Excellent questions you raised, and disturbing too. Why are the elitits, esp. in the formerly known Free West, force their citizens to take the vax, whilst censoring all critics and reports of their risks, dangers and side effects and banning safe and effective treatments like HCQ and Ivermectin. The horror stories of the vax injured are so heartbreaking, that you wonder, why the vax hasnt been pulled yet. It all is so perplexing, that you have to wonder what is going on here. One thing is for sure, it isnt about our health.

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62000 comments now...wonder how long this will go before Facebook or WHO wipes out the post.

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https://www.mychamplainvalley.com/news/local-news/over-2000-new-cases-reported-hospitalizations-high/ Seems it’s mostly vaccinated patients hospitized in Vermont

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I’m surprised that FB didn’t take the post down seeing the many comments going against their sacred narrative.

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Fantastic! 10,000 comments now!

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Why do we still mess with Twitter and fb. Just turn them off. I did years ago. It's not really keeping in touch with family and friends or letting your church know what's going on anymore. And besides you're just supporting them when you do use them.

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In a big way I agree with you. But I just did the opposite. In my 50’s and hate even the idea of social media. I. E. Do we talk anymore? I want to try to post as much as I can before I get flagged. Happy to receive Advice as to what I should post. I went on because so many are being deplatformed. It’s not that I lack courage, I’m still not exactly sure where to start. LOL however, twit has probably already flagged me. I’m already following The big MD s on our side and practically no one else. That alone may have me deplatformed before I begin!!!!

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I deleted my Twitter 6 months ago and only visit FB once a week, primarily for a neighborhood group and my son's cub scout group. I will delete FB eventually altogether once I download all my pictures. It feels great to be free. Now go watch The Social Dilemma and see if you feel the same way. Just need to stop using Google and YouTube. Thank goodness for Substack though.

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Yes, for as long as is possible.👵😇

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Duck Duck Go, easy you are halfway there....

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By the way the WHO has been kicked out of several third world countries when their governments caught them red handed murdering children and sterilizing young women, all in the name of, guess what? A VACCINE!

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Nice. Which countries.

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Bill had to be sure his vaccines really were diabolical before releasing them on the world at large.

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The same thing happened when a "news" outlet asked on FB "After the vaccines were available to everyone, did you lose an unvaccinated loved one to covid-19?" They got hundreds of thousands of comments and almost all were regarding injuries and deaths after the shots. https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10158207967261135&id=80221381134

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I am in total agreement with Mr. Roger's! Bravo, and very well stated!

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These shots are not OK. Doing more damage than Covid if honestly measured across all demographics. I'm willing to concede for the over 70 group with existing problems, the risk may well be worth taking the shots, but for the rest of us, no way this makes any sense. Especially true for anyone under 40. Kids should be off limits. Sad and sick abuse of our system and freedoms. Pray. Plan. Prepare. Resist. As if your life depends on it. It does.

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Alex Berenson just posted a good one on huge British study of men under 40. Massive increase in myocarditis for mRNA shots.

Good last comment you made “pray. Plan. Prepare. Resist. As if your life depends on it.”

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Nobody should take these vaccines, any benefits claimed are at best fleeting, but are more likely non-existent.

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Not sure I agree even with the 70 year olds. Watch these posts and Alex Berensons. Multiple individual stories just like my own. Parents in 90’s. Refuse to get shots. Take the D, C, quercetin, zinc, NAC, et al. We’ve survived and not gotten it. I’ve seen many similar stories. I still say risk vs benefits change greatly when you are healthy. Even for older people. In fact, maybe ESPECIALLY for older people. In addition if we can get hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin it would be even better.

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I've just added NAC to my list. I'm trying to put together a list of semi-proven helps for people who want to strengthen their immune system and block Covid as much as possible. I have the following on my list:


- Zinc (50mg)

- Quercetin (800mg)

- Bromelain (165mg)

- Vitamin D (400-800 IU (10-20mcg))

- Melatonin (?g)

- Nigella Sativa oil (?g)

- Iota Carageenan (?g)

- Curcumin (?g)

- Vitamin A (?g)

- Vitamin C (1g)

- N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) (600mg)

Nasal and Gargle

- Povidone-Iodine (1%PVP solution)

As you can see, I'm not finished working out the amounts yet. I can't get Ivermectin or Hydroxy, so those are not on my list. Some of these ingredients I got from c19early.com. Not all have been rigourously tested, but show early signs of promise.

Anyone have anything else to add?

