Thanks Mr Kirsch - I had noticed a few things 'off' the last couple of years and I quit donating in 2020. They will go the way of Snopes... they wouldn't know truth if it hit their door.

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I've had my own run-ins with arrogant Wikipedia editors.

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While at a university we were told that we were not to use Wikipedia as a reference as it could not be trusted. So true.

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I remember seeing universities saying that maybe 15 years ago, when at the time is probably was nowhere near as true as it is now.

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I don't think it's that Wikipedia, per se, has any particular agenda. I think it's more that Wikipedia has been completely overrun by the PR industry, as eventually happens to every information source that establishes a level of credibility. Even Snopes used to be worthwhile consulting until the PR industry noticed it. Now they're accepting edits from Monsanto on GMO topics without the slightest consideration of conflicts of interest.

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But there should be checks and balances in place to prevent that. The fact is that Wikipedia pages are completely controlled by 1 or 2 people that clearly are being paid to control those pages (they reverse edits within minutes and write long responses in the edit page section to make it look like they are actually acting in good faith spending at least a full work day on maintaining a few pages to conform to the policy they are instructed to follow).

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More on Wikipedia

Wikipedia.com -- Wikipedia is no longer the open, transparent online encyclopedia that anyone can edit as they have promoted themselves to be. It is not a neutral place of information. Wikipedia has become a website that is pro-establishment, partial to the left that often promotes disinformation, political agendas, is anti natural health and supports big pharma, big food, big agricultural, GMO foods, chemical, oil and gas and other large industries. It often demonizes dissenting voices often calling people radicals, conspiracy theorists, or those who promote pseudoscience, etc. This includes doctors, scientists, journalists, etc.

Wikipedia co-founder says he's 'embarrassed' over politicization of his creation https://www.foxnews.com/media/wikipedia-founder-embarrassed-politicization-site-encyclopedia

Wikipedia, Astroturf and Manipulation of Media Messages https://youtu.be/-bYAQ-ZZtEU

Wikipedia Slashes Spanish Flu Death Rate https://off-guardian.org/2020/03/09/wikipedia-slashes-spanish-flu-death-rate

Wikipedia: A Disinformation Operation?


CIA, FBI computers used for Wikipedia edits https://www.reuters.com/article/us-security-wikipedia/cia-fbi-computers-used-for-wikipedia-edits-idUSN1642896020070816

The Philip Cross Affair https://swprs.org/ruling-wikipedia-trial/

The “Philip Cross” MSM Promotion Operation Part 3 https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2018/05/the-philip-cross-msm-promotion-operation-part-3/

Is Wikipedia stealing the news? Part 1 of 2 — A special edition of Ghost in the Machine series, Part 7 https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/07/08/guerrilla-skepticism-on-wikipedia.aspx

Wikipedia's Bias Against Science in Natural Healing https://www.eftuniverse.com/research-studies/wikipedia-s-bias-against-science-in-natural-healing

Wikipedia’s Anti-Natural Health Slant https://anh-usa.org/wikipedias-anti-natural-health-slant/

Wikipedia censorship of natural, non-drug therapies https://www.anhinternational.org/2018/12/12/wikipedia-censorship-of-natural-non-drug-therapies/

There’s a Major War Brewing Over the Acupuncture Wikipedia Page https://observer.com/2017/02/wikipedia-acupuncture-pseudoscience-neutrality/

Harvard Doc To Wikipedia: You're Not Playing Fair On Alternative Trauma Therapy https://www.wbur.org/commonhealth/2014/11/28/harvard-doc-to-wikipedia-youre-not-playing-fair-on-alternative-trauma-therapy

Why Jimmy Wales’ Personal Philosophy Should Discredit Wikipedia’s Trustworthiness https://prn.fm/jimmy-wales-personal-philosophy-discredit-wikipedias-trustworthiness/

10 shocking facts you never knew about Wikipedia and Jimmy Wales https://www.naturalnews.com/051060_wikipedia_Jimmy_Wales_extortion_racket.html

Legal Letter to Wikipedia Requesting Removal of False Gary Null Information https://prn.fm/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Letter-Wikipedia-removal-Gary-Null-Bio.pdf

Wikipedia's Bias Against Natural Medicine. You can help stop it with a single email http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n44.shtml

Wikipedia Skeptics’ Crucifixion of Deepak Chopra https://prn.fm/gary-null-show-wikipedia-skeptics-crucifixion-deepak-chopra-07-29-19/

Jimmy Wales and Wikipedia’s Hate Campaign Against Holistic Healing https://prn.fm/jimmy-wales-wikipedias-hate-campaign-holistic-healing-2/

