But the assumption would be she died "not" because of the shot which in reality she may have. She was basy vaccinated by blood instead of a jab.

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FYI on the web version of substack you can use three dots below each comment to edit.


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FYI-thanks to Lindell TV, I never got jabbed. I just hope that my routine blood tests weren't tainted, nor, my food.

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I can't fill out the survey because it would incorrectly skew results. Daughter was many years post heart xplant but after needing multiple blood transfusions after surgery one year later had unexpected death due to arrhythmia. She was unjabbed but I suspect the tainted blood may have played a role.

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That’s not what “tainting results” means. There are people in exactly the same situation except with the covid shot. This is called “the base rate” and needs to be established before you can attribute any adverse event to a particular therapy.

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The new director of the CDC is even more sociopathic and ignorant than the prior one. She says children and adults need 1-2 covid shots every year for life. I will never take one- even at gunpoint. As Clint Eastwood said" make my day"

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My Step granddaughter is 13, had 2 shots and has been having very severe seizures. Meds where working but are not so much anymore. Her doctor does not believe it's from the shots. I believe it is.

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My step granddaughter is vaccinated and didn’t get seizures. Maybe it’s you that caused it.

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I am so sorry to hear this. May she find healing. I know that many of the vaccine injured have found help from the FLCCC protocols which you can find here: https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/

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That the doctors don't believe it's from the shots is par for the course. I've been transcribing vaccine injury (and other) testimonies since 2021 and I cannot tell you how often they report gaslighting from their doctors. This is one from 2021 that I finished only yesterday:

Symposium: Rational Responses to Pandemic Challenges.

#5 Victims of Current C*19 Policies

Health RightsMA, October 21, 2021




JULIE BOORAS [at podium in conference room]:* The next person up will be Courtney Graham. She's been waiting very patiently today, so Courtney, if you can unmute yourself? And I think when you start speaking you should take over the screen if I'm not wrong.

COURTNEY GRAHAM [via Internet on screen]: Hi everyone. I don't know if you can hear me and see me.


COURTNEY GRAHAM: OK. My name is Courtney Graham, I am 26 year old, my son is sitting right next to me so I'm sorry if he jumps on the camera. I— [hold up one hand, which is trembling violently]. These are my attacks. This is a light spasm attack that I've dealt with. I received the first dose of Pfizer August 18th.

COURTNEY'S SON: [inaudible]

COURTNEY GRAHAM: And I need everybody to hear me when I say this, confirmation that I just got yesterday. I, I was in a chiropractor in June and he tested me for neurological issues which I showed none. I got confirmation of this yesterday. So this just leads more to me developing all of my symptoms and issues post-puncture.

COURTNEY'S SON: Wah wah wah was wah

COURTNEY GRAHAM: My symptoms started out as — [to son]: sit down, baby, sit down honey. [to camera]: I'm sorry. My symptoms started out as spasms in my hands, chest pains. I suffered from weight loss within the first two weeks.

[she picks up her son, a toddler in diapers; he squeals]

[audience laughter]

This is life of a mom. So. But so, I got, within 12 hours I got chest pain, I cannot take full breaths. I deal with fevers on and off, numbness in my hands and my toes, internal tremors where I feel my brain rattle, which is not normal, and not OK. I have dizziness, high heart rates, I deal with heart palpitations now. I was sent to a neurologist specialist who specializes in multiple sclerosis, otherwise known as MS.


COURTNEY GRAHAM [to son]: Go say hi to Papa. [setting child down] Go say hi to Papa. [to camera]: So I had a brain MRI that showed I have brain lesions. And they were leaning towards my symptoms being multiple sclerosis. My neurologist specialist took a spinal MRI on my back. I do not have spinal lesions, so they are now saying I do not fit the criteria for multiple sclerosis.

[voice breaks with emotion] Yesterday I experienced, and I get emotional because my story is real and there's so many like me. But yesterday I experienced my first full body spasm. And it, it lasted about 5 to 7 minutes. I don't really remember much of it. I had my spouse home, who witnessed it and just tried to calm me down.

But I'm just dealing with a whole bunch of neurological issues that I never, ever experienced before. I never felt the way that I do now. I have brain fog where I just forget what I'm talking about or I forget like short-term memory type issues that I'm dealing with moreso.

I have heart episodes where I, I feel like I'm having a heart attack. We called paramedics to my house this past weekend because I had an episode and I'm being told the same thing, my vitals are OK, this could be anxiety. But this is more than anxiety, I, I don't believe that my anxiety has ever caused me to [right arm begins tremoring] to feel or have the issues that I do now.

