There is one thing we might overlook: FDA is at least wrong and extremely dangerously corrupt.
The student is right about investigations to safety and effectivity of vaccines should have been done very scientificly and of course properly, so in a way that proves risks are less than benefits.
He doesn't know the vaccine money fairytale, and the fact that vaccines shorten the average lifetime, as well as the fact not a single vaccine ever has been tested against a real placebo. Instead of a placebo injection, they do inject the controll group with everything else -like toxic graphene for instance-, that is used in the vaccines. Everything but the (living-, or death) virus.
Agree. He is completely unaware that the entire system is corrupt from the roots (FDA and the fraudulent trials). Who would go into medicine if they understood how it actually works? Not many. So instead of looking at the problems, staying ignorant is very advantageous to anyone who is going to make a living off of the system. How does the saying go? “You can’t convince someone of something that their salary depends on” (something to that affect)
Not only is “his logic” in-error, but “his medical knowledge” is grossly lacking as well.
That is, he did not recognize the malpractice/incompetence demonstrated by the MDs -- in the FDA, CDC, etc – when they pushed for the use of mRNA pseudo-vaccines, all of which will cause the body to attack itself, resulting in high inflammation. Any student of medicine should know this from the basic immunology explained in their textbooks.
In a nutshell. the deadly “flaw” in all mRNA shots is that the proteins made by a cell, in response to mRNA message, are foreign, non-self-proteins, which cause the cell that made them to be attacked -- and die a violent death, with high inflammation -- by “complement” (killer system #2).
Please help spread this knowledge, as tptb plan to move all vaccines to mRNA in the future, allowing them to continue this crime against humanity, with very few Americans being aware of the serious dangers being imposed by these criminals.
Actually, all vaccines work by causing inflammation. That is why they use a toxic adjuvant. It creates inflammation that then the inflammation (in addition to a small piece of virus) leads to an immune response. The covid vaccines are a whole new level of inflammation but the inflammation problem is not new. And the medical community acts surprised at the high rates of autoimmune diseases and diseases caused by inflammation... but it makes a lot of money so why would any doctor look into it and try to stop it? They would be putting themselves out of business.
Freshman Philosophy. Begging the question. He is not debating. He is both assuming and concluding that it cannot be the vax. He does not seem to understand the issue at all. The FDA would never approve a dangerous vaccine. People are debilitated and dead after taking the vaccine. It cannot be the vaccine.
Uh, clue, maybe the FDA would approve a dangerous vaccine? Maybe it is not a vaccine? Maybe, absent other evidence, the vax is to blame. Burden is on med student to c
The more relevant questions are, why do they try to hide the trial data and why do they need liability protection? And then request that he answer these two questions with a strait face.
Or, you could ask him for a list of FDA approved products that were later pulled from the market for being too dangerous.
The faith that these people put into regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical companies is so child like, its embarrassing. But if they didn’t have that kind of faith, they wouldn’t be in medicine to begin with. Its a conundrum of sorts.
This idea is falls on itself with 1 counter question. If this is true than why do pharma companies constantly lose giant lawsuits for there faulty products??? Products that were declared “safe” by these regulatory agencies. It’s an absurd argument. It’s why I have lost all trust in doctors at all. More and more I’ll take “street smart” over “book smart”. Common sense seems to be harder to come by anymore.
I’ve began to wonder if doctors literally do not know that the pharmaceutical companies have a history of well documented fraud. Or if they literally do not know that the FDA approves things all the time that get pulled for danger.
But then you look at someone like Dr. Mulhatra, who is speaking out now about the Covid “vaccine“ (two years later) and he very well KNEW about the history of fraud. He was fighting the fraud surrounding the cholesterol lowering medications and he STILL believed in the covid “vaccine” lies! It’s unbelievable. Brainwashed, is all I can say.
Agree, student's take is seriously flawed from many angles. Just saying no need to prove covid-related injuries to show that these shots are very dangerous, no matter what the so called public health authorities say. Most Americans do not seem to understand that the "grand fallacy" in this scam is that the very basis of MRNA gene therapy is flawed -- wish Kirsch would help his followers pick up on this, in spite of all the other distracting info.
