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SUPERB article! This provides a reference source for those of us who see what is happening but don’t have the data to support our position. Thank you!!

I asked someone who operated a clinic/school for autistic children about autism vs vaccines. He said he had not done a study, but he’d estimate that about 85% of the parents said that their child’s condition started shortly after being vaccinated.

The rise in autism parallels the rise in the vaccination requirements. I know that’s “just” correlation, but that’s sufficient correlation to demand further investigation…

Keep up the good work, Steve!!!

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I agree - great article! I think you will like vaccineprospectus.com too. It has an easy-to-understand summary of vaccine safety questions (not just autism). I think there’s a short, medium, and long version depending on how detailed you want to get, too.

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Thank you! I will check it out!

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It also rose in parallel with increased readiness to disgnose and broadened criteria as to what constitutes autism.

Further, those who oppose childhood vaccines are less likely to take their kids to the doctor over such issues. People will do anything to avoid admitting a mistake. Its easier to not involve an unvaccinated autistic kid in a study then to admit “i didn’t vax out of fear of autism and my kid got it anyway.” It is LITERALLY the same thing we see from jab advocates about its ineffectiveness in re Covid-19.

From where i stand, a majority of “autistic” kids are type b personalities born to type A personalities who think they’re broken because they aren’t “normal” like them.

Now, if you want to argue that vaccines can trigger underlying problems that cause autism, we can have that discussion. Its similar to the debate around what causes MS. They’ve discovered multiple genes tied to it, but it appears environmental triggers cause it.

Most likely vaccines are one of dozens of potential triggers for underlying conditions if they have any effect at all.

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Kil than,

Vaccines cause autism, here is the mechanism...

Aluminium is acutely cytotoxic, it kills cells within minutes and hours of their initial exposure. That red mark at the injection site is a signature of cell-death-induced inflammation. The necrotic death of a variety of cells at the injection site sets off an inflammatory response. Immune reactive cells from the body are attracted to the vaccine injection site by cell death. These cells are charged with clearing up the aluminium-induced damage and they achieve this primarily by ‘eating’ all of the dangerous cell debris and this includes ingestion of aluminium adjuvant with or without occluded vaccine antigen. These immune reactive cells including such cells as macrophages are migratory and capable of transporting their potentially toxic cargoes throughout the body. This includes carrying vaccine antigen to the spleen where it initiates an immune response and also carrying aluminium adjuvant to brain tissue where it may be responsible for an encephalopathy.


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“From where i stand, a majority of “autistic” kids are type b personalities born to type A personalities who think they’re broken because they aren’t “normal” like them.” That’s the most f*cked up comment I’ve ever read regarding autism. I have a good friend who has an overnight autism child who cannot be alone for 5 minutes. He’s 23 years old. I have a 22 yo Aspie who could not function in society without someone helping him. He can’t even make a dental appointment. Don’t worry, y’all deniers will be supporting these kids with your tax dollars because they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

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Cloward Piven is a plan to collapse usa by making people dependent on the government.. as in welfare. Childhood vaccines cause autism, and those kids will be depending on the government to spend $$ and take care of them.

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This is certainly consistent with observations, the USA being the closest major nation to a bastion of people who value liberty and autonomy.

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It's not a change in diagnosis standards. Having lived decades ago, I can say there are many, many times more impaired or chronically ill kids than when I was a kid. We had ONE special needs kid in my entire high school, who would now be considered "high functioning". And they weren't all hidden away.

And they didn't have to keep peanuts out of the lunch rooms because the immune systems of kids weren't so overstimulated and misfiring all over the place to such a great degree.

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Amen to this!

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Oct 24, 2023
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I require crisp and understandable info, and do not have sufficient time on my hands to dig (shrugs).

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Kilthan ,

BobB correctly said, “The rise in autism parallels the rise in the vaccination requirements.”

And you said. ==> “if you want to argue that vaccines can trigger underlying problems that cause autism, we can have that discussion” <==

So let’s discuss.

First some facts,

Two data points are ...

Aluminum is found in the brain at very high levels, in people that have died from autism, MS and Alzheimer’s.


Aluminum is not found in the brains at high levels of folks who do not have autism, Alzheimer’s, MS.

Here is Dr chris Exley clinical study support those two data points. According to Dr chris Exley

==> When we compared the new control data set (aluminum in brains of people who do NOT have Alzheimer’s , MS or autism)

with (aluminum in brain) data produced in an identical manner in donors dying with diagnoses of

sporadic Alzheimer’s disease , familial Alzheimer’s disease,

autism spectrum disorder

and multiple sclerosis

all of these disease groups had significantly higher brain aluminium content.

