I live in Mississippi but my kids are grown. Knowing what I know now my kids would get no vaccine if they were still in school. It was mandatory to have kids vaccinated before they attend school.

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Steve, are you aware of the most recent health order in the province of British Columbia, Canada? Our PHO just imposed a new mandate on April 6, 2023 that requires two (no longer FDA approved) original doses for, in addition to all healthcare workers, now also ALL FACULTY AND STUDENTS IN ANY HEALTHCARE FIELD. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/about-bc-s-health-care-system/office-of-the-provincial-health-officer/hospital_and_community_preventive_measures_order_apr_623_final_4.pdf

This is accelerating the mass exodus of healthcare workers from our province, where we already have 2500 nurses still fired due to mandates and in many communities we have routine ER closures. https://tnc.news/2023/04/19/bc-mayor-demands-rehiring-of-unvaxxed/?fbclid=IwAR12C81onLWwBqZ9ROjcP7yRhgTdRhMbviYLmyi81dj2DzQW3vonnNVJN60

We need more attention on this. I know you are testifying at the NCI this week, thank you. Can you keep some focus on Canada and talk about what is happening in BC? Please. Thank you Steve for everything you do.

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I feel sorry for you. Bonnie Henry your PHO is a paid prostitute of the World Health organization, big pharma and the vaccine companies. She is either being paid big time or threatened. Interestingly Canada has purchased enough covid shots to inject every citizen with up to 10 doses. Trudeau is a communist and servant of the WEF and WHO. So sorry for Canada

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Del Bigtree is doing great and important work on many fronts.

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Del and Aaron do great work. This is an important victory. A huge step towards bodily autonomy religious or not. If you want to see huge gains quit electing squishes that the medical community and pharma control.

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Life needs to be protected.

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An exemption for believers in the sky magician that isn’t allowed to atheists and agnostics is divisive and a violation of the 1st Amendment’s ban on government promotion of religion. God-believers who don’t want their children to be subjected to certain vaccinations should have to fight against those mandates together with us non-believers.

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The pro jabbers want people to think it's a government vs religion battle. Interestingly, the distinction is clearly made on this link for the government schools in each state. "States With Religious and Philosophical Exemptions From School Immunization Requirements" https://www.ncsl.org/health/states-with-religious-and-philosophical-exemptions-from-school-immunization-requirements

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Yes but "sky magician" terminology isn't going to help unity. For instance, if I wanted help from a Sikh I wouldn't say "help me, you knife-wielding turban-head!" They wear a turban and carry a symbolic knife for specific religious reasons that I respect, even though I'm not a Sikh.

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I am a long-term atheist turned Christian. You are 100% correct.

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Kids should never be forced to accept a little-tested jab that doesn't even protect them from catching Covid, which they have miniscule risk of succumbing to, anyway. The risks posed by this experimental gene therapy shot are known to FAR outweigh any danger of Covid to kids. Thank you, ICAN and all involved in this major win!

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I think the risks of this shot outweigh the benefits in adults as well. I know too many people that got severe reactions. I am Un jabbed, got covid, took vitamin D,C and zinc. recovered in 2 days.

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Thanks for sharing your personal experience, Mary. I did a lot of reading about the whole fishy "plandemic" and was never persuaded to take the jab. I'm a firm believer in the remarkable power our immune system has when it is supported with the nutrients it needs. (I never got Covid and wasn't impressed with the low fatality rate.) It's very suspicious that our government was so insistent that EVERYONE must get the jab -- that was my clue to avoid it! Glad to hear you made it unjabbed and un-dead, neither of which can be un-done.

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A win for who?

Why is there even vaccinations Steve?

Anyone touting vaccines 'save lives' is a fool and should be ran from.

It is clear allopathy in america is not about HEALth, if it were america would be HEALthy, not sickly, full of medications, toxins, chemicals, drugs, unhealthy foods...living less than their parents and grandparents.

Which of the following words does not belong with the other three?

Drugs, Medicines, Vaccines Health

Prior to the so called covid - 19 every big pharma mfg had committed felony fraud, fined into the 10's, 100's of Millions some into the BILLIONS with rap sheets that look like a RICO indictment against the mob.

