CNN? The king of corrupt and manipulated media? NFW!

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What will CNN “sponsored by Pfizer” do? Hmmm…

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CNN has a history and they are owned by their sponsors as no one is watching them.

They will keep running their "brought to you be Pfizer" adds all day long while they leave your information in the bin.

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If you want to stop big pharma, pass legislation that prevents them from advertising on any media. This has caused massive ill health for all Americans! All you see is some new "sickness" on TV night after night. These ads are just as detrimental to our health as smoking. We stopped cigarette advertising and we can stop big pharma too! The medications these monsters peddle are causing more ill heath than any other trigger!

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fourth option, they insult you and procced to spin like an E.F.6

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As I shared with you, Dr. Robert Garry at Tulane is pushing out so-called peer reviewed articles disavowing the lab leak theory again and another just recently wherein he has changed his previous emailed comment to Fauci in which he stated that he does not see how SARS-CoV-2 was natural and now contends that the cleavage site was not engineered in a lab. Over the next year, I believe we will see a flood of articles perpetuating these themes. They have to stick to this narrative to save face and their careers.

If you have not watched Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s “The Real Anthony Fauci” online, I highly recommend it. It is in a two part series that runs for a little over 3 hours. Well worth your time.

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Is the second part out? I only saw the first.

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Turns out, demand is so high they are extending the viewing for another 4 days from today.

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Yes, it was released two days ago.

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This is like asking an arsonist there opinion on faulty wiring. The entire MSM is a scripted narrative designed for mass hypnosis. They're entire M.O. is deception. Move past them, for they are already (and have been) losing complete relevancy.

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How come that way back in 1976, Big Pharma pretended they had a 'vax' cure for Swine Flu? They demanded of the US Government that they would not release it to 'save the public' unless ALL LIABILITY for INJURIES & DEATHS caused by their 'CURE' were 'EXEMPT from LIABILITY' for those companies. After 50 Swine Flu VAX associated US DEATHS, the 'Experiment' was terminated, deemed "TOO DANGEROUS". Big Pharma forgot the 'Immunity' condition was 'TEMPORARY' and continue to enjoy this 'LICENCE to KILL' with impunity. LIABILITY must be reintroduced IMMEDIATELY as MILLIONS have died using this farcical but deadly injected poison. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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This wilful ignorance of the facts is brought to you by Pfizer.

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Who do you trust less? CNN, FDA, or CDC? I think it was Lucky Charms from a bit ago where people were reporting getting sick (not sure if anyone reported a death) but this story was promptly investigated by the FDA and CDC and reported by the news. I remember thinking at the time how pathetic this was compared to the death and injury reported from the COVID vaccines and total inaction…

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To Angie (4 hours ago): Yup, he's a billionaire. It really is a scandal, you know. He SHOULD be a trillionaire, given all the lives his information would save except for the PETTY SELFISHNESS of those who focus on OTHER ISSUES like THEIR bottom line, his NON-WOKE politics, his wealth, their politically-correct ignorance, ANYTHING BUT his message and the health of BILLIONS. C'mon gal. Keep it real.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022Author

I'm not a billionaire, not even close. If I didn't have need for the funds, I would not be asking for them.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

My misinformation. Apologies. Whatever one's worth, a wise man once said, "If the ox treads the grain, he gets a share of it."

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I just read recently CNN is going under. I have no idea if that’s true or not. But again, who the heck watched CNN ANYMORE! They aren’t truthful news. Pretty sure you don’t need their opinion as the hard worth zero!

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Dude you're a billionaire. "Very expensive" in your reality is different from "very expensive" in my reality. Hate to sound woke but.... check your privilege. Not donating. Not subscribing. Please drop the tone of being in hardship. Even if you were down to your last million dollars I wouldn't donate to you. Keep it real.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Angie, I am so looking forward to reading YOUR substack... to taste the fruits of YOUR labor...

Seriously though, NOBODY forces you to pay anything... you are here because you were interested in Steve's work...

Other Substacks hide behind a pay wall - Steve's doesn't. Some disable comments for non-paying subscribers - Steve doesn't... If you want to help him and actually can afford, that is 100% YOUR choice. You actually get a free product and argue that the price is too high... Do you suppose Steve should donate money to you instead ('cause he is rich anyway)?

Hey! I was a freeloader for quite a while too, but I am constantly impressed with the HUGE amount of time work and his own money that Steve puts into this Substack that I changed my subscription to "paid"... This is just out of RESPECT for this man; I couldn't do what he is doing.

