Dr. Chris Exley's analysis of his Oxford Brain Bank autism study clearly demonstrates that for teenage brains who accidentally died with diagnoses of autism, there very high levels of aluminium. Source "Imagine You An Aluminum Atom”. In stark contrast, in brains of the NON-autistic there were very LOW levels. However this was not a designed clinical trial to prove injected aluminium causes autism. That would be unethical! But it does show that the association between aluminium and autism is binary (an on-off switch).

But the science relating autism to vaccines has been filled in by Wakefield (when mercury was used), by a whistleblower from the CDC (Thompson per MMR) and with animal and lab studies mentioned by Exley. Plus millions of Mums and Dads, plus pediatric observational studies by Thomas, Lyons-Weiler & Blaylock, Hooker and J L Garner And now this recent work from Mawson.

Remember that there are other sources of aluminum that an infant can ingest, for example, infant formula, tap water, baked goods made with fast acting baking powder. However injected aluminum is 100% absorbed by definition whereas ingested absorption varies from 0.1% to 30% depending on gut health. Read labels and remember - aluminum adjuvants are designed to cause inflammation and are incorporated into an vaccine formula based on providing maximum inflammation per dollar. Due to lack of regulation the manufactures can add as much as they see fit.

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Why are we vaccinating in the first place? We have to analyse at a higher level. There is NO scientific evidence that diseases are physically "communicated" (psychological transmission is known as the nocebo effect). "Can You Catch a Cold?" looks at this and cites 203 historical contagion studies. Nobody has ever separated out a virus to characterise it and show that it's responsible for disease and that it transmits - see "Virus Mania".

224 Institutions around the world admitted all this via their responses to numerous FOI requests. The lack of an isolated virus means it's impossible to compile a genetic "sequence" of a pure specimen and therefore cannot possibly calibrate any PCR to detect a "virus". The PCR has never been calibrated to the "Gold standard" virus.

"Dissolving Illusions" shows vaccines don't do anything to cut the severity of epidemics - on the contrary they actually make us unhealthy. The author shows that diseases were already in dramatic decline (e.g. 98% down) when the poisoned needles were introduced. For example polio declined when DDT and lead arsenate insecticides were banned while at the same time assigning different names to the disease so that "polio" did not show up. The tiny minority of Americans completely non-jabbed do not report any cancer in their lifetime and enjoy much better overall health (See J Garner Vaccine Control Studies) IJVTPR.

For so-called bacterial diseases, although we can see bacteria in sick patients we have a similar problem in that disease causation and contagion has not been proven. Koch's Postulates were never satisfied. "What Really Makes You Ill" is an excellent additional reference. Another problem with bacteria is that they can change form to survive in response to conditions like an attack. This is known as pleomorphism which the establishment conveniently neglects - another case of missing-information in medical science. Saying that bacteria have become "resistant to antibiotics" to scare everyone just means that bacteria have a vital sense of humour and enjoy the opportunity to outwit humans even with their $500 billion A.I.

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You are clearly not a stupid guy. Then why would you call it AI? You’ve already proven yourself it can’t think and I have proven it can’t read.

I have been dealing with my internet/landline provider that sent me a new modem/router. I wanted to purchase it because they charge outrageous leasing fees even though I was pissed about it. I usually let it go.. unfortunately. My IP doesn’t sell modems/routers anymore for obvious reasons. So, I decided to purchase one on my own but I could find the exact one the IP had sent. So, I queried the ChatGPT regarding the difference between the router I’ve received from my IP and the ones available on the market. So, I decided to go with the ChatGpT assessment that the modem I was going to purchase was compatible until I saw the picture of the back of the modem. ChatGPT claimed it was compatible with DSL but it didn’t have the landline connection for it to work…

Why didn’t the ChatGPT think of it? Simply put, I can't think. It is just a bunch of algorithms that will never replace logic, at least in 20% or so of human population who now know covid-19 vaccines were a DoD bioweapons department self-preservation rescue operation… There was no new pathogen (s) causing the sense of smell side effects. DoD can make you believe what you to believe, such as that a country has the weapons of mass destruction even if they don’t have it…

“Those weapons of mass destruction have to be somewhere…” GWB made a comment after the fiasco of finding them and who is going to do the same regarding covid-19 scamdemic?

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If you want to have fun with so-called AI, ask questions such as these:

"How old was Abraham when he last married?"

"And how old was this wife at that time?"

"And how many children did they have?"

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I know.

The funniest or most idiotic is the AI design “vaccines” for genetic disorders, like cancer. Close to 90% of cancers have been proven not to be of genetic origin…

It is nonsense

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Yes. Cancer is a metabolic disease. Almost nothing to do with genes. It hardly existed in the USA 100 years ago - except among those working in tanneries with chemicals and suchlike.

