add to the list all the fact checker website that’ll show up in the search proving definitively that it was not the vaccine that played any role whatsoever in their death and that only bad bad conspiracy theorists say so.
example: last night i did a search for ‘Mel Gibson hollywood pedophilia’ because i understand he’s spoken to the issue... what came up? 30 fact checker hits saying he didn’t...
conclusion: Hollywood pedophilia is most likely such a big business that they’ve got fact checkers on retainer to bury any story of someone in the know spilling the beans.
likewise, if there’s an army of fact checkers fact checking the sudden deaths as being ABV (anything but the vax): it’s almost certainly vaccine related.
I just realized that they are saying Betty White, who died on December 31, had a stroke on December 25, but she gave an interview on December 28 and was fine. Sorry I'm writing so many of these, but why isn't anyone discussing this?
Has anyone been questioning why no one knew about BettyWhite's alleged stroke 6 days before she died and when she was about to be on a television special?
This is fascinating. The pro-death vaccine lobby is circling Saget to defend that the vaccine did not kill him. At the same time other far worse personal problems are reaching the surface very quickly. So in other words, you are better being a pedo than have someone find out that the covid vaccine killed you. Make some sense of that.
add to the list all the fact checker website that’ll show up in the search proving definitively that it was not the vaccine that played any role whatsoever in their death and that only bad bad conspiracy theorists say so.
example: last night i did a search for ‘Mel Gibson hollywood pedophilia’ because i understand he’s spoken to the issue... what came up? 30 fact checker hits saying he didn’t...
conclusion: Hollywood pedophilia is most likely such a big business that they’ve got fact checkers on retainer to bury any story of someone in the know spilling the beans.
likewise, if there’s an army of fact checkers fact checking the sudden deaths as being ABV (anything but the vax): it’s almost certainly vaccine related.
North Dakota Attorney general dies "unexpectedly" at 68
Ian Alexander dies at 26. No details on why.
Meatloaf died at 74. No details of death given.
Ice skater Sean Rice of Dancing on Ice fame dies suddenly at 49 years age on Jan 14. Fit and healthy until sudden death. No cause has been given.
Clint Arlis just died. Celine Dion “severe and persistent spasms”
Justin Bieber has facial paralysis and his wife Haley had a stroke. both in their 20’s.
Government Has Now Perfected A Method of Murder Where Political Correctness Actually Covers Up Their Crime
One to watch for. A new cause of death emerging over here in Europe is "dysfunction of the immune system". The President of the EU Parliament recently succumbed.
I just realized that they are saying Betty White, who died on December 31, had a stroke on December 25, but she gave an interview on December 28 and was fine. Sorry I'm writing so many of these, but why isn't anyone discussing this?
Also, I've read that it took a while to put a cause of death on White's death certificate.
Has anyone been questioning why no one knew about BettyWhite's alleged stroke 6 days before she died and when she was about to be on a television special?
New term: According to law enforcement sources, authorities believe Saget, 65, may have suffered a medical emergency. He sure did now didn't he....
This is fascinating. The pro-death vaccine lobby is circling Saget to defend that the vaccine did not kill him. At the same time other far worse personal problems are reaching the surface very quickly. So in other words, you are better being a pedo than have someone find out that the covid vaccine killed you. Make some sense of that.
From MSN:
In mid-December, Saget said on his show that he’d recently received a booster shot.