and MLK I have a dream speech. But it seems our schools want to teach students about sex gender reassignment, transsexualism and puberty blockers?

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I just registered/waitlisted for some classes at UCSD. So far I haven’t been asked to get vaccinated. I’ve only been asked to get a TB test and after taking an online quiz that asked me stuff such as if I had been in another country I don’t even need to get that.

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Please go into real science and not be a physician.

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I’m actually majoring in philosophy but I plan on getting special permission to take some advanced math and physics classes and at least double major in mathematics as soon as possible - I had slim pickings by the time I was allowed to register for classes due to all the other crap I had to get out of the way because of being put on hiatus for so long before I could do that.

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When I was younger I mocked people with philosophy degrees. Then I hit my 40's and became marginally smarter, smart enough to realize that the world is in desperate need of a philosophy renaissance. Western culture needs high profile philosophers to re-ignite critical thinking and contemplation within the populace. MD, I applaud your choice and your obviously substantial academic appetite.

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Yeah I’m thinking that too. Seeing today’s popular scientists saying that philosophy is useless and mocking those who believe in Bible stories. In a Medieval philosophy class I learned about the Scholastics’ concept of God and it’s much more sophisticated than the views of the types of Christians Neil DeGrasse Tyson makes fun of, who believe in a very literal interpretation of the Biblical fairy tales. I learned about the mental gymnastics the Christian scholars went through to try and explain how God could be three persons and still be one person at the same time and how it led up to the founding of the scientific method. They collaborated with Islamic and Jewish scholars too which is how they still had access to Classical Greek works. The Muslims in particular seemed very interested in how angels work. Which might seem silly until you realize that angels are probably UFOs with advanced A.I.

Bad philosophy is surely what caused the disaster that was the mRNA injection to not only be approved but widely accepted. It was clear to me a priori that it was a bad idea for a technology and probably dangerous. I haven’t had a class during the pandemic but I can just imagine what a debate in a typical ethics class would be like. About the subject of whether or not mandates are ethical... but that depends on the makeup of the mandated substance in question!

Say I f you’ve got world peace in a can then it’s unethical not to open it right? Because the longer you wait to open it, the more children end up dead from war. If on the other hand you’ve got genocide in a can then it’s unethical to open it. But what if you’re told it’s either world peace in a can or genocide in a can and you have no way of figuring it out until you open it? And some time after you open it at that? (Let’s assume world peace and genocide are mutually exclusive as defined in this context so that there’s no chance it will turn out to be genocide followed by world peace). What’s the morality of it then?

That’s a closer description of the actual problem here. But you can bet the conversation never gets that interesting. It’s either “mandates are good because they save lives” or “mandates are bad because they get in the way of freedom”. Both arguments are contingent on the mandated substance being safe and effective without question. If it were safe and effective then people would freely choose it and it wouldn’t need to be mandated. And if it’s not then you’ve got worse things to worry about than some abstract sense of medical freedom (which - lets get real here - most of us didn’t care about until such a dangerous excuse for a vaccine came out).

Now you’d think it would be obvious what is known and what is known to be unknown about this technology. Surely there’s some sort of rigorous code of protocol that this violates? Shouldn’t it be obvious that Novavax should have been prioritized over these technologies? Or is it not that evident? Does there need to be a rigorous new code of medical epistemology to determine a priori whether something should do quickly qualify for approval or take a little more time with it? And it has to be known a priori because empirical data at this point is suspect and should be regarded as potentially sourced from as it were Descartes’ Deus deceptor.

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Philosophy is ridiculed. But if you have a good professor, it can be an awesome way to exercise your mind. It's hard to make a living with a pure philosophy degree so just diversify if you can. I had a BS in cell biology and had minors in chemistry and physics then finished with an MS in clinical science which is just a glorified biochemistry degree.

Philosophy taught me direction and passion and how to figure things out. I never wanted to be in science but was good at it. I wanted to be a professional musician and play piano or violin. I failed miserably. Old now and retired so going to the violin even if I suck.

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It’s fine for a double major. Particularly useful for pre-law or computer science/artificial intelligence which I’m more interested in. Only reason I declared that as my major was because I was in a community college and I didn’t want to take their crappy math and science classes that I have already studied beyond so I picked the major that I could tolerate most and could mostly be done online. It’s the highest-IQ liberal arts subject. I’m mostly into logic and I’m hoping that they let me take the more advanced logic course or if not that I make it into the prerequisite logic course that I’m waitlisted for. I don’t care for ethics though especially after having to take that class too many times at the community college because of failing the class because the teacher was vague about the final paper deadline. All that was left that I didn’t have to waitlist or get special permission for was some stuff like this history of ethics class and a “philosophy of race” wtf which sounds like some watered-down CRT elective! Only class available that I wanted was a continental philosophy class and the symbolic logic class has no others on the waitlist and I picked two other classes that each have only one other on the wait list. I will register for the classes nobody wants in the event that the wait lists don’t clear up in time but next fall hopefully I’ll get priority registration. Also hoping to do a special summer session but that will probably be other subjects.