WICKED, WICKED WIKIPEDIA: THE CORRUPTION AND COLLAPSE OF THE LEGENDARY PEOPLE’S ENCYCLOPEDIA https://freepress.org/article/wicked-wicked-wikipedia-corruption-and-collapse-legendary-people%E2%80%99s-encyclopedia

Online Censorship of Health Information Is Authoritarianism


“We believe that organised skeptic groups are actively targeting Wikipedia articles that promote natural, non-drug therapies with which they disagree,” says the Alliance for Natural Health. “The new trick of these editors is to rewrite or entirely remove pertinent information from such articles or, worse still, delete entire articles altogether.”

The Covert World of People Trying to Edit Wikipedia—for Pay https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/08/wikipedia-editors-for-pay/393926/

Wikipedia And Paid Edits: Companies Pay Top Dollar To Firms Willing To 'Fix' Their Entries https://www.ibtimes.com/wikipedia-paid-edits-companies-pay-top-dollar-firms-willing-fix-their-entries-1449172

Ruling in German Wikipedia trial https://swprs.org/ruling-wikipedia-trial/

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Wikipedia.com -- Wikipedia is no longer the open, transparent online encyclopedia that anyone can edit as they have promoted themselves to be. It is not a neutral place of information. Wikipedia has become a website that is pro-establishment, partial to the left that often promotes disinformation, political agendas, is anti natural health and supports big pharma, big food, big agricultural, GMO foods, chemical, oil and gas and other large industries. It often demonizes dissenting voices often calling people radicals, conspiracy theorists, or those who promote pseudoscience, etc. This includes doctors, scientists, journalists, etc.

Wikipedia co-founder says he's 'embarrassed' over politicization of his creation https://www.foxnews.com/media/wikipedia-founder-embarrassed-politicization-site-encyclopedia

Must-Watch Video >>> Wikipedia, Astroturf and Manipulation of Media Messages https://youtu.be/-bYAQ-ZZtEU

Wikipedia Slashes Spanish Flu Death Rate https://off-guardian.org/2020/03/09/wikipedia-slashes-spanish-flu-death-rate

Wikipedia: A Disinformation Operation?


How Wikipedia transformed me into an evil person in just 4 days


CIA, FBI computers used for Wikipedia edits https://www.reuters.com/article/us-security-wikipedia/cia-fbi-computers-used-for-wikipedia-edits-idUSN1642896020070816

The Philip Cross Affair https://swprs.org/ruling-wikipedia-trial/

The “Philip Cross” MSM Promotion Operation Part 3 https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2018/05/the-philip-cross-msm-promotion-operation-part-3/

Is Wikipedia stealing the news? Part 1 of 2 — A special edition of Ghost in the Machine series, Part 7 https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/07/08/guerrilla-skepticism-on-wikipedia.aspx

Wikipedia's Bias Against Science in Natural Healing https://www.eftuniverse.com/research-studies/wikipedia-s-bias-against-science-in-natural-healing

Wikipedia’s Anti-Natural Health Slant https://anh-usa.org/wikipedias-anti-natural-health-slant/

Wikipedia censorship of natural, non-drug therapies https://www.anhinternational.org/2018/12/12/wikipedia-censorship-of-natural-non-drug-therapies/

There’s a Major War Brewing Over the Acupuncture Wikipedia Page https://observer.com/2017/02/wikipedia-acupuncture-pseudoscience-neutrality/

Harvard Doc To Wikipedia: You're Not Playing Fair On Alternative Trauma Therapy https://www.wbur.org/commonhealth/2014/11/28/harvard-doc-to-wikipedia-youre-not-playing-fair-on-alternative-trauma-therapy

Why Jimmy Wales’ Personal Philosophy Should Discredit Wikipedia’s Trustworthiness https://prn.fm/jimmy-wales-personal-philosophy-discredit-wikipedias-trustworthiness/

10 shocking facts you never knew about Wikipedia and Jimmy Wales https://www.naturalnews.com/051060_wikipedia_Jimmy_Wales_extortion_racket.html

Legal Letter to Wikipedia Requesting Removal of False Gary Null Information https://prn.fm/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Letter-Wikipedia-removal-Gary-Null-Bio.pdf

Wikipedia's Bias Against Natural Medicine. You can help stop it with a single email http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n44.shtml

Wikipedia Skeptics’ Crucifixion of Deepak Chopra https://prn.fm/gary-null-show-wikipedia-skeptics-crucifixion-deepak-chopra-07-29-19/