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You can't do what he's doing because you have to work for your bills. I'm not smart enough to do a substack. I subscribed because everyone else kept reposting Steve's work. He's a good writer, and Truther Lites love him--- I can see why. Been reading more in depth stuff over a decade now. Btw, Ivermectin is Bill Gates' Plan B for depopulating truthers like you and I. You won't hear that from anyone popular enough to have this following, but if you google "Ivermectin Roadmap 2024" and see who's behind it, you might not be so enthusiastic about the popular consensus is on this Merck drug.

The nice thing with being not-too-smart like me--- you see things for what they are, where others are content to let their brilliant intellect dazzle them so much they go blind.

Research Ivermectin. Then tell me the author of this substack is as great a seeker of truth as you've previously held him to be.

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Using Ivm against Malaria just makes sense, so not sure why you're so upset about that? For what it's worth I've used it twice against covid, both times with success, though for Omicron it took a high dose (following FLCCC's protocol)

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How are you managing to comment then? Anyway, I don't think he's a billionaire. He's got a lot more money than me though. I'll probably be living in a travel trailer when I retire because a mobile home will be beyond my means.

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You’ll get to retire? Awesome! 👏

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Not really a matter of "get to". There aren't a lot of jobs for older people that don't let someone sit down. I don't have enough energy to work full time as it is. I know how much social security I'll get, and know that won't be enough for an apartment and everything else. Still, I know I've had some good years and don't envy younger people. I feel really sorry for my kids and wish I had been able to protect them better. They both fell for the clot shot narrative and my husband took them to get it.

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The road ahead seems bleak but people like you are remaining good despite it all. I appreciate it and am inspired. ❤️

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I don't pay because too often I see him offering massive sums of money to my enemies... I'd rather see him do like more recently, paying for a billboard, paying for external polls etc.

But refusing to pay someone because they are successful and good at what they do is pretty silly.

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Not about refusing to pay someone because they're already wealthy. It's about a wealthy person acting poor and slumming it with the rest of us that rankles me. Unlike 99% of other influencers in this movement, Steve doesn't need to hustle to pay the bills. Have you seen him insert promotions for physical silver? VPNs? Merch? Prepper supplies? No. It's beneath him and he doesn't need THAT king of money, heaven forbid. But he does like to dip into the "starving influencer" trope that isn't his to dip into. It's a disgrace to the real truthers who honestly need to name drop sponsors to supplement their income. Steve's hustle is whining "Ermagerd this poll I just did for you guys is VERY EXPENSIVE", while real patriots minding their dollars talk about their vetted affiliate links in order to put food on the table. Stop making it about me. Defending billionaires as an instant reflex is a nasty part of American culture.

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I'm not American, just pointing out how silly you are. Yes, you.

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"But refusing to pay someone because they are successful and good at what they do is pretty silly."

Exactly! Excellent point, Mr. Bigs!

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Many of wealth today were not born into it per se. Many have a way of providing products and services or experiences and feelings that others value as shown by their cash. They have skills such as selling and persuasion, ability to create bridges building consensus, or winning in the marketplace over competitors.

They tend to work long hours, tend to be passionate and obsessive in their use of their time, energy and focus.

They can be petty, lazy, arrogant, stupid, genius, fake, genuine. Like you and I.

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Everyone deserves to be paid for valuable work. That is ridiculous that just because Steve is wealthy that he cannot ask for compensation. He is doing incredibly valuable work here. I subscribe because of that.

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Oh, really? I guess that's the reason why Steve Kirsch hasn't given proper credit to Dr. Jane Ruby who actually broke the story of embalmers seeing blood clots. Yet he seems to have no problem mentioning Mike Adams, and the other researchers associated with that breaking news. Must have forgotten to credit Dr. Ruby as THE FIRST person to vet the blood clots in the vaxed due to lack of financial support from followers on substack. Better donate some $$$ asap.

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Hey Steve, Elon Musk just tweeted out less than an hour ago "the bird is freed".

You may get to leave Twitter heaven soon and come back to Earth and get your account back.

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All executives responsible for cancelling Trump (and Steve??) have been summarily fired tonight by Elon, according to reports.

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VAERS COVID Vaccine Mortality Reports Through October 14, 2022 https://openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality?amp

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They will respond and use the tactic for more info and then let it die, because they will say we did not have sufficient evidence to back up your claim.

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