Here are some of the Primary Offenses; "fraud" " tax violations" "kickbacks and bribery" "price-fixing or anti-competitive practices" "false claims act and related" "product safety violations" "off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products" "drug or medical equipment safety violation" "controlled substances act violation" "consumer protection violation"...Needless to say i could go on all day, so why does Steve think Big Pharma should exist at all?

These Drug manufactures are criminal organizations and are allowed to exist so they can do what they do with the results that we all see including Steve........ so what more needs to be known to the point that people see and realize that these Drug Manufactures need put out of business, liquidated to play claims and prosecute anyone that has so much as a shred of assistng this Covid scam???

Should Steve not be trying to topple this beast known as Big Pharma?

Freeing the people from the clutches of Big Pharma's agenda that everybody needs vaccinated....blah....blah....blah and yet Big Pharma/Medical Industrial Complex has paid off the officals (government) to help it push drugs, run cover, give protection, launder money...etc....etc.... and Big Pharma/MIC want to push vaccinations on EVERYONE and people actually think this is legitimate?

Either Steve does not see the urgency in ridding manKIND of these parasites who use deception (pharmakeia) to make people, euthanize themselves, make themselves sterile among other things..

An exemption in Mississippi just means you do not own yourself, it means another court could say otherwise and this game will just go on and on and on and on and on and on while the covid narrative is implemted by the various governments, corporations, banks and all other segments of society. The people resisting will die off, the young will be born into it and never know any different.

Thus there is two choices keep the system in totality or rid it completely.

Court ruiling are a joke, they reinforce the system regardles of the so called 'ruiling'

History shows little or big court battle change nothing in the long run, if so we the people would NEVER be in the desperate situation we commoners find ourselves in today....That being governed by a system that is born of corruption that utilizes 'en FORCE ment' to collectivize people and make them comply to the words of other men of deciet whom they have no obligation to.

This religious exemption matters non at all, at the end of the day the machinery is still in place....

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That’s why the WHO and UN must NEVER have power over sovereign US citizens.

We have to fight the smaller battle here in the court system to avoid full on war domestically, however we must also stay focused on the bigger battle which is the hijacking of our rights and power though proxies (UN & WHO)

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I consider the UN to be largely an instrument of U.S. imperialism. I do not defend U.S. sovereignty against the U.N.. Rather, I want to weaken the U.S. hold over the U.N..

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The WHO, UN, WEF....etc....etc.... should be seen for what they are violent gangs, all they do is degrade the lives of flesh and blood men, women and children. They should not exist at all.

As for 'sovereign US citizens' what is the difference if you remove the 'US' Then you have just sovereign citizen and that is an oxy-moron if there ever was one.

You cannot be sovereign (own yourself) and a citizens with an obligation to a political state.......

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Bodily autonomy is NOT a legal matter. It is a RIGHT.

I want to know why our Constitution was so blatantly disregarded.

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The constituion is a contract.

No one alive signed it, those that did are long dead as is the constituion/contract/compact, otherwise it would be honored and obeyed by those who recite the oath and it is not!

You, I and every other flesh and blood man or women gain no rights from this contract, it is simply a 'rulebook' for Government, its elected, appointed, oath takers to follow.

It is obvious the constituion is disregarded by the aforementioned, but then you have to ask is it a worthy way in which to live your one and only life by.....a two century plus old document that has been perverted to mean any and everything for those at the controls?

“But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.” ― Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority

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https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/04/18/period-kate-clancy-coronavirus-vaccines-menstruation/ Why reports of period weirdness after covid shots were ignored

By Kate Clancy

>>>"... Here it is important to emphasize: Without a doubt, vaccines save lives; and the coronavirus vaccines reduce severity and the risk of long covid. I continue to advocate for greater access to boosters, and global vaccine equity, alongside measures that reduce transmission, such as masking..."<<<

Please tell me people like her being stupid (low IQ) rather than being oversocialized conformists submitting to ideological brainwashing and subversion.

The often not so sharp immigrants worshipping a certain Allah where were telling each other the jab would make them gay btw and abstained. Poisonshot survivors or dodgers will be left with the ruling subclinical psychopaths and the "jab turns you homo" people. Dark future.

People prone to believe in fairytales, submitting to religious rituals, kneeling before priests get slack, got it. BLM believers of course excempted from the excemption.

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The monovalent Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized for use in the United States.

