One man sharing the exact clot from his legs. Perhaps it has begun but I suspect this will become normalized.


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The other idiots saying ...oh look at the Spanish flu...uhmm it was neither Spanish nor a flu. I can barely handle this shit anymore. The dumbest of dumb think they know everything...meanwhile they havnt the slightest bloody clue in hell ...most listen to CNN etc...which was made specifically as a propagandist tool by the nazi af CIA. The friggin television was only created to brainwash and sway ones thinking in a bunch of ways lol. Get me tf off this "planet" ...no one has been to fake space either ...ever. painful being surrounded by bloody idiots. I don't like being around anyone but my highly intelligent 8 year old. He laughs his ass off at msm when he ever happens to see it...here's a headline from the BBC... he thought amusing and scary how bloody retarded ppl are ... "SLOW WALKERS MORE LIKELY TO DIE FROM COVID" 😃...ya ...and he laughs at the cartoon space crap ...he could create a better image with zero experience as a child. Apparent "adults" watching fuct up cartoons they buy are real. And in actuality lol...fast walkers in masks lol...(or not) in a breath restricting death device of compliant enslavement are more likely tf to die from bloody graphene slicing their organs to shit.

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Aug 7, 2022·edited Aug 7, 2022

one word


fear of being murdered

fear of loss of job

fear of being deregistered

fear of consequences for honesty

that is the world we now live in

we now live in a world where people are all slaves to the money lender - by design.

That slavery buys compliance.

clearly i am wired very differently

take a look at the government issued ins numbers

EXCESS DEATHS - it what should be by far the quietest period of death rate

Now 18.5% above 5 year average.

Soon they won't be able to hide the bodies...


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Any chance of a professional follow-up to learn if there were unusual clots involved?

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If you didn't get taken out and de-registered after months of sharing publicly why would the others be afraid? It's hard but the embalmers hold the key.

They could just share their videos without showing themselves. That should work.

A large volume of silent video testimony from embalmers everywhere flooding the internet should be good enough to get the topic on everyone's lips.

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One of the hardest things to accept is that some people would just not believe me.

But let me tell you this if you keep taking these experimental gene therapies you will get sick and you will die that is 100% certain you will either die from what you think it’s Covid as your immune system is decimated or you will die suddenly from heart failure as your arterial system is slowly blocked with a thick rubbery white growth

I honestly do not care what you think of me, i care that an unprecedented number of young innocent people who have been lied to, coerced and blackmailed to take a poison. have died .

as for fame - if you honestly think i want this kind of notoriety then clearly you are mentally imbalanced

you come to my funeral home and I will show you exactly what I am pulling out of jab recipients

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That you continued to respond is commendable!

It's just this.......why just Hirschman and you and the other lady from the US? And only the US and UK. There should be A LOT more people in the trade speaking out from all those sudden deaths and in all countries not just two.

There should be an outpouring of video evidence everywhere, no matter how horrifying. What's holding more embalmers back?

And yes, doctors won't respond with a Yes that this is happening to the blood of the vaxxed. They also won't respond with a No. This could mean it's a Yes but they cannot say it.

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This was so important about the blood clots yet it also went nowhere.

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I just have to thank you again!! Thank you! I can’t put into words how much I appreciate you and others like you taking a stand and trying everything you can in every way possible to bring attention to this and put an end to it! You all are true hero’s!

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On one hand, we have embalmers saying they've never seen these before. On the other, as I look up a description of post mortem blood clots...they sound very similar to these: they are said to be yellow or red, taking on the form of the blood vessel they are in, and are described as "rubbery". The composition of these clots is "Fibrin" which is a protein substance. To me, that description seems very close to these things.

I have no experience in this area, but it would be interesting to see how many embalmers or pathologists we could get on record to say these are different. Has there been any lab analysis done?

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Aunque intenten demostrar tantas evidencias del caso, simplemente lo pasarán como inadvertidos. A ellos les interesa seguir engañando al mundo para ir desapareciendo a la humanidad hasta llegar al número deseado. Sólo Dios les dará o les permitirá hacer esta maldad para luego enfrentarse cara a cara con Él. (fin del mundo o 2da.venida de Jesús) y está muy pronto. Preparemonos para esperat ese día, que no falta mucho.

