This book is truthful about the evils of Fauci. BUT THIS BOOK LIES ABOUT SO MANY THINGS THAT Bobby K has written.


Neither of these occurrences have scientifically ever been proven.


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Has a crime been committed, what do you think.


9 hr ago

Although you would never know it if you watch corporate media its all coming apart now. The evidence surrounding the vaccine efficacy, media censorship VAERS data, VAERS data coverup and much more is emerging from the shadows.

Now the question is does the concept of Noble Truth justify the terrible price paid by the innocent victims.

Aid agencies are reporting 150,000.000 tertiary dead(not confirmed) due to lockdowns and corporate driven management of the pandemic(opinion).

Early in 2020 some very brave and innocent doctors/scientists testified and informed the American Congress and the CDC/FDA/WHO of alternatives. Doctors of renown, heavily credentialed and experienced in their fields, doctors that had the scientific weight to demand attention.

Looking rearward it seems clear now the corporate strategy did not include any alternate form of attack but the highly profitable gene therapy incorrectly called vaccine. Hence the need for the Noble Truth narrative.

In Canada, cars lined up for PCR testing which we now know/believe was over cycled, to drive the numbers(only my opinion)

Imagine what this pandemic would have looked like if, as an example caplets of Ivermectin were made available at the same time as the drive in PCR program. I am told Ivermectin is so safe the dosages can be approximate. Lets say each PCR tester had a selection of caplets for 100 - 150 lbs 150-200lbs 200 -300lbs etc.. just given as prophylactic. Instead of what actually happened, go home let it develop and if to the point of serious symptomology go the hospital.

Another band of techs specialize in nursing homes distributing ivermectin in roughly the same manor. Possibly at the same time delivering nasal irrigation devices/products and basic training to the staff. Depending on the size of the home a nasal wash every 2nd-3rd day, would that have helped. How many seniors would have been saved dying alone and terrified. Did you have a senior die alone.

Was this a crime or just bad management


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Reading chapter 9 of the book. Did someone send a copy to POTUS 45?

Eye opening that 45th trusted Redfield, Birx and Fauci on the pandemic response when all three had a colourful association with BMGF. Can’t imagine his naïveté in approving Operation Warp Speed and the Prep Act which has got us to where we are today.

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It's in the mail

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I totally agree!

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I read the entire book and followed up on many of the footnotes and the sources they led to. It was indeed eye-popping.

If you're trying to get people to question the dominant paradigm, using words like "thugs" is not going to help. People who already agree with you will love it; but presumably at least part of the target audience is people who will be turned off by your use of highly connotative words.

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Trouble is, 81 million morons think of Fauci as some combination of Mother Teresa and Ghandi. The country's media act as his personal public relations firm. Anyone who dares criticize the little dictator is accused of attacking science itself. As this book says, most of the government is in his pocket. How do you overcome such a system rigged in his favor?

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81 million is only a quarter of the population. We are stronger in numbers. :) Wake up the other sleeping thinkers and share information until we reach a tipping point. Silent = complicit. Good luck, stay brave!

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True, but that's why we must educate them. They don't all have to read the book, but we can send them funny and informative Jimmy Dore videos, for example: https://youtu.be/pckSLm6Fgis

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If there's not a movement to distribute this book to every member of Congress and the Judiciary, there needs to be one.

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I think they already know how the system works. Most are part of it.

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Steve: saying Fauci should be fired is a love tap. HE SHOULD BE CONVICTED FOR TREASON, MEDICAL MALFEASANCE AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. His nefarious activities, going back to HIV, make him a genocidal maniac. It begs the question: how does so much unbridled power get into the hands of so few?

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I had the same reaction. "Fired?" The guy's already a billionaire, he'd probably welcome it.

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His $400,000.00 salary from NIAID is chump change compared to his patent royalties

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Now for some humor:

COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: The Best Fauci Memes of 2021


[Feel free to infect Facebook and Twitter with my post or the memes I have collected]

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Maybe that will get me banned from Twitter and I can join Steve and Alex in Twitter heaven.

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Your recommend THAT review (Ron Unz's)? That was virtually damning with feint praise. How about a serious, properly knowledgeable review?

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Yeah, it was painful and I couldn't make it through it.

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Glorious! I love gifting books at Christmas, and I love RFK Jr...so this is a win for me. He is a national treasure.

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An excellent book! I purchased two of them.

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Just finished it. I'd read about Fauci a lot since the pandemic began...but was still blown away by this book. The whole history of AIDS is fascinating. And the final chapter that shared out pharma and the military became allied with bioweapons/vaccines was especially great.

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Yesterday I went to the local chain bookstore (Bravo November) to buy this book as well as Scott Atlas's book. I was going to buy multiple copies for gifts to primed minds. I was advised by the masked associate that neither book is available in any local location or able to order "from the warehouse". Now maybe that is a function of demand, or maybe they are suppressing sales purposefully. I wonder.

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I ordered each online, plus Dr. Flemings' recent 'Is C19 a Bioweapon' over the weekend from the shiny head. Little bit of a wait's ok. Portlandistan won't avail these authors deep analyses if outlets got them for free!

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Thanks for this.

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