Hello Steve,

I would like to apply for this position as I have been tracking with the information you're posting for a while now. I found your work through a podcast and I have enjoyed reading your work. I have kept a blog for about 2 years now, www.peterlantz.com. I have a lot of customer experience and so feel I would be good at answering questions. If you feel I would be a good fit, please let me know!



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I don’t think you could find a smarter guy than Joel Smalley from Great Britain.💕

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I would have applied had this particular post not gone into my spam folder. I just found it today. Is it too late?

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did you see the more recent post about how to help and give your details there?

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Steve, You have just identified and unleashed one of the most qualified groups of free thinking, intelligent, kind individuals on the planet. Any executive recruiter for analytics, engineering, medicine, IT, and/or journalism just hit the gold mine by reading these posts!

Our challenge now should be how to set up independent pharmacies, medical centers, banking, transaction services, and businesses of all types where intelligent, free people can speak and work and support each other in every field. Until others see us thrive, we are easy to write off.

I lead strategy, analytics, and innovation & I just found my kick butt future A teams by browsing these posts for 5 minutes. Thank you & I’m ready to step up & help as well.

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Brilliant post Rebecca. I want sane doctors, nurses, pharmacists etc working to help me. Not kill me

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Hi Steve, I've been writing about vaccine reality since 2013 at http://journeyboost.com. I've covered a lot of topics and seek always to write in a way that will not alienate a new parent seeking truth based information. My father was a career scientist at the CDC and we began our discussions about vaccine safety in 1982 when I was pregnant with my first baby. I've been seeking information ever since. I've attended ACIP meetings and was able to give public comment asking appropriate safety questions. My passion is to help new parents provide the absolute best start in life for their precious babies. I'd love to know more about your needs. Thank you. Becky Hastings

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I just came back to this thread and noticed the new challenge you came up with. Sounds cool. Clever approach.

While I am recently unemployed, I'm not qualified to be a surrogate "you". Someone with medical, data analysis, scientific, or journalism background would be much more effective.

I'm pretty handy with graphics work however and am happy to help, for free even. I need to keep my skills sharp. Eventually I will be back at work. Send me an assignment for a meme or similar and I will whip up something in my free time.

I bet lots others would volunteer in similar fashion. Maybe you could create a new thread requesting help on certain things, and members could respond if they are working on items. "Calls to dig", "meme's wanted", "decentralized sharing requests" (for the inevitable future bans), etc.

Keyboard warriors.

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Hi, Thank you for your work. I would like to remain anonymous. I am interested in the position. I am qualified for the position, and would like to learn more about the details of how it works. Located in SoCAL. Thank you.

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It’s beyond my pay grade to save the world, but if you send me hard copies of everything you have written on the topic, I will gladly parse that out to your readers. In other words, I am no Steve Kirsch, but if your looking for someone to answer questions, exactly as you have, and I have all your material, let’s go!

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Your work exposing The Injection Agenda is the most important project in motion today. I want to do my part in this war against humanity. Brainfire, the company I’m launching, can help.

After years of researching the neurobiology of memory and learning science, I'm developing a world-changing breakthrough that will empower people with superhuman abilities to master concepts FOUR TIMES FASTER and to maintain 100% of what they learn.

I can use Brainfire tech to create a Radical Learning Pack (RLP) that will enable individuals to rapidly master the facts exposing the injection agenda -- the greatest crime against humanity that we are now experiencing.

Customers will be able download Brainfire’s Radical Learning Engine for free and then pay $67 to purchase "The Injection Agenda" RLP to master the concepts and data as it unfolds. This RLP could be provided to your newsletter subscribers free of charge as a value add.

In addition to funding the development of this RLP you may wish to become an Angel Investor in Brainfire LLC. By 2030, Brainfire LLC will be valued >= $1 B. I’ll be distributing profits back to partners beginning Q4 2024. An Angel Investor contributing $300k will own 20% of Brainfire LLC and can expect to receive $36 million by 2030 (NPV $15 million, IRR 91%) and considerably more if Brainfire LLC is acquired.

Here is a link to the Executive Summary from the 2022 business plan. https://www.dropbox.com/s/leljfvvqz092p74/Brainfire%20LLC%20Business%20Plan_2022_Exec%20Summary.pdf?dl=0

Let me help you change the world for the better.


Mark Patterson

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NO MORE NEW APPLICANTS for this job please... See the updates above.

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Hi Steve,

I'm late to this party, but ready to rock and roll! Wow what an embarrassment of riches - so many amazing, talented, experienced people, many of whom just want to contribute to your work and this cause. (What do we call it?) It's exciting to be in such good company.

I am happiest working on big picture strategy and context-setting, but also skilled at crafting narratives and editing, from concept through to correcting final typos. I have thought several times of offering to proof your work, but could see that the publishing schedule is completely ad hoc. What about a pool of people to call on so someone is always available to proof on demand? I'm old-school, and think typos can detract from the power of a message, especially for people who are on the cautious-skeptical spectrum.

BTW, I am the same Ellen who suggested getting your challenges out from the comfort of Substack and into the light of the wider world via an MSM ad or a billboard or some sort of crowd-sourced effort.

Standing by for next steps, and good luck!

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Hi Ellen, that's a very useful skill!

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sure, email me at stk at treatearly.org

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Hello Steve. I’m a neurosurgeon in Brazil and would be glad in collaborate.

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Hello Steve, I think my comment will be echoed by many others as we woke up today to discover that you apparently had a Zoom meeting yesterday night and most of us did not realize it (I was setting up my telescope to watch the Lunar Eclipse, haha!). We are eager to know what was talked about during the Zoom meeting, and if there has been a decision on a way forward for those of us interested in helping you out. Gracias.

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How was the eclipse? Did you get any good pictures?

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Biochemist from South America. Cannot take a position but I want to offer some help.

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Steve, The passcode wasn’t working for me either.

However here is my two cents: You have a meta collaboration problem. I suggest a meta solution. Leverage the high level of energy, talent and expertise in this group. I.e. crowdsource the help. You need a inside partner to collate and curate the Q and A. People can sign up for the subject matters that feel a special expertise or affinity to. That way we can get the deepest and broadest coverage.

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Hi again - just want to suggest that people use something like Jitsi Meet, an excellent open source and free conf software, based in US, as against Zoom which goes through chinese servers ( meaning that allows access to your phone and computer to the CCCP ). And this is something I'm not comfortable with ( and I'm in Oz btw ). I realise US based is no guarantee of safe / private either but perhaps the lesser of two evils ?....

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I agree! Thank you!

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