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That's because they've been supplanted by bivalent.

It's not the victory people think it is.

Poison V1 has been discontinued in favour of Poison V2.

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Neither mRNA vaccines are poison.

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Both are poison, with their unstable mRNA and LNP toxicity causing abnormal fibrinogen levels.

Pharmaceutical shill.

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This carlos has been around for months. There are ongoing debates if its a paid troll or AI bot.

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Thanks, Danke für den Hinweis.

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Spent Years Building Great Credit?We're Going to Penalize Your "Privilege" versus spendthrift drifters.


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I’m going to assume this is all part of a plan to crash the market again like in ‘08 so they can all short their stock and walk away with piles of taxpayer cash since they are too big to fail.

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Most likely. The whole finance system is a joke as money is just an illusion that the government creates on computer and printed by the fed. There was a president that wanted to abolish the federal reserve and go back to the old standard and have money backed by gold. We know what happened to him.

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Thank you so much for this update!

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It is important for societies to have good doctors' nurses and other medical professionals.

Years ago, being a doctor or nurse was not just honorable and worth doing, it was challenging and hard but highly rewarding. There is no way I would be a doctor or nurse in today's society. Medicine was blend of art and science and touching, examining and listening to your patients. Obamacare destroyed it and forced doctors to use Electonic medical records that detach doctors from their patients. Most doctors today are computerized robots. They sit in front of a computers and enter icd 10 codes. The profession is dead. I blame the medical schools for allowing this to happen, but they are funded by big pharma. So very sad.

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The problems started long long before Obamacare and I don’t think they have anything to do with electronic medical records. I think the problem is more that human doctors are trained to think in systems instead of holistically . Plus advances in diagnostics make histories and physical exams seem that much less important especially since as Dr House likes to point out, people lie especially to their doctors. I think there is a feeling of why bother with a physical exam and a history (that may or may not be accurate) when you can just order blood work and imaging and probably get to the bottom of the problem or better yet refer and make it someone else’s problem. General practitioners have very little training or leeway to do much other than deal with very low level problems (UTIs, mild allergies, colds etc) there’s no point in taking a history and doing an exam for your female problems when there isn’t anything they are going to do with their findings other than refer you to an OB for further diagnostics or treatment anyway.

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It's probably time for me to retire. I would have liked to have been a vet,but vet school is harder to get into than medical school I'm old and admit that I hate EMR's. In my case they slowed me down and frustrated me. I can't tell you how many times they would crash or freeze, and I would be on hold for tech support. I saw an emr file on a patient with a simple knee strain. It was 30 pages long. I could write a concise SOAP on that patient in 2 paragraphs. EMR in conjunction with ICD10 is a tool to extract as much money from private insurance and Medicare as possible. There are 20 major emr programs in use and they do not cross communicate.

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I went to kaiser because of a female problem with bleeding after a covid shot. The doctor never made eye contact with me. Never examined me. Just sat in front of a laptop and referred me to ob/gyn. The appointment is 1 week for now. This is medicine in America.

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Fighting Back Against COVID-Vaccine Injury

Can some of the injuries inflicted by the COVID vaccines be reversed? Let’s take stock of which treatments are most promising, and get started with them. - Colleen Huber NMD


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The most effective prevention of the venom injuries and death is not to get injected in the first place .In most cases that is still possible .But the day is not far off ,when they force the poison into us .They have many means of doing it ,like not allow us in a store to buy food ,for example .I did get a taste of it

a few month ago when a relative of mine ,decided we should go in a restaurant for a bite to eat .At the door it was demanded we show a vaxxx passport or we can't get in . The relative next to me is a pilot and was injected and had the passport ,I had nothing ,so we left .I don't know if that is still enforced or not ,since I never go to restaurants ,since than .That restaurant is in west Vancouver ,Canada .

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Excellent post, thank you

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I wish you well! There are detox programs if you haven’t looked into them yet. Or find yourself an integrative medicine doctor.

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That’s a good idea. Thanks for sharing. I’ve been going to Mexico (not Tijuana) for dental work. Crowns for around $300, cleanings for $25. The savings pay for vacation.

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you may want to watch the documentary Root Cause … it’s about root canals and all the problems they cause. crowns are the way to go, the pillar material is quite important

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I LOVE Aaron Siri!

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