Of course you mean 20x, not 5?

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20 to 1 is the so called point estimate of the population odds. another friend of Lara may quote 15 to 2 in her sample. no one has the entire population data. To account for uncertainty of point estimates from different small samples a so called statistical confidence limit estimate is made. Thus one can say that if the population ratio was less than 5 to 1 then chance of Lara seeing 20 to 1 in her sample circle is miniscule like 1 in million. since she saw that, the population ratio is at least 5 to 1 with extremely high statistical confdence or a near certainty. This is statistical inferenctheory works to make high confidence estimates of the unknown population metric from a small sample point observation

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No. A5 X increase is a one in 1 million chance therefore it’s quite possible that there could only be a 5X increase.

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Could one of the 15 sheep that gave you a like for this, please explain this to me?

Please, please, please STOP comparing deaths from Covid to deaths from Vaccine. Name me one person who supposedly died from "Covid", had an autopsy saying so, was not denied early treatment, was not murdered by protocol!!!! One person, just one person????

This shit is getting ridiculous. Do you all not understand at this point that this was gain of function released on the public on purpose?? A bioweapon was released to kill people, a deadly gene altering injection was forced on the people also designed to kill people. And some how you are trying to compare one to another? Do you all understand how insane that is?

Thank you American tax payers for funding your own death and those of the rest of the world. After 9/11 how many women and children do you kill for retribution. All the people who have died over the last 3-4 years, millions. If the US was not responsible surely by now you would be bombing the shit out of who was!!!

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They were dropping like flies in Ecuador. I remember bodies reported strewn along the beaches.

COVID deaths did occur in hotspots but seemed to be due to 5g towers. Frequencies and EMF's can produce all the symptoms of COVID. They can cause clotting, and respiratory distress which was caused by a rouleux effect in the blood by reducing oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange.

Remember emergency room Dr. Cameron Sidell's comment from a New York emergency Hospital when he said "I think we're dealing with altitude sickness?" That's like radiation sickness. Yes, the radiation was coming from the high frequency bands of the 5G routers in the Hospital.

I believe Hospital protocols were the number one killer for COVID. But they had to get people scared enough to go there. And they did it with 5G towers, 5G phones and 5G internet routers which are capable of producing low milimeter waves and frequencies in the 18 gHz. range..

When the outbreak was reported in Wuhan, the city had just installed a large number of 5G antenna towers. the people we saw dropping dead happened when they powered them up. The citizens eventually figured it out and they got rid of their 5g phones, cancelled subscriptions and even burned down some of the 5g towers. This report was quickly memory holed.

If you look at the hotspots in Bolivia, Ecuador, Italy, New York, New Jersey you will find they all had 5g up and running.

Hospitals, like most homes have 5g internet routers. It's the frequencies that matter. SARS CoV-2 was patented in 2018 and was noted for it's ability to be frequency modulated.(https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349881372_Effect_of_Coronavirus_Worldwide_through_Misusing_of_Wireless_Sensor_Networks)

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And notice how the death protocols used in hospital keeps slipping away from conversation. Many died from that while at hospital for something else then suddenly *diagnosed* with Covid. My sis did have a jab reaction & was headed to rehab where they immediately said Covid positive & left alone in tiny room with no TV for 10 days. Twice. Now barely with us....

I do believe they released something toxic first in several states. Jan 20 in Florida had a rare persistent dry cough. Just double downed on immune support.

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There was one man who died from CCP Virus before the vaccine was out. He was a local chef and very popular. His wife was an acquaintance and she did get an autopsy afterwards because he was healthy and refused to be hospitalized until the very end. According to her, they hadn't even intubated him as he was nearly dead by the time the ambulance arrived. She said he died in the ambulance and *then* they intubated him. Apparently, they got him back once, but he was DOA at hospital arrival. Now, hospital staff could have lied, but he was definitely already dead when she arrived in the waiting room because doctors came out to inform her of his death within a half hour of her arrival and she was right behind the ambulance. There's only 50,000 people in this town year round as permanent residents (we're an international tourist town and we attract snowbirds from all over America), but 1 in 50,000 is still pretty long odds of dying of CCP Virus.

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Leslie, by chance is your 50K town located in or near Imperial Valley, CA, or Yuma, AZ?

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I'll take your like as a yes. I live in the IV.

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If I give you a dime and then give you 19 more do you then have 5x as much (.50) or 20x ($2.00)?

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BTW - I'm hardly the one to criticize you, just trying to understand the statistical relationships that are oftentimes a bit over my head.

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It is statistically within the realm of possibility (meaning, better than 1 in a million chance of it NOT being a statistical fluke) that with the observed numbers (20 to 1), the observed difference is due to a real (on the ground, not observed) difference of NO LESS than 5 to 1

That is to say, the odds of it actually being 4 to 1 (not as bad) are like 1 in 100 million, while the odds of it being 10 to 1 (worse than 5 to 1) are like 1 in 10,000

If you were to take a 98% confidence interval (standard for peer review papers), which is 1 in 50 odds of the observed 20 to 1 difference being a statistical fluke, you would probably arrive at like 15 to 1

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That's a much different way of looking at it - ie what are the odds that the odds would be a 20:1 ratio, tho I may still misunderstand. That is also why I learned on Day 1 in my class on Business Statistics that Statistics don't lie but Liars figure statistics. I am not saying that Steve is lying at all, but that anybody can use statistics to their advantage. It comes down to who has the best numbers, and that would clearly be Mr Kirsch.

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Well