Maybe I missed it, but is there a way to read the stories (with

ID's redacted)? Thanks.

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I asked nearly 300 people at the CDC if they wanted to contact any of the doctors who are afraid to speak publicly

I even asked Rochelle Walensky. You'll never guess who I heard back from...

Yup. You guessed it! Nobody from the CDC was interested in following up. Not a single person. I can’t say I was surprised.

Steve, do these people at the CDC not realise that they WILL be held accountable for all those that have died from the bio weapon jab and the millions inflicted with adverse effects.

Do they really think that they are untouchable?

I want to see every last one of them brought to justice, as they are ALL complicit in genocide.

There must be a reckoning, there has to be.

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Fantastic! Senator Johnson is IMO the most outstanding Senator we have today. His A Second Opinion Hearing was absolutely masterful. For anyone who hasn't had a chance to watch it (it is five hours long and worth every second of your time)


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As a WI resident, I am a proud supporter of Sen. Johnson! Why is he the only one calling attention to this? I have encouraged friends in other states to ASK their Senators what they are doing with re: to vaccine injury? Why aren't they addressing it?! The voting here in WI in Nov. for Senator is key...we need to keep Johnson in!

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The two most powerful people in the world in charge of vaccination policy are Bill Gates and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the WHO. Bill and Tedros are good buddies.

They are not physicians and do not understand vaccines. Both are eugenicists and are on public record claiming that overpopulation is the greatest threat to humanity.

Draw your own conclusions on this.

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No one wants to hear the the truth of the disgusting lies they facilitated and it’s not a lack of a light to expose a problem to be resolved. Things are as they are groomed to be- only about the shoveling in insatiable amounts of cash all ANY cost- to you.

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I just donated to Ron Johnson.

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Fantastic!!! I consider him to be one of the very best, if not THE best in Congress today

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Maybe, or maybe they think everyone is a sheep, so they don't even differentiate the bright from the dull.

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Check-out this Epoch Times article posted 8/25/22. A door may be opening to pursue legal action against Pfizer!!!


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I remember that drill in 1st & 2nd grade. The local doctor who had 10 kids had built an underground bunker in the front yard. It was the talk of our tiny town. It remained until the fall of Berlin Wall.

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This is what I am talking about when I lambast doctors for cowering and discarding their Hippocratic oath. I am not blind to the pressures but we have all faced those pressures from work, friends, family, internet trolls and we didn’t have an oath or ethical guidelines to adhere to, just a moral compass and innate sense of right and wrong, and let’s be clear, this Covid policy, and indeed all woke policy is just wrong. So for any doctors reading this who think we don’t understand, we do, we’ve also lost jobs, livelihoods, friend, and more recently people we care about who died. We expect more from you. Frankly I’d you don’t join your brave colleagues who have already stood up against tyranny then you need never ask the question, how could the German people stand by while the Nazis committed their atrocities. But if you don’t want to hear it from me then what about two giants of the medical and scientific profession...


Please do the right thing, despite the risks, and help us end this now.

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It's so absurdly obvious these creatures are cowards ...of course not one will answer when commiting democide ...and it's democide not genocide as everyone is a target ...not one group or type of individual...I can't believe the evidence that's come out to this point and the crimes continuously commited by the ever so benevolent "health care workers" and philanthropic do gooders such as kind and charming ...lovely Bill Gates ...the big thinkers such as Tedros..Shwab...talented and oh so medically qualified Mr. Tam...and our lady of grace miss Trudeau. All literal pieces of garbage sub human if ever even were at all human insidious disease upon all of humanity ...where's the cdc to take care of this spreading global threat 😃... aaaah busy concocting the next pathetic af lie and hoax...scam ..murder plot...as we sit around dying. Cool..

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I feel this picture perfectly portrays the insane evil these pieces of shit adhere to and partake in. Digustingly thinking they re sooooooo bloody self righteous while murdering everyone around them through their demon breath and touching things. Someone needs to haul the transhuman trash away and "isolate" it or end it. Why do my organs need to be sliced to shit ...my blood clot etc.