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While the answer is not as simple as metabolic syndrome causes all cancers, as some cancers my have other root causes, such as exposure to radiation or chemicals. Few other types of cancer can be diagnosed based on both genetic sequencing and the predictability among identical twins. Somatic mutations have been found to be correlated with some types of cancers but the cause and effect is blurred, as many studies have shown…

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If this were to become widely accepted, perhaps our experts could investigate why some are more susceptible than others. Individual dosing or freedom from dosing, seems tantamount.

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Are you talking about the variety of reactions to the aluminum in vaccines? Chris Exley points out that since we did not evolve to deal with Al3+ the result in the body is not a well rehearsed program to remove this metal ion but complete CHAOS. This results in many different symptoms including but not limited to autism, ADHD, epilepsy, allergies to various proteins a person comes into contact with during the vaccination period. etc. (For allergies it may be more predictable - that's how they make research lab rats allergic - by giving them aluminum vax adjuvant at the same time as the protein of interest like peanut). For a complete list of 37 diseases related to Al3+ see his book.

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Steve, please provide the long list of research and studies that demonstrates that vaccines significantly contribute to the autism epidemic? It would be very helpful to get brainwashed to start thinking outside the propaganda!

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DEEPSEEK'S OUTPUT FOR: " What is the connection between vaccinations and autism? "

(Less than confidence building.)

The connection between vaccinations and autism has been extensively studied, and the overwhelming consensus in the scientific and medical communities is that there is no link between vaccines and autism. This conclusion is based on numerous large-scale studies conducted over many years.

Key Points:

Origins of the Controversy:

The idea of a connection between vaccines and autism originated from a now-debunked 1998 study by Andrew Wakefield. The study, which suggested a link between the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine and autism, was found to be fraudulent, based on unethical practices, and retracted by the journal The Lancet in 2010. Wakefield lost his medical license as a result.

Scientific Evidence:

Multiple large-scale studies involving hundreds of thousands of children have found no evidence that vaccines, including the MMR vaccine, cause autism. For example:

A 2002 study by the National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) found no causal relationship.

A 2019 study of over 650,000 children in Denmark confirmed no increased risk of autism from the MMR vaccine.

Numerous other studies have reached the same conclusion.

Ingredients in Vaccines:

Concerns have also been raised about vaccine ingredients, such as thimerosal (a preservative containing ethylmercury). However, thimerosal was removed from most childhood vaccines in the early 2000s as a precaution, and studies have shown no link between thimerosal and autism. Ethylmercury is also different from methylmercury, which is the type of mercury known to be harmful in high doses.

Autism as a Developmental Condition:

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition with genetic and environmental factors contributing to its development. Symptoms of autism often become apparent around the same age that children receive certain vaccines, which has led to misconceptions about causation. However, correlation does not imply causation.

Public Health Impact:

The false claim that vaccines cause autism has led to vaccine hesitancy and a decline in vaccination rates in some areas, resulting in outbreaks of preventable diseases like measles. Vaccines are one of the most effective public health tools, preventing millions of deaths worldwide each year.


There is no scientific evidence supporting a connection between vaccines and autism. Vaccines are safe, effective, and crucial for preventing serious diseases. The continued promotion of the vaccine-autism myth is harmful and undermines public health efforts. If you have concerns about vaccines or autism, it’s important to consult trusted medical professionals and rely on evidence-based information.

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This is the communist reply?

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Except that William Thompson, whistleblower at CDC said he was told to destroy the damming evidence that they knew about the autism epidemic related to MMR. They made a documentary about it. The outsider in receipt of the information was Dr. Brian Hooker who has also documented his own studies of health vs Vax.

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A variation on an old IT saying: Statist garbage in; statist garbage out.

