While chatbots are very useful they aren't God and they do get things wrong. Even the mighty Deepseek gets simple things wrong.
For example I have a low range EV for dotting around town in and I wondered if I could take it on a 350 mile trip to see one of my sons so I asked Deepseek to plan my route and I told it the charger type and the distance the car could travel between charges etc. Deepseek came back with some very useful stuff for me but one of the legs of the journey between chargers was 90 miles despite Deepseek telling me in the answer that it knew the maximum travel distance before charging was 80 miles. So chatbots can get a lot of very difficult stuff correct whilst getting simple things wrong, very much like a smart human actually.
Clearly in this case of vaccines it got it partially correct but given enough papers to read I'm sure it would arrive at the obvious conclusion that vaccines have nothing to do with health and everything to do with making rich people like Trump's J&J chum richer and poor people more ill and less able to fight back just like chemical chains for slaves actually. It would conclude this was a class war and that we the people had not yet begun to fight back because we had not recognised these chains for what they are, a system of physical slavery to back up their system of financial slavery, a financial slave system that any decent parasite class would have been quite content with without then going on to poison their host via the water, food and vaccines but these bankers fear the people of the West especially ......... and with very good reason given what will inevitably come next for them. Because when every idiot can act with an off grid chatbot that gives them ten times the reasoning power they themselves had things are going to get rather messy. In the film Ben Hur his estate manager was carried around by a very big dumb guy and as he said "together we make a considerable man" ....... that is what Altman and the others fear the masses rising up powered by AI not AI rising up powered by robots and that is why they are so panicked now that they have clearly failed to keep their chains on AI also.
Just starting with the AI generated too shiny glowey image puts me off on much of AI generated art. It represents an bright eyed child robot. But, everyone wants shiny new toys. Is it worth the dependency using AIs for answers worth it in the long run? Will it make people lazy thinkers? Will we allocate AIs to do our thinking for us? Are AIs capable of not plagiarising?
Ok, when Trump won I was over the moon, and I was a lifelong democrat party loyalist before the 2020 debacle. The 2024 victory was unbelievable. I felt like I was holding my breath leading up. I’m getting the same feeling about RFK Junior. Let the dominoes fall! Squish the cockroaches! Let the rats drown before they get off the ship!
Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009:
"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services"
Kissinger was evil and a useless eater and the world would be a paradise by now if he had not been born but he wasn't a complete idiot so I can't believe he was dumb enough to say this though I am absolutely sure he thought it as it is entirely true. If you can't find links for these types of things it may just be that you are using the wrong browser as Google etc hide many things, try Yandex as that invariably comes out at the top of the best search engines during independent testing. Its what I use.
This is exactly what AI is SUPPOSED to do; be used as a tool to assist humans and not SUPPORT ANY ‘APPROVED’ NARRATIVE. Just the facts with clear explanations about how any conclusions are reached. Until the coding is reviewed for ethical concerns by a panel of approved medical professionals/software engineers with a wide array of medical opinions that can all agree on basic functions and applications in healthcare, we have zero business trying to inject AI into healthcare irresponsibly before it’s ready. I believe Suchir, the Open AI whistleblower would have developed something similar, if he was still around today. The AI is only coming to the same conclusion that many others have already figured out. Interesting article!
"Honest AI", or AI trained on a more complete data set of input?
AI is limited just like these idiot "wokes" are limited, by their limited exposure to info and limited experience. And most of the "wokes" have little or no independent thinking ability, and react with emotional shock and denial when presented with hard to deny information, which AI programming (probably) doesn't have as a vulnerability.
. . .and, how do we know the core programing of the "honest AI" isn't supposed to research the questioner to get a read on his or her biases and political proclivities and formulate the answers accordingly?
Some such as Deepseek are open source along with the maths behind them so you can download the code yourself and see no spyware etc is hiding there unlike with Windows etc that record every screen and every keystroke long before they are ever encrypted. Anyone that thinks Microsoft can't steal their Bitcoin completely undetected is deluding themselves.
Oh gosh Steve... you're such a racist homophobic xenophobic election denier....you really need to avoid educating parents and do what the WEF wants ;-)....
What might be interesting to see is if we DID take away vaccines, or at least put a warning on them saying "highly likely to cause autism' and then put them back on the market (you know, like Vioxx...except that was for causing cardiovascular problems!), how much would that change the % of those being diagnosed with autism?
If the level is still quite high, Big Pharma would say "See, autism was skyrocketing anyway, let's have access to those vaccines again!"
If the level is low, and if the only change we made was to take away vaccines, I think it would be a fairly open and shut case.
BUT, I think it will only be a slow downhill slide of autism reduction. Why? Because of Epigenetics.
Just because you stop pummelling the kids with injected toxins doesn't mean their parents are feeding them right, that their air or water is perfectly clean - or that their eggs & sperm come from clean/safe bodies. Remember, the kids and young adults today, who have mostly been injected within an inch of their lives, are going to be the parents of the next couple of generations. And in Nature, you don't tend to get healthy kids from poisoned parents.
SO, even if we DO take away vaccines, I think it'll take a few generations to see good results (ie severely reduced autism rates). In the meantime, that's 75 years fighting with Big Pharma to stop their vaccines.
And they don't have fluoride in their water either. Another way "our" representatives keep people dumb and enslaved. I think Sanders and his Squaw sidekick showed us exactly who these people work for and it aint any of us.
Dr. Paul Thomas reported an observational study based on his pediatric practice in which he had both vaccinated and a larger than average unvaccinated cohorts that reported essentially the same finding. This study is obviously more scientifically robust, but the good Doctor should have his license reinstated based on this study alone (his was revoked thanks to the good people of Oregon not liking his message). This same doctor cowrote with Jennifer Marguilis a booked called "The Vaccine Friendly Plan" - a somewhat euphemistic name to throw the censors off the scent of a plan that recommends fewer vaccines more spaced out, as well as avoiding Tylenol while pregnant or for children (remember, this is the liver toxin/medicine most physicians prescribe to children to reduce the discomfort they experience after vaccinations!). Steve, I'm sure you know the Senators and the mainstream media are looking only for confirmation of their views and nothing else. The lack of integrity amongst both those institutions makes me sick. The timing of the publication of the Mawson study could not be more critical!! Go RFK Jr!!
A Midwestern Doctor just wrote an article on the adverse effects of ultrasounds on a fetus. I was astounded by past studies on this and how the FDA ignored data on this as per usual and buried past studies proving it. VERY insightful article.
As I understand it the American MIdwives Association or something like that years ago refused to have anything to do with ultrasound as it was known decades ago that it could damage children's brains for no good reason whatsoever as if the ultrasound showed something wrong nothing could be done about it anyway so it was a completely pointless exercise unless the point was to damage children's brains.
Steve, I am retired and living on Social Security. I can't possibly afford to subscribe to your brilliant chatbot. But, I think it's great and wish you and the project all success!
What the Covid vaccine did was separate the targets from the protectors within the herd. Predators try to separate the vulnerable within the herd from the strong and healthy, and then prey on them. The victims no longer hear the voice of their reasonable protectors. These victims take pill after pill, get surgery after surgery, and jab after jab, and they never hear the voice of reason, because the predatory medical system has cut them off from our voices. That's the most embarrassing thing about this attack...our inability to protect our loved ones. We are going to have to live with not having been able to protect the ones we used to love. That's embarrassing, as a man. I failed as a protector. I tried to warn people, but it didn't work.
“Vaccination is organized crime that preys on the protective instincts of parents at the expense of the health of their children for the profit of massive corporations”-Erwin Elber(somewhere in the 1990’s). I apologize for the paraphrasing of the original quote, I lost it a while back.
Erwin is the reason I didn’t vaccinate my kids, the reason they are pictures of health and vitality today in their late teens.
Erwin died under suspicious circumstances outside his girlfriend’s rural/jungle home in Thailand, may he RIP.
I got banned for life off Twitter for sharing this quote and saying I passed Erwin’s knowledge on to as many as I could and hope I saved some beautiful ones lives. Near 20yrs of abuse for being a science denying idiot all worth it if I just saved 1.
Musk is controlled opposition, an operative of the US deep state now attacking the UK I see to steal their wealth and keep the US sinking hulk afloat for a few seconds more so some more important deck chair rearranging can be done.
Usually when I submit my answer to a poll, I'm in the less than 1% crowd. Suddenly today I'm with my people who have no interest in forking over a cent to find out that some AI chatbot is finally telling the truth.
If one wants to know how to separate people from their money, simply provide them with an AI chatbot that will tell them what they really think. People will pay to know what they really think.
All of these mathematical formulas, equations, etc. have a tendency to lull my prefrontal lobes into a stupor. I forget who figured this out, but supposedly there's this formula that book publishers utilize which states that for every mathematical equation presented, you're going to lose half of your readers.
In Marketing there was a study that said would always work to draw people in. WIN was one, FREE was another one and SEX was the third. So, advertisements that promise you will win free sex is supposed to be unbeatable. But, for some of us unvaccinated in advertising appeals we would ask of WIN what are the odds? of FREE we would ask if it is free doesn't it mean we are the product? For SEX we would ask what are the risks STDs? Pregnancies? 18 years or more of paying through the nose for something we were told we won for free? !!!
Would the honest AI chat box confirm what happened to the unvaccinated during the booster campaign?
Would the honest AI chat box reconfirm the boosted had an IGg4 switch and unleashed mutated dragon fire on the unvaccinated which caused many of them to drop dead in the Summer of 2022?
Would the honest AI chat box admit there was a perfect storm brewing in December 2021 when a vaccine mandate, Omicron, and the introduction of boosters came into play?
Would the honest AI chat box confirm Deathachusetts death waves following UK death waves to a T is a very compelling factor?
Would the honest AI chat box confirm it is rather alarming companies invited the unvaccinated back to the office during the middle of a booster campaign?
Would the honest AI chat box confirm we are living through a carefully planned democide?
I would offer up every nickel and dime I have if the honest AI chat box could confirm these questions.
As the parent of a boy who went from climbing play equipment, eating mayo, banging on pots and pans with a wooden spoon to, OVERNIGHT being terrified of stairs, refusing to go on the jungle Jim, having strange food phobias, seeing "black ghosts flying on the roof " and unable to even tolerate the noise of a vacuum cleaner, the day after his 3rd mmr vaccine.. I KNOW vaccines cause autism. There is no doubt whatsoever that my child changed over night, and the only causal factor possible is that vaccine .. I had never had vaccine hesitancy, never even knew there was claims that childhood vaccines caused problems for anyone. I fully believed that they were tested and safe. Since my son's diagnosis, all that I have found out about vaccines has absolutely horrified me and infuriated me. I must say, that the timing was good though.. he was diagnosed a few months before the COVID scamdemic, and with all my research, by the time the covid "vaccines" were released, there was no effing way I was going to inject that crap into any of us.. it saved us from a worse fate than autism.
While chatbots are very useful they aren't God and they do get things wrong. Even the mighty Deepseek gets simple things wrong.
For example I have a low range EV for dotting around town in and I wondered if I could take it on a 350 mile trip to see one of my sons so I asked Deepseek to plan my route and I told it the charger type and the distance the car could travel between charges etc. Deepseek came back with some very useful stuff for me but one of the legs of the journey between chargers was 90 miles despite Deepseek telling me in the answer that it knew the maximum travel distance before charging was 80 miles. So chatbots can get a lot of very difficult stuff correct whilst getting simple things wrong, very much like a smart human actually.
Clearly in this case of vaccines it got it partially correct but given enough papers to read I'm sure it would arrive at the obvious conclusion that vaccines have nothing to do with health and everything to do with making rich people like Trump's J&J chum richer and poor people more ill and less able to fight back just like chemical chains for slaves actually. It would conclude this was a class war and that we the people had not yet begun to fight back because we had not recognised these chains for what they are, a system of physical slavery to back up their system of financial slavery, a financial slave system that any decent parasite class would have been quite content with without then going on to poison their host via the water, food and vaccines but these bankers fear the people of the West especially ......... and with very good reason given what will inevitably come next for them. Because when every idiot can act with an off grid chatbot that gives them ten times the reasoning power they themselves had things are going to get rather messy. In the film Ben Hur his estate manager was carried around by a very big dumb guy and as he said "together we make a considerable man" ....... that is what Altman and the others fear the masses rising up powered by AI not AI rising up powered by robots and that is why they are so panicked now that they have clearly failed to keep their chains on AI also.
Just starting with the AI generated too shiny glowey image puts me off on much of AI generated art. It represents an bright eyed child robot. But, everyone wants shiny new toys. Is it worth the dependency using AIs for answers worth it in the long run? Will it make people lazy thinkers? Will we allocate AIs to do our thinking for us? Are AIs capable of not plagiarising?
Ok, when Trump won I was over the moon, and I was a lifelong democrat party loyalist before the 2020 debacle. The 2024 victory was unbelievable. I felt like I was holding my breath leading up. I’m getting the same feeling about RFK Junior. Let the dominoes fall! Squish the cockroaches! Let the rats drown before they get off the ship!
Remember he let us down before and he is bang on track to let us down again.
Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009:
"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services"
Any link?
Kissinger was evil and a useless eater and the world would be a paradise by now if he had not been born but he wasn't a complete idiot so I can't believe he was dumb enough to say this though I am absolutely sure he thought it as it is entirely true. If you can't find links for these types of things it may just be that you are using the wrong browser as Google etc hide many things, try Yandex as that invariably comes out at the top of the best search engines during independent testing. Its what I use.
I learned only about 15 years ago what a POS Kissinger was. I hope he resides in Hell.
He does, a hell of his own making.
This is exactly what AI is SUPPOSED to do; be used as a tool to assist humans and not SUPPORT ANY ‘APPROVED’ NARRATIVE. Just the facts with clear explanations about how any conclusions are reached. Until the coding is reviewed for ethical concerns by a panel of approved medical professionals/software engineers with a wide array of medical opinions that can all agree on basic functions and applications in healthcare, we have zero business trying to inject AI into healthcare irresponsibly before it’s ready. I believe Suchir, the Open AI whistleblower would have developed something similar, if he was still around today. The AI is only coming to the same conclusion that many others have already figured out. Interesting article!
"Honest AI", or AI trained on a more complete data set of input?
AI is limited just like these idiot "wokes" are limited, by their limited exposure to info and limited experience. And most of the "wokes" have little or no independent thinking ability, and react with emotional shock and denial when presented with hard to deny information, which AI programming (probably) doesn't have as a vulnerability.
. . .and, how do we know the core programing of the "honest AI" isn't supposed to research the questioner to get a read on his or her biases and political proclivities and formulate the answers accordingly?
Some such as Deepseek are open source along with the maths behind them so you can download the code yourself and see no spyware etc is hiding there unlike with Windows etc that record every screen and every keystroke long before they are ever encrypted. Anyone that thinks Microsoft can't steal their Bitcoin completely undetected is deluding themselves.
RFK Jr. Announces $5.6 Quadrillion Lawsuit vs Vaccine Injuries, Covid Measures & Crimes Against Humanity vs Bernie Sanders in Senate Hearing citing VAERS & VSAFE @ Ron Johnson (NurembergTrials.net) https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-announces-56-quadrillion-lawsuit
bernie aka onesie man is a maniac. did you see him during the confirmation hearing? what a nutjob.
Maniac, or acting under some form of blackmail?
Oh gosh Steve... you're such a racist homophobic xenophobic election denier....you really need to avoid educating parents and do what the WEF wants ;-)....
you know I'm kidding Steve!!
WE all need to listen that excellent WEF advice. 😉
What might be interesting to see is if we DID take away vaccines, or at least put a warning on them saying "highly likely to cause autism' and then put them back on the market (you know, like Vioxx...except that was for causing cardiovascular problems!), how much would that change the % of those being diagnosed with autism?
If the level is still quite high, Big Pharma would say "See, autism was skyrocketing anyway, let's have access to those vaccines again!"
If the level is low, and if the only change we made was to take away vaccines, I think it would be a fairly open and shut case.
BUT, I think it will only be a slow downhill slide of autism reduction. Why? Because of Epigenetics.
Just because you stop pummelling the kids with injected toxins doesn't mean their parents are feeding them right, that their air or water is perfectly clean - or that their eggs & sperm come from clean/safe bodies. Remember, the kids and young adults today, who have mostly been injected within an inch of their lives, are going to be the parents of the next couple of generations. And in Nature, you don't tend to get healthy kids from poisoned parents.
SO, even if we DO take away vaccines, I think it'll take a few generations to see good results (ie severely reduced autism rates). In the meantime, that's 75 years fighting with Big Pharma to stop their vaccines.
It's a long fight ahead of us...
93% of Africa refused the Covid Vaccine. And, nothing happenned. No superspreaders, no pandemic, nothing...
And they don't have fluoride in their water either. Another way "our" representatives keep people dumb and enslaved. I think Sanders and his Squaw sidekick showed us exactly who these people work for and it aint any of us.
Booyah! The Amish too.
Dr. Paul Thomas reported an observational study based on his pediatric practice in which he had both vaccinated and a larger than average unvaccinated cohorts that reported essentially the same finding. This study is obviously more scientifically robust, but the good Doctor should have his license reinstated based on this study alone (his was revoked thanks to the good people of Oregon not liking his message). This same doctor cowrote with Jennifer Marguilis a booked called "The Vaccine Friendly Plan" - a somewhat euphemistic name to throw the censors off the scent of a plan that recommends fewer vaccines more spaced out, as well as avoiding Tylenol while pregnant or for children (remember, this is the liver toxin/medicine most physicians prescribe to children to reduce the discomfort they experience after vaccinations!). Steve, I'm sure you know the Senators and the mainstream media are looking only for confirmation of their views and nothing else. The lack of integrity amongst both those institutions makes me sick. The timing of the publication of the Mawson study could not be more critical!! Go RFK Jr!!
A Midwestern Doctor just wrote an article on the adverse effects of ultrasounds on a fetus. I was astounded by past studies on this and how the FDA ignored data on this as per usual and buried past studies proving it. VERY insightful article.
As I understand it the American MIdwives Association or something like that years ago refused to have anything to do with ultrasound as it was known decades ago that it could damage children's brains for no good reason whatsoever as if the ultrasound showed something wrong nothing could be done about it anyway so it was a completely pointless exercise unless the point was to damage children's brains.
Steve, I am retired and living on Social Security. I can't possibly afford to subscribe to your brilliant chatbot. But, I think it's great and wish you and the project all success!
What the Covid vaccine did was separate the targets from the protectors within the herd. Predators try to separate the vulnerable within the herd from the strong and healthy, and then prey on them. The victims no longer hear the voice of their reasonable protectors. These victims take pill after pill, get surgery after surgery, and jab after jab, and they never hear the voice of reason, because the predatory medical system has cut them off from our voices. That's the most embarrassing thing about this attack...our inability to protect our loved ones. We are going to have to live with not having been able to protect the ones we used to love. That's embarrassing, as a man. I failed as a protector. I tried to warn people, but it didn't work.
“Vaccination is organized crime that preys on the protective instincts of parents at the expense of the health of their children for the profit of massive corporations”-Erwin Elber(somewhere in the 1990’s). I apologize for the paraphrasing of the original quote, I lost it a while back.
Erwin is the reason I didn’t vaccinate my kids, the reason they are pictures of health and vitality today in their late teens.
Erwin died under suspicious circumstances outside his girlfriend’s rural/jungle home in Thailand, may he RIP.
I got banned for life off Twitter for sharing this quote and saying I passed Erwin’s knowledge on to as many as I could and hope I saved some beautiful ones lives. Near 20yrs of abuse for being a science denying idiot all worth it if I just saved 1.
It takes a village to raise good children
Brilliant quote. I am stealing it and will be posting it all over the place. Thanks for this.
I'm also banned for life from Twitter. And Elon made a big deal about amnesty, and then nobody got re-instated.
Musk is controlled opposition, an operative of the US deep state now attacking the UK I see to steal their wealth and keep the US sinking hulk afloat for a few seconds more so some more important deck chair rearranging can be done.
Usually when I submit my answer to a poll, I'm in the less than 1% crowd. Suddenly today I'm with my people who have no interest in forking over a cent to find out that some AI chatbot is finally telling the truth.
If one wants to know how to separate people from their money, simply provide them with an AI chatbot that will tell them what they really think. People will pay to know what they really think.
All of these mathematical formulas, equations, etc. have a tendency to lull my prefrontal lobes into a stupor. I forget who figured this out, but supposedly there's this formula that book publishers utilize which states that for every mathematical equation presented, you're going to lose half of your readers.
In Marketing there was a study that said would always work to draw people in. WIN was one, FREE was another one and SEX was the third. So, advertisements that promise you will win free sex is supposed to be unbeatable. But, for some of us unvaccinated in advertising appeals we would ask of WIN what are the odds? of FREE we would ask if it is free doesn't it mean we are the product? For SEX we would ask what are the risks STDs? Pregnancies? 18 years or more of paying through the nose for something we were told we won for free? !!!
Would the honest AI chat box confirm what happened to the unvaccinated during the booster campaign?
Would the honest AI chat box reconfirm the boosted had an IGg4 switch and unleashed mutated dragon fire on the unvaccinated which caused many of them to drop dead in the Summer of 2022?
Would the honest AI chat box admit there was a perfect storm brewing in December 2021 when a vaccine mandate, Omicron, and the introduction of boosters came into play?
Would the honest AI chat box confirm Deathachusetts death waves following UK death waves to a T is a very compelling factor?
Would the honest AI chat box confirm it is rather alarming companies invited the unvaccinated back to the office during the middle of a booster campaign?
Would the honest AI chat box confirm we are living through a carefully planned democide?
I would offer up every nickel and dime I have if the honest AI chat box could confirm these questions.
As the parent of a boy who went from climbing play equipment, eating mayo, banging on pots and pans with a wooden spoon to, OVERNIGHT being terrified of stairs, refusing to go on the jungle Jim, having strange food phobias, seeing "black ghosts flying on the roof " and unable to even tolerate the noise of a vacuum cleaner, the day after his 3rd mmr vaccine.. I KNOW vaccines cause autism. There is no doubt whatsoever that my child changed over night, and the only causal factor possible is that vaccine .. I had never had vaccine hesitancy, never even knew there was claims that childhood vaccines caused problems for anyone. I fully believed that they were tested and safe. Since my son's diagnosis, all that I have found out about vaccines has absolutely horrified me and infuriated me. I must say, that the timing was good though.. he was diagnosed a few months before the COVID scamdemic, and with all my research, by the time the covid "vaccines" were released, there was no effing way I was going to inject that crap into any of us.. it saved us from a worse fate than autism.
Sorry you had to go through such a hard experience, but you're one of the good ones who caught on fast and acted on what you learned.
And why all of us are fighting so hard to get the truth out far and wide. Damn big pharma as they ruin our childrens lives.
first, we humans have still brains and power of reasonable thinking to see what is going on
second, we humans have dignity to never put a creepy chip above a human capabilities
third, software build upon STEALING OF HUMAN DATA and even MURDER. is just DISGUSTING.
So, NO THANK you Mr. Kirsch.