Now this can't be good . . .

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGrcjNsqFHzqWFtqFhkGPpZLmQc . .

Second, here's (quite biomedically literate, prominent medical freedom-supporting attorney) Aaron Siri's (revised? maintained?) take on why it's perfectly okay (now?) to call the COVID-19 non-inhibiting/mitigating agents of infection and transmission -- you know, what we got manipulated by CDC and FDA, at least we thought, into parroting these agencies' own term, "vaccines" -- to call them, why, just that, "vaccines," as they officially define one. Interesting, for sure . . .


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Wouldn't this reasonably moot the whole issue of "Why Didn't Damar Speak Up in His GMA Interview?"

The NFLPA is finally responding ethically and responsibly to the possible health- and life-consequences in those the NFL mandated to be inoculated. Of course, other serious and substantive issues remain, but this is the most sensible, comprehensive, and widely impactful start I could imagine on the road to decency and fair play.


After all, it's the promotion of this health alert to players that we're all so concerned about, no?

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Jesus was a Jew who lived by the Old Testament, when Jesus answered questions with “it is written” or “God says” he was referring to the Old Testament. You cannot know God or Christ if you do not know and understand the Old Testament. I do not think that at this exact moment God is calling any nation to war, but historically He has and when He has those wars ended in the annihilation of His enemies.

Where did the 10 Commandment come from? The Old Testament, you will not find them listed anywhere in the New Testament. I have never talked about crunching anyone. I never said I wanted to go to war or that I would, I simply said that if I was going to go to war Conan’s war philosophy was the current one, the best was philosophy has nothing to do with the correctness of the reason for the war. You cannot be a Christian if you do not understand who Christ was and who God is, you clearly do not. I understand where you are coming from because it was popular Christian reasoning in much of Europe in the 1930s and it’s what allowed the slaughter of millions of not only Jews but dissenting Christians as well.

I understand very well what happens when you abandon God and Jesus for some hippy watered down New Testament only version, that’s why I speak so strongly against it. It is the very meaning of taking the Lord’s name in vain.

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Led, I'm sure, by the Holy Spirit to see a more balanced, certainly not a newly nuanced view of the Christian Deity, in translating the Common Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible (OT; the Septuagint) into the vulgate Latin of his time, St Jerome, back in the 5th century AD, originated the notion of Judeo-Christian. It hasn't been the most popular sense of the entire Bible over time.

And yet, my late mother was protected as a young adolescent in Belgium by a local cross-wearing Catholic widow and Liege neighbor for the length of that country's Nazi occupation, from May 1940 till early 1945. If discovered, such Righteous Among the Nations -- as the State of Israel later recognized those of other (ethnic and religious) "nations," so outstandingly and charitably good to, among countless others (the total is estimated at 17,000,000), the programmatically isolated and mostly elimination-bound Jews (~ 6,000,000, most of the above) during the entire Holocaust -- were, of course, immediately segregated from society and promptly executed on the spot, as a sure example publicly to others and, absent ordinary respect for the dead and their family, to noticeably rot.

Obviously, my mother, who immigrated to the US after the war and met my father, survived the Holocaust (I; at a presently estimated worldwide, post-C19 Vax-death count of 13,000,000, we're now in the early-middle episodes, I think, of II) and gave birth to me, her first of three sons.

The Jewish-Christian relationship, bound eternally, I believe, necessarily self-involves; the paradoxical, near-mesmerizing sketches of M C Escher come to mind.

That I was one of three brothers, born a decade after a young European Jewish girl, marked for lethal work or immediate extermination upon arrival to a camp -- where the lie "Work Makes You Free" could be disbelieved daily by the welcome "residents, indeed certifies the proposition.

If such a theologically unbounded sense of God was reflexively good enough for the Holy Spirited-imbued man known as Jesus or Jeshua of Nazareth, why, it's certainly good enough, if not better, then, for me -- a far less Torah-literate Jewish man than He.

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This was part of a much longer conversation I was having with a German who considers the Old Testament satanic. I’m not sure if he deleted his posts or if once again Substack just randomly placed my comment outside the thread of the conversation we were having. 🤷‍♀️

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The Chinese Balloon diversion and the expanding Globalist Clusterfuck against humanity

Biden and other globalists are committing treason and must be stopped


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It amazes me how this BS continues. There are no publicly available tests that accurately diagnose covid. There have been microbiologists, biochemists and molecular biologists that have talked about this. The covid test has a 60-90% false positive rate and does not differentiate covid from adenovirus, Para influenza or rsv. The word covid case is a MEANINGLESS TERM.

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This story is just a distraction, like the Chinese balloon thing. Paul Joseph Goebbels Hitlers propaganda chief would be proud of this story, but he lived before the internet and social media. This and other stories are deliberately put on the tv and net to distract you from what's really going on. Those that still have independent thought know what is happening.

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I would like to know what the doctors gave him to make him look like nothing even happened . I haven't seen any pictures of him walking.. you would think he'd be walking with a cane or a walker... What would be the drug to make him rejuvenate like that..

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The damar thing is just a media and psychological distraction. Ignore it. It means nothing.

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.....and laughing gas! (anywayz, I'm not buyin' the videos or the previous "invisible man" appearances...it all stinks)

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I was a cardiovascular surgeon, not a cardiologist but I obviously worked closely with cardiologists.

Several are close friends of mine and we have lunch from time to time. Combined these doctors have over 60 years of cardiology experience. Not one has seen a single case of commotio cordis in an adult .But as a poster hilariously mentioned it did occur in an adult in the Tarantino movie kill bill.