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FYI, Steve, Stew Peters says that a lot of people are giving him ‘warning offs’ about you. And Dr. Ruby says that you are running ‘interference’, where she says that she’s suspicious of those who say that they were formally of the left and have now ‘come around.’ You came up when they started talking about whether or not the tissue that embalmers have been finding in the veins of the deceased have been analyzed @13:00 https://rumble.com/v1706qm-ask-dr-jane-pureblood-dating-dangers-embalmers-findings-and-monkeypox.html

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But interesting to hear that no lab analysis has been done on these. I was just wondering about that. It's what we'd really need to resolve this controversy.

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I think accusations like this are silly, especially when made so flippantly. It just makes people seem paranoid.

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Jun 14, 2022·edited Jun 14, 2022

All good, where Steve was again interviewed by Stew Peters last Thursday on Sudden Adult Death Syndrome: Young, Healthy People Dropping Dead At Alarming Rate https://rumble.com/v17wpo1-sudden-adult-death-syndrome-young-healthy-people-dropping-dead-at-alarming-.html

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Gracias por compartir sus evidencias respecto a las personas fallecidas por las vacunas COVID. Pena por tanta gente que se vacunaron creyendo en su efectividad contra el COVID. Dios tenga misericordia y proteja a aquellos que buscan y evidencian lo malo de estas vacunas.

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No it's not natural.. they know it's not. Stfu ...the embalmers are doing a good thing...trying tf to to save others lives for crying out loud ..thank you Steve Kirsch🙏💯💜💫💜🙏

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What part of that highlighted VIDEO presented as some kind of evidence shows the never-before-seen phenomenon? I can tell you - it’s the unethical behavior of the embalmers who filmed the groin of a deceadent entrusted to their care and posted the dissection of its contents on public forums claiming that the findings are the result of vaccines when in truth they are sensationalizing the ordinary artifacts of the layering of blood after death which can be found in most any deceased animal which died for any number of reasons. If I were the family of that unfortunate person I would sue those embalmers and their funeral home, and have their licenses revoked.

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How tf do you think you know more about abnormalities in a dead body than someone who fuckin sees shit daily. Lol...and wtf would he be "trying" to achieve ?... uhmmm he's getting fuckin ridiculed and threatened etc...I'm guessing. Oh lemme guess ...he's a big fat fuckin "antivaxxer"😆... if hes mf smart he sure as hell would be!😃💯💯💯💥 NOT A VACCINE ...ITS A BIOWEAPON OF DEATH AND DISEASE AND SATAN. ALL THE 0THER "VACCINES" ARE TOO😃.. BUT THIS ONE HAS HORNS AND DRAGS YOU TF TO HELL AFTER TURMING YOU FROM HUMAN INTO A MF MONSTROSITY OF A POS ROBOT🥰

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Lol...I think someone took a few jabs and is scared. You don't want that shit to do that to you ...do you😃

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And I would thank the embalmer for telling me the real cause of my family member's death. Do you prefer the fictitious cause of death by a doctor who signs for the fees or the real cause of death that John was trying his hardest to tell the world?

Are you of the vaccine is safe and effective group? Wrong place here for you.

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No "vaccine" is safe and none of them actually (do) what they claim. The idiots that always parrot that the polio vaccine is so important ...it was the injection that "caused" the illness they called polio.

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Let me tell you something Kt, my daughter's friend died right in front of her. He was 32 with 4 lids. His body was sent for autopsy, they opened his chest and stopped right there. He had so many clots they have never seen anything like it. EVER! He was vaccinated. This happened months after his second dose; HOWEVER, he had been having smaller clots in his lungs prior...also caused by the vaccine. He was a damned firefighter!!!!!!! This is just one example. I know many more. Wake the hell up! They need to come out with the truth so all can hear....but I fear mass hysteria. Obviously you were vaccinated. Look into possible methods of detoxing, it may save your life.