And to have so many doctors not knowing what's wrong or how to help me or they push me away because I bring up that I got the vaccine, it's scary because you don't know if you're going to get answers or if you're going to be heard or if you're going to get help. But for them to push something that's so safe and effective and, and not have your back when you go through issues from it? This is me, this is my life after I decided to get the first dose and it's scary and it's not fun. [right arm continues tremoring]

So yeah, I don't know really what else to talk about other than my symptoms and what I'm going through and to show you guys the attacks, like my hands [holds up both hands, which are tremoring] never used to shake like this. [crying ] And I never used to deal with this, the issues with my speech and everything.

My life is completely flipped upside down since getting this first dose. And getting answers and getting heard is my number one priority. So if anybody does have any guidance on a doctor who can help me find the treatment to make my symptoms stop, please reach out to me. Any social media platforms. I'm Courtney Graham, you can look me up. I can give my contact information to anybody needed, but I just ask for help and I just ask to be heard and I ask for people to take my story and other stories that are about to be told into consideration on how serious our country situation is right now.

JULIE BOORAS: Thank you so much Courtney for sharing your story with us today.


I want to let you know there's a doctor in the chat that said he may be able to help you, so just look real quick and connect with him.


JULIE BOORAS: And it is really heartbreaking to hear that you can't get the help that you need. And that when you say the word I've had the vaccine that you're not being heard. So we really appreciate you coming today, I know it was really hard for you. But we will do our best to get the word out to other people as well. So thank you.

COURTNEY GRAHAM: Thank you. I appreciate it so much.

MAN IN BLUE STRIPED SHIRT AND TIE, VIA INTERNET SCREEN: Let me quickly interject. Courtney, thanks for sharing [inaudible] to see. We don't know of an actual antidote to the damage that is being done by these vaccines although there is some anecdotal evidence that drinking pine needle tea which contains a compound called suramin, and suramin has been used for over a hundred years in treating some parasitic infections. But there is some evidence it might be be able to slow the production of the spike protein. So something to try for sure.

COURTNEY GRAHAM: OK, I will definitely try that. I appreciate it so much.


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Health Rights MA


See Julie Booras, Health Rights MA, Co-Founder


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Wow, how horrible for her especially dealing with a small child. God save her!

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And this is another one I finished transcribing today-- it's also from 2021. It took me a long while to find it; these types of videos are heavily shadow-banned. The groups he mentions I believe is the FB group which was shut down by the government in order not to increase "vaccine hesitancy."

Symposium: Rational Responses to Pandemic Challenges.

Health RightsMA, October 21, 2021




MICHAEL STIRES: April 16th I got my first Moderna shot. The next day when I woke up my head felt like it was full of concrete. I had extreme dizziness, confusion spells, weakness in my legs, in my arms. I had a lot of trouble walking throughout that day.

Those basically progressed throughout the month to the point where I couldn't do anything. I would just lay on the floor all day because I felt so sick and, you know, not to use the term too loosely, but I felt poisoned. You know, I was very shaky, couldn't form sentences properly, I couldn't think straight, you know, they were basically mostly neurological symptoms for the first month.

I was in the hospital many times. They did multiple bloodwork analysis. They've done you know MRIs, they've done CT scans. Again, all coming back normal. Luckily I have not found any lesions on my brain as of yet.

So for last six months things have actually progressed into different types of symptoms. It's gone, I mean, I'm still having the neurological issues, but now they've spread to weight loss. I've lost over 33 pounds, I have muscle fasciculations in my feet, in my calves, in my biceps, my back, my eyes. I've noticed that I'm getting, well actually I've been told that I'm getting partial focal seizures, mostly when I look at a screen too long.

And again, I was completely normal before this. I was a completely healthy 38 year-old. My wife is a personal trainer and nutritionist, you know, we've always taken care of ourselves. And the onset of my symptoms started a day after my vaccine.

I've seen 7 different specialists that have all dismissed this. I've even had one specialist tell me and ask me the question if I was doing this for money. And he told me that you cannot sue vaccines. He's like, suing vaccine is like suing the Devil. It will never happen. I said, sir, respectfully, the last thing I want to do is get money from this. The only thing I want to do is get better and to fix whatever has happened.

And I just want to reenforce, you know, what most of the doctors on the second panel were speaking about when they were saying, you know, the spike is traveling through the entire body, it's wreaking havoc, it's doing this, that, and the other thing. And you know, it's one thing to read it in papers but it's another thing to see it in real world and to go through it, to have your own experience with this because it literally feels like you're sick from head to toe, from neurological to cardiovascular to GI symptoms to, you know, muscle wasting and and and weight loss. There's days where I feel so sick that I'm not sure I'll make it through the day. And that's the God honest truth.

