My challenge to my fellow citizens. Time to back up these words with peaceful action.
Cancel your big bank credit cards. It was a great feeling to call Bank of America and cancel both of my cards. You know, the bank that gave personal information to the FBI about people who used their cards in DC on January 6.
My challenge to my fellow citizens. Time to back up these words with peaceful action.
Cancel your big bank credit cards. It was a great feeling to call Bank of America and cancel both of my cards. You know, the bank that gave personal information to the FBI about people who used their cards in DC on January 6.
I joined two Credit Unions and have a new Visa and Master Card
Stop going to "Big Box" stores like Walmart and Kroger and Lowes and Home Depot and Amazon etc. Shop at small local stores. If you cannot find what you are looking ask yourself if you really need it. Get used to doing with less.
Start buying storable food and other goods that will sustain you should the supply chain really breakdown.
Start thinking about alternate power. Remember Texas last year.
Get serious about your health. What you eat and what supplements you take. I changed my diet and committed to an exercise plan 2 years ago and I am down 30 pounds and take no prescriptions.
If just the number of people who have attended these rallies would get serious about doing these peaceful actions it would have a great effect.
I agree and do a lot of what you have said myself. I do not use my big bank credit cards but I haven't cancelled them. It keeps my credit rating up because I have a ton of available credit I don't use. It also slightly makes them spend MORE on me because weekly I get their stupid offers in the mail, which I joyfully rip up and throw in the recycle bin.
I did cancel Kohl's credit card which I'd had for probably 20 years when they kicked Mike Lindell's MyPillow out of their product line. They were told exactly why. I haven't shopped there since.
I applaud you for doing these things but I still encourage you to dump the big bank cards. Keeping them gives them the right to surveil your credit anytime they want and that it worrisome.
Go as "dark" as you can. Use cash as much as possible.
I am off social media. I hadn't thought of the other piece about their access to my credit. I do need to switch to Protonmail. Thanks for the kick in the pants.
I know a lot of people use You do have to pay for it. Also look into Also start using browsers like Dissenter or Epic. I am not as confident as I used to be with DuckDuckGo.
Go to Patriot Mobile for cell service. Dump TMobile and Verizon and AT&T.
Patriot Mobile is still playing into the hands of the surveillance state.... we really need to rethink our communications technologies - create cell phones that are not tracked and traced... cell phones based on healing and not harmful frequencies (can that be done? has anyone tried?)... 'til then I'm steering clear of them all, though I appreciate the investments Patriot Mobile is making with its profits.
You are correct. PM is still going to be surveilled. I have looked into getting a SAT phone. I believe that would be an option to avoid the surveillance state. It also would be a better option if the grid goes down by accident or on purpose by "Big Brother."
I am also very concerned about EMF and the roll out of 5G. Whenever you can do put your phone on Airplane mode. Keep your phone away from your body when you have the cellular part on. Do not use ear buds. Use a plugged-in set of earphones with the microphone on them for conducting calls.
I turn off cellular when I am home and depend on wifi alone for calls.
I heard a statistic that most young kids sleep with their phones under their pillow. That is very bad. EMF is a real thing and a real danger.
We have NOTHING wireless in our home. We use ethernet cable to our computers and have disabled all WiFi. If/when I get a cell phone for emergency purposes only, I have a Mission Darkness pouch where it will be kept at all times unless I remove it and turn it on to place a call. Yes, more and more people are developing various levels of injuries from the microwaves from these wireless devices. Very sad for the kids and both tumors and mood disorders are likely to result from years of exposures like you mention.
Even in airplane mode and even with your cell phone TURNED OFF, you can be tracked. Cell phones are in constant communication with the nearest cell tower whether or not you have them turned on. They send out an occasional pulse... a little feeler ... to try to find the cell tower. Because of that, you can have your cell phone turned off and bring it with you to a rally and there is a service that anyone can contact to purchase information on all the cell phones that were in "attendance" at the rally and use that to identify the persons attending the rally. The only way the wouldn't know is if you keep your phone in a Faraday cage such as a Mission Darkness pouch. Sold online... so there is a record of everyone who purchases them! Then I'm sure the NSA puts you on the "suspicious" list and monitors your e-mails and phone calls.... very hard to "hide" in this information age!
But there's a lot you can do to minimize your exposure to all the microwave radiation from wireless devices & infrastructure & lots of groups online educating folks about it.
My challenge to my fellow citizens. Time to back up these words with peaceful action.
