Interesting color scheme by the Israeli government. Now that I'm looking for it, I'm seeing it everywhere. https://www.bitchute.com/video/21jfAM2K5OlR/

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I just read recently that Dr. Paul Farmer (of Partners in Health fame) "... died in his sleep, of an acute cardiac event". I wonder when he got his last shot. https://www.democracynow.org/2022/2/24/who_lives_who_dies_the_remarkable

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100% agree. The people behind this world takeover are pure evil and they hate everything that God created. Including humanity. That's why they are trying to change God's design of humans with this evil and toxic genetic modifying inoculations. God will be their judge in the end. Our only hope is to stay close to God. Psalm 91! And Psalm 37! In Jesus' Name!

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In Nova Scotia there are more deaths of people with the average age of 52 years old here in 9 months than 2 years of covid.

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I 100% agree with you Greg. People need to repent and invite Jesus into their hearts and lives before it's too late. God Bless you!

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We are in a war against God. The more we talk about God the powerful we become.

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Because they do want to depopulate a huge percentage of the world, down to a manageable number. I believe, that once they get the numbers they want. Then they will start rounding up the unjabbed and keep them in isolation camps for harvest. And then the die off will begin. And it will be far enough away from the date of jab to be deniable. The evil is exposing itself very rapidly. Just think back to Auschwitz. And that was only in Europe. This is a world take over.

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Oy vey! Never forget the 666 gorillion.

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No, I had shingles a few years ago. This was nothing like that. No pustules, no midline stop, and fairly predictable as to when it would start and stop. It usually came on at about noon each day and it was excruciatingly hot. The skin would get very red all over so that even fabric hurt it. It would burn hot usually for 3 or 4 hours than stop as suddenly as it had started. It occasionally would last 6 hours. When it stopped, it would be over completely until the next day. The redness and pain would simply disappear. Weird is how I would describe it.

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Are there any decently funded and committed teams investigating treatments for vaccine injuries that might be treatable? Seems this battle for exercising true public health needs to begin addressing the burgeoning disaster. Seems to me like all the energy is going into trying to counter the leviathan. Perhaps the leviathan can be further undermined by those who can work to repair the damage?

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I wonder if Steve would be prepared to investigate the strange objects in these vaccine? Weird looking tubular shapes and more worryingly objects that look like printed circuit boards allegedly self-assembling. Using some DNA technology to facilitate the self-assemble process. Lots of studies have been done to investigate the strange contents. Perhaps the best and most comprehensive study has been done by Richard D Hall. He pulls together the research of the investigating medical teams. Go to Richplanet.net.

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Here's another suspicious death:

Highly Respected Fremont Police Captain Dies Unexpectedly

FREMONT (CBS SF/BCN) — Capt. Frederick “Freddie” Bobbitt Jr., a well-known and highly respected member of the Fremont Police Department, died unexpectedly on Monday. He was 54 years old.

Bobbitt was a member of the department for more than 32 years, working his way of the ranks. His death has left his fellow officers stunned and “in disbelief and shock.”

Tracy police have classified Bobbitt’s death as unattended. He had no known underlying health condition, Fremont spokeswoman Geneva Bosques said.


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You can bet he was up to date on his VAXXXXXXine shots.

ALL of the vaxxxxxines will shorten the lives of the vaxxxxed, some will die quickly, others will survive longer which will make it easier for the murderers to deny the vaxxxxxxine killed them. BUT make no mistake, if you've been vaxxxxxxed, it will shorten your life.

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I had bad side effects from each of my two Pfizer jabs. Since I hadn't wanted to get them, I called my doc and he said I really MUST take the 2nd shot because I was having 'a great immune response ' My arms, shoulders and back burned like they had been scalded with hot water for between 3 and 6 hours each day. That lasted for 4 weeks. I couldn't even stand to have the fabric of a shirt touching me when my skin was burning. The 2nd shot went right to my sciatic nerve, hip, and lower back. I couldn't walk without severe pain. Muscle relaxers, NSAIDS, and a chiropractor brought me back to the land of the functional, the 1st time I'd ever been in so much pain I sought out a chiropractor. No boosters. Now, a year later, the sciatic nerve, hip and back still have their flare ups but I can rid myself of them by doing a deep knee bend or two. I tried to report to Vaers but the system must have been overloaded because all 3 times I submitted my data, it did not go through. I am so sorry I listened to my husband and the nurse who was explaining everything to us. I had resisted for a month but hubby finally wore me down. Now, he's sorry he got his shots, too.

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Sorry you went thru so much. Also, i LOVE your handle, "QuaranTina".

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What I went through was nothing when compared with what so many others have endured. Thank you, though, for your kind words and concern. They are much appreciated.

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Sounds like it could be shingles. I have read anecdotes of the mRNA activating shingles.

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MANY benefit from mandating a dangerous vaxxxxine:

1. BIG PHARMA makes $BILLIONS with no liability

2. DimWIT Party gets mail in ballots= EASY VOTE FRAUD

3. Fraudci and Bill Gates love Eugenics

BUT the #`1 winner of the vaxxxine sweepstakes:

THE CCP- with their stooge Biden mandating the vaxxxxxines for the military, the CCP gets to defeat the US military without firing a shot. Imagine the number of healthy Americans that are going to be disabled in the coming year(s). Those affected will have a greatly increased risk of dying.

Bill Gates and Fraudci worked hand in hand with the CCP military to deliver the virus to the world and then the CCP gave the blueprint for the Vaxxxxxine to BIG PHARMA.

This was far too easy.

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Why vax when great treatments are available? Makes no sense but earns corrupt politicians and corrupt medical establishment big $$$!

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I pray for discernment every day. Everything in the world is lie upon lie, coming from the government and the elite funded media. I am grateful for people like Steve and other truth seekers. But in the end, this world is so evil. Jesus is the only hope for Salvation! God Bless you Consuela!

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I believe we must pray for Wisdom, discernment and the full armor of God! God bless us all.

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