My husband (52), myself (56), children 18, 8, 7…all of us not vaccinated for covid, 18 year old has autism (no vaccines after 12 months old) and youngest two (no vaccines at all, ever), myself last vaccines in 2002 (last and only flu vaccine in 1997, lol) and husband last vaccines about 2003. We all had tested positive and had all the symptoms of Covid (except lower respiratory symptoms) in september 2022. I took ivermectin but no one else took it. All of us over most symptoms in 4 days with me having low fever of 99 temp till day 7 and my husband having lack of taste and smell on going for 2 weeks. both of us are over weight and diabetic and recovered pretty good. After Covid we all weirdly caught every other cold out there thru January 2023 (sick about 10 times, seemed like every two weeks) but mild colds and all negative for covid after September 2022. Then not sick again all 2023 till last month late October when we all got a super terrible upper respiratory cold that lasted a week, and with coughing lasting an additional week. Kids all tested negative for Covid and strep as per pediatrician ordered pcr and strep. From 2020- sept 2022 kids were constantly exposed at school to Covid (18 yr old was back in a classroom with her 1:1 aide fall of 2020 onward) and all of us were sick quite a few times but none of us tested positive till sept 2022 and we never tested positive after that either…so Covid technically only once for all 5 of us and that sept 2022 was clearly Covid classic symptoms and no other time we had those exact symptoms. We did not test “every” time we got sick either, especially after September 2022.

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Oct 26, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023

3 times. I never got the shot. I actually got the coof very early on before anyone knew what it was in February 2020. I lost taste and smell for a month. It was like a bad cold for me, I never got a fever, but I rarely do anyway. Then I got it in November 2021, my whole family did. Even the jabbed members. They were the most upset about it. It hit my husband (not jabbed)very hard, went to the hospital with high fever and O2 in low 80s but was kicked out in early hours of morning because he refused ventilator though they never gave him oxygen. Weird. They did give him fluids and that did help actually. I was able to get a hold of ivermectin and the rest of the components of the Imask protocol for him plus a nebulizer and used 3 drops food grade hydrogen peroxide with saline and he was fine after a month. I also went on the protocol as it went right to my lungs, but I never got the fever, as I said, I rarely get fever. The last time I got it was the end of 2022 and it was very mild, but made my lungs hurt (I forgot to mention I have mild asthma so my lungs do get testy with colds). But it was mild and I used the nebulizer and Imask and I was fine. I will never get the jab. My middle daughter was in the original fixer trial and she’s not doing well mentally or physically. :(

Edit: my kids who never got the jab only ever had the sniffles, no fever. The jabbed all got pretty sick, though as I said, my husband had it worst and had he been married to a less stubborn woman he would have died. im convinced that if I didn’t call the hospital desk every 10 minutes for his vitals and to remind them no remdesivir ever, etc because they kicked me out so I was going out of my ever loving mind at the thought of my high school sweetheart dying alone in a coof ward, I would be a widow now.

Covid changed me. I used to trust doctors and nurses, now I will never again and make it a strict practice to speak only political correctese around these perfectly programmed golems.

I try to warn young parents whenever I can. People need to wake up.

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To Steve Kirsch

I would like to see more info on vaccine shedding

This vaccine mandate is going to get started again

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I never caught it. I crushed garlic and put in water for 20 minutes and real man it down. I do it everyday

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A reminder? Some background we should ALL keep in mind? From within: https://www.ucihealth.org/blog/2020/04/why-is-covid19-so-dangerous

Stickier than SARS-1

The virus that causes COVID-19 is similar to SARS — in fact, it’s officially called SARS-CoV-2 — and it attaches to the same receptors as SARS-CoV-1, but it’s stickier, Buchmeier explains. That allows the virus to enter cells more quickly, get a firmer grasp and begin spreading more quickly throughout the body.

This virus also attacks the lower respiratory tract — the bronchial tubes and the lungs — where it can lead to pneumonia. That triggers an inflammatory response as the body attempts to fight the invader. In some people — about 15% — this immune response starts a cyclical overreaction of the body’s immune system called a cytokine storm.

“Cytokine production is a normal immune response to try to kill the virus,” Forthal says. “Under normal circumstances, the response peaks early, clears the virus and helps produce antibodies and T cells specific for the virus. But in some COVID-19 patients, the cytokine response sticks around too long and too strongly.”

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Twice. Hospitalized with it and pneumonia the first time and refused remdesifir (sp?). L still think I ended up sick due to wearing a mask all day at work. The second time was much milder as a hospital stay was not needed. I never received a jab although several close relatives did.

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No jabs and I haven't gotten Covid even once.

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Twice, I think! but very mild. Not sure re the first time. I didn't get it tested. (And no jabs)

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never had either the covid or the vaxx

but then i live a hermit life being housebound due to another illness that predates covid causing chronic crippling plain - which meant i was out of the system and not subject to work mandates as i had to resign in 2019 due to the pain.

or i had it but it was so mild as to not be noticeable

and I am now a convinced antivaxxer because of this business.

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19,000 entries so far?

I have trust issues after the past 3 years with our government corruption, but took the survey, after vetting airtable

Good habits and all...

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Twice and no shot

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Not at all and unvaxxed

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Since COVID was identified by French scientists to be genetically identical to the Chinese Krait snake and the King Cobra, I got envenomated with Fauci's bioweapon in Dec. 2019 once.

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None that I know of or noticed. Unvaxxed

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Once. No shots.

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I think I tested positive for 'covid' back in 2020, and I only took the test for the hell of it. I wasn't even very sick at all.

I would never take the test again.

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