And the crazy thing is, is that I'm not the only one. I'm in support groups with vaccine injured and we all have very similar neurological issues. Most of them are neurological. Some are cardiovascular, other have GI symptoms, but the majority of them are neurological.

And one thing that I found very interesting is we share a lot of symptoms of long haul covid sufferers. And the only common denominator between the actual covid infection and the injection is the spike protein. So that right there should tell you that the spike is not staying in the deltoid, it's not staying in the draining lymph nodes like it's supposed to, it's spreading throughout the body and it's making us sick from head to toe. I mean, you're going to see all kinds of progressive diseases in, in all different organs.

You know, the, the, what makes this the hardest is that when we try to share our stories, when we try to ask for help, when we do whatever we can to spread awareness, we're completely silenced. We're completely shut down.


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MICHAEL STIRES: Never in my life could I imagine trying to do what's good for the community, for, for my son, for my parents, in getting the vaccine, and then getting sick and then completely being dismissed. I never thought that could be a reality. I always thought that the doctors and the medical system was there to protect us. And and this is something that has completely shifted that reality, it's proven that, well, to me at least, that the majority are are for the narrative and they won't allow you to, you know, say that this is what it's from and being treated properly.

To be honest, I don't think there is a treatment, as of right now, you know, a 100% treatment as of right now. Most doctors, in my opinion, are going to try to stamp out every fire that they see, meaning, if it's a neurological issue, they'll try to treat that, if it's cardiovascular, they'll try to treat that, if it's GI, they'll try to treat that. But that's not going after the culprit, it's not going after the cause of this. And we need something that is going to eradicate the spike and clear it from our system before it it's there for too long and causes too much damage. And I don't know if that's possible but from what I can tell it's the only step to to to fixing this. Because the amount of people that are going to be affected, the amount of people that are going to devastated by this is going to be astronomical.

And again, in my opinion, I'm not a professional, in my opinion this is going to be one of the biggest pharmaceutical disasters in human history. And I say that not because I'm basing it off off you know articles or I'm basing this off of YouTube videos, I'm basing it off real world experience with tens of thousands of people that I see every day. And we have hundreds added daily. The, the odds of all these people experiencing similar side effects and it not being the vaccine is nearly impossible.

[image disappears] Oh, did I get— what happened? Hello?

JULIE BOORAS: You're still there. [inaudible]

MICHAEL STIRES: I think someone— Ah, sorry, I think someone tried to join.

One interesting thing that I've observed is that 70% of this are women. And majority of those women are affected more than than men. Now I don't know if that's part of our culture in men more afraid to speak out, or if the immune system response in women is more more robust, but it's it's it's affecting women terribly. I mean, I'm seeing people in just full body seizures, you know, multiple times a day. They're having speech issues, they're having, you know, balance and sight issues. It's just, it's terrifying.

And for anybody watching this, I just want to let you know that we are real, we are sick, and we need help. And silencing this is not going to fix the problem, if anything it's just going to make it worse and if we get to that precipice where we can't stop this, I'm not sure what kind of calamity we're going to be looking at here. And it scares me.

I just want to say thank you to everyone that presented today. You guys have reconfirmed a lot of my suspicions, a lot of my research that I've done on my own, because I can't get doctors to help me. I went as far as ordering my own microscope and taking my own blood smears and seeing the coagulation in my red blood cells compared to other healthy people around me. And my blood smears look like I'm riddled with autoimmune disease or or, you know, I'm an 80 year old man. When I've always been a healthy person.

And all of this transpired the day after I took my shot. So I couldn't see it being anything else. I just don't understand how the specialists and the technicians that I've seen, you know, I've even considered going to Mayo [Clinic] but feel like they're just going to tell me the same things. You know, they're like, well, yeah, you know, you do have a low C3 complement,* you do have positive ANA** but we really don't see anything else. Yeah, we noticed that you've lost 33 pounds but we're not sure what's going on, let's order a bunch of blood tests for GI stuff. And all of that basically comes back normal. Oh yeah, we noticed your neurological issues, we see some of the things when we do some of your tests, let's do MRIs and CTs. And those come back normal.

So if these things are coming back normal, there's something, there's something more sinister, more microscopic at play. And it's affecting our whole body.

So I just want to say thank you to you guys. You know, it's a breath of fresh air to hear like-minded people in one place. And I'm praying that something, something, you know, surfaces here, that we can get some kind of help before this becomes, you know, a huge problem for our country and for people around the world. So again, thank you for the time you've given.

JULIE BOORAS: Thank you so much, Michael.