Hmm I’m good at artwork but I don’t want to get into that. Even though I could get into it far more easily than I could get into science. My dad wanted me to go to art school which I took as a grave insult to my intelligence. He thinks I suck at science and math. I’ve found that I really don’t like experimental science, I’m better at theoretical everything. I’m good at coding too but I didn’t enjoy the classes as much as I thought I would, probably because they were more vocationally oriented when I would rather study intensively theoretical topics in computer science such as artificial intelligence and quantum cryptography. I’ve taken piano classes and I’m alright at it but it got to where I was too nervous and miserable in the classroom setting to continue. Same for foreign language classes. I have to teach that to myself.

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You will find what works for you. I have not been in a classroom in years. Happiness and passion matter. My ex-wife was a physical chemist and way smarter than me. But she bailed and prefers to teach Spanish and Cantonese.

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I understand I lot of finger pointing going on. I would expect corrupt government and media officials to promote covid shot propaganda. I also expected a small percentage of corrupt doctors and church leaders to be involved. Thats not what happened. It appears the majority of physicians and church leadership all bought the lies and continue to do so. So, I made a bad miscalculation about human nature.

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We all have free will. This is so heartbreaking. So sick of this blind woke evil.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

There are many denominations that accept free will. But most people if threatened by income reduction, job loss or peer pressure will cave and actually harm other people.

The Milgram experiment is a classic example.

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All have free will. I will not be goated into supporting evil.

"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead EXPOSE THEM." -Ephesians 5:11

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Sure, I'm an Old Testament Jew but Ephesians 5:11 is pure truth. It is a beautiful passage from the New Testament. The sermon on the mount speech by Jesus has no comparison.

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023

This goes for UCSF and all other major hospitals that follow CDC protocols. Do your research in advance and see if there are alternatives in case you should fall ill. There are some cases where you need to go to an allopathic hospital as surgical emergencies do happen. But consider other options if do not have a true emergency. My close friend was killed by UCSF. He went to the ER for a shoulder injury unrelated to covid. They shoved a q tip up his nose and said he had covid.

The tests are medical fraud due to false positive rates. They recommend he be admitted for observation even though he had no covid symptoms. 1 day later he has a low-grade fever. Hospitals are great places to get all sorts of viruses and fevers. They put him on remdesivir just assuming its covid. He goes into fluid overload and Pulmonary edema. Then they sedate him, paralyze him and put him on a ventilator. He is dead 2 days later. The hospital gets a financial kickback from the CMS for the covid diagnosis the drugs they used to kill him, the ventilator treatment and coding covid as cause of death. In states like California the hospital got over 160,000$ to kill my friend that just probably had a shoulder strain. The administrators and physicians that took part in this need to hang.

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The hospital probably received over $500k for promoting your friend's demise. The $160k is only the death bonus, but only if ventilation and Remdesivir were employed.

I read about a nurse who died the same way, except they had to tie her wrists to the bed rails because she knew all about Remdesivir. Even her desperate, bedside, personal attorney (he wrote the piece) couldn't save her--and he called in the police. She had believed she had only, for her, an annual bronchial congestion.

The MSM doesn't inform the public that Remdesivir is a potentially lethal drug. Most people aren't aware that Fauci's treatment protocol is dangerous, and that the clot shot is not the sole issue. Fauci paid the ChiCom to test Remdesivir, and they told him the drug was a failure; but they soon realized that the intent was to kill Americans, and just shut up.

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This is such a sad story. I wonder how many others like it have occurred elsewhere. I developed a disinclination for any kind of medical treatment from a very young age and now I would pretty much need to be at death's door to go to a hospital voluntarily.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Sadly, I have heard to many stories from terminated doctors and nurses that confirm this type of story. The ones with integrity refused to participate. The ones that played along did well. I knew traveling nurse in Manhattan that took part in this. She was making 4000$ per week to basically kill people. I'm an ex-doctor and never made that type of money. Then again, I was helping people not killing them.

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I dated a nurse from UCSF. Our relationship was going great, and I was starting to fall in love with her.

She was an RN trying get accepted to an NP program. She was forced to get covid injected 3 times. She is not the same person. After the first shot she seemed normal but told me about weakness so severe she had a hard time getting out of bed. After the second shot she became emotionally and physically distant and our intimate life went away. I do not know if the shot changed her emotionally or she was just so weak that she just didn't want to be around people.

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When I see the lead pic above of these so-called medical professionals outdoors with their scrubs with masks on it makes me want me to pull my hair out or cry. The cowardice, obedience or ignorance of these people -so called medical professionals are reasons I avoid them at all costs.

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