Wow. This is so damning of the lies that get spewed at us by our Public Health leaders. Excellent work Steve, getting ai to speak truth about Covid.

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I got Co-Pilot to give an honest answer on the commonalities between Stakeholder Capitalism (Klaus Schwab’s brainchild) and Fascism.

Question Asked to Co-Pilot:

What does Stakeholder Capitalism have in common with Facism?

1. **Centralization of Power**: Both stakeholder capitalism and fascism involve a significant degree of centralization of power. In stakeholder capitalism, corporations are encouraged to consider the interests of all stakeholders, including employees, customers, and the community, rather than focusing solely on shareholder profits². However, this can lead to a concentration of decision-making power within a few large corporations, similar to how fascist regimes centralize power within the state³.

2. **Economic Control**: Fascism involves state control over the economy while maintaining the appearance of private property. Similarly, stakeholder capitalism can lead to corporations exerting significant control over economic and social policies, potentially undermining democratic processes³⁴.

3. **Ideological Uniformity**: Both systems promote a specific ideology that seeks to unify society under a common goal. In fascism, this is often achieved through nationalist and authoritarian rhetoric. In stakeholder capitalism, the focus is on aligning corporate practices with broader social and environmental goals²⁴. While these goals may be well-intentioned, the promotion of a single ideology can stifle diverse perspectives and critical debate³.

4. **Manipulation of Public Opinion**: Both systems can use propaganda and manipulation to shape public opinion and maintain control. Fascist regimes are known for their use of propaganda to control the narrative and suppress dissent⁴. Similarly, stakeholder capitalism can involve the use of corporate messaging and public relations to promote certain agendas and influence public perception³.

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ChatGPT isn’t so truthful still.

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This is purely a phycological nudge toward pre trust in AI. One only has to watch a few of the google gemini ads referring to “how do we resurrect the public’s trust via transparency in the pharmaceutical industry “

IMHO these contrived catastrophes that anyone with two brain cells still sparking can see are building to gain ultimate trust in AI when otherwise the majority of the global public would reject . However if the censorship by governments globally is tough enough but the revelations via AI / google are biblical enough , the pendulum swings . Our white knight has arrived . There will be much pain , death and sorrow in between. Ultimately through these contrived events sparked by these true revelations, the sacrificial lambs will be

Abolishment of government due to distrust

And Pfizer

Objective complete …………..

We’ll get our day in court which will shock the world to its core and at the same time welcome with open arms , the system that we otherwise would have rejected .

Which was what it was all about in the first place .

The phoenix will once again rise from the ashes and the new system is born .

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Amazing how this pulled together so much information I recall reading and seeing data about, but have forgotten many of the details. The decisions I came to after seeing the total data have not changed: don’t trust government, don’t trust the media supported narrative, don’t trust Big Pharma, don’t trust Fauci, don’t trust anyone who promotes a one size fits all medical treatment, don’t trust anyone who undermines informed consent, don’t trust those who fail to apologize when their draconian methods are proven harmful, and when it comes to friends and family that have been duped by mass psychosis into believing the lies, recognize that our relationship is more is more important than trying to prove them wrong, because if you succeed, you may lose most of your family and friends. They have to come to the conclusion on their own.

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Wow, this means they have lost control of it. My guess is that high-tech Z Generation is trying to save us. Get as much as you can. See if it will be truthful about Election.

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Without sharing the questions as asked this is a black box the veracity of which is unknowable.

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Wow. This is damning.

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RFK jr speaks of all of this and more from memory and is passionate about letting everyone know this. has been studying for decades. Has charts and graphs of 72 vaccines required for kids these days. He is not anti vax - though is deemed this due to his questioning ingredients purposes, safety and more using verifiable facts.

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Finally! Some truth. Thank you.

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Gonna have to see the prompts used.

Wouldn't it be fun to find out it was all just a tech CEO using clever prompt engineering to get bias confirming answers?

Leave the science and the medicine to those with an understanding Steve.

I wish Google would up and reveal how their model works so we could follow the LLM threads to see how you engineered this horseshit

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The whole reason that justified vaccine liability immunity was because vaccines are inherently dangerous.

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Absolutely wonderful. This is a keeper for sure. Thank you for sharing this. 💛

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My limited experience with AI is that it is remarkable how frequently in can capture the emotional impact of a statement. OTOH, sometimes it does not and the statement must be somehow parsed in terms of literal meaning or lack of meaning. A human saying “largely unknown.” When AI says “largely unknown,” that is nonsense. Either it’s known or it’s not. AI must integrate Steve Kirsch’s opinion and I don’t know who he is. My comment is about AI. (I have not studied any of the controversy over vaccines, nor am I an expert on the subject itself).

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"I have not studied any of the controversy over vaccines," ---

And why is that? Is the task too intellectually daunting?

Bottom line: Mankind survived and thrived before the invention of hypodermic needles and inoculations and vaccines.

It is not only unnatural to inject a biological creature with synthetic chemicals, it is ANTI-natural.

No illness or disease or symptom has ever been contagious.

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All these diseases were 97% eradicated before the vaccines came out, the reason there is less so called disease, is because we had improved water/sewer sanitation & better nurtrition. I believe many of these "diseases" were due to toxins in the environment, lack of nutrition, unsanitary living conditions. The body will heal itself if it's properly taken care of, but it can only handle so much poison. For example the polio "virus" that spread accross the country, followed the spraying of arsenic (or some other out lawed chemical) as an insecticide. People were being paralyzed because of exposure to the spray or ate the vegetables/fruit that were sprayed, not from a virus. We've been lied to for so long.

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Personal taste. I find comments like your “Bottom line,” unscientific, hostile and upsetting — I simply don’t have the neuron-endocrine system. And on the whole subject, I’m afraid that, yes, overall too intellectually daunting.

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Thank you. Good man for admitting it. At least you're not a coward. Just lazy. You're not lazy about researching nutrition. You know that all vitamin pills & supplements are created synthetically in labs using all sorts of heinous chemicals to achieve what can only honestly be called anti-natural products. Same deal with all vaccines >> nothing but chemicals that the body instantly attempts to get rid of. Not one chemical or ingredient that a biological body craves or needs.

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Not particularly lazy. Some problems are intellectually daunting. Many jump in to vaccine debate but, despite their intelligence, can’t really sort out the data and wind up with incomplete or even ignorant opinions. Like Dirty Harry said, “Man’s gotta’ know his limitations.”

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Thank you for doing this and for all your work in uncovering truth in this broken world we live in. May God bless you and yours. Society owes you a great debt of gratitude.

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This is excellent. I have an uncensored (hacked) LLM locally on my computer with the guardrails removed, it’s easy enough to do as long as you have a computer with a GPU. I also got it to clearly admit that BigPharma actively worked to cover up the effectiveness of Ivm in order to ensure profitability. However it’s worth pointing out that getting AI to say something does not prove it. It is not currently super intelligent, it is only reciting its training data. So you could prompt it in a way as to give you whatever information you want by prompting it in a certain way as I’m sure you know. So all this article actually proves is that you worked out how to prompt Gemini to give you the answers you wanted based on enough people having discussed or held this opinion in the training data. Don’t get me wrong I think it is true and the vaccines did it could have caused all the harms listed. But getting AI to answer like this does not actually prove it is true at all.

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They made a big thing of Ivermectin so people would flock to it, it is still a pharmaceutical under their control !

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You can buy it for peanuts in countries like the one where I live. If they know something about it fine, but they don;t control the flow of it at all

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