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How to make a Nation drop to its knees,


We are poisoning our children. A silent pandemic of neurodevelopmental toxicity is disabling our children. The Root Causes are from 4 major poisons.

1. Fluoride. Just look at the bag at your water plant, its states POISON. Here are 500 studies that show the danger: https://files.iaomt.org/wp-content/uploads/IAOMT-Fluoride-Position-Paper.pdf , Bashash 2017 & 2018, Green 2019, all determined Lower IQ in children.

50% of children have dental fluorosis

2. GMO foods, since 1990’s Glyphosate has accrued in 80% of our food supply. Monsanto, the same company that brought you agent orange has altered our seed supply with poisons that destroy our gut microbiome that results in brain harm. Studies: Entropy Seneff/Samsel 2013, Seralini 2012 and more….LAWSUIT WIN: Monsanto guilty of glyphosate injuries.

3. WIFI radiation. Neurological damage to brains of developing children Studies: Hensinger Wilke 2016, Havas 2013, Levitt Lai 2010 and more…. Pediatric Neurologist & Neuroscientist Dr. Martha Herbert Harvard/MGH: “EMF can certainly contribute to degrading physiological integrity of cellular and molecular level” “contributes to chronic illnesses”

“thousands of papers document adverse health and neurological impacts of EMF” www.bioinitiative.org

***** Historical Lawsuit WIN ~ FCC lost, they never showed safety of wifi.


4. Vaccines: 72 doses (24 doses in 1983) of formaldehyde, animal/human DNA, GM bacteria and viral DNA, MSG, polysorbate 80, mercury, and the big one Aluminum: 4, 925 mcg by 18 mos.

Studies: Grandjean Lancet Neurology 2014”Environmental toxins are causing widespread brain injury and loss of a generation of children”, Umar Exley 2017, Seneff Liu 2012. Gherardi 2015. 152 Studies show Vaccines DO cause autism: http://mainevaxchoice.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/VaccineAutismStudies.pdf

Dr Rashid Buttar & Dr Dan Pompa healed their sons with autism by detoxing. Both have written books about this.

Glyphosate in vaccines study: microbeinotech.com by

Moms across America.

1 in 6 children have developmental disabilities.

8 million children are on damaging psych meds. 11% of children have ADHD. 50% of children have chronic illnesses. 20% of children require special education services.

Solutions to the 4 poisons.

1. Drink spring water. Ask your town leaders to remove fluoride from the public drinking supply.

2. Eat only organic food with no pesticides/glyphosate

3. Get a www.smartmeterguard.com for your router/modem and electric meter or replace your electric/water/gas meter with analog.

4. Learn Natural Immunity. It works and lasts a lifetime. We didn’t survive for thousands of years because of “lifesaving vaccines”. The human body is remarkable to heal given the correct nutrients. Vaccines do not give immunity. Do the research.

If your child is already injured due to the 4 poisons, there are many non-toxic nutrient based detox protocols. We are healing children with ASD, ADHD, Tics etc. (autism spectrum disorder) with these detox protocols. These conditions are not a life sentence.

Medical mandates are politics pretending to be science. Mandates (fluoride, vaccines) and “Uninformed” Consent (gmo foods, wifi radiation) amount to human experimentation and are in violation of our constitutional freedoms and universal human rights. ALL our Govt regulatory agencies are only looking out for corporate financial health and not your children’s health. CDC/HHS/NIH/FDA/EPA/DEA/USDA/FCC

We now live in the information age. All the above studies and healing protocols are recognized by thousands of grass roots organizations. Here a few of them.

The Mom Street Journal

Thinking Moms Revolution The Wild Doc

Moms Across America Vaxxed 1 Vaxxed 11

March against Monsanto

Weston Price Foundation

Childrens Health Defense

Real Immunity.org

Physicians for Informed Consent

I Can Decide.org

Environmental Health Trust

The Drs. Wolfson

Green Med Info

Our Nation is only 5% of the world yet we take 50% of all drugs. We have the sickest children in history; we must change this to save ourselves.

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