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You can't detox this shit....and it's self replicating ...keeps going till ends your life. You can detox other garbage ...but once you inject this...too late. I'd suggest you stop calling it a "vaccine" as you are simply giving the lie more power. It's a satanic af stew jab of bloody filth and disease...evil af A.I. and horror. IT IS THE MARK!!!!! ...there will be more "marks" but this one God will say ..🤔 who tf are you? I didn't create this transhuman abomination. Get tf downstairs where you belong with your master. Oh you wanted to travel ?? ... cuz you re a spoiled little bitch😃..ya that won't cut it when God meets you and casts you tf into hell...lol...oh you wanted a paycheck and a fancy dinner and a bloody movie😆...ya sorry no...God is disgusted. Oh you wanted to feed your children...hmmm well you don't bloody inject Satan to feed people. Oh you wanted to go to a pos illuminati concert of the most popular one who literally sold their soul??? Cool why didn't you say so😃...he's done with these non humans. I've watched these stupid evil fucks turn completely insane ...and "sadistic.". isn't a word even close to the evil they now are ...their eyes are evil...their soul is gone (if ever had one) and they are possesed. They are literally tf possesed and they re screwed. Hope the Florida vacation was worth an eternity tf in hell...and your bloody steak at the keg. Lol😅...so fuckin just..revolting. The only ones who've had this injected that will be forgiven are invalids and children. Or anyone held down and forced. The assholes thinking they re awesome tattooing Pfizer...and Moderna on their arms...bragging about how great they are how virtuous etc ...while they stomp on others rights and abuse them...are in for a rude af awakening ...lol...twice! ...one here ...and one tf in hell. Don't bother saying pine needle tea blah blah ...the ones who took it are fuct. If they took one.. realized ...repented and work their fuckin asses off to save others lives now forever while on this shit earth ...well ...that's between them and God. I know the ones that are sacs of trash acting the way I described above ...lol...they are most certainly in severe shit.

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Lol..omfg. go get another ..👋

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not unethical...no face no name. while embolming this clot was found and investigated and on video. every otopsy and embalming is recorded. he was stating a fact...no misconduct was made here.

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It seems you are just denying what is obvious, such agglomerate of coagulated blood in the veins in not natural and not at call common in dead bodies, in which blood is usually remaining fluid for few days; You may like it or not, but don’t pretend you know more than that guy who receives dead bodies everyday, and is telling you something is not usual…

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Hmmm I didn't realize blood stayed liquid for a few days...I thought ...well ya I guess I thought liquid but not like if you cut yourself alvve...ya🤔 I mean I know your hearts not pumping to make it flow ...and spill as it would if it were ...but ...like I'm sure its quagulated quite a bit.. still liquid ya...

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Apr 25, 2022·edited Apr 25, 2022

as a funeral director myself i saw things happening in january of 2021, the moment needles went into arms masses started dying - not at all before , 2020 was a totally normal death rate. What we are seeing is of biblical proportion, its is devils at work.

My own embalmer has been saying the same thing for 18 months now, that those vaccianted he struggles to embalm, they are blocked up with clots - we have complained to the chief coroenr of england and even sat with sir graham brady - they all know it is a cull

They all ignore it and they are all complicit, more bothered with their own direct debits than the lives of the innocent

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Comment on the supposed evidence from the video provided. Postmortem clots happen after death. They neither came about nor will end with the shots. Other embalmers, however, who view the video of postmortem artifact may jump on this band wagon to say, “me too!” The video, as you would know if you were a pathologist or an embalmer yourself, shows only clots that happen in most any body after death. If there is true evidence out there for real phenomena, then post it. This video shows only artifact.

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You re a fuckin fool.

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It is all posted on the Jane Ruby show, Stew Peters. John O'Looney in the UK has been talking about all these deaths and anomalies at his business and input from other embalmer colleagues for months now. Show some due diligence and locate all the public evidence on your own, it is easy to do.

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BTW, “Doc,” believe it or not you are confirming part of my point. Stew Peters has the exact same video up. The average person who has no medical background in pathology or embalming would be shown only this misleading video and believe what they are told. Correct me if I’m wrong but psychologists and other lay people don’t encounter postmortem artifacts let alone autopsies in their training or everyday life. I have stated this video sensationalizes a common postmortem artifact and is included in this post and others on social media as some type of evidence for vaccine injury. If there is true evidence out there, then why not include a better example and why choose a video which shows nothing out of the ordinary and proclaim it is never before seen? You don’t want people to blindly believe what that are told by the establishment about the safety of the shot, but you want them to view this lame video and blindly believe it is evidence of injury caused by the shot?

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I am an average person and I know animals when they are slaughtered, blood is drained. And, I check on things I don't know as you don't know. Unlike you, I check and blood of a dead person coagulates slower and actually drains , flow to whichever part of the body based on gravity.