The differences were always highly significant regardless of the method of statistical analysis (Table 4).


Kilthan, a third data point is many vaccines have aluminum in them….

….. vaccines inject aluminum directly into blood, providing a high dose of aluminum into the babies blood.

That is also a fact^^ .

Most baby formulas also contain aluminum, but it has to pass through the gut in order for aluminum to get into the babies bloodstream.

The dosage of aluminum in bloodstream from vaccines is much HIGHER than aluminum in blood from eating foods like baby formula.

Another fact is that once aluminum is in the bloodstream, the human body’s natural defense mechanism, MACROPHAGES, absorb the aluminum ( like a sponge) Macrophages absorb aluminum is a 4th data point.

With those “vaccine datapoints” let’s discuss the triggering mechanism that causes autism…..

the triggering mechanism is INFLAMMATION

…. Couple the aluminum in macrophages in the baby’s bloodstream,

with INFLAMMATION of the baby’s brain and the baby could get autism.

The macrophages respond to the inflammation in the brain, by traveling to the brain thus transporting aluminum that they carry to the brain.

Inflammation of the brain results in macrophages going to the inflamed brain area.

Dr Chris Exley says —> “The macrophages retain their viability for days, weeks and possibly months. This enables them as vehicles for the transport of significant amounts of aluminium throughout the body. At some point their toxic cargo of aluminium will kill them and they will deposit their aluminium in the tissue or compartment in which they met their demise. The cycle of toxicity may then continue with the deposited aluminium bringing about further cell death and inflammation.”

Thus in the inflamed “inflammation” baby brain, those macrophages introduce aluminum in the baby’s brain cells.

That ^^ is the mechanism, and childhood vaccines introduce aluminum into the bloodstream and childhood vaccines can cause inflammation of the brain.

For example let’s say the baby got the MMR injection (which contains no aluminum), and the MMR injection causes brain inflammation ( which it does), and there are macrophages loaded with aluminum in the baby’s blood, (aluminum from previous childhood vaccines) then the macrophages will travel to the baby’s brain, through the blood brain barrier, and into the inflamed brain cells. That is the mechanism to get aluminum into the baby’s brain. The more aluminum deposited in the child’s brain, the more autistic the child will be.

As dr chris exley says ==>

“No Aluminum is in the MMR vaccine but the brain inflammation associated with MMR could be a signal for Al-loaded macrophages to enter the inflamed brain.”

That Kilthan, ^^ is a mechanism of aluminum getting into babies brains which results in autism. Childhood vaccines provide the aluminum that cause autism and childhood vaccines can trigger inflammation.

Vaccines can create the underlying condition of “aluminum in blood” and vaccines can trigger “inflammation” to cause autism.


No aluminum = no autism.

Oh one more thing Kilthan, you said ==> “Now, if you want to argue that vaccines ….. It’s similar to the debate around what causes MS.”

Guess what Kilthan?

aluminum is also found at high levels in the brains of people that died with MS…


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standard pharma, pediatric nonsense- it is due to more diagnostics and genes. like all the excuses for sudden deaths after covid bioweapon jabs.

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First if all, a vaccine falls easily into the category of an "environmental" trigger. Secondly, I think you have ties to Big Pharma and are a paid disinformation consultant because you ignored everything in the article drawing ludicrous conclusions of your own. I don't believe you are sincere and seem extremely ho hum about the ruined lives of millions of children and their families.

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It is difficult to argue that toxic metals do not belong in our bodies.

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It's ridiculous to think the Amish are less likely to take their kids to the doctor because they will do anything to avoid admitting a mistake. Even in the non-Amish world, it's ridiculous to think a significant amount of people would think that way.

The whole thing is a ridiculous, made up excuse.

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I agree. I'm guessing the Amish aren't taking their kids to the doctor because they are afraid they will be coerced or threatened with government seizure of their children for not following the "protocol". I feel the same way - every visit to our pediatrician was fraught with worry over what was he going to try and force on my child. Hell, I avoid doctors as much as I can NOW, ever since covid and their cultlike response.

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Something is wrong when mom says after a shot, their child's behavior changed. The reaction of our pediatrians is very concerning, almost threatening.

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It's a fact that people get angry due to subconscious guilt. That's a factor in the aggressive, angry type of pro-vax response.