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Thanks Steve for this article. As a pediatrician treating autistic kids, I find these numbers to ring true. There is a population of unvaccinated children that are autistic; When I observe the broader public discussions about autism and vaccines, it concerns me that this group is ignored. Vaccines do cause autism, total toxic & trauma load-I don’t vaccinate preemie babies or at advise parents to delay. Babies born of “eventful” difficult deliveries (emergency CS, distressed, low Apgars, NICU stays, difficult pregnancies, moms who have medical histories of pelvic trauma, surgeries,etc). So not all autism is caused by vaccines. To answer your question of CAUSATION, it is this: Any insult, endogenous (maternal history, genetic disorders, fetal history) and exogenous (vaccines, heavy metals from diet, geoengineering, physical trauma-falls, car accidents, medical interventions leading to structural restrictions of physical development -intubations & surgery scars, mold, and EMFs) that cumulatively cause NEUROINFLAMMATION during the critical early developmental period, birth-3 years. I find that the BIGGEST exogenous factor in the unvaccinated autistic population is man made EMFs-dirty electricity and WiFi; Each and every one of these factors have to be addressed WHILE reducing neuro inflammation for recovery. The problem of using the AMISH population in vaccines discussions is that they don’t use electricity-spread out on farms, they don’t have dirty electricity (biologically active chaotic frequencies) riding on the ground currents or wires in the home. This is grossly overlooked-we are literally getting cooked, microwaved below with ground current AND above with RF (WiFi, electronic devices, cell towers). So the Amish nourish their bodies & practice lifestyles that reduce/limit endogenous factors as well as exogenous factors. I’m hoping one day you and RFKJR will tackle the issue of our toxic, antiquated, corrupted ELECTRIC GRID. I’m too tiny a voice to take on BIG UTs (utility).

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The decline seems to be speeding up. “We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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FOR ANYONE INTERESTED, HILLSDALE COLLEGE HAS SOME PRESENTATIONS ON AI STARTING TOMORROW. Here are the topics and schedule. For those of you not acquainted with Hillsdale, they are conservative, just fyi.


4:00 p.m.

“Transhumanism and AI”

Aaron Kheriaty

Ethics and Public Policy Center

8:00 p.m.

“AI and the Future Battlefield”

Erik D. Prince

Founder, Blackwater Worldwide


4:00 p.m.

“AI as a Means of Totalitarian Control in China”

Bill Gertz

Author, Deceiving the Sky: Inside Communist China's Drive for Global Supremacy

8:00 p.m.

“Human Nature vs. Utopian Technocracy”

Mattias Desmet

Ghent University


4:00 p.m.

“AI as a Tool for Manipulating Public Opinion”

Robert Epstein

American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology

8:00 p.m.

“Why Computers Can’t Think the Way We Do”

Erik J. Larson

Author, The Myth of Artificial Intelligence: Why Computers Can’t Think the Way We Do

*All times listed are Eastern.*

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Where does one find an honest AI Chatbox?

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I predict this study will be retracted.

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Forcibly by the publisher? unlikely. Voluntarily by the authors? The statistics look rigorous and I suspect Lyons-Weiler (head honcho) triple checked the methodology and the calculations.

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The study is from Dr. Lyons-Weiler's journal, so is not subject to the pHarma control as most other journals.

It will be disparaged as a "minor" journal from "Anti-Vaxxers" but should be safe from cancellation.

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The bottom line on all of this is that our own government here in Amerika, Inc., is the biggest threat to Humankind that has existed in modern history. Nazis and Bolsheviks were mere schoolyard bullies compared to the level of Psychopathy that rules over this country. The only thing that will change this is complete collapse... It is many years too late for peaceful and reasoned reform. Our leadership and, sadly, we the citizens who have allowed this have sown the wind with lies, treachery, and hubris. We will now reap the whirlwind... Vaxxx are about to be the least of our problems.

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Would there be a backlash against eliminating or changing vaccinations by the victims themselves, at least among the high functioning, or their advocates, if it would reduce neurodiversity? Because the more neurodiverse people there are, the more they can normalize it and make themselves a special class.

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I do not take one word from AI as it is information that has been fed in by whom!? Good honest doctors and medics have spoken out but been ostracized! In UK a doctor that this was done to is starting to bring people together and dthey shall give their experiences ---Dr David Cartland---https://x.com/cartlanddavid/status/1885412272295592064

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I have subscribed to his SUBSTACK—--used to send message now and again on FACEBOOK and he replied—--hoping bombs are dropped by his SUBSTACK ETC!?----Breaking the silence

An article written in February 2022

Dr. David Cartland

Jan 29, 2025

I see he has only joined SUBSTACK I think! What he wrote here is ????????—-he does not deny covid—--he took the jabs—---one of his friends died in Jan 2021 and think he says covid!?

One can only hope he has change of thought from his previous thoughts!?--------Roy

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Don’t bankrupt the vaccine manufacturers! 😆

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hee, hee,hee

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This is exactly the type of AI tools that I develop. Thank you for doing this work and publicizing it. It really helps guys like me with some social proof that my concepts are not so far out there.

My current project is building the most comprehensive tool ever built around the JFK files so as to democratize the ability to investigate and understand everything that happened.

Projects like yours help to validate projects like my own.

Thank you.

@steve if you want to check out my project go to erichunley.com/jfkfiles

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