This has been examined. The results have blown this thing wide open, for anyone who wants to know.


Now, all we have to do is get this info into the right hands.

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ok, i agree that the vak-seen is causing all manner of health problems but spike protein acting like a prion? Please. If there is anything dumber than the virus myth, it's the prion myth. I'm sure this person is very nice, intelligent, well intended, but tell her to drop the nonsense on stilts and learn some real biology before she sputters any more of this baloney.

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The theory is the same, but the molecule is different! In work that has been conducted by Profs Kell (UK) and Pretorius (SA), on the spikeopathy in Long Covid (and by analogy in Cov2 'Vaccine' injury), The S 1 subunit of the spike protein has been found to cause abnormal Beta-sheet (or amyloid) folding of the FIBRIN molecule, which is the basic structural protein in blood clots. The result is a fibrous amyloid blood clot (which the researchers have termed 'fibrinaloid'), which is highly resistant to fibrinolysis and anticoagulants (i.e. it accumulates). Since this anomalous form of clot is self assembling, clot size is variable. Although so far observed and identified as microclots in living subjects, following virus infection, it is highly probable that it continues to self-assemble and grow to the lengths observed by the embalmers, due to prolonged m-RNA 'vaccine' spike production. For further info:



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This is why the NIH is not doing a study on blood clotting from the spike proteins. They already published one in October 2021.


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This sounds premeditated to me. Sick sick sick.

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Logic: We already know how to break down Amyloid proteins. A hallmark of Alzheimer's is Amyloid proteins and there are treatments for it.

Experienced medical professionals, in my opinion, need to develop a protocol based on this or tell people like me who lack broad knowledge why this is not an option.

Even if you can show me such a reason, I would ask you why it couldn't it be pulled out and then prevented from developing a second time.

While I'm waiting, I am going to list the ways we already deal with such:

1. Here is Dr. Robert Rowen, one of the nations leading experts on Ozone therapy. Look near the end of the article.https://drrowen.substack.com/p/alzheimers-approaches

2. https://www.naturaleyecare.com/blog/breaking-amyloid-beta-plaque/

3. https://news.weill.cornell.edu/news/2018/01/enzyme-digests-amyloid-beta-associated-with-alzheimer%E2%80%99s-disease

These are just what I found initially. I imagine there's many more.

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Has anyone heard about these clots from an embalmer they know or any embalmer? I know a guy who works part time in the funeral home business but he won't even talk about this subject with me. He will neither confirm nor deny. Strange. I wonder if it's because he got jabbed for his main job and just doesn't want to think about what may be inside him. What a disgusting, horrible and criminal situation we are in with everything related to covid.

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Can it cause other types of blood disease? I know an elderly person who was otherwise healthy not on any medication, went out walking a mile and half everyday, got 2 shots, months later got this weird problem of having to have blood transfusion every 2 - 3 weeks. Docs have no clue and found nothing wrong with the bone marrow.

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The lack of proper blood circulation to any organ or body component can lead to a plethora of issues outside of arythmia, blood pressure issues, stroke, and cardiac arrest.

I'm not a doctor, but I do my own plumbing at home, and clogged pipes ruin everything.

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Through my physical therapist I also know of a gentleman who used to go mountain climbing often and who no longer can do so after the jabs. He has blood transfusions now as well every few weeks to keep alive.

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Because his platelets count is dropping too low? If that is what's happening, he could easily bleed to death, have a hemorrhagic stroke, etc. One of the very serious results of flooding the body with "vaccine" induced spike proteins is that they are capable of attaching to the platelets — really bad news because then when the spike protein-damaged platelets get filtered back through the spleen they get identified as damaged and are broken up, but then the pieces are "presented" to the T-lymphocytes as dangerous foreign invaders (because of the spikes) and the immune system gets primed for attacking the platelets along with the spikes. Diabolical. Now the person's immune system is attacking their own platelets, and there is no way to stop it short of destroying the immune system itself. So they need to get a regular supply of fresh platelets to keep from bleeding to death.

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In the case that I know, the person's hemoglobin goes down in a period of 2-3 weeks to 5 or 6, then a blood transfusion was needed. it went on for probably about 7 months, when the doctor couldn't find any treatment, recommended hospice. Once in hospice, after 3 weeks the hemoglobin went down again, without the blood transfusion, the person just passed away :(

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"Why isn’t the NIH funding a study looking at blood parameters before/after vaccination?"

30 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities. The U.S. financial system is on the verge of collapse due to printing money. Their answer is to erase the debts they created by erasing human lives.