If a vaccine Injures 1 in 1K to save 1 in 1M should it be deployed? He couldn’t answer this very basic hypothetical question even when it was asked again in slightly different forms.
The blank look on his face said it all. He couldn’t even understand this very basic risk/benefit question.
He’s not going to be able to understand that it’s a very bad idea to have cells in the body make foreign proteins for the immune system to attack (and as a consequence) also attack & kill the cells producing this protein irrespective of whether they’re in the brain, heart or anywhere else.
Good point, some really smart people are not capable of understanding things that go against their ideology. It is a human weakness -- that also causes much suffering in other areas of today's world -- exploited by the "communists," for example, to enlist the services of their "useful idiots." So, for the rest of us, not so afflicted, to prevail, leaders like Kirsch need to inform us about such "grand fallacies."
5th year, huh. Wow, no critical thinking skills whatsoever. How about the fact that Pfizer refuses to divulge their ingredients trade secret bs) and wanted their trial info blocked for 75 years??! No red flags for ya? Welp, he’s also too invested to go against the expensive indoctrination camp.
True. The doctors who have been speaking out and who have been practicing for decades at least have their student loans paid off and may even have savings to live off of or passive income investments. What does a medical student have to fall back on? Nothing. They loose everything. It’s not a place that I would like to be.
Losing critical thinking capabilities is part of the medical education. The job group with the highest membership rate in the Nazi party were doctors. Remember: the Nazis promoted racial theories that Jews are a biologically inferior race. It‘s almost unbelievable that doctors fall for this.
Over the last three years, it is apparent that what you say about the medical education causing people to loose their critical thinking skills is true.
During the pandemic my husband needed surgery to remove a cancerous tumor. It was shocking how often the doctors who cared for him we’re pushing for him to get the Covid “vaccine“. I couldn’t believe that they would literally push an experimental gene therapy on someone who was already sick but if you see the big picture, it makes sense.
It’s sad because most of these doctors really care and are doing their best. But they trust the system and they make a lot of money by trusting the system and not asking hard questions.
I could tell more stories of the things that his doctors did that were ineffective, cost a lot of money, made my husband more ill etc. I’m a lay researcher, and when I would ask them for evidence that the things that they prescribed would help, they sort of looked at the floor and said “we just don’t know”. This happened more than once. So they are willing to prescribe something that their computer program tells them to prescribe and it makes them a lot of money but they have no idea why they are prescribing it. And when you catch them doing it, they are embarrassed. But they keep doing it. It’s so horrible what “medicine” has evolved into.
Good job, Pharma! Your business model is paying off for all those shareholders. Too bad people are getting sicker and sicker. You gotta pay the bills for private jets and private islands somehow though.
I agree! The system is geared towards total compliance with the prevailing “wisdom”, which is whatever the CDC or NIH says or whatever Medicaid/Medicare will reimburse.
It has been moving in this direction for many years but covid really pushed the system over the edge and now I think it’s safe to say that totalitarianism is the best descriptive word for where the practice of “medicine” is going.
Taking away doctors‘ medical license for even speaking words against the prevailing narrative is unbelievable but it’s how they will keep the ever-increasing corruption going in only one direction as doctors start to question. I think that before Covid hit, there was a lot of corruption in the system but doctors weren’t really asking that many questions. There were a few like Paul Thomas, Suzanne Humphries and Joseph Mercola, but not many. Once the Covid insanity hit, I think a lot more doctors got serious about questioning the narrative and thus the totalitarian measures to keep them in line and to keep other doctors from daring to question.
His entire investment in his education (time, money, effort) will go down the drain if he understands it properly. I don’t agree with it but it’s understandable why they look away.
Applause for him agreeing to talk with you. That’s very admirable. And his logic is why I hope to never need medical care now or in the future...
There is one thing we might overlook: FDA is at least wrong and extremely dangerously corrupt.
The student is right about investigations to safety and effectivity of vaccines should have been done very scientificly and of course properly, so in a way that proves risks are less than benefits.
