At least back then the genocide was punished but now the Global Genocide of billions still happening is carried out by the captured Govenrments of all countries so that justice seems hard to imagine given the huge numbers worldwide complicit including MSM, Health Systems, Social Media, Billionaires, Royals (eg 'King Charles' is senior World Economic Forum which cabal of worlds most powerful and wealthy is responsible for the injection Genocide. Back then it was a lot easier to point to the culprits who were relatively few and not whole systems/billionaires above the law of all countries so far eg Gates & his disease carrying millions of mosquitoes let loose on the planet, his trillions made from his 'vaccines' etc .

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As a legal professional scholar and business owner, I like your list and would add 1 main landmark report needing to be overruled, amended or redrawn up. We MUST address the Flexner [Rockafeller] Report that combined/monopolized our higher educational system with the medical industry. This corrupt instrumental report was orchestrated to push petroleum-based products that could be patented and monetized versus plant or herbal based gifts from g-d. Next, proven holistic prescribers and doctors that didn't fit their new narrative were smeared and branded as quacks. This time period sounds familiar to today, whereupon political science has manipulated the hard sciences. I also feel the Flexner Report led to the chemotherapy radiation scam; whereupon it's a felony for doctors to treat patients in any other form or fashion.

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I have just gotten to this, am still reading through it, and see that if there were others like you, who can see and think like this, so it is not ALL on you, Steve, we can make it. So far ( I am on about #9 of your ideas), I am in full agreement with you, and it is blowing my mind how you have thought of it all...

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If we implement what are on the list in the new system, people will join.

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The old system is too big and corrupt to fix, I can't imagine trying to implement just one thing on the list. As long as most people participate in it, it won't stop. need to start a brand new one.

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'and further made the physician sign a confidentiality agreement about the silencing'

How about severely limiting the use of confidentiality agreements?

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Here is another suggestion. Scrap the current system and support something like what is described here: "New Zealand's Greatest Doctor" https://youtu.be/JP88ndO4VUA

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#20 - bingo! and also suggested that in the past. ...but situation is currently worse: hospitals get a Federal grant for every ventilated patient and more money if he dies.

What a f'd up system we have.

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I see I've inspired you Steve. Awesome!


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The full list of what's wrong with medicine could be endless, especially as it seems to continually get worse. But my view is that it is a Gordion knot, and we do not need to untangle every single piece of it, but rather slice through the entire thing at once.

Here is my own (shorter) list of how to do that:


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Also need: Accurate and truthful hospital EHR system(s) with mechanisms that prevent ""rigging" the numbers of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated persons (and/or mistakenly identified vaccination status) in hospitals. With current crippled system(s) (..... or perhaps by design) the numbers can be easily altered to misrepresent the number of vaccinated individuals who are in hospital settings for vaccine related injuries. This is perhaps a complex issue and involves a lot of IT plus hospital protocols, training, etc. and of course, the desire to use whatever is put in place in an honest way. (Not sure if this is still the case, but from back in Mar. 2021 IEEE Spectrum report: "If you get the shot at a local hospital that is affiliated with your doctor, the vaccination information might show up in your electronic health record (EHR). However, if it doesn’t, or you get the shot through a pharmacy like CVS, your vaccination information may end up stranded on the little paper CDC vaccination card you receive with your shot." https://spectrum.ieee.org/ehr-pandemic-promises-not-kept )

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The solution is infusing integrity back into our population! Without this, none of those solutions work.

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The system is rigged by politicians who have become overly reliant on Corporate contributions from the pharmaceutical Industry. And many politicians enjoy the perks that go along with that.

Follow the money. The pharmaceutical controlled modern medical industry comprised 1/3rd of the U.S. economy pre-pandemic. What is it now? 50%? Subtract lost businesses and jobs and add the increased burden on the system due to the pandemic countermeasures and you can see it must have increased significantly the last two years.

The pharmaceutical industry is flush with cash, and they buy our politicians. This was enabled by a Supreme court decision that ruled corporations had the same voice or rights politically as the people. yet, Corporations are allowed unlimited donations? This Court decision allowing corporations unlimited donations to campaigns is at the root of the problem. We are no longer a republic by and for the people. Our sold out Congress rubber stamped this for $$$. They are serving the corporations now, not the people.

The only way fix this problem, which has trickled down to where you proposals lie is by ending unlimited donations from corporations. We should end superpacs. Campaign donations by the people should be limited to what the poor can afford. Politicians don't need a lot of money to get in office. They need good policies. They can put them up on their websites along with their voting records. That's all that's needed.

This is the head of the snake.

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Actually that is brilliant I agree with everyone of those statements, sadly it will never happen and I’m beginning to really worry where is all going , well we know where it is all going but nothing seams to be changing it ., its still off the scale in Canada and truly shocking

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"Then people will be receptive to the ideas in this article."

We definitely would - they wouldn't - and they call the... "shots" :P.

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Why don't the medical professionals create a vaccine sensitivity test (VST) to test people before administering any government mandated vaccine? I mean really, this is long overdue and should be provided for anyone that wants to get vaccinated

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Not as easy as it sounds.

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