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The best way to "block covid" is to stop watching TV, especially TV news programming. There's no covid19 virus. The pandemic is spread via the MSM, mostly by TV.

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Excellent points. My mother in law is 88 and very healthy. She has Covid and no worse than a bad cold. Fine now. Several other examples in our older church population. Deaths have been confined to very unhealthy and / or delaying treatment or both. Thanks.

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As a former Poilce Officer I can say with certainty that "MOST PEOPLE WHO DRIVE DRUNK GET HOME JUST FINE AND DON'T HURT ANYONE". So it's ok, is it? Nothing to see here?

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On Sunday December 5th 2021, EudraVigilance (E.U.'s database for adverse reactions) listed 1,394,559 "Serious" reactions to the four vaccines (Pfizer 603,288; Astra Zeneca 556,627, Moderna 198,070, Janssen 36,574. Total deaths were 32,582 (Pfizer 15,039, Astra Zeneca 6508, Moderna 9046, Janssen 1989. Each patient may have had multiple adverse reactions, so there is no way to calculate the number of people harmed; it would obviously be far less than the one million plus figure, but multiple adverse serious reactions intensify the suffering of the casualty. Furthermore, 32582 fatalities cannot be classified as "mild".

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Good job posting Eudravig data, thanks. Are you saying that some numbers overlap? Death can’t but the AEs, can one person be put in two categories?

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An example of one case from EudraVigilance for the 12-17 year old group is:

Lung consolidation (n/a - Unknown - Caused/Prolonged Hospitalisation),

Multi-organ disorder (n/a - Unknown - Caused/Prolonged Hospitalisation),

Myocarditis (n/a - Unknown - Caused/Prolonged Hospitalisation),

Splenomegaly (n/a - Unknown - Caused/Prolonged Hospitalisation)

The above are listed under

Reaction List PT (Duration – Outcome - Seriousness Criteria)

The Reaction List PT is, I think, the first entry, e.g. Multi-organ disorder; the Seriousness Criteria (third entry) is "Prolonged Hospitalisation"; the outcome (second entry) is not available.

So, these are four "Serious" adverse reactions foe one case: the EU Local Number is EU-EC-10011070030

I hope this helps. All the best.

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Danger of infertility and cumulative toxicity of lipid nanoparticles (Michael Palmer) @ https://www.bitchute.com/video/blJ16YiJvWqH/

Part of a short series of presentations with Bhakdi and Yeadon, keep watching after Palmer finishes.

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The side effects of diabetes, cancer and heart disease are often mild too. This poor guy was feeling fine till he had a heart attack. https://freeworldnews.tv/watch?id=61d4a646f5297750f2757f05

The effects even if mild are being caused by a toxic protein being produced in every major organ of the body including the brain. It doesn't take a genius scientist to conclude the nanoparticle technology is dangerous if the particles end up in vital organs. Dr Bridle found out the truth from Pfizer's own study. https://www.bitchute.com/video/N5UAQT3s31TY/ Now almost a year ago. The FDA doesn't care.

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Important to understand, that the WHO announced the pandemic on that historic day on March 11th, when there were 42000 confirmed positive cases outside china. There was no justification for the announcement of a pandemic. Closing down the economies of 190 countries even less. The lockdowns were a criminal act, leading to mass impoverishment and famine in places like india

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And the CDC or NIH can’t remember whic now, will have to look up, announced on Jan 29, 2020 that there was not enough data to support pandemic declaration, then 2 days later, Jan 31st announced there was a pandemic and backdated its start to Jan 27th.

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“The WHO Secretariat provided an overview of the situation in other countries. There are now 83 cases in 18 countries.” - January 30th, 2020.

Again, no one seemed to have read the small print, because 83 cases in 18 countries didn’t justify declaring a public health emergency, as Tedros did…. It was all orchestrated.

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there can only be one reason for the WHO post. they're compiling a list of people who are willing to speak up against the plandemic. amongst other possible actions, those people's posts and comments will then be automatically set to invisible for everyone else in every other topic. AI could also be run against the contents of **all** posts/comments made by those people to set up an 'anti-vax' profile. remember; the people running the show are *not* stupid.

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This was done by Mao during the "culture revolution" days in China: restrictions and censorship were lifted and people were allowed to post their grievances with governement using posters/wall papers.

All the while the Red Guards took careful notes on who posted what, and who seemed interested.

And then - as it always is with, indeed must be with socialism - millions were disappeared and murdered.

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