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Wrong, commotio cordis was found in a 33-year-old male and described in a case report.


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Carlos according to my AI Chatbot, you are in need of an upgrade. Please report to your programming source immediately.

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Bot or troll you are so pathetic and desperate. We continue to laugh at you. It is 99% more likely that this NFL player went down due to anabolic steroids, or stimulants like meth or cocaine than commotio cordis.

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Wrong, NFL tests its players for anabolic steroids and illegal drugs. Accusing an African-American male of being a drug addict without providing any evidence would be racist.

Damar Hamlin's cardiac arrest was probably triggered by commotio cordis.

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Damar aside this global operation to inject every human on the planet with mrna has been going on for 3 years. There are many new mrna shots in the clinical pipeline. A conservative estimate is this operation has cost over a trillion dollars. What still do not know is who is financing this operation? I also do not know the ultimate goal of this. It can't be to protect us as if you believe covid is real -herd natural immunity was reached over a year ago. Hate to go there but it may actually be about depopulation.

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My dad is a retired cardiologist and still very pro covid injection. Here is his explanation of what Damar said or didn't say in the video: "Maybe he told the team he had been vaccinated and boosted and he wasn’t and does not want them to know. "

Is that even a possibility that the NFL wasn't checking on their vax status and false claims of it.

My dad still believes he had an underlying heart condition and it was commotio cordis. But I'm like why can't he just say that then?!?

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Your dad is an idiot at this point.

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I hear you. I debate almost daily with him as I’m desperate to have him admit it and wake up. It’s probably too difficult on his psyche I think. “Evidence based medicine” is his identity and almost like a religion to him. To let it go will require grieving on his part. He also harassed and berated me in 2021 and 2022 for not taking the shot. I think it’s impossible for him to process how I knew all the evidence back then from doing my own research through YT, substack, rumble, etc.

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Well people, no matter how intelligent, just can’t wrap their head around the evil and corruption that exists nowadays. A doctor’s entire career and life revolves around and is built on a foundation of academia and institution. No one swallows easily the cold hard reality that everything they once believed in is filled with lies and liars. My children are unvaccinated. They have their foreskins and they drink raw milk. Can’t tell you how many ridiculous ignorant doctors Ive had to deal with. Obviously, we have many doctors that are heroes but in general medicine has gone the way of politics and government. Useless, inefficient, dangerous and tyrannical. One day hopefully he’ll realize he raised an inquisitive, critically thinking, if not rebellious daughter……which the USA needs more of!

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Thank you so much! I'm hoping one day he will see the light but yes I've always been inquisitive, curious, and a bit rebellious not in a defiant way for the fun of it, but when things do not seem right to my intuition I've always questioned and pushed back on things. This has led me to be the "black sheep" of the family. I'm fully comfortable with that role now thanks to waking up in 2020 but it took awhile for me to gain the confidence needed.

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I wonder if your Dad is familiar with Dr Peter McCullough. He was vice chair of medicine at Baylor and one of the most published cardiologists in the United States. Predictably he has been viciously attacked by the legacy media for calling for the end of all mrna covid shots due to cardiac toxicity.

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He is familiar and finds every angle to discount him. My brother in law is a Gastro and had the nerve to call him a quack. I say all these pro covid injection people are the real quacks.

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Ask your brother in law about Paul Saladino MD 🤣 I love triggering these mainstream doctors. lol

My god I can only imagine how fun your family dinners must be!

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Thanks for the tip! I haven't heard of him yet. And lol on the family dinners! Only one doctor in our family lives local, so it's not too often we all are gathered around the table. He's an oncology doctor and told me he just follows whatever the CDC/FDA tell him to do when I pushed back on the gene therapy. I felt very sad for him with that response as these doctors are selling their minds short by becoming just policy and rule followers without questioning common sense things.

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I know this mite be controversial but I truly believe that isn't Hamlin. He is either dead or in a vegetative state. I could elaborate, however i will leave it at that.

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All types of medicine are different but there is a common theme. See as many patients as possible and code as much ICD 10 codes as possible. Now as a doctor your boss may be a MBA or even someone with a BA in healthcare management. They know nothing about medicine but control or your schedule and patient flow. If I could do it over again, I would be a surgeon. They still save lives and a have some Independence.

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I was a doctor for Kaiser in Northern California prior to covid. Kaiser tried force flu vaccines on me. Even after a flu vaccine I had in medical school gave me Guillain–Barré syndrome. I left Kaiser as I they were just industrial medicine. They abuse their doctors, and the standard is you see 25-30 patents a day.

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Similarly, been there, done that. Happy for me and for you.

Hope your G-B's largely resolved and behind you.

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I'm too old and tired to go back but maybe the practice of medicine can be saved.

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I am just a dumb surgeon, not a psychologist or psychiatrist. Nothing about this story makes any sense from a medical perspective. Yet we live in a world where we are told men can menstruate and have babies, so it does not Suprise me.

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I can imagine that, for you, this story, added to the many unprecedented and perplexing events that've occurred over the last three years, might resemble -- what, a nightmarish, unlocatable source of bleeding along with a falling BP?

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Well, no brainer. Imagine he if he were to sue the NFL cuz they made him get the vaccine. Similar with the ADA. They've known for decades how dangerous mercury fillings were but had they told the truth - something Damar won't do - they'd be sued out of existence.

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