Steve, Thank you for invading the CDC and forcing them to respond or look complicit

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Steve, please, please call the Dan Bongino's show and share your covid vaccine deaths and injury data. Email him with you data. He had someone on his show yesterday talking about the deaths and injuries. Dan acted like it was the first he heard of it.

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Good info but why are we engaged in statistical games with an enemy who is intentionally and systematically killing millions of Americans in a planned genocide? We are arguing over how many thousands have been killed by the shot when my analysis of VAERS along with the Harvard study plus the fact that the entire medical establishment has been completely intimidated to NOT report adverse events leads me to believe that up to 30 million Americans have been killed by the shot...so far. We need to take all-cause mortality and compare it to baseline and assert that the difference is the result of these meglomaniacs' genocide. That is the only statistic that can be trusted.

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If Kirsch is correct in his August 16 Substack analysis of the most recent data on Death from China Virus Vaccine, then my August 14 comment was wrong, that "SO FAR there remains a great disparity in the number of deaths THEN (from Holocaust) and the number of deaths NOW (from Vaccine.)"

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Anybody reading this will be surprised to hear that an article appeared in South African mainstream newspapers on the 5th August 2022 which stated that 1 person had died in South Africa from the Covid vaccines after 37.5m doses were administered, and that the authorities say it is safe!!!! Needless to say no details were provided as to whether there were any post-mortems conducted here looking for vaccine related deaths!!! My guess is that so far there has been one such post-mortem examination... I wish I could attach the article which I have in jpeg, but I don't know how to...

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Thanks for that. Incredible that it goes unchallenged. People die here with symptoms of mRNA "vaccine" poisoning all the time, and nobody even bats an eyelid. We are third world I suppose....

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They were never looking for vaccine related deaths…just Covid related….in order to drive everyone towards the manmade savior “the vaccine”…in particular….Pzifer.

All the other vaccines have fallen way behind in every aspect….the Pfizer machine continues to swell and gobble up humanity, and every media station is now under the control of big P.

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Think of how many VAX deaths and injury were blamed on Covid death and injury, to further provide cover for the harm being caused by their big money maker for all involved

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If anyone answers you, they'd tell you that it would lead to "vaccine hesitancy" as they have no problem peddling the DeathShot. The CDC is just part of the Public-Private Partnership (Classic Fascism) promoting Eugenics For Profit.

As long as the general public watches their friends and loved ones die and respond like the "speak no evil; see no evil; hear no evil" monkey meme? Then nothing changes.

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They know you are right, and could care less. They have one up on you - they are the liars and don't give. a darn.

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Yea, I've heard that one before. They don't need to care. We do, and we do.

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We are super lucky to have Steve fighting for all of us with all his might - so fiercely and so cleverly!

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How one can reserve few minutes on CNN to show all this to everybody, who is still watching it?

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Well done Steve! You took what you learned speaking with Dr Ryan Cole and sharedit with CDC in this effective manner. Lets pray some of them have the openness to read it and courage to act on it,

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Steve, I haven’t finished the video, so not sure this was addressed, but I noticed they said he was hyperkalemic. There is potassium in these injections, and that could be what triggered his heart issue. I wonder how many people have died because of the potassium. If I’m not mistaken, they took it out for the kids vaccines? Just a thought.

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Good find! I also heard about the hyperkalemia, but didn't make the connection. Dr. Jessica Rose discusses potassium in the jabs and its danger here:


As far as I know, they didn't take potassium out of the jabs for children, but substituted TRIS for PBS. See:



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Thank you!

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Thank You for your added information! I read them. It's plausable that the

COVID-19 virus was lab-created to mask 5G. Early on I heard that the nose-jab testing

implanted a minute 5G chip near the brain stem. ? ? ? Seems like they all work

together for bad. People I am close to seem to be umbilically connected to

their smart phones. I choose to only have a land line. Yeah. I am still in the

20th Century. I am told that a lot of those cell towers were put up during the

lock downs. Pretty sure Orange County near L.A. is pretty well covered with them.

And, sadly, most here are said to be vaccinated. It's vital now to protect ourselves

from their "shedding."

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Thank you!

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The Church of Science. They smear heretics. They will (all of them) bin the email and mutter 'conspiracy whackjob theorist' and smile. Meanwhile their bank accounts are looking healthier, promotions looking better and they are preparing yet more fake data and fake studies to rollout yet more stabs and fear porn. German Doctors and Nurses were also enthusiastic Nazis.

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