Time to talk and timeto ack. We must be in the action stage. Join NOleft Turn, Moms for Freedom, LI Loud Majority, find others. Pull together.

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Dear Steve,

They are practicing omerta!!

omerta | Etymology, origin and meaning of omerta by etymonline

omerta (n.) Mafia code of obedience to the leader and silence about the organization and its business, 1909, from Italian omertà, a dialectal form of umilta "humility," in reference to submission of individuals to the group interest, from Latin humilitas "lowness, small stature; insignificance; baseness, littleness of mind," in Church Latin "meekness," from humilis "lowly, humble," literally ...

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"You have been misled"

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I just saw a jaw-dropping comment after this excellent article about Edward Dowd's observations.




"This has to rank at the top of conspiracy drool...Pharma pays user fees to the FDA only because the government uses this as another form of taxation to adequately staff the FDA. The FDA doesn't care who funds their budget, their job, and they take it seriously, is to protect and serve the public."

This person is going to be devastated when they realize how naive they were. Sad.

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From your link: "The FDA is the trusted third-party verification of pharmaceutical products. 50% of their budget comes from Pharma...due to the institutional imperative that was in place at the time and the speed with which they tried to approve these unproven products with this unproven technology, fraud did occur, and what's my proof of that? The FDA, together with Pfizer, were trying to hide the clinical data.

And it’s come out recently...that the all-cause mortality for the Pfizer product failed – that means there were more deaths in the vaccine group than the placebo group. Normally in such a case, you have NO drug approval for such drugs. It's the gold standard. ..."

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"I wish you were as happy as I am." - my sister the biology major who refuses to listen to any scientist speaking out.

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Where did you get that? - from anti-vax.com?

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How about P.M. Trudeau’s excuses in Parliament:

“We don’t negotiate with people who wave Swstikas” - Next!

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My mom told me I get my info off the dark web!!!

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Don't forget Chomsky's argument: "Starve!!"

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quote from this morning “I don’t regret it because I am not a flat earther” (doesn’t regret being a Covidian)

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So weird how people make all this into something bout their individual experimental biologic consumption status. Like, the issue is a QUITE A bit larger than just you and the free (and horrifically uninformed) choice you got to make !

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Precisely the purpose of the flat earth b.s. imo.

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This is part of the COVID shenanigans......

Klaus Schwab -- WEF -- Really Do Intend To Take Away All Private Property Rights, Enslave You and Take Away Country Sovereignity

I have been aware of this for I guess, years. But it was so absurd that I often wondered whether this was just made up, so that normies could point to "crazy conspiracy" theorists.

But I found it, amazingly preserved on YouTube so I immediately copied it, stored on harddrive, and uploaded to Bitchute.


Y'all need to do that stuff also!

ON the bottom bottom is a cringe worthy interview posted on Jun 25, 2021 (just about the same time that the CDC started re-coding Vax injuries and deaths in the USA as happening in another country) ---posted by the Global Shapers

At the end of these still images is the video that was generated by their Twitter Post. The Twitter post has since been taken down, so it is great that someone preserved this.

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FYI, BlogSpot is owned and controlled by Google, and will deplatform you.

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Good reminder, they when I discovered the hot lots, killer batches in July 2021 and published it, they not allowed shut down my blog, they went out of the way to wipe out 10 years of reporting on 1000 subjects. Some of them could be "found" but they would all 404. Fortunately I had a full backup from like 1 week before, so I restored and self hosted, although blogger does special coding so that things don't work out smoothly or fully. That said I am going to migrate to Wordpress (hate them too) whilst I have full control and access to my blogger, and Ill run both concurrently until I can get Google to attack free speech again…….would be awesome to set up a lawsuit.

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What i have been told is “ I don’t know who to believe/trust” anymore.

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Follow the Money.

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its more than just that too, its abuse and a push to world domination, Klaus Schwab on your radar yet?

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Yep, heard that too, several times. As if that is an excuse to turn off your brain. Its almost shameful, but I also get that people are pushed beyond their limits. Not me

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I was looking for Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s letter on the evil of stupidity and found this extraordinary article. The discussion is about how people are stupid because they refuse to acknowledge that people are dying, that they’ve done it to themselves by refusing vaccines etc. How Bonhoeffer was describing today’s “anti vaxxers.” Written only a week ago.


