It's no wonder the powers that be feel so threatened by Gen Z. They are truly a force to be reckoned with!

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Indeed, the cabal assumes that "wokeness" (aka sleepwalking into tyranny) is kryptonite to Gen Z. But little does the cabal know, a good chunk of them are quite resistant.

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May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023

Moving forward it seems crucial nothing like the covid scam ever happens again. I'm sure the powers that be have already planned the next scam. Generation Z is the key player in stopping this as they understand the internet and how information is used to mold public opinion. Peter commented below and nailed the crux of the problem when he linked to the Asch Conformity experiments.


No matter how evil or controlled our leaders are it was the blind compliance and obedience of doctors and nurses that allowed this covid operation to be successful. Your doctor may have an IQ of 200 but will do what told if they blindly trust authority, even if their actions kill or harm their patients. This is a huge flaw that humans have. There was a small percentage of people from street bums to surgeons that knew the whole covid story was a lie designed for control and the most massive transfer of wealth ever. The common denominator of those that did not buy the lie is a healthy distrust of authority.

In my case I first trusted authority. But being a gulf war vet and seeing the lies of our leaders I became skeptical. If I still were a doctor, I would never trust the AMA, CDC, NIH, WHO ever again.

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Are there any studies that can be presented to colleges for students who are unvaxxed and want to protect their fertility by not rooming with a vaccinated person?

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I'm sure the studies exist but the leadership of the colleges are being paid millions by the current Biden administration to continue covid shot mandates for young people that are not at risk for covid.

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Hopefully things have improved with your kids at college Steve and your family has come to appreciate your courageous stands.

I did not see the video uploaded on your site yet.

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Thanks Steve. Well done for involving GenZ.

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Raid The Laundromat!

withdraw immunity from the Bank of International Settlements


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The ‘Blac Project Takeover’ is a video we all need to see!


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Gawd! Why does this always have to devolve into a religion-dominated, anti-socialist diatribe instead of sticking to the flagrant disregards for personal autonomy and reason? Both religion and CRAPitalism have done more harm to more people than any secular, socialist/communist/marxist regimes or societies ever have! If we can't discuss this without appealing to imaginary beings and opining the demise of the disaster that is CRAPitalism, I want no part in this discussion.

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Marxist regimes ban all religion; they are mandated to be atheist. Also, over 100 years Marxist regimes have killed, imprisoned and used for slave labor hundreds of millions of it's own people - not to mention wars of empire conquering and enslaving satellite countries such as Poland and Hungary.

No religion can come close to that record. The Inquisition harmed thousands and even Muslim wars and genocidal actions are probably not more than a couple of million killed. But the atheist Soviet Union countered that by killing 2.1 million Muslims in their Afghan war of conquest.

A particular individual atheist or Marxist may not support genocide but the fact remains that religion and capitalism were excluded from the biggest killing machine in history - Marxist regimes. I thought their record would never be broken until just recently.

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May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023

Goof points. Religion aside capitalism in a true sense is superior to Marxism/socialism and communism. It's possible to also invent a new system but it won't happen in today's political climate. The problem is that "capitalism" does not exist in the United States or anywhere I can think of. In the US what we have is more properly defined as corporate fascism.

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If nola is real, it's fascinating it despises the religious people.

I was raised by hard core atheists and used to ridicule religious people. I became a Christian in my 50's. Nobody proselytized to me. For reasons I can't explain it just happened to me.

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An interesting book by an atheist turned Christian is The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. I read the reviews and got a copy but before I could read it ran into a dedicated atheist (while I had it on me) so I gave it to him. Got another copy and the same thing happened with a different atheist. That was years ago so I'd better get another copy!

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I read it. I think the other one that is good is "people of the lie" by Scott Peck MD. That book that explores human evil still haunts me.

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Everything you said is accurate. Also Peter may be correct as nola may be carlos a regular troll. It seeks confrontation and needs attention. Still not sure if it's an AI bot or a lonely person living in his mom's basement.

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Mom! the Meatloaf!!! lol. I support Wayne here.

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Why are you here and what is your purpose and mission? Are you Carlos? Your profile says informed and aware. I do not detect either quality in you. This stack is about vaccine policy not capitalism or economic theory.

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100% Carlos Gonzalez. I remember him, haha!

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We think the same way. I thought it was carlos as well. If you ignore it goes away.

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What's it to you? I was commenting on the video THIS STACK referenced. Did you even watch it? Go play with your dolls.

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023

Declare your intentions and say what you think is right. Just hating capitalism is meaninglessness. If you think things are wrong propose a solution.

Never had a doll, Nola. Watched the whole vid. Leave here. There are other places that you will be loved.

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Do you do standup too? You'd be a riot!

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Corrupt capitalism and religion have killed millions. But to suggest that communism and Marxism are the lesser of two evils and killed less is historically inaccurate. Evil humans oversee genocide for various reasons. You also need to define your terms when it comes to religion and mass death and suffering. For instance, there is a huge difference between a Christian and Buddhist. Which do you think has caused more people harm?

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That is absurd. Since CRAPitalism is several centuries older that socialism, etc, just over time it has been more destructive to humanity. But even compared head-to-head, harm done in the name of socialism pales tremendously by comparison. And if you'd watched the referred video you'd know which religion is the one being pushed. Not that Buddhists are free from irrational thoughts and actions...