Jimmy Wales and Wikipedia’s Hate Campaign Against Holistic Healing https://prn.fm/jimmy-wales-wikipedias-hate-campaign-holistic-healing-2/

WICKED, WICKED WIKIPEDIA: THE CORRUPTION AND COLLAPSE OF THE LEGENDARY PEOPLE’S ENCYCLOPEDIA https://freepress.org/article/wicked-wicked-wikipedia-corruption-and-collapse-legendary-people%E2%80%99s-encyclopedia

Online Censorship of Health Information Is Authoritarianism


“We believe that organised skeptic groups are actively targeting Wikipedia articles that promote natural, non-drug therapies with which they disagree,” says the Alliance for Natural Health. “The new trick of these editors is to rewrite or entirely remove pertinent information from such articles or, worse still, delete entire articles altogether.”

The Covert World of People Trying to Edit Wikipedia—for Pay https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/08/wikipedia-editors-for-pay/393926/

Wikipedia And Paid Edits: Companies Pay Top Dollar To Firms Willing To 'Fix' Their Entries https://www.ibtimes.com/wikipedia-paid-edits-companies-pay-top-dollar-firms-willing-fix-their-entries-1449172

Ruling in German Wikipedia trial https://swprs.org/ruling-wikipedia-trial/

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I remember during the Biden election someone brought up that his numbers didn't conform to Benfords law. First time I had heard of it and naturally looked it up on wikipedia. Watched it being updated in real time as the news spread. Originally wikipeda said that Benford slaw had been used to prove election fraud in Iran (I think). Shortly afterwards a paper was added in order to discredit it for election results.

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I used to donate to WP. Everyone should stop. It's sad, because its ostensible mantra of not being dependent on advertising funding etc, is a good one to have... but they have still been captured.

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Ecosia plants trees. And doesn't do evil.

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Not only that, I'm never OPENING that website again. I stopped using Twitter, I'm using duckduckgo, not google search, I'm not using Facebook. Wikipedia also did this to Vernon Coleman and the diff is even more impressive.

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Thanks for that detailed example of Wikipedia lies.

But it's not just Wikipedia. Somehow the socialist take control of every lever of power and the media is one.

Why is it so ? I believe there is a logical correlation between the belief in socialism and the attraction for by positions of power and influence.

Socialism is a set of superstitions best popularized by Karl Marx, one of which states that society is established and shaped by power structures.

The opposite view is now called libertarianism (since Murray Rothbard) or classic liberalism, since liberalism now means socialism.

Science si incompatible with the socialist mindset of institutional infaillibility.

It requires the very same mindset as capitalism, ie that truth emerges despite institutions.

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It is a good thing we tell high school students that you can not rely on Wikipedia as a reference source....I think I will add that Wikipedia's corporate and political bias makes them untrustworthy.

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Steve, like you, I wanted to save lives by providing information that I felt had been concealed. As I am an aviation historian, this was about paragliding. My motives were purely altruistic. Wikipedia today claims : "Over the years 1994−2010, an average of seven in every 10,000 active paraglider pilots have been fatally injured, though with a marked improvement in recent years." But the false claims in 2010 were even rosier. I knew that around 900 paragliders had already died, so I corrected the paragliding industry's self-serving "Safety" topic and provided links to each incident as proof. Posters from Paragliding Forum immediately came in as editors and removed my comments and solid data. I am now banned from Wikipedia. My latest global fatality totals for paragliding exceed 2,050. These are our more adventurous brothers, husbands, children and friends. This same type of thing is happening to you. Wikipedia began with good intent but turned to garbage when non-neutral moderators gained control. Even the co-founder Larry Sanger admits that, now. I also posted a video I had shot of a paragliding accident on YouTube that demonstrated how dangerous these things can be. Again, complaints were lodged by the paragliding side and the video was removed, and I was demonetized, along with losing my Director status. I was given no recourse at all. All for trying to help people evaluate the safest aircraft types. I look forward to using the new social media platforms without the bias and lies and ulterior motives.

Rick Masters https://ushga.aero/masters

'Nobody should trust Wikipedia,' its co-founder warns: Larry Sanger says site has been taken over by left-wing 'volunteers' who write off sources that don't fit their agenda as fake news


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I told my family to stop donating to Wikipedia 7 years ago.

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Steve, you're a hero... take a look: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Hu7EDsLw9Is1/

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Bitchute blocked this channel for "violating community guidelines." That's the first time I've seen that on Bitchute.

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I happily decline donating to Wikipedia

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Why worry about Wikipedia. They are no different to Fakebook or twatter or the rest. Scumbags united.

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