Cancel your big bank credit cards. It was a great feeling to call Bank of America and cancel both of my cards. You know, the bank that gave personal information to the FBI about people who used their cards in DC on January 6.
I joined two Credit Unions and have a new Visa and Master Card
Stop going to "Big Box" stores like Walmart and Kroger and Lowes and Home Depot and Amazon etc. Shop at small local stores. If you cannot find what you are looking ask yourself if you really need it. Get used to doing with less.
Start buying storable food and other goods that will sustain you should the supply chain really breakdown.
Start thinking about alternate power. Remember Texas last year.
Get serious about your health. What you eat and what supplements you take. I changed my diet and committed to an exercise plan 2 years ago and I am down 30 pounds and take no prescriptions.
If just the number of people who have attended these rallies would get serious about doing these peaceful actions it would have a great effect.
Who is with me?
I agree and do a lot of what you have said myself. I do not use my big bank credit cards but I haven't cancelled them. It keeps my credit rating up because I have a ton of available credit I don't use. It also slightly makes them spend MORE on me because weekly I get their stupid offers in the mail, which I joyfully rip up and throw in the recycle bin.
I did cancel Kohl's credit card which I'd had for probably 20 years when they kicked Mike Lindell's MyPillow out of their product line. They were told exactly why. I haven't shopped there since.
I applaud you for doing these things but I still encourage you to dump the big bank cards. Keeping them gives them the right to surveil your credit anytime they want and that it worrisome.
Go as "dark" as you can. Use cash as much as possible.
Get off of social media totally!!!!!!!
Dump gmail and yahoo and MSFT email accounts.
I am off social media. I hadn't thought of the other piece about their access to my credit. I do need to switch to Protonmail. Thanks for the kick in the pants.
I signed up for a protonmail free account yesterday. 150 emails per month I believe.
Any suggestions on what to use as a replacement email?
I know a lot of people use You do have to pay for it. Also look into Also start using browsers like Dissenter or Epic. I am not as confident as I used to be with DuckDuckGo.
Go to Patriot Mobile for cell service. Dump TMobile and Verizon and AT&T.
Get off of Twitter!
Take time to search out alternatives.
Patriot Mobile is still playing into the hands of the surveillance state.... we really need to rethink our communications technologies - create cell phones that are not tracked and traced... cell phones based on healing and not harmful frequencies (can that be done? has anyone tried?)... 'til then I'm steering clear of them all, though I appreciate the investments Patriot Mobile is making with its profits.
You are correct. PM is still going to be surveilled. I have looked into getting a SAT phone. I believe that would be an option to avoid the surveillance state. It also would be a better option if the grid goes down by accident or on purpose by "Big Brother."
I am also very concerned about EMF and the roll out of 5G. Whenever you can do put your phone on Airplane mode. Keep your phone away from your body when you have the cellular part on. Do not use ear buds. Use a plugged-in set of earphones with the microphone on them for conducting calls.
I turn off cellular when I am home and depend on wifi alone for calls.
I heard a statistic that most young kids sleep with their phones under their pillow. That is very bad. EMF is a real thing and a real danger.
We have NOTHING wireless in our home. We use ethernet cable to our computers and have disabled all WiFi. If/when I get a cell phone for emergency purposes only, I have a Mission Darkness pouch where it will be kept at all times unless I remove it and turn it on to place a call. Yes, more and more people are developing various levels of injuries from the microwaves from these wireless devices. Very sad for the kids and both tumors and mood disorders are likely to result from years of exposures like you mention.
Even in airplane mode and even with your cell phone TURNED OFF, you can be tracked. Cell phones are in constant communication with the nearest cell tower whether or not you have them turned on. They send out an occasional pulse... a little feeler ... to try to find the cell tower. Because of that, you can have your cell phone turned off and bring it with you to a rally and there is a service that anyone can contact to purchase information on all the cell phones that were in "attendance" at the rally and use that to identify the persons attending the rally. The only way the wouldn't know is if you keep your phone in a Faraday cage such as a Mission Darkness pouch. Sold online... so there is a record of everyone who purchases them! Then I'm sure the NSA puts you on the "suspicious" list and monitors your e-mails and phone calls.... very hard to "hide" in this information age!
But there's a lot you can do to minimize your exposure to all the microwave radiation from wireless devices & infrastructure & lots of groups online educating folks about it.
You can get a free account level at ProtonMail.