well, everyone look up the BRUNSON BROS SCOTUS case and then send the letter. If the Brunsons win, 300+ people in power in n the US will be arrested. That includes most of CONGRESS!


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I think lawsuits and lawyers are involved

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Hi Steve and Company, how do I actually see the video? Can someone please provide a live link. It might be interesting and very important for my family members in Israel. Thanks in advance.

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I'm shocked! The Israeli government is run by psychos too! Who would have guessed? Seems to be a world wide problem. Do you think? Of course they don't want us to do any of that! Think? Sorry, you go to the end of the line. Just follow and BELIEVE on FAITH that the MINISTRY of HEALTH will tell the truth. After all, it's called a "Ministry" so it has to tell the truth or, or, or... https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/problem-psychopathic-control-freaks

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Interesting reading the long writing from the book about 7% psychopathics.

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Was TEVA involved?

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Dr. Kary Mullis, creator of the PCR, was reported to say Dr. Fauci didn't know anything about anything. He also said the PCR was A way to replicate DNA fragments and should NEVER be used to diagnose. He conveniently died Aug of 2019, just prior to the planned demic in 2920.

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Have you heard Dr. Braun Ardis talking about poison found in the blood and how during years PCR has been used to state which snake poison?

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Oh, they misrepresented to the FDA. I wish I had known how to explain myself when I lied to my mothe. I had wondered why the FDA was lying to us and recommending unsafe vaxxes. Now I Know!

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How many debunked PCR tests are given to the. under 60 age group vs the over 60 age group?

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How many continue to remain ignorant of the debunking?

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We are all sinners in God's eyes, try reading and more importantly understand what you read

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Can you explain what your comment means?

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Must be a problem here because since there are HUNDREDS of different denominations all saying that they are right, can you explain how to go about "understanding what you read" when what you read makes no sense to anyone who uses reason, logic and common sense? I could write LOTS on the subjects. But instead...https://www.deism.com/ Try something simple and easy to understand. The belief system the Founding Fathers were adherents to.

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are you using easy believism to excuse Fauci?

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With every new "translation" the bible becomes more misunderstandable.

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Can you give some specific examples of these translation updates that make the bible less understable please? The reality is that if we compare the KJV to the NKJV, a 400 year gap the meaning is very much intact. Lastly for those who truly believe there is the added bonus of the Holy Spirit, the teacher, the Comforter that helps us along the way, as Jesus said, he will guide us John 14:16 and that is good enough for me

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How many other nations are being suppressed from publishing or reporting data to the global public by Faustus and his satellite of co-conspirators?

Because it doesn’t stop with Fauci, Birx, Collins, Gates, Pfizer, Moderna and the WHO.

It goes back to Reagan’s appointment of Fauci to handle the HIV/AIDS onset, but I don’t think Reagan was involved in any cover up because HIV/AIDS was then novel and not in his or anybody’s purview. At least as far as he knew.

The real culprit were Bush/Cheney who appointed Fauci and approved GOF research, and the ensuing cover up of the Anthrax Killer.

Nobody was held accountable and at Ashcroft’s behest, Mueller framed Dr. Steven Hatfill and Dr. Bruce Ivins. For the lack of oversight that gave an Al-Qaeda operative a visa to work in US biolab.

But Obama is the biggest villain. Green lighting Fauci’s resumption of GOF rearchitect in the US 11 days prior to Trump taking office.The Pentagon, DOD, NIH, CDC, FDA, , BARDA DARPA , CIA, Baric, Dazsak should be the FIRST to. be charged and prosecuted for treason in the United States. Along with Gates, Rick Bright, Soros,Bloomberg, Avril Haines, Peter Hotez Ian Lipkin, Obama, Susan Rice, David Gergen, Biden,Nuland Obama’s insane medical adviser , the Ford, Rockefeller, , Gates, Tides Foundations, Media Matters, Brookings Institute, Atlantic Council,Snopes,FB, Twitter, Apple, any other American citizen collaborator.

All the aforementioned, Bourla, Bancel, Birx, the WEF, CCP , , the WHO, USAID, and proxies must then be hauled to The Hague and prosecuted by under the Nuremberg code for the greatest commission of Crimes Against Humanity in global history.

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Even now, nobody seems to understand that there is NOBODY to prosecute the governments pushing the Covid clot shots on billions of people - because everyone in positions of power or influence right across the world is party to these crimes.

That sounds like a crazy exaggeration - but the very fact that no governments, and virtually no politicians, mass media, health authority or anyone else in a position of power right across the world is denouncing the Covid 'vaccines', you have to face the fact that they're all in on it.

We, the people of the world, are on our own - utterly powerless with no one to turn to for help, with the global predator class holding all of the levers of power.

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Exactly! Well said truth...😑

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You're the first person I've seen mention Bush. The COVID hoax is just a part of the NWO. Bush set the stage for the Patriot Act. The Bush family is a top holder in Blackrock, who is in bed with the CCP and a powerful source behind the great reset. I suspect Bush is a big part of the Russia Hoax, the impeachment hoax, the NWO, and the COVID hoax.