They re murderers who perversely still have the utter audacity to demand the ones with discernment and even an ounce of common sense inject this satanic bioweapon. They ll pay..God will say who the fuck are you? This abomination .I never created...and cast them all to hell...unless force injected ...lacking capacity to understand or unaware of what they were being injected with. (Yes it's my opinion..but also my belief) ...no one knows for sure but I'm banking on it. The more they jab...the less human they become *and noticeably so...more monstrous...insane...unable to make choices or think clearly ...zero empathy or compassion I've noticed certainly after 3rd jab...almost irrecognizable from what they were born as.

Many traits carried through into their "transhuman transformation" I've observed... such as selfishness narcissism controlling obsession entitlement etc. They are just pieces of skin...controlled by demons and evil tech created by such... I've not witnessed any "good" traits that lasted throughout the transformation of gene editing poisons...quite the opposite...they are hell bent on talking everyone down with them and eliminating those who oppose such.

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When I read Substack feed I feel these little slivers of hope that people are waking up to vaccine failures and dangers. Then I looked at Reddit thread about the top tennis player not coming to US Open because he won’t get vaccinated and every damn comment on the thread is that he is an idiot and there’s zero reason not to take these vaccines and wishing he dies of CoVid and calling him a baby who is afraid of needles and still being very pro vaccine mandate even though they failed. This is weird. We don’t live on the same planet anymore. These people are broken. There is no way to reach them. Go look at the comments on that page. They say there have been over 5 billion shots given so if they were unsafe there would be no possible way to hide the harm. It’s the Twilight Zone over there.

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Someone on this stack I believe nailed the real reason. It is being framed and propagandized as a MORAL war and those supporting the vax, were told and brain washed to believe that their actions are MORALLY correct (saving others etc) and that those rejecting the vax, or pointing out the dangers - we are IMMORAL AMORAL, bad wrong etc. So framed in this way in their minds, there is no room to ever join the 'other side' or 'change their minds' as they have been told and BELIEVE they are the "moral, good, right" side and we are the "bad, wrong, immoral, amoral" side. It really is a war for the mind, heart and soul. And they really are lost and blind to the George Orwell state of mind they are in. They are living in Orwell's world. Down is Up, Bad is Good, Right is Left, God is Evil, Satan is Good and so on. And no force in the world, no logic, no facts, will ever change most of these folks minds. To do so would be to rip apart their psyche. To admit they were wrong? To be humble? To admit they acted from fear and panic not as they claim out of love and logic? To admit their actions contributed to the evil, bad ones? To lose a job? Lose friends? Never going to happen.

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Ya they re not human though ..cuz if they re touting vaccine anything lol...this and that ...they re already gone as this not vaccine has already taken over their mind body and whatever they called a soul.

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DeSantis is on there saying he’s so sick of “that little elf, Fauci, somebody needs to grab him and toss him into the Potomac!” 😂 I spit out my coffee.

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Lol...ya that was funny ...now if only we could all say this and take this advice of disposal in unison.

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Contempt-for-the-elf: easy. But, honest question, has DeSantis yet said that a) widespread vax-harms are real and must be investigated? or b) that Florida govt. should do something to encourage/aide such investigation? (such as incentivize autopsies?), or c) that, this is a topic that deserves a major and open debate, and that he will seek to use his clout/resources to organize a debate event in Florida?

Seriousness on this by GOP: extremely rare, obscenely overdue. My fellow conservatives need to begin pressuring every "conservative" politician and outlet that remain silent on this, or which we see only ever taking the "easy" paths. See my latest: "The Vax-Harm Silence of the Professional Conservatives." https://pomocon.substack.com/p/the-vax-harm-silence-of-the-professional

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I'm not dumb enough to be involved by choice in this system of conservative vs. ....but I do encourage any and all who see.. to do whatever they are capable to stop this attack upon humanity...the fact the individuals who (do) have more "power" in certain arenas lol...are sitting there doing zero...is unforgivable.

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