100% Correct. What if? The Fluoride was foisted on people as being the saviour of our kids teeth. Zero mention of its poisonous properties what so ever.
100% Correct. What if? The Fluoride was foisted on people as being the saviour of our kids teeth.
Zero mention of its poisonous properties what so ever.
Yes it was a scam to resell toxic waste , based on dosing toddlers with it , leading to a delay in their teeth emerging .
Thats it.
No real effect on dental rot proven , just the chemical poisoning delayed tooth eruption , thus less exposure to sugar and other causes of caries.
It really IS this bad , and the child schedule is no better in it's " trials"
Tom Lehrer sang this in the 1960's. Nearly 60 years later and people are only now really getting to grips with it.
Love Tom Lehrer ! My mom had his records.
He is brilliant. I have two of his LP's and my dad has another.
100% Correct. What if? The Fluoride was foisted on people as being the saviour of our kids teeth.
Zero mention of its poisonous properties what so ever.
Yes it was a scam to resell toxic waste , based on dosing toddlers with it , leading to a delay in their teeth emerging .
Thats it.
No real effect on dental rot proven , just the chemical poisoning delayed tooth eruption , thus less exposure to sugar and other causes of caries.
It really IS this bad , and the child schedule is no better in it's " trials"
Tom Lehrer sang this in the 1960's. Nearly 60 years later and people are only now really getting to grips with it.
Love Tom Lehrer ! My mom had his records.
He is brilliant. I have two of his LP's and my dad has another.