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Health Rights MA


See Julie Booras, Health Rights MA, Co-Founder


* "A C3 complement blood test gives your healthcare provider information about your immune system. It shows how parts of your immune system are responding to harmful substances. This test can help your healthcare provider diagnose autoimmune disorders (like lupus), as well as other conditions. It also helps your healthcare provider monitor treatment for autoimmune disease." Source: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/22138-c3-complement-blood-test

** Antinuclear antibody (ANA): "Antinuclear antibody (ANA) autoantibodies, or antibodies produced by the immune system that attack the body’s own cells, are a hallmark of lupus. ANA is usually measured as 0 to 4+ or as a titer (the number of times a blood sample can be diluted and still be positive). ANA of 0, 1+ or 2+, or at titers less than 1:80 (diluted 80 times) usually do not indicate a significant problem. ANA titers at higher levels more likely indicate the presence of autoimmune disease." Source: https://www.hss.edu/conditions_understanding-laboratory-tests-and-results-for-systemic-lupus-erythematosus.asp

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Just heartbreaking.

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Is it possible that adverse reactions are actually time-lagged reactions to the virus, not the mRNA injections?

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I could believe it might be possible, it's a big world with several billion people in it, but I don't give it serious consideration because everyone I know has come down with covid, and while the unjabbed I know personally have all recovered and are all fine-- and by the way, not a single one of them regrets not taking the jab-- the jabbed I know personally include people who, within days of their jab, developed Guillain-Barré (1), clot (1), internal hemmorhage (1), full body tremors (1), myorcarditis (2), heart attacks (2, one fatal), fatal stroke (1), full-body rash (1), GI issues (1), severe sudden onset muscle cramps (2), facial tics (1), a case of vision impairment (after a 5th jab), severe uninterrupted months-long headache (1), brain fog (2), and a baby born premature with liver issues. I'm not counting the cancers. And that's just among the people in my personal circles.

It is also my observation that those who believe adverse reactions are caused by covid infection, rather than jabs, also happen to be the very same people who took multiple jabs, and who watch and read only mainstream media, and do not have a clue, nor wish to get one, about the extent of censorship and shadow-banning of anything counter to "the narrative."

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You will have to show that one healthy teenager caught covid and had seizures after recovery before I will waste 10 second to search for seizures, post Covid, in 2020

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Survey questions relate to cardiac issues but what we’re seeing is significant immunity challenges, and problems with digestion and reproductive system.

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Steve. Questions have been asked regarding this latest survey of yours. Immediate or extended family? Age at receiving a jab or current age?

What's your angle? Why must we wait? I speak only for myself. I do not appreciate being toyed with. I've been toyed with plenty these past few years.

I respect you and your work. Tremendously. But I trust NO ONE. Especially when a post ends with "I'l share the results with you shortly."

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I am the mother of two teenage girls not c10 vaccinated. . My husband and I are not either. I’m not going to lie, I’m petrified for my girls and their future. I’m going out of here fighting.

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C19 not 10

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FYI the phone apps don't have it but the web Substack has an edit function.


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Steve: my son was 24 when he was coerced into receiving his "primary series" in August & November of 2021.

Should I take that survey?

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Hi Steve, just a thought but type they received would be an interesting and informative piece to this survey I'd think. My nephew had the J&J, no known cardiac issue yet but would be interesting to see the different reports. Thanks!

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You Know That The UnVaccinated

Are Winning ...

When I Have More Black Friends

Than Jamie Foxx.


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Steve, I answered the survey about my grandson and his unusual symptom of "covid feet". If you would like pictures, send me an email where I can send them and I'll be happy to do that. gigi32ky@yahoo.com

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How do you define "family"? A mother, father, children? Not cousins, uncles/aunts,, nieces/nephews?

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Daughter’s 26th birthday is today, so I’m not filling out survey. Just wanted you to know she got 3 Pfizer shots due to her University mandating them here in CA. She didn’t heed my warnings. Followed the crowd sadly and wanted to be allowed on campus to finish her Masters.

No cardiac issues so far as I know… or any other health issues that I am aware of. She doesn’t live with us since 2021. Never got the so called “virus” before or after being injected, but has had several colds.

I keep praying she’ll be okay. Haven’t broached the subject of detoxing spike as I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want to hear it. Hoping I’ll have the opportunity to talk about even still some time soon.

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I am in same boat with you, my daughter just turned 21 had to get 3 shots to go to school, I too tried to change her mind in beginning with no success, she's recently had multiple fibrous tumors on breast, one so big it had to be removed, grow 1cm to 3 cm in a month and was constantly sick at school through all of this, I think she is slowly starting to learn how messed up our health care system is now, just keep trying to plant little seeds of info and they will grow , I see some growth on my end , I wish you the best!

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So sad & upsetting so many of us parents are in the same boat. I wish you and your daughter the best also. I’ll keep you both in my prayers.

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They stopped mandating them at UCSD in the spring quarter.

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