Why would you not even check before accusing others, blindly believing non-mainstream as 'sensational'?

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Lol..it is ..it's not "normal".

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Part of my point includes providing evidence to back up the claims. If you are a forensic pathologist with the experience of thousands of autopsies I might take you seriously. The video in question does not show anything besides the normal ordinary changes of the blood that happens in many bodies after death for many causes. How does that prove anything? Just because someone goes around talking about something without evidence is not a reason to blindly believe them. Postmortem clots are a frustration to most embalmers, how is this new and never before seen?

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Are you an embalmer or pathologist?

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How'd you feel after your third??...when are you booked for your fourth?

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Sudden unexplained cases of death don’t simply show up at embalmer’s tables where ah-ha moments are made - they go for investigation by medical professionals whose job it is to investigate them in order to assign a cause and manner of death. The highlighted video of an embalmer finding blood that has congealed after death is misleading at least and overly sensationalized and deceptive at worst. If a person with a genetic predisposition to forming blood clots during life were to die of a true thromboembolism, the cause and manner of death would have a very high likelihood of being found by medical investigators such as forensic pathologists during investigation and not simply occur as an unexpected discovery on an embalming table. The pictured clots are postmortem artifacts. They occur in many decedents who died for all types of reasons.

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Do human blood turn white rubbery when congealed as postmortem artifacts? Anyone knows?

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It doesn't go like that...that's not been seen until the jab.

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Ha...the medical murderers don't tell the truth ...don't expect to get accurate causes from them.

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Apr 25, 2022·edited Apr 25, 2022

I can tell you ive seen a 600% increase in thrombosis deaths only since vaccinating began, in kids in their 20 and 30s, your idealic vision of coroners telling the truth is total fantasy, they know full well what is killing these people. 80,000 NHS staff also know and they would rather lose their jobs than take the "protection". The reality is this, if you keep taking these jabs you will get sick and you will die within the next five years. I sat face to face with Sir Graham Brady in westminster last septmeber where 18 scientists sat and gave their testimony and it was utterly damming, Sir Graham knew, and he admitted he was powerless to stop it happening.

But hey im only an undertaker, im sure you know best...

Id also ask where your expertise on the matter comes from ? are you a coroner or perhaps in the funeral trade ?

No you are not either, because there are two types of people currently in this medical and funeral trade.

1. Those staying silent because they are frightened

2. Those speaking out because they are frightened

You are neither and i can tell you , you need to wake up before it is too late

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My son was forced to take it... what can he take keep from getting these clots?

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Oh, and what qualifies you, as a funeral director with no medical background, to hysterically proclaim on a public forum that those taking the shot will die in 5 years! The thing has been here since end of 2019 and the shots later than that. More evidence to support sensationalizing here.

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Run to the jab clinic. Faster.

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Who is Kt? Why in attack mode?

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Mr Looney has replied over and over to my original posts, yet he is not even having the same conversation that I am. I have no idea who he is but I do know that in his hysterics he has proclaimed on this public forum that those having the shots will all be dead in five years. He’s told me here that I will be dead in 250 weeks. Are you certain you wish to defend him?

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I'll bet on it...lol....where you gonna go when you die?..

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Apr 26, 2022·edited Apr 26, 2022

Look at the death rates in 2020 Kt

there was no increase at all, in fact it was quieter than in 2019 - i was doing the funerals

Let me tell you

I sat with a man called Sir graham brady - he is the commisioner of the 1922 comitee back in Septemeber of 2021, we were at a boardroom table in birdcage walk, it was 2pm on a tuesday afternoon and i was sat with 18 experts.

These included Professor Dolores Cahill, Dr Sucharit Bhakdi. Dr Tess Lawrie, Mike Yeadon the former Vice president of Pfizer, Dr Sam White, Peter Mc Cullogh and many others, people at the top of their game who all see what i see.

They all gave evidence and it was utterly damming. basically there has been a 600% increase in thrombosis based deaths since they began "vaccinating" and almost exclusively in the vaccianted.

Were you also aware that 70% of the children vaccianted will be steralised - as a recoognised and acknowledged side effect. - please re read what ive just said, i swear to you it is truth.