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There was a military mom who was on our unit who didn't want to take it. I heard a nurse tell her, "Well I had to take it..." It brought out the wose in humans and was a mess.

I reminded everyone it was their choice.

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One only has to do two things - take an inventory of unvaccinated children and find how many autistic ones there are. Then talk to the parents of autistic children and find out if this autism appeared shortly after being vaccinated.

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So, in my opinion, it’s the luck of the draw today.

I have lived 8 decades, there was no such thing as autism and very few, if any, who experienced attention deficit disorder. Only vaccinations, smallpox and later we were given orally a sugar cube with a dose of polio vaccine soaked into it. It was a pretty shade of pink. Anyone else old enough to remember? Mumps, nasty measles, and chicken pox that was it. The German or three day measles was the worst and it was good they found how nasty it was.

My children were vaccinated for three things and the doses were administered over several weeks. No reactions. They are all parents now and we have one grandchild who is autistic. It’s just the facts.

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What age were your children vaccinated at? Thanks!

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I absolutely agree! The pink drink, yes, I remember it. Where I live, there are 2 or 3 pharmacy stores in a small (7 other stores) plaza. It's insane how Pharma got so brazen about our lives. They create more problems to the problems they initially created.

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There are definitely other factors such as the ones you mentioned. I know one person who thought her child was vaccine injured or possibly autistic because of the way he “acted out”. In my opinion it was simply a lack of discipline…

But it appears to be difficult to find a truly autistic child among the unvaccinated. That says a lot to me.

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The increase in autistic kids has exploded, ask any teacher. There is a spectrum which makes it tricky but the two ends are more than obvious, both hard to deal with. Nobody really understands why and has little to do with Type A or B.

It may be environmental triggers associated with other factors like vaccination, we can't really be sure. But the low hanging fruit may be unnecessary vaccinations where the risk/reward can be and should be determined. I had thought that had been done, but apparently not. Asleep at the switch. Prudent to get that work done.

We may be fortunate in that most autistics are not particularly interesting in reproduction. OTOH, if the growth rate isn't quelled we face a looming future disaster. Who will care for all those afflicted? Visit a group home and worry.

I ponder the worldwide spread and the communities affected. Studies?

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When Dr. Stephanie Seneff (MIT senior researcher) did a simple graph of the autism data vs time, she noticed the trend was parabolic. Projected out, the trend suggests that by 2030 the autism rate will be 1 in 2 children. Since it takes 2 people to care for a fully autistic child or adult, this would mean that the autistic are likely to be warehoused and forgotten, the economy will consist entirely of medical care for the autistic, or most likely, the economy will collapse into a period of deprivation and scarcity. Ending the current vaccine program is a matter of national security!

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I doubt it will be 1 in 2 6.5 years from now; but my current over/under for the plausible deniability to be (ahem) shot is 1 out of every 7 kids, which I could see by about then.

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2030 is not far away.

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More likely they'll be euthanized.

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Dr. Stephanie Seneff seems fixated on glyphosates rather than vaccinations. No real way to know. Now I might rather have less of both. Her predictions haven't fared well perhaps a gift of our genetic diversity.

But my family included an Asperger, now 23, who literally is incapable of contributing much. He is on DDI lives in an apartment, well medicated, is serviced by delivery. Future likely early death and a release for those involved.

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In the UK, less than 22% of adults with ASD are in any kind of employment.

But a high functioning minority of privileged blue haired ideologues seek to promote the 'neurodiversity' narrative with its glamourised stereotypes.

Pushing ASD as 'difference' rather than disability, and denial of vaccine injury experiences.

The fact is most ASD kids now will need lifelong care, if 'gender affirming care' doesn't shorten that further.

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Is it me or is the "gender affirming care" mafia targeting those on the spectrum?

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Yes, all part of the iatrogenocide.

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Did you read the article? Studies have debunked the claim you made regarding it is not being dx’d due to fewer office visits. I would suggest you read the article in full - with an open mind.

The criteria for diagnosis have changed, but there is no way it can account for such a massive increase of cases in such a short amount of time. One in 36 children are getting autism - if that doesn’t start shocking more people into waking up and realizing we have to do something and be open to the possibility vaccines/Tylenol use are in large part responsible, and it canNOT be genetic, then I don’t know what will jolt people to wake up!

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If autism doesn't exist in an Amish community I doubt if they are just hiding it so they won't have to admit it's not the jab. I don't see them having that thought process.