He doesn't know the vaccine money fairytale, and the fact that vaccines shorten the average lifetime, as well as the fact not a single vaccine ever has been tested against a real placebo. Instead of a placebo injection, they do inject the controll group with everything else -like toxic graphene for instance-, that is used in the vaccines. Everything but the (living-, or death) virus.
Agree. He is completely unaware that the entire system is corrupt from the roots (FDA and the fraudulent trials). Who would go into medicine if they understood how it actually works? Not many. So instead of looking at the problems, staying ignorant is very advantageous to anyone who is going to make a living off of the system. How does the saying go? “You can’t convince someone of something that their salary depends on” (something to that affect)
Not only is “his logic” in-error, but “his medical knowledge” is grossly lacking as well.
That is, he did not recognize the malpractice/incompetence demonstrated by the MDs -- in the FDA, CDC, etc – when they pushed for the use of mRNA pseudo-vaccines, all of which will cause the body to attack itself, resulting in high inflammation. Any student of medicine should know this from the basic immunology explained in their textbooks.
These phenomena are explained clearly, in layperson terms, by Dr Bhakdi MD in this excerpt from CHD TV 2022.10.21 -- (00:45-29:00 of )
In a nutshell. the deadly “flaw” in all mRNA shots is that the proteins made by a cell, in response to mRNA message, are foreign, non-self-proteins, which cause the cell that made them to be attacked -- and die a violent death, with high inflammation -- by “complement” (killer system #2).
Please help spread this knowledge, as tptb plan to move all vaccines to mRNA in the future, allowing them to continue this crime against humanity, with very few Americans being aware of the serious dangers being imposed by these criminals.
In German Language : Project lightspeed. Development of mRNA Vakzine and drug approval .
They sell it as big science ..and it’s just very clear for me what scam happened .
Looks like a great read. I didn’t see an English version. If anyone has a link for an English translation, please share.
Actually, all vaccines work by causing inflammation. That is why they use a toxic adjuvant. It creates inflammation that then the inflammation (in addition to a small piece of virus) leads to an immune response. The covid vaccines are a whole new level of inflammation but the inflammation problem is not new. And the medical community acts surprised at the high rates of autoimmune diseases and diseases caused by inflammation... but it makes a lot of money so why would any doctor look into it and try to stop it? They would be putting themselves out of business.
Freshman Philosophy. Begging the question. He is not debating. He is both assuming and concluding that it cannot be the vax. He does not seem to understand the issue at all. The FDA would never approve a dangerous vaccine. People are debilitated and dead after taking the vaccine. It cannot be the vaccine.
Uh, clue, maybe the FDA would approve a dangerous vaccine? Maybe it is not a vaccine? Maybe, absent other evidence, the vax is to blame. Burden is on med student to c
Right. Have to start with his first false statement. The FDA would never...
Shouldn’t have even continued beyond that since that’s what his premise is based on.
The more relevant questions are, why do they try to hide the trial data and why do they need liability protection? And then request that he answer these two questions with a strait face.
Or, you could ask him for a list of FDA approved products that were later pulled from the market for being too dangerous.
The faith that these people put into regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical companies is so child like, its embarrassing. But if they didn’t have that kind of faith, they wouldn’t be in medicine to begin with. Its a conundrum of sorts.
This idea is falls on itself with 1 counter question. If this is true than why do pharma companies constantly lose giant lawsuits for there faulty products??? Products that were declared “safe” by these regulatory agencies. It’s an absurd argument. It’s why I have lost all trust in doctors at all. More and more I’ll take “street smart” over “book smart”. Common sense seems to be harder to come by anymore.
I’ve began to wonder if doctors literally do not know that the pharmaceutical companies have a history of well documented fraud. Or if they literally do not know that the FDA approves things all the time that get pulled for danger.
But then you look at someone like Dr. Mulhatra, who is speaking out now about the Covid “vaccine“ (two years later) and he very well KNEW about the history of fraud. He was fighting the fraud surrounding the cholesterol lowering medications and he STILL believed in the covid “vaccine” lies! It’s unbelievable. Brainwashed, is all I can say.