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Buddhism and most other religions existed before what you call Capitalism. Ironically, I never said I supported any of them. If you hate capitalism I don't care. Also, there was no video link that you refer to. Get a good nights sleep.

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I am not conflating religion with CRAPitalism; you just did. And you implied Buddhism was somehow not as destructive as Christianity, which is probably the case, so yes, you at least implied you support Buddhism. Nor do I care about what you care or don't care about; that is irrelevant to this discussion. And we happen to be commenting on an article that directly references and is promoting a video. I don't know how you missed that if you're reacting to the comments here. And it might be YOUR bedtime, sonny, so maybe YOU should get to bed!

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I found the quote I was looking for. No politics no religion. It's from the son of Kurt Vonnegut.

“We're here to get each other through this thing, whatever it is.

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Yea sure. If it were only that simple! Of course, extinction isn't off the table either, the way things are going.

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023

Nola and Jose. Stop this stupidity. Humans are just slightly smarter than chimps. The whole concept of most monetary systems and government is an illusion. So, the argument of capitalism and socialism and communism is meaningless. Although I prefer freedom and capitalism over communism. In the end we all are born, we live and will die. While here we should love each other and care for each other. End of story

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One one level of course you're somewhat correct. And with all due respect, maybe your level of intelligence is comparable to a chimpanzee, but I don't accept such a silly copout from any discussion of any importance. I also suspect you have little to no knowledge of the writings of the leading economists/philosophers regarding those systems. "Freedom" is much more restricted under CRAPitalism for the majority of people who labor under its dictates than under any purely communistic system. Marx clearly brought out that fact in his "Das Kapital". Also your thinking seems to be operating under a typical confusion over terms like democracy, dictatorship, totalitatianism, fascism, and others and conflating them with communism, etc. And we COULD probably be co-existing regardless of whether we "love" and "care" about one another, at the very least. That is exactly why I commented originally. Far too many people want to push their agendas onto others, and we will never be able to come together and achieve harmony for all of us if we don't stop trying to force others to accept our personal belief systems.

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I was offered 8000$ a week to "treat" or in other words kill covid patients in Manhattan. Let my license expire and live in my RV. Never will ever go back to medicine in the US but may be a doctor again Mexico.

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I watched the whole rumble video.


I am not able to comprehend how doctors and nurses took part in this. They are not stupid. They knew they were killing people and making a lot of money for it. Those that did not take part in the killing were fired. Humanity is not going to make it.

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I think you are wrong. I know doctors and nurses that pushed the jab and none of them suspected let alone knew it was killing people. Some of them drank the kool-aid and still think it’s saved millions. Others figured that at worst the jabs just didn’t work very well. Every doctor or nurse I’ve ever met that thought or realized the jab was causing problems either never pushed it or stopped pushing it. For a doctor to admit these jabs are causing problems they have to admit every source of education and information they’ve used to become doctors and make recommendations is corrupted. It brings their entire career into question. Most people aren’t capable of that kind of self reflection and jarring destruction of their worldview.

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Asch Conformity Test. I don't like wiki, but here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asch_conformity_experiments

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No disrespect to Dr. Slayton and I like veterinarians more than human doctors.

The problem I had with my fellow physician's had to do with basic common sense and for some reason my fellow doctors did not have any. First the denial of otc and cheap generic treatments and punishing doctors for successfully treating patients. Second: saying experimental covid shots were the only treatment and should be mandated for a virus less dangerous than influenza. The shots did not treat covid they did not prevent transmission or mortality. In the end, the Asch conformity experiments mean everything. They prove that doctors are human like all people and will conform to the herd even if hurts or kills other humans. From a philosophical perspective- The question is why a small percentage of doctors refused the covid lie from day one. In my case, I was ex-military and a gulf war vet and learned very early to distrust authority.

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I am a nobody with a crap 4 year degree. It is psychological my friend. You have questions, I have more answers.

Can you vaccinate out of a Flu epidemic - NO

Why? cuz it mutates too fast and vax takes 6-12 months to produce. Then the virus changes. Always playing catchup. Thus propaganda and massive AD Campaign to promote vaccine solution. THE FINAL SOLUTION? Why? Cuz $. Other objectives? almost certainly.

Read History. Why do Empires require a Singular answer to a seemingly singular solution. Economic, Resource, and Power CONTROL. Nothing more --EVER.

Do I need to remind you of Machiavelli - The Prince?



Singular Solution.

All point to a Totalitarian or Dictatorial gov't. What is the outcome everytime?

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Death and Starvation. Enjoy!

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Anti-vax activist Buttar said he was poisoned. Anyone know anything more about this? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/anti-vaccine-dr-rashid-buttar-who-previously-claimed/

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This generation WILL make a difference in our future world.

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O.T. perhaps, but not really. Steve: better wake up, get a clue. It IS murder.

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In the know peeps, don't come here. You may be right. Steve is in Denial or Read in?

If you Love this cause, Please Donate!!!

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Great work! I am donating!

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This is wonderful. I have prayed to all the GODS, that young people take rein and conscious of how their future is being mapped out by sociopaths. Enough with these old decrepit degenerates at the helm of humanity!

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