If the vaccines are "safe and effective," then why do they need liability protection?
If you are a critical thinker, I bet you've wondered about this. I'm going to reveal the the scientific rationale justifying the liability waiver.
If vaccines are so safe and effective, why do vaccine manufacturers need liability protection?
Liability protection for vaccine manufacturers dates back to the 1980s when they were granted such liability by the US government. Other medical products are not granted such liability protection.
Nobody in our government will challenge this, yet we are being mandated to take a potentially harmful product without any protections. It’s up to us to refuse to take any vaccine until the liability protection is removed.
I’m sure you’ve all been wondering, if the vaccines are so safe and effective, then what’s the scientific reason that vaccine manufacturers need liability protection whereas other products (including drugs) don’t need that?
Here is the complete scientific rationale justifying the liability waiver:
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The history of vaccines and the origin of liability
Back in the 1980’s, there were four manufacturers of vaccines. They colluded and basically all agreed to stop making vaccines unless the US government gave them liability protection. So that’s how it started.
Why not drop the liability protection for all parties involved in the vaccination process starting today?
If the vaccines are truly safe and effective as claimed, we could drop the liability protection for the vaccines today. But we don’t because everyone knows they are deadly.
The manufacturers would immediately stop production and everyone would be forced to take early treatment that would then lead to virtually no hospitalization and death as I’ve noted earlier.
If Congress dropped the liability protection for vaccines, do you know what would happen? It would force the drug makers to test their products before injecting into human beings. We would then have safe vaccines.
Fat chance of that ever happening.
The vaccine manufacturers have it made
Mandated use of product. No liability.
So you make the product make people sick and you sell more product.
I hate to sound cynical, but that’s what the data shows if you’ve been reading my substack. These vaccines aren’t safe or effective. The more boosters you take, the sicker you get. That’s what the numbers show.
What you can do about it
Nobody in Congress is ever going to challenge the drug companies and call for lifting of the liability protection. Can you name a single member of Congress who has called for this? I don’t know of a single public health official who has called for this either. WTF?!?!
Since Congress will never act, it’s up to us.
Everyone should refuse to take any vaccine until the liability protection is lifted for all vaccines. That’s the responsible thing to do. It’s up to all of us.
Those of us vaccine injury families who have been fighting for decades, only to be called anti-vaccine after we vaccinated our vaccine injured children, have been asking that question and making that determination for decades. The conclusion of my piece in 2016 in the Johns Hopkins Journal, Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics:
"Finally, the editors of this journal have asked an important question, and I wish to answer it as frankly as I can:
"Is there anything that you think might help to resolve the controversy surrounding vaccinations?"
The controversy surrounding vaccinations will never be resolved until the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act is repealed, and until families 7th amendment rights to have their complaints heard in civil court, under established legal procedure and ruled on by a jury, is restored.
Until there is a way to force public health officials, vaccine industry representatives and medical professionals to testify under oath, and under penalty of perjury, to either defend or retract their fraudulent claims, to pay for the damages done to children (including my child) for their institutionalized abuse and negligence, I will never consent to another member of my family participating in the vaccine program under any circumstances."
Welcome to the Rebellion.
I wasn’t anti-vax before. I am now.