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They are too busy being productive members of their community.

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Aug 21, 2023
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I think there’s a “spectrum” of docs, and he is on the end of the worst part of that spectrum….

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Aug 21, 2023Edited
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Jeff, I sincerely appreciate your very thoughtful and well-composed comments. I’m with you on recognizing the “other side of the spectrum” and those in between the extreme ends…. It does seem that there are many who could do so much more. I hope that the current strife in medicine and politics will awaken at least some of those who have been asleep to the corruption that threatens us in many ways. Unfortunately, wealth and power are the two fundamental evils that are the driving forces behind the current situation and until those are brought under control we will have quite a struggle to contend with. I intend to offer what little I have to turn things around, and I see you as one also stepping up to the plate.,and I thank you for that. 😊🙏

Bob Beiswenger

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Aug 22, 2023
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I appreciate your comments, gives me hope in humanity!

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Jul 12, 2023
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Now that people are more awake, the fact that this year 2023 it was discovered that mRNA haccines had double-stranded human DNA to hijack the cell nucleus to murder us with the spike-protein bomb or whatever they desired, makes us suspicious if that 2000% excess-DNA in 1990s antiviral vaccines, was not only debris, but the first attempts to maim the children using vaccines as trojan bioweapons (brain damage, cancer). All vaccines should be checked for double-stranded human DNA, ASAP!

One thing that should unite every rational human being: no one can stand for contaminated or tampered products, with components that should not be there (aluminum, human DNA in excess of 2000% of FDA 10 ng limit) or are not even listed in the package insert: double-stranded DNA in COVID mRNA vaccines.

The latter proved intentional hacking of the cell's DNA: mRNA is supposed to degrade fast and have no longterm effects, yet bio-weaponized spike protein has been detected 18 months after vaccination, proving that the cell's nucleus has been hacked by the "haccine": that cell is going to replicate as long as you live, so as long as you live you are a walking time bomb producing lethal spike protein or whatever your cell was hijacked to produce.

Since the depop nazis have been covertly adding hCG in vaccines in the 90s to infertilize women against their knowledge in 30+ countries, it's clear that the industry has been weaponized to cull the population by injuring, handicapping, infertilizing and murdering.

The best way to have a real dialogue about vaccines being weaponized to handicap, infertilize and murder the “over-population” is to start with vaccine contamination: nobody could be in favor of contaminated pharmaceuticals.

1. Carcinogen SV40 in Oral Polio Vaccine: they knew it since the 60s but kept distributing it even until 2016 !!!

2. hCG in vaccines to infertilize women detected since the 90s: still going on

3. Thimerosal, aluminum, Mono-sodium Glutamate (MSG) and other NEUROTOXINS

4. Heavy metals

5. Human DNA 2000% in excess of FDA 10 ng limit (main driver towards leukemia and non-Hodgkin cancer)

6. Graphene oxide in Flu and COVID shots but now with anything injectable (even dentist anesthesia, hospital IV, etc.).

7. SV40 genomic sequences and double-stranded DNA in mRNA COVID shots

8. Bluetooth nano-routers injected with COVID vaccines and inserted with swabs (which explains why they rejected the cheaper non-invasive saliva test).

Proof of criminal intent:

Points 7 and 8

Censoring and blocking 30+ COVID cures

Labeling the most lethal batches with a lethal code (howbad.info)

Blocking the real knowledge of effectiveness v. "adverse event" rate

That proves:

A. There's zero Government control

B. There's zero Manufacturer liability

C. There's zero Media coverage

D. All that, during decades and still going on, not only with vaccines but also with medicines, food&beverage additives, etc. Everything, even institutions have been weaponized!

E. There's zero political action to stop that (except RFK2 in the USA)

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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Aug 21, 2023Edited
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Thanks! actually military drones have been detected but people linked them with chemtrails... maybe they are DEW capable! we don't know how much weight they can actually carry and what last-gen DEW weights!

Except a miracle or bloody revolution, this is the only way out of this mess in the short run:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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Aug 22, 2023
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Thank you so much! This is also something we should fight for in the long run:

How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


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Aug 22, 2023
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Thank you so much Jeff!

Just pray it helps! The world has a very small window of opportunity before entering a terrible digi-tatorship. It depends that we wake people up, otherwise we'd lose the battle before 2030. It's sad that most freedom leaders refuse to acknowledge what is really going on and give practical solutions.

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They lie, they lie, they lie. They don't care. They will never stop lying. It's disgusting.

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