Please consider working with Brook Jackson to crowd source a RICO case against Pfizer, et. al. public, and private entities if her whistle-blower case is unsuccessful. Steven Greer, M.D. is crowd sourcing a RICO case against various public, and private entities for illegally hiding advanced technology from humanity. He already has a very capable, committed pro bono publico legal team assembled.

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Near the target. Nervous noise. Now awaiting results.

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The bottom line is Gorski lost and will continue losing unless he has a change of heart and attitude.

For all of his internet scribblings people in massive numbers have moved away from his opinions and moved toward open debate and questioning of vaccines. It is a monumental shift in attitude.

He can say what he wants but every morning when he looks in the mirror he sees a loser and that's putting it kindly.

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Recent Pilot deaths:

Pilot death - June 7, 2023 - Canada BCS3 enroute on Jun 7th 2023, first officer incapacitated:


Pilot death - May 2023 - 4 Singapore Airlines pilots died suddenly in May 2023:


Pilot death - May 9, 2023 - United Airlines and US Air Force Pilot Lt. Col. Michael Fugett, age 46, died unexpectedly at his home:


Pilot death - May 3, 2023 - Air Transat and Air Canada Pilot Eddy Vorperian, age 48, died suddenly during layover in Croatia:


Pilot death - April 13, 2023 - Phil Thomas, graduate of Flight Training Pilot academy in Cadiz, Spain (FTEJerez) died suddenly.


Pilot death - March 17, 2023 - 39 year old Westjet Pilot Benjamin Paul Vige died suddenly in Calgary:


Pilot death - March 11, 2023 - British Airways pilot died of heart attack in crew hotel in Cairo before a Cairo to London flight (name & age not released):


Other recent Pilot incapacitations in-flight:

Jun.4, 2023 - Cessna Citation N611VG flying Tennessee to Long Island, fighter jets spotted pilot slumped over in cockpit unconscious, plane crashed and all onboard died:


May 11, 2023 - HiSKy Flight H4474 (DUB-KIV) Dublin to Chisinau (Moldova), 20 min after liftoff pilot became “unable to act”, plane diverted to Manchester:


May 4, 2023 - British Charter TUI Airways Flight BY-1424 (NCL-LPA) Newcastle to Las Palmas Spain pilot became ill, plane diverted back to NCL.


April 4, 2023 - United Airlines Flight 2102 (BOI-SFO) - captain was incapacitated, first officer was only one in control of the aircraft.


March 25, 2023 - TAROM Flight RO-7673 TSR-HRG diverted to Bucharest as 30 yo pilot had chest pain, then collapsed


March 22, 2023 - Southwest Flight WN6013 LAS-CMH diverted as pilot collapsed shortly after take-off, replaced by non-Southwest pilot


March 18, 2023 - Air Transat Flight TS739 FDF-YUL first officer was incapacitated about 200NM south of Montreal


March 13, 2023 - Emirates Flight EK205 MXP-JFK diverted due to pilot illness hour and a half after take-off


March 11, 2023 - United Airlines Flight UA2007 GUA-ORD diverted due to “incapacitated pilot” who had chest pains


March 11, 2023? - British Airways (CAI-LHR) pilot collapsed in Cairo hotel and died, was scheduled to fly Airbus A321 from Cairo to London


March, 3, 2023 - Virgin Australia Flight VA-717 ADL-PER Adelaide to Perth flight was forced to make an emergency landing after First Officer suffered heart attack 30 min after departure.


Epoch Times articles on pilot incapacitations

April 18, 2023 - IN-DEPTH: One Moment He Was in Command of a 150,000-Pound Plane, Next He Was Technically Dead


March 30, 2023 - Reports of ‘Incapacitated’ Airline Pilots Stoke Concerns, Calls for Investigations


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You should make this your first Substack article!

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What you are attempting sure sounds like a SLAPP suit - Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation. Are you familiar with Devin Nunes and his many lawsuits for comments that are clearly protected opinion by reams of legal precedent? The most famous is his attempt to sue the person behind the Twitter parody account "Devin Nunes' Cow" for calling him a "treasonous cowpoke". This is clearly ridicule and rhetorical hyperbole, protected by the First Amendment. But Nunes is trying to silence critics by causing them to run up legal bills they can't afford. He sues in Virginia, which does not have a strong anti-SLAPP law such as the Texas Citizens Participation Act.

While I am not a lawyer, I can tell you what many lawyers have said about a situation like this: you are what is known as a limited purpose public figure. You have voluntarily inserted yourself into a matter of public interest and debate. Thus under Times v Sullivan you must prove that Dr. Canuck has made a claim of objective fact with knowledge that it is false, or serious doubts of its truthfulness. If Dr. Canuck has revealed why he thinks he satisfied your conditions and you owe him $1,000, that's an opinion based on disclosed facts, and cannot be libel.

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So having a hit piece in your name by Gorsky is a badge of honour then?

👍🏻 Can't say I bothered much about the one he wrote on me.

Pretty sad for him and his friends, if all they can produce is hit pieces. What do they tell their kids:

I badmouth people who are trying to save kids from having severe. illnesses? Don't you love these doctors who have your health at heart?!

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On one hand you have Steve asking to be challenged and on the other Gorski saying never question anything and on top of it crying about Steve's challenges. It's rather pathetic.

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I'm just glad that people like Steve Kirsch exist. As imperfect as we all are or I am anyway. fighting monsters publicly is no easy thing.

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go get em Steve. You aren't waking the sheep. but the resting Lions.

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We should be grateful for David Gorski. He is so anti truth it helps the wise see straight.

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I wonder whether Gorski's track record of distorting what you're saying is also legally relevant.

Now, that SOB probably has lawyers telling him where the red line is, with micrometers precision. But maybe not... If anyone deserves to pay for deliberate defamation, it's him. (think of his accumulated damage...)

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Keep going Steve. You're the best !

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Well done Steve! Get im indeed!

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Dear Steve, I checked out the link to the latest rant. Here's a quote - "selected members of his posse of antivax pseudoscientists and quacks, offering a "reward" or just payment to anyone who takes him up on his offer and goes through with the "debate." (That's why I call him a "debate me bro" and his tactics, "debate me bro" tactics.)." /Steve Kirsch uses doxxing and the threat of a libel suit to silence Dr. Canuck / by Orac, a humble surgeon/scientist June 14, 2023

The attack on the simple truth will never stop. Those who defend lies are only persons with deluded minds puffed up from knowledge spewed out by corrupted institutions. These individuals look down from their exalted Thrones on the rest of us, the "quacks and pseudoscientists," scoffing at those below them, speaking from their high towers of darkened wisdom and Science is our god delusion, defending lies and death, that's all they got, don't be fooled. Keep up the good fight because this is the most worthy battle. No debate, Human life is priceless.

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"David Gorski is a very reliable source of misinformation. In pretty much every case I am aware of, the truth is exactly the opposite of what he claims."

Even the name of his website is 180° on its head, compared to what any randomly picked article on that site reveals after max 3 sentences, if not in the headline.

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A lot of the tactics destructive creeps like the Clintons, Bindens, Faucis etc. use can be described as accusing the opposition of doing what they in fact are doing.

Doing that is supposed to disorient the opposition, and to confuse onlookers as to what's actually going on.

It sort of "innoculates" the creeps against being found out.

But like any form of lying, it's effectiveness dies out with over-use. ;-)

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