This survey doesn't give those responding a chance to express their opinion of the safety or otherwise of the mRNA vaccine.

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It would be great if you could get people to give you their lot numbers and dates in your surveys.

Suggest you might use talents of survey research experts, perhaps donated time o your followers with these skills in helping you design surveys before you launch..

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There’s a website for it (could be updated).


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Probably no one reading comments this late -- but I suspect vaccine injuries tend to concentrate in certain classes of people. Some groups of people have many injuries and some have few. This explains why some people can say they have hundreds of vax'd friends and no injuries.

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Check out Hedley Rees Substack Inside Pharma for thoughts on why some of these lots where so much more deadly and harmful than others. Some of it is catastrophically and intentionally sloppy non adherence to generally good manufacturing principles. It is another rich layer to the whole catastrophic story.



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No survey there on vax safety

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When and where will the results be published?

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Not safe at all. My opinion.

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Hey you. That sums it up. Were you injured too?

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But yet Biden has just announced that he's renewing the Pfzier dosage contract for 3.2 billion with the cost each dose in the new contract up by 56%

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Why are we not charging ALL government heads with criminal charges in every state and federal position as accomplices in what they are allowing to be done to us THE UNITED STATES CITIZENS. Replace each and every one of them immediately until they go through due process.

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022

How safe are they?

The 17 year old daughter of Toronto Blue Jays coach “dies suddenly” . No word of cause of death, but the airwaves are littered by this today. Not a player, not a coach, but a relative of a baseball coach.

It is a personal tragedy, but, why is this saturating the news?

Died suddenly, another teenager, from a secret cause. Happens everyday, right?

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¨Join Nina a highly skilled nurse from New South Wales in Australia, as she exposes concerning information about the local Pfizer vaccine.¨ 6:36 min https://www.unitednetwork.news/content/detail/62b9d067c4f937001361726f/26-06-22-United-Network-Field-Messenger-Report

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WTF is that in it? so evil! brave women for getting this out there.

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We were duped from the start of the so-called pandemic, no doubt man made! As it turns out you can’t outrun a “wily” respiratory virus! Covid is basically just like the flu! And when did anyone ever shutdown a country when the annual flu bug arrives! Trying to coax patients to go get the flu vaccine was invariably countered by the statement “the flu vaccine gives me the flu”! Here people who have never submitted to any vaccine, be it tetanus, polio, measles, hepatitis etc, are running to get these largely unvetted gene altering jabs! And our government just negotiated with Pfizer/Moderna to get the new “improved” Covid vaccines for fall! With those you get twice as much of the gene altering mRNA!

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I'm very concerned about the safety of these vaccines and like a lot of Steve Kirsch's commentary but it's hard to take the results of a survey like this seriously...the bias problem is too great. A method of sampling the population more randomly is needed.

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I totally agree and want to amplify this.

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According to Dr Judy Mikovits, former biochemistry research scientist with the Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI) in Dr Fauci's department, around 50mil Americans will eventually die as a direct result from the COVID vaccines. This calculation was based on estimated figures from a formula used to calculate past death rates from vaccine injuries that is apparently known to the government.

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Liberty Journal has two articles lined up for its launch on July 4. Spoiler alert: one article is about vaccination. Subscribe ahead of the July 4 launch at http://libertyjournal.substack.com.

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Survey: More Than 750,000 Dead, 30 Million Injured Because of Covid Vax....


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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

I just tried to take the survey but I didn't get an option of actually saying any injuries or effects. I don't have any, but it's just that the construction of the survey didn't allow me to input information other than 'intials', 'where I heard about it from,' and 'whether I was vaxxed'

Edit: I see now, the option doesn't appear unless you got vaxxed

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