You can deny it all you like, you can argue all you like but the reality remains and even Sir Graham Brady openly admitted to us all, he cannot stop what is happening.

your argument bears no weight whatsoever and mine is based on fact and i am the man who arranges funerals for kids in their 20s every month, some who die just 90 minutes after being jabbed.

By all means keep taking these "vaccines" but let me tell you with the certainty of a man who sees it weekly - youll be dead within five years or 250 weeks - you will die.

Youll know in your heart as your dying that i was right, but it wont save you .

Kt you will die if you allow these poisons into your body , there is no cure, there is no saving you and once it is in you you are f*cked. It is that simple.

I dont want to say it, you certainly dont want to hear it , but it is the truth none the less.

Youll get sick, itll be labelled as covid, youll recover and youll then get sick again and again until you succumb, youll be labelled as a covid death but the reality is youll have nothing more than a common cold, youll simply be unable to fight it off, because your immune system is wrecked - you still woint believe it even as you breath your last.

You doubt me ? Take an aids test and for gods sakes dont allow this posion to hurt your children.

It was put to Sir Graham that when people relaise there will be anger and civil unrest - he replied that the government was well prepared and this is why you see the new huge super prisons being built up and down the country - for anyone who creates a fuss to reside in.

Are these huge new super prisons really a priority - at this time in history ?

Please wake up Kt to the reality

If you doubt me or think im the least bit intimidated by a public forum i can tell you ive been public for a long time about this, im trying to save poeple

Feel free to call me www.mkffs.co.uk

Ask yourself why you are constantly affected with covid - despite being triple or quadruple protected

I was at the meetign in spetmeber Kt i can tell you in really upset me

If you honestly think this is a post i want to write you are totally wrong.

The aim here is to save one of the 19 million on the fence, sadly i honestly feel based on what i was told at that meeting that it is too late for you as a receipient.

I would not lie to you Kt, your life is every bit as important as mine and this is why i speka honestly about what ive seen and heard as a funeral director

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Mr. Looney, my comments to this substack regard the video evidence presented herein. The currant jelly/chicken fat classic appearance of the ubiquitous postmortem clots has been presented here by the author as evidence of vaccine injury, which they are not. You have gone on and on about your “expert” credentials seemingly in a different conversation from the one I am having while you have avoided answering to the video. Are those clots in the video postmortem artifact or not? Please provide evidence to support your answer.

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Apr 26, 2022·edited Apr 26, 2022

i can tell you my own embalmer has seen the exact same things for the last 20 months or so yes - people that die and who are vaccinated are very tough to embalm because they are totally clogged up.

The whole industry is aware and we are very scared - but staying silent wont save us and this is why i choose to speak out

i can tell you i am horrified

It is hard enough conducting the fuenrals of regular deaths at times

It is even harder conducting funerals for those who you know some of whom have been unlawfully killed.

I wrote tothe chief coroner of england to ask what he is doing about the 600% increase in thrombosis deaths - after my second email he eventually replied via a secretary saying he is folowing goverment policy

These people value their direct debits more than your life Kt

You really do need to look deeper friend

I wouldnt lie, why would i lie ? what do i have to gain ?

Yes i can tell you this video is 100% truth

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I know ...other people know too.. you keep speaking out Sir. Thank you 🙏 I wish everyone were as brave as us. To me there's no choice I could never live with myself if I didn't tell people the truths I know....and I know them all too well... not to mention it's just wrong to sit by in silence and watch...complicit.

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You speak of thrombosis deaths and people being unlawfully killed while at the same time saying postmortem layering of stagnant blood is proof. It is you who needs to look deeper. Thrombosis happens in life. Those cast-like clots in the video are not thrombi. They occur after death and are artifact, they take the shape of the vessel without attachment, and while they may look scary and frustrate embalmers, they happen in most causes of death. Go back to your text books and refresh yourself in mortuary science.

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The person making these claims in this substack is a medical professional? To make claims and back them up only with this lame video is not helping his cause. I’ve pointed out that the highlighted video he prophets as evidence shows postmortem artifact, which as the expert you claim to be, would be completely evident to you. Instead of attacking me, you should try making a comment about the lack of evidence on his video.

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There are plenty of available videos, for those with serious interest and who do their own independent searching. Attack mode of someone as brave and as vetted as John O'Looney doesn't edify this conversation. I appreciate those on Substack who use their real names and post in the limited space provided by Substack, a real bio.

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That video is horrific!

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