Previous to the current hospital protocol, doctors were treating viral pneumonia every winter. Usually with a combination of symptom control with appropriate drugs, prophylactic antibiotics for opportunistic bacterial complications, and supportive care. Wonder what the mortality rate for viral pneumonia was back before 2019? That information would allow us to compare with the current protocol treatment and see just how effective it was.

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Seems Alex Berenson has finally come to his senses. He’s now ranting about the harm caused by the transhumanist poison darts and praising our beloved Dr. Ladapo in Florida. Thank God DeSantis had the insight and bravery to go against the lying status quo and opted for a true health professional!

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What happened to science. It's been bastardized. You took the vaccine because you trusted your doctor and did it for the "better good". Medical incompetence is real I guess.

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It’s the Cult Of Scientism. The Stepfordized masses have proven that history does in fact repeat itself when forgotten.

Isn’t it ironic that those deigning everybody else “ Nazis”, fascists, White Supremacists, flat earthers , science deniers, disease spreaders, calling for isolation, incarceration, Covid Camps and death are evoking Nazi Germany, Mengele, Communist China, fascist Romania, Stalinism,Maoism , NoKo, the Klan, Jonestown, Brave New World, 1984,Faust, Frankenstein, The Island Of Dr Moreau, Fahrenheit, Animal Farm and the biblical leper colonies?

Shouldn’t come as a surprise. Their donors, the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Carnegie Institute,IBM,Coca Cola, Disney,AP, Getty Foundation,NYT, Kodak,Pharma funded the Nazis directly. Funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, Mengele, Auschwitz, the Gestapo vehicles, Zyklon gas, the census used to identify Jews, minorities, Romany, handicapped,Leni Reifenstahl. Abetted the Nazis- Soros, Schab,FDR, Joseph Kennedy, Father Coughlin, T. S. Elliott, the Mullahs, Koch, Roald Dahl, Lindbergh… their heroes.

Getty., Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, AP, Tides Foundation,Willy Brown, Jerry Brown, Pelosi, FeinsteinGeorge Moscone , PP, Gates also made Jonestown in Guyana a reality

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You are brilliant! Thank you so much.

God bless you.

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After my last post about contacting Judicial Watch to help with FOIA in getting institutions to turn over facts, I’ve just read on the Childrens Health ‘Defender’ that Fauci and others have been ordered by the court to turn over information. 👍 More steps in the right direction in prosecuting the communists.

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Part of the problem is most of us have been brought up believing that doctors are smart, all-knowing noble experts whom we can literally trust with our lives. Unfortunately, once they finish their training, most simply rely on medical journals, continuing education courses and pharmaceutical reps who promote medications that these doctors assume are safe and effective since they were approved by the FDA. They don’t have the time to do deep dives into everything and even if the articles they are reading are faulty or based on lies, most believe them.

I’m not excusing the ones who are still pushing these jabs or turning a blind eye to adverse reactions or deaths, merely stating how it happened. They are trusting their medical sources and we’re then trusting them. But going back to them being smart people, I as a lay person was questioning these vaxxes back in May of 2020 when they were a twinkle in Trump’s eye. We couldn’t cure the common cold or come up with an effective flu vaccine, how would these be work especially if the virus mutated? Why did little old me come up with logical questions and not them? Why did I question long-term safety without long-term trials and not them? A lot of the detailed science and how viruses and proteins work is over my head but you don’t have to be a scientist to question the efficacy or safety of new technology before you would inject it into yourself and possibly do irreparable damage. That’s where none of them get a pass. Use the brain that God gave you and DO NO HARM!

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Excellent article. You’ve obviously done your homework and it’s clear that our government has paid off doctors, heads of hospitals, and countless others to keep this corrupt ruse alive. I keep thinking I will wake up and this will all have been a bad dream! I keep saying, “not in America!” But where are the Republicans fighting this? So many of them are RINOs and are onboard with this whole thing. And for what reason? Their own children and grandchildren are going to have to live in a totally destroyed country when these evil bastards are long gone! It just doesn’t make any sense!!

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Great article. Sadly, your Stanford colleague is such a typical case. How could he say that he “saw nothing?” I’ll bet he did not read the info you sent. No one has read the info we sent to family and friends and now few will speak to us. Many have also experienced this treatment. It’s like there was something in the shot that changed their brains. We noticed 2 male friends who had personality changes as well, almost a euphoric component.

We invested in a 12’ x 6’ sign and put it on our property which borders a busy highway for all to see - It said: “Get the facts - thehighwire.com” since we love that site and what they do there. A few people pulled over and thanked us, saying they knew the site and liked it. One “friend” who is mind-controlled, said that he checked out the website and there was nothing new there. Are you kidding me? This reminded me of your Standard colleague. Just no words to convey this type of mindset. The most troubling thing about all of this is how many fell for it. However, I guess that is also nothing new. Keep pressing on faithful warrior. Thanks for what you do.

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How is it that I see sign on people's yards in the city with BLM garbage? How can this be OK, yet your sign suggesting people educate themselves is against their regs?

Take the sign down and ask them to reference the law regs on the county / state website.

Research the law.

Rework your sign to avoid it.

Re-Post your sign with what you want up there including anything that will "immunize" your sign against the law.

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I forgot to say, several weeks later our “county” sent us a registered letter to take down the sign in 5 days or they would charge us $500 and do it themselves. Apparently, they had several complaints from Karen and her kind. They said it was because of a sign bylaw. I asked, “if the sign had said ‘Merry Christmas’ would that have been an issue?” He said, “no.”

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Just add “Merry Christmas” to the end. 😂

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Nice! 😉

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The science is settled...~97% of scientists will agree with whomever is funding them.

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The science is settled...~97% of scientists will agree with whomever is funding them.

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B R A V O!! This is a wonderful summary of everything that is so VERY WRONG across the board. Not one answer from any of my pro vx people on the science or why the injuries. They simply cant answer and just say they love fauci & dont want to hear about it.

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Another official vaccine injury/death claims here:


...And the 1986 act:


...and Dave Martin presenting the links:


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Very troubling indeed!

Steve, I wonder if fighting this in the courts is the way to go? That's how the mask and vax mandates for flying were removed - I believe.

We should fight this in court for the college kids and any other school mandates.

The administrations at these colleges are so out of touch and simply pandering to the most fearful of our population.

Just ridiculous.

Thanks for all you do Steve. It's super important!

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Nothing to do with pandering to the fearful. These schools are doing this for money sad to say.

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That’s interesting. How do a money tie in. Do they get paid to have kids vaxxed? Nothing shocks me anymore.

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Dear Steve, thanks God for all the good things you do.

Are your reading/viewing stats dropping? It's not you, it's them. COVID is over. People don't care as much.

We need to focus on the next steps of the one global government plan, especially, about the 2024 WHO International Pandemic Treaty ( http://bit.ly/stoptreaty ), the Big Crunch, the Global Hack... all there to push the Central Bank Digital Currencies after banning cash, tied to a digital health pass, digital ID, digital driver's license, digital carbon permits, and digitized planetary rights embedded in the "blockchain" spending rules. Your e-persona could be killed with a click.

Even if you’d be a millionaire you wouldn’t be able to spend your money because of the personal carbon quota.

There's also the nano-routers injected with the COVID shots which beam Bluetooth Low Energy codes similar to MAC addresses, tracked to a human digital ID multinational. If you go to a cemetery early in the morning, when there's no one around, you'll pick up the signals from the vaxxed dead. 5/6G is essential to this Internet of Bodies control network.

There's MUCH more:

(9 min at 2x):


( based on 2000 papers: https://bit.ly/research2000 )

Please, read this, too:


Let's talk!

Prof. Federico Nazar ( find me at academia.edu )

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