Agree, student's take is seriously flawed from many angles. Just saying no need to prove covid-related injuries to show that these shots are very dangerous, no matter what the so called public health authorities say. Most Americans do not seem to understand that the "grand fallacy" in this scam is that the very basis of MRNA gene therapy is flawed -- wish Kirsch would help his followers pick up on this, in spite of all the other distracting info.
If a vaccine Injures 1 in 1K to save 1 in 1M should it be deployed? He couldn’t answer this very basic hypothetical question even when it was asked again in slightly different forms.
The blank look on his face said it all. He couldn’t even understand this very basic risk/benefit question.
He’s not going to be able to understand that it’s a very bad idea to have cells in the body make foreign proteins for the immune system to attack (and as a consequence) also attack & kill the cells producing this protein irrespective of whether they’re in the brain, heart or anywhere else.
Good point, some really smart people are not capable of understanding things that go against their ideology. It is a human weakness -- that also causes much suffering in other areas of today's world -- exploited by the "communists," for example, to enlist the services of their "useful idiots." So, for the rest of us, not so afflicted, to prevail, leaders like Kirsch need to inform us about such "grand fallacies."
That’s my exact thought.
5th year, huh. Wow, no critical thinking skills whatsoever. How about the fact that Pfizer refuses to divulge their ingredients trade secret bs) and wanted their trial info blocked for 75 years??! No red flags for ya? Welp, he’s also too invested to go against the expensive indoctrination camp.
True. The doctors who have been speaking out and who have been practicing for decades at least have their student loans paid off and may even have savings to live off of or passive income investments. What does a medical student have to fall back on? Nothing. They loose everything. It’s not a place that I would like to be.
Losing critical thinking capabilities is part of the medical education. The job group with the highest membership rate in the Nazi party were doctors. Remember: the Nazis promoted racial theories that Jews are a biologically inferior race. It‘s almost unbelievable that doctors fall for this.
Over the last three years, it is apparent that what you say about the medical education causing people to loose their critical thinking skills is true.
During the pandemic my husband needed surgery to remove a cancerous tumor. It was shocking how often the doctors who cared for him we’re pushing for him to get the Covid “vaccine“. I couldn’t believe that they would literally push an experimental gene therapy on someone who was already sick but if you see the big picture, it makes sense.
It’s sad because most of these doctors really care and are doing their best. But they trust the system and they make a lot of money by trusting the system and not asking hard questions.
I could tell more stories of the things that his doctors did that were ineffective, cost a lot of money, made my husband more ill etc. I’m a lay researcher, and when I would ask them for evidence that the things that they prescribed would help, they sort of looked at the floor and said “we just don’t know”. This happened more than once. So they are willing to prescribe something that their computer program tells them to prescribe and it makes them a lot of money but they have no idea why they are prescribing it. And when you catch them doing it, they are embarrassed. But they keep doing it. It’s so horrible what “medicine” has evolved into.
Good job, Pharma! Your business model is paying off for all those shareholders. Too bad people are getting sicker and sicker. You gotta pay the bills for private jets and private islands somehow though.
And extra special liability protection!
I agree! The system is geared towards total compliance with the prevailing “wisdom”, which is whatever the CDC or NIH says or whatever Medicaid/Medicare will reimburse.
It has been moving in this direction for many years but covid really pushed the system over the edge and now I think it’s safe to say that totalitarianism is the best descriptive word for where the practice of “medicine” is going.
Taking away doctors‘ medical license for even speaking words against the prevailing narrative is unbelievable but it’s how they will keep the ever-increasing corruption going in only one direction as doctors start to question. I think that before Covid hit, there was a lot of corruption in the system but doctors weren’t really asking that many questions. There were a few like Paul Thomas, Suzanne Humphries and Joseph Mercola, but not many. Once the Covid insanity hit, I think a lot more doctors got serious about questioning the narrative and thus the totalitarian measures to keep them in line and to keep other doctors from daring to question.
His entire investment in his education (time, money, effort) will go down the drain if he understands it properly. I don’t agree with it but it’s understandable why they look away.