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Does a normal Ddimer test suggest a person is safe from future adverse spike events? How reliable is this test? If it is - I’m thinking a lot of investment quietly being done to ensure they are ready to make it available to the vaxEd when all is revealed.

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Im not a doctor, but through friends' experience I can tell that a d-dimer is pretty darn reliable in showing that there is a clotting disorder going on in the blood. Such a disorder can lead, among other problems, to inflammation of the arteries, deep-vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism. For some of the jabbed an elevated d-dimer has meant that there is micro-thrombosis possibly causing their vision issues as of late.

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Thanks so much for your response. Terrible news for anyone with a positive test. I have a relative who had one mRNA jab to finish a nine years of intense study just avoided 2 jabs required by a few weeks They did everything they could after the injection. Ice on arm after jab, Charcoal immediately and taken, ivy, hq, aspro, nac, c, d zinc, Quercetin, chorella, smoothies, homeopathy, chiro…. Found doctor willing to do Full blood tests and a normal DDimer - they are hoping this is a good sign. Of course hard to be sure bc no one really knows they are safe unless they are unjabbed, have been away from potential direct shedding, no PCR, RAT tests or Covid….

They haven’t been able to work due to 3 jab requirement but hopefully this will change for them one day. Currently working in unskilled labour industry and healthy.

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I'm sorry to hear what's happened to your relative.

In case it's of any help, the COMUSAV doctors are promoting chlorine dioxide and zeolith as part of their vaxx detox protocol (oxidative and regenerative therapies) and having some successes.

Robert Young promotes montmorillonite.

And there are many other perhaps helpful products and natural products, e.g. something made in Switzerland by the company Padma. Others have said Amantidin, Niglosamid, propolis. Just throwing stuff out there which I must admit no one I personally know has tried yet other than chlorine dioxide.

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It may prove difficult to find volunteers. We, also,, may need to consult a pharmacy that gives the vax and the legal framework involved could be tricky.

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If this is the case, then a study needs to be done on breaking them down using plasmalogens.


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Steve I recall this video too of clots being removed from a decaesed vaxxed.


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Just wow

It’s equal to pulling a bullet out of a person.

Death and life

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My question is why aren't there more? No one I know personally had any trouble with the shot. I didn't take it but it would be a lot more believable if more people were having these reaction?

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If someone has an adverse reaction within minutes or hours, the connection is pretty strong. Most deaths occur within two weeks, which means the body had time to form blood clots or severe autoimmune reactions such as to their blood platelets so they bleed to death, or other inflammatory injury such as to the heart.

But many effects take weeks or months to show up, and most of these are not recognized as being shot-related. Only by autopsy where they are LOOKING FOR damage from the shots will they find it because it requires special techniques. And guess what? NOBODY is doing those tests, because, undoubtedly they DO NOT want to find them! If one refuses to LOOK, they will NEVER FIND the deaths from the shots!!! Then they can continue to play dumb while the "mystery" deaths pile up, including a condition we have only heard of since the rollout of the shots : "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome", and all of the "excess deaths" continue to mount up.

Addendum — term "SADS" existed before the shots as Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome, and was occasionally referred to as Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, which is a situation where death is likely caused by a heart arrhythmia, because nothing at all shows up on autopsy. Genetic testing can identify several genetic anomolies that make the heart much more likely to go into ventricular fibrillation and then full cardiac arrest, so testing after the fact can be a indication of the likely cause having been fibrillation.

Nowadays people are using the term Sudden Adult Death Syndrome to refer to sudden death from effects of the shots, but it is not yet an accepted medical term. These deaths WILL show up upon autopsy as shot-related IF a pathologist bothers to look

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Read on Facebook

Died Suddenly News

It takes time to be red pilled, to see the truth.

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It's called soft kill.

See first item under "Predictions too suspicious":


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Don't know where you are, have you read through the obits in your state?

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No, that would be a good idea. I know Alex Berenson is reporting on the huge amount of excess "all cause deaths". I imagine the "answer" will be that "oh yes, sudden adult death syndrome has always occurred, we just never tabulated it before so it just SEEMS like a new thing..."

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No one knows what is going on inside of any one individual, and there are a myriad of variables. Firstly, there seems to be a difference from batch to batch of the "vaccines".

Some injections went into the recipients' deltoid muscle as they should have, and because many or most of the persons giving the shots didn't "aspirate" or pull back on the plunger, some of the injections could have gone directly into a blood vessel and immediately circulated throughout the vasculature, which could have produced very different effects, such as many of them crossing the blood-brain barrier, and being deposited into other fat-friendly tissues such as ovaries.

Then there is the unknown response of the body's immune system. Some people may have had their white blood cells phagocytize the lipid nanoparticle carriers of the genetic material fairly efficiently, while others did not. And the spikes that were produced also could have been attacked and cleared out at very different rates.

Where the spikes ended up makes another major but unknowable variable. And how the body reacts to them—do they trigger a serious autoimmune response that kills the tissue around them? Do they primarily attach inside of blood vessels and trigger clots? Do they attach to nerves and cause demyelination and inflammation?

All these variables (and there are many more) explain the very large differences in different people's symptoms.

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Fortunately, only 15% of people have adverse reactions. 85% do not. But the number is too high!

I have seen many reactions and deaths but most do not make the connection. Plus it seems after about 12-18 months (if no more boosters) you should cleared.

As we approach the elections the media will change Teams:


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Yes this is HORRENDOUS!

But another agenda is to have the vaxxed survivors all able to be manipulated - through self-assembling nanotechnology that was injected into these individuals.

Not a crazy theory - there are U.S. patents of such things. Dr. Carrie Madej had heard of this during her studies in the 90's already. Dr. Zelenko had listed patent numbers of this technology (before his recent death).

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Yes, 15% is way too much. In the past, they stopped a med or shot if only a few people died. This is major lying, and will continue, with our government.

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Based on what I am seeing and reading I think that calculation is a tad off. Not to mention they are still pushing the vaxxines. This isn't over by a long shot, pardon the pun.

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No one can say clear after 12-18 months, Dr. Hodkinson says it takes 10-15 years trial.

Probably in 5 years everyone will be dead, look at the blood microscopy of the vaxxed.

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I know of 4 people, 2 in my immediate circle, with pulmonary embolisms and strokes due to these shots. 1 dead from PE (age 50 no previous health problems). At first I didn't know anyone who had any issues. But then slowly but surely things started revealing themselves.You're just lucky for now.

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Jessica's explanation is excellent, however I'd like to take it further.

Here I show that the clots are "stretchy" (described as the consistency of Calamari) because of the nature of the vasculature they are stripping off to form the amyloid clots.

It's not just the RBCs and the heme as Jessica describes that cause the fibrils, it's the collagen and other parts of the vasculature of the endothelium itself which are the "muscles" of that organ, which make the clots "rubbery."

The outer layer of the endothelium/epitheliuam are cells that control blood flow and pressure in the vessels. Essentially the spike and autoimmune reaction to it strips these off, they reform in the center of the vessels with added fibrin from the amyloid clotting mechanism.

I.e. it's like you are stripping the top layer of a rubberband off and reforming a new one, next to and attached to the original rubber band.

The clots form long fibrils, which are anchored to the vessel wall as described by Sucharit Bhakti, by the embalmers and by the cutting edge research team of Resia Pretorious and Douglas B. Kell.

This team is from South Africa and is studying micro clots and Long Covid.

The fibrils form quickly and all along the vessels, which are transfected by the spike protein. Probably everywhere, simultaneously. The person lives with them as they form, as they flutter in the center of the vessel. The blood flows around them. Eventually the person has more and more pain and shortness of breath and trouble exercising. The vasculature ages quickly. The clots break off or stop the blood flow completely or the tiniest parts of the vessels, like capillaries, are destroyed, and a thrombosis occurs. Douglas Kell who follows my research said he found this theory "interesting."


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Great explanation. The JAB peels of the “wallpaper” from the inside of blood vessels, the wallpaper is made from collagen. Which gives the blood vessels “elasticity” , to stretch as blood pressure changes….

Then the dangly pieces of wallpaper, which are still

Attached in places to the inside of the blood vessels, flutter in the bloodstream , and collect other pieces of wallpaper….

And the “blood clots” removed from dead folks, are stretchy because it comes from the stretchy parts of the blood vessels …..

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Sorry so late to reply. YES! Exactly! Also Dr Arne Burkhardt thinks the clots "congeal" or solidify further when the body cools post mortem. This would cause them to take the shape of the blood vessels, which we sometimes see.

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As with all the other research threads, when you get to the last tweet, hit "Show replies" to see further research.

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Those clots reminds me Doctor Andrew Molden's contention (for me, paradox, because he was a pundit) with respect to the changing of the physical-chemistry nature of the human blood. As a pharmacist it is not that harsh to me to envision what Alumminum and other metals, PEG, timerosal, esqualene and others engender in the blood stream. As for "the blood parameters", alas I am specifically concerned in SARS-CoV-2 and neurodegerative diseases: a neophyte in Phylosophy stuff.

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