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Like I said you have no idea what was written and therefore took it personally when it was in no way personal but a reiteration of what was biblical and furthermore it was what Jesus said that their father was satan not me. Lastly you insulted me so I don't think you understand the scripture you wrote. Try not to write a blog, if you cannot understand simple fundamental facts, you will end up looking stupid as you have done so already.

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Ba'al, is that you, buddy?

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Cannot breakdown my argument so you use typical crap lol, just as brain dead as your buddy. Mind you again it shows that you are that dumb that you cannot differentiate between Bal and Ba'al. Do a bit more indepth research before you go write something equally stupid

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Haha very original, not

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Clearly people here are passionate in their conviction. Is there an equivalent (independent from any govt.) substack or sub/reddit or that's as for pro-c19 jabs that's updated hourly if not daily?

I looked but couldn't find any, but maybe Idk how to properly search. I'm seriously curious in what they're saying.

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YOURE NOT ONLY WHAT YOU THINK YOU ARE. This knowledge of consciousness and non locality is highly compartmentalized as it has the power to change the direction of the planet. You are connected to every point in space and to every point in time.


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That's sort of interesting except "time" is a man made construct. All there is, is an eternal present. Or "Now". As for being "connected"? I agree. "The Secret" has been being used by many for a long time. Myself included.

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Everything in the world now resembles the Wizard of Oz. Everything that you are told, and everything that is shown to you, is fake and rigged - with the only reality being those controlling everything, who are hiding behind the curtain.

Behind that curtain is the World Government that is already operating everything from the shadows, concealed for the moment from the peoples of the world, because the global cabal knows that most of them do not want a World Government.

Freedom of the Press is long since dead, replaced by a centrally controlled global propaganda machine.

Any semblance of genuine democracy is similarly long since dead - replaced with a theatrical performance laid on for the masses, so that they think that because there are different political parties, and elections, that democracy is still alive, that elections are genuine, and that countries their countries are actually controlled by the people that they think that they elected.

But the reality is that elections are mostly rigged - but even where they are not, they make absolutely no difference to anything except the 'optics', because all of the mainstream political parties across the world work for the same global cabal anyway.

Anyone not believing this should ask themselves how it could have been that all governments worldwide have from Day 1 of the 'Covid crisis' said, and done, exactly the same things at each stage of the operation: the simultaneous global fear-generation for a virus which all major governments knew had the same mortality rate as the flu; the simultaneous lockdowns to wreck the economies and destroy small businesses, so that their customers instead bought from the oligarch-owned global corporations - Amazon et al; the simultaneous herding of the world population to be injected with unknown substances provided by the global cabal & their partners-in-crime, Big Pharma.

In the entire past history of the world, totalitarian dictatorships faced the problem of other countries which opposed them. Now, the totalitarian dictatorship, concealed by the theatrical performance of pretend-democracy and pretend 'free press' all controlled by the cabal, faces no such obstacle.

The only obstacle the psychopaths running the global cabal is us, the people of the world. So that is what the fake Covid 'vaccines', and an endless flow of other fake 'vaccines' to follow, which will be forced upon everyone with the coming global 'vaccine pass' of the WHO, is to decimate the size of that one remaining obstacle to the global cabal - and to change the DNA of the survivors while gaining total digital control over every moment of their lives, for ever.

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Well surmised! 😑

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I agree with your analysis 100%. I think most people can not wrap their head around these facts and just want to believe the next election will save us and get us out of this! I’m a realist. I know we are in the end stages of their game. If we had any chance of getting out of this situation it would be for we the people to stand together as a group and fight the mandates and insanity. Unfortunately too many people are blind and want the government to tell them what to do. The mandates will be back this fall. Already CA has announced just yesterday that the people in CA should expect it and be ready for it. They don’t hide at all what they are doing! I’m in shock at how easy it was to get people to just follow along. Wear masks. Get shots. Don’t go out. Lock down your businesses. Stand 6 ft apart. Once the food shortages start and the fuel shortages they will have people doing anything they want just to get their food and heat.

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My pen name is the result of going from a Cowardly Lion in my youth to a Courageous Lion in my early manhood. And I will NOT harm Toto.

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Interesting that Israel is being quiet about this fall booster campaign. In the US,Canada, and parts of Europe the new booster campaign has been underway since the beginning of September. I don't see anything in the Israeli press or Ministry of health website about a fall booster campaign. Is it possible that they don't want to push the boosters because of the data that they have but they don't have the moral courage to come out and admit the dangers, so they are just being quiet? Hmm, I just found this https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-roll-out-adapted-covid-booster-this-month-official-says-2022-09-14// Israel will start the booster campaign at the end of September. I guess they are totally corrupt....

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but they do push for the #5 shot +flu shot for the elderly. maybe you just missed it.

it isn’t as hard a push as before though, but as I said, elections are coming. and it’s also a long holiday period.

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I hope they stay distracted by the elections.

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Prosecute plandemic perpetrators!

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