Per Zerohedge “Wall Street Journal editorial board member Allysia Finley has taken a flamethrower to vaccine makers over their "deceptive" campaign for bivalent Covid boosters, and slams several federal agencies for taking "the unprecedented step of ordering vaccine makers to produce them and recommending them without data supporting their safety or efficacy."

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I’d like to know when (not if) Hamlin had his last “Covid” shot, & how many he had! What is (or was) the NFLs rules or guidance on Covid shot??

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Do you know how far out this happens? One of my kids got a booster (3rd shot) a year and a half ago for medical school. Should I buy her fiancé an AED device, seriously? I saw one on Amazon.

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From the article -

But Carlson was citing a letter in which the authors’ evidence was a dubious blog that lists news reports of people all over the world, of all ages, dying or experiencing medical emergencies. The blog proves no relationship between the incidents and COVID-19 vaccines; it also includes in its count reported deaths from cancer and emergencies of unknown causes.

“It’s not real research, but he quotes it as if it’s real research,” said Dr. Matthew Martinez, director of sports cardiology at Atlantic Health System in Morristown Medical Center. “Anybody can write a letter to the editor and then quote an article that has no academic rigor.”

Notice how they never give a name or link to this "dubious blog" so one could check for themselves, but listed the name, title and revered institution of the people who "debunks" it? Nope, just take OUR word for it..."dubious blog", smh. Not quite as bad as "online violence" but close.

I watched a Sharyl Attkisson TEDx talk about how they make up propaganda, then each person uses the other person's article as "proof" about something. It's all circular reasoning that proves nothing. Wikipedia is the worst.at using this style of propaganda.

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I know many people, workmates ,family members and Neighbours who got the shots and none have died yet. If about 5 billion got the shots, it's obvious that these same people may die of other things too. So they conclude that it's the Vax that caused it coz they were vaccinated. Many of the young ones are active in sports. Lets wait 5 yrs and see what happens

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I can't get over the BS some people will write. Relating to athletes dying, Ashari Hughes 16 dies suddenly at a high school football game and here's some fool's (the Republic Monitor) explanation of what happened. "Ashari Hughes died on the fifth of January 2023, and the exact reason for the death was certainly just a problem she gained while playing the flag football game at her High School. She was playing the game with her teammates and friends, and she was exceptional in explaining the game. Still, she did not understand that the hectic game was affecting her heart, and as the chest pain certainly increased a lot, it created major problems in the body and caused death. It is estimated that she had a heart attack while representing the game and which suddenly caused her death. He was very effective at the game, but she could not manage her workload, which was why she certainly died." This is some of the worst writing (including calling her 'He') I have had to force myself to read in a long time.

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How come I didn’t see the option, “HELLLL NOO! ????

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Wrote this elsewhere, answering someone complaining that 'normies' are NOT beginning to 'get it'; they're still blaming genetics or aging or anything OTHER than the most likely cause. And they won't 'wake up' in time to help use clean up the mess! I wrote:

Keep an awareness of the TIME scale!

Yes, sure -- even the disabled, or 'left behind alive' are struggling, and trying to find ANY other possible cause, against the ongoing barrages of "not the vax, never the vax, could not possibly BE the vax." But the truth is slapping them in the face day after day, and it gets harder and harder to keep BELEIVING it's not what their eyes are showing them. All these 'symptoms' you describe are them squirming and twisting and TRYING to avoid the truth they are being backed into seeing.

MOST of them will eventually come to the truth -- because they will have no other choice! What will the millions do when the hospital has to turn around and admit that Hamlin is NOT "doing fine, talking to team mates and so on"... The CHANCES of him surviving 9 minutes of CPR and several defibs are BEYOND slim! That they could WAIT for 'mom' to come down from the stands -- and NOT just hold a police car to drive her AFTER he left for emergency care such as one ONLY gets in a hospital? Come ON!


But the lights come up and the audience goes home. And no matter what they 'blame it on' now, the truth will out.

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I don't have time to read all this right now, much less properly respond to it (I'm out food shopping), but it is hyperemotionalism like this that got us into this mess. The pro-vaxxers became like rabid dogs. Attacking me with your emotions is extremely reminiscent of what I endured from the hysterical pro-vaxxers. It does not help matters. Get your head on straight (get calm emotionally) and try responding again, instead of emotionally vomiting your fear all over me. Cooler heads will prevail in this.

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We can see "HUMAN SERVING" entities are being CORRUPTED, ATTACKED, or DESTROYED: Farmers, Food, Food Processing, Oil, Diesel, Trucking, International Shipping, Doctors, Medical Services, Schools, Teachers, Sports, Entertainment Industry, Restaurants, Grocery Stores, Military, Police, ....

By June 2022, List of 98 US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Already Destroyed Under Biden.


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Awesome reporting

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A War may distract the People from talking about Vaccine Deaths?

$2.85 billion US Aid package to Ukraine will include Bradleys, HUMVEES, and additional missiles and ammunition.


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Ukraine has the lowest vaccination rate in Europe, but they stopped showing COVID stats for that country pretty early on.

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When all else fails, they bring you into war. - Gerald Celente

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Pro football has become unwatchable. If covidiocy destroys the NFL, it serves those racists right.

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It also seems that some games are rigged, and the rules have been changed especially in regard to pass interference and roughing the quarterback.

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This is why many people do not bet on pro sports. They have seen too many suspicious things over the years.

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Yes! It seems the rules change from play to play - and we are supposed to accept it as a bad call. I’ve resigned myself that they are rigged, but still enjoy watching for the athleticism.

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If you watch for the athleticism, just watch the highlights. Don't waste your time on entire games. Dropped passes, runs for no gain, offensive commercials, and PC woke nonsense from the booth.

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Yes; just ask Joe Montana and Terry Bradshaw if they took more hits and more vicious hits than Brady. Ask Ronnie Lott if his style of play would get him ejected today.

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Destroying the MANLY sport of football , is what those-that-hate-the-West, want

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They have succeeded. I never missed a 49ers game during Joe Montana. Today I would have to be paid to watch a game.

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Remember all the times we've heard people say it would take an American celebrity/athlete dropping on prime time, live television to wake the masses? Well it happened, and nobody woke up.

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I disagree - I think people have been woken, it’s just not in the NEWS. It won’t be bc Gates and Pharma pay their salaries. So…know the source of your NEWS, and stop paying for it via cable, etc.

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The "local" news feeds include "debunking" videos already. By some bought drone/demon who isn't even local to the station.

The fires of Hell are too good for these miscreants.

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It is really mind boggling why people cannot see the "truth". Please note that the Pharmaceutical industry and all the major companies, including Pfizer, have been found guilty of fraud multiple times.

The fraud typically is lying to the authorities, the public and every one else. In fact they have been lying since 110 years ago, about vaccines, about heart disease, about cancer and about every drug.

Most of us have been so brain-washed that we still think that there must be something good about some of the drugs, but we are kidding ourselves. Every drug is developed to address symptoms and they never cure anything, yet we still think they are good, in spite of the fact that they never cure and come with many side effects. Please wake up. So what can we do, start by not buying any of their products and not going to any allopathic doctors. Find a Naturopath or a Homeopath or a CTM practitioner or any natural inclined practitioner. They are trying too kill us, so STOP supporting pharmaceutical products !!!!!!

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The only time i ever deliberately look at AP is the see what "they" are saying. AP - Always Propaganda.

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