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Hi there JP. This link doesn't turn up the story, and when I searched on that page aw-journal, nothing came up for freedom convoy or anti-vax. Do you have a copy of this story?

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I might agree the author that you have linked here embodies stupidity except I do not believe it...that is, the author is purposefully lying and distorting - not out of ignorance or stupidity but out of destruction, pure destruction. The entire premise is that the vaccines work, are safe, and effective and therefore the trucker that has been unthinkably violated morally, spiritually, civilly, and in all ways by being kept from his daughter - is somehow wrong. At least the trucker is doing something for other children that might survive this intentional biowarfare holocaust. This "extraordinary article" is pure and unfettered sanctioned misinformation of the "paid" - one drop in an endless bucket from and endless resources of corporate conglomerates that are wealthier than any state in the US. Are you on their payroll too JP? Trying to dupe while the duping is good are you?

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Good grief. That writer embodies stupidity.

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Don’t forget excuse #14: I am a Eugenicist & I support global human depopulation, & therefore I do not want to debate you, about the science.

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My best friend won’t talk to me. We got in many arguments over vaccines. The excuses I get are very similar to this list. I’m being told that I listen to fringe scientists in condescending ways and I just can’t accept it anymore. I’ve tried to read both sides but how can someone who pretends to support Joe Rogan and condemn censorship also tell me I’m not supposed to listen to science unless it’s the mainstream “consensus.” If your anti censorship but only listen to the same overlords tell you which circle of scientists to trust then you are easily manipulated and we may not be friends after all. I lose respect for someone then I can’t be a friend Bc it’s fake. Is that too harsh? Been going back and forth on this for the entire year but I think I reached a breaking point.

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Let me take and argue the opposite position, although I know it's not very popular. Beginning a few months into the vaccine rollout, our nation's leaders have worked relentlessly to divide and segregate us--into the "vaxxed" vs the"unvaxxed/ anti-vaxxers." Why should we help them?

I'm assuming, for the sake of argument, that your friend took the shot early, perhaps along with her (another assumption!) whole family, trusting our leaders and likely not knowing any better at the time. And that now she doesn't want to consider the possibility that she's made a huge mistake--with potentially lethal consequences. Can you really blame her?

So how do you deal with the refusal to listen to you? Maybe by backing off from arguments and even from the whole topic for a while to preserve the relationship. And by just continuing, meanwhile, to let her know you care about her: remembering her birthday and special events and talking about other things. Haven't we lost enough over the past two years without cutting ties where we don't have to?

Assuming that the shots are only half as toxic as we're now being told, there's a strong chance your friend will eventually suffer some ill effects that could shorten her life. Sorry this post has gotten so long, but I'm just asking you to think about these possibilities and to consider how you want to look back on your friendship and the parts of your life and memories you've shared together. And there's always the possibility of course that she will, further along, become open to hearing you on this subject, after all.

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A true friend won't ask you to concede. - if the relationship is fake, it's not a relationship. It's okay to move on. I'll take you on as a friend.

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Yes, I've heard some of these excuses, too. But what I've recently realized is that we need to start out by addressing the issue of authorities. Of how, for example, we know that the FDA (and NIH, CDC, etc.) are not trustworthy. I now open by stating, "I only get my information on Covid from sources that I know to be free of financial incentives and conflicts of interest." I talk about the FDA's "revolving door" with Pfizer and how it's now in a state of agency capture, having lost all ability to regulate the pharmaceutical companies, which now actually contribute 45% or more of its yearly budget! As for Fauci and the NIH, Robert Kennedy has published a lot of good information in his book, "The Real Anthony Fauci."

People don't really want to hear the bad news we have to share, but they do understand corruption. Once they realize there's now no government agency that has our backs, their willingness to listen to us increases.

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Excellent opening ... I'm gonna use the same one. I'm screen shotting this! Thanks for sharing.

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Hey do you know where RFK got the stats he cited during the defeat the mandates protest? I’m trying to cite the one data point he referenced in he phase 3 Pfizer clinical trials that showed all cause mortality was higher in vaccinated and 5x higher heart attacks. Tried getting access to trial data and hit a dead end.


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Naybe try the Highwire community forum?

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