I fixed the link to the fluvoxamine article. sorry about that. I wanted to get the article out before my flight left.

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You are entirely right about all of it. Now the question is, what can be done about the plan behind all of this...Covid, inflation, war, etc Do you see the fine Itlaian WEF hand and the AGenda 2030 behind all this now? It must get done now by November...and I have 0 ideas on how to stop the Programmable Digital Currency they are desparately trying to roll out before the November midterms....

The Great Cull is here. I have zero ideas on how to stop it now.

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PS. Thank you for all you have tried to do for humanity. I am so sorry none of it has worked. Does anyone have any ideas on how to prevent the coming RESET?

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May 22, 2022
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Neil Oliver said the same on GB Tv...wish I knew how to get the video to play.

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May 18, 2022
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it is. I am sure you have saved more than one.

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May 18, 2022
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I am kicking myself for not doing so earlier...but it is never too late.

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May 18, 2022
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May 18, 2022
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Do you worry about a house fire destroying your cash or take precautions in the event of one? A fireproof box is one way but is not that easy to be hidden, and the better ones need to be opened every week to air them out and dehumidify them.

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May 18, 2022
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I am right behind you. Will be 66 this year. How many good years left? But I want to use them to learn how to be ungovernable...and leave something to my nephews.

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May 18, 2022
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Thanks. Good idea.

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May 18, 2022
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I think you are wonderful, and 85 is great. And I too do not wish to live alone for the rest of my life, but it looks likely. I had a tentative plan, but my schizoid cousin sold the house that was to come to me...I was going to invite friends (old single ladies) to pool our expenses and grow old there. Now I have to rethink, especially now I have a choice of where to go. But I am dismayed and daunted because I am no longer at the age or inclination to make friends...and mine have already passed....My last one is slowly passing from cancer...after that I will truly be alone. And I do not want to live alone, But maybe you have given me a good idea. Thank you for that. Maybe I can buy something and rent out...I'd like to think my sister would come, but I am not sure of her, she won't leave California.

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May 18, 2022
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May 17, 2022
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Hi Richard. I remember you, and your salt water cure. Publish it again, it is so buried in all the stuff I have been collection the past 2 years....thank you in advance! My grandmother always said salt water cures everything, ...whether the ocean, tears, or sweat.

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May 18, 2022
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Thank you Richard I just put it in a document under my private email account and LABELED it. So I can find it again. And I am remembering all those days I spent swimming in the water, sucking the ocean up into our noses...we were never sick.

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May 17, 2022
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May 17, 2022
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Omigod. What a mess. Everything is so messed up because of this scamdemic and the vaccines. What a horror show you describe of the air pilots plight. And it’s not just them it’s everybody who was forced to get the vaccine. It was so wrong to force that. So many people damaged from the vaccines. And before that all the money ripped they just killed with the ventilators or refused to give effective drugs even though there are some. It’s gone beyond being a mistake. There are malign forces at work here.

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Wow! Wow! Wow! Thanks for posting & taking the time!

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Great information.

BTW air traffic controllers have been forced to get the shots as well.

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Watch the skies. Everywhere. Keep looking. Keep watching the skies.

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May 17, 2022
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In that case you can look out the windows on all four sides of your dwelling. Most home insurance will cover a plane crashing into your house, I think. Yesterday it was raining here and I saw a large Muscovy duck, which have started inhabiting my neighborhood, it seems, in the last half year, in my neighbor's yard across the street pecking insects from the grass--the bird doesn't even have enough sense to get out of the rain.

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May 18, 2022
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How can we get fluvoxamine? Do they sell it anywhere?

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The system is rigged.

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If as you clearly say, "The reason is pure corruption," do you know the root source of the corruption emanating from the FDA?

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The global health mafia and central bankers can't allow there to be an alternative to the quackzines because they need to get it on the childhood vaccine schedule to complete the takeover. If most of the children remain unpoisoned and they can't sell covid to the masses anymore, they will have failed to get the needed underpinning for their social credit scoring digital-currency-backed financial system in place. They need those children jabbed. All of them. Even the babies. They are in a race against time before the jig is up. People grow tired of this game and have experienced too much loss to continue with the booster for the booster. Or the booster for the booster for the booster. Time is running out against the successful completion of this global takeover plan.

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Pharmaceutical companies need a new stream of revenue (enter mRNA injections) since most conventional drugs are now off patent and children already have 70 doses of required vaccines. They can’t keep reinventing the same drugs over and over for the same chronic diseases indefinitely, although they are doing a pretty decent job so far. But the end of that business model is near. They are now working quite successfully with government, big tech and corporate media to require/mandate frequent adult vaccines moving forward. How many billions did they make this past year? With no research investment of their own and complete liability protection?

It’s brilliant, if hoards of money is the only goal. It’s evil, if the well being of society is the ultimate goal. Brandy Vaughn warmed that this was what big pharma was after just before her untimely, mysterious death.

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Tell your Doctor you are anxious or depressed and that you need Prozac to feel better.

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Yet these corrupt bastards authorized boosters for 5-11 today. What do we do sir? Aside from pitchforks and rope, I’m about out of ideas.

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I think there's enough evidence from examined vaccine vials to conclude it's worth considering the blood clotting is caused by graphene oxides. With that said, it seems like a good idea to start searching ways of removing it. Like perhaps, this.


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My brother-in-law by marriage just passed the other day. The story with him and his wife (still living but declining) is that as residence of a nursing facility that at the time they were accepted, indicated that the shot was not a mandated condition. During their 3-year stay always resisted staff trying to vax them. One incident occurred where a staff member came with a shot, she said was a flue inoculation. After the incident both started a rapid decline. Arther passed and the Dr. said his liver decline was a pretty sure indicator of a covid shot. The family was outraged a requested the records of all meds given, which the facility refused to allow. Kathy is declining now. Family too sue? Or request a state attorney investigate? Somehow the question is of concern for the family, Perhaps they could put a hesitation on their illegal activity with a raised level of exposure.... Sad times with medical personal making end of life decisions for we elderly.

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FDA hides the very bad impact of SUGAR on our immunity ( 1/4th cup in each soda ! ).

E.G., See : https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/05/220511104941.htm

My previous post about this, on your Page, Steve :


JungianINTP6 hr ago

Steve Kirsch,

Let’s always pursue ROOT causes

of why people get sick with colds,

cancer, or flu-bugs ( see P.S.—been

preaching this for several decades;

and, yes, I have a weakness for the

heroin-like poison, S U G A R!—but I

know how to kill its bad effects within

ten minutes of giving in to my addiction ) :

Forwarded Message :


You are on the wrong track, re Big Pharma's Medical Mafia and its

touting of the snake-oil, “EGIs” = Experimental Gene Injections :

Death By Vaccines—30 Years of Deaths, Charted :




“Have a Coke get a cold and/or flu!”

is the strongest clue as to why folks

get sick with flu bugs and cancer :

S U G A R !

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Refined seed oils cause systemic inflammation as well. Same with preserved meats and other refined foods. Most people today are filled with calorie rich processed foods that cause constant inflammation but at the same time they are nutrient deficient. The body cannot thrive this way.

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The FDA knew if they authorized any existing licensed products, rule 4 would kick in and end or prohibit the EU's for the COVID gene therapy injections. And that, according to Peter Daszak in a 2015, statement, and indicated by a Fauci 2019 video statement was the goal all along.

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We need regulations to prevent these health agencies from receiving funds from big pharmaceutical companies, otherwise the corruption well just get worse and worse.

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Ummm, there are regulations, they are just dancing around them.

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No way to search your site? Trying to find statistics on infections after 1,2,3 jabs?

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Friends, there's a new variant or at least something going around. Sore throat + headpressure is unreal. Lots of people on twtr complaining of this. Toothache. Temp under <100.4 but I felt like my brain was being cooked last night. breathing is fine but my spo2 went down briefly to 94%, which never happens. Be careful. I lost a ton of weight overnight. Still sick. Haven't been sick in 2 years since I got the original covid so this sucks. Tension/sinus pressure. HR over 100.

The fun part = I was at home for more than 10 days. Only got deliveries etc,


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After a 4-family combined vacation… last week of March…all 7 adults, 5 children had the sore throat/ ear pressure thing you mentioned. The ear pressure was so heavy…the adults had problems hearing…not complete hearing loss…but close to it. The younger adults in their late 20’s-early 30’s had it for about 2 weeks. Us older folk had extremely poor hearing for 3-4 weeks. Finally got some relief when the Ohio weather finally turned springlike.

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Oh, so you drug it back to the Mid-West for the rest of us, huh? 😉😋😊

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Wow, sorry to hear that! Get well soon!

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Thank-you for the info. I will keep this in mind.

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May 18, 2022
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May 18, 2022
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What's your free salt water cure for coronaviruses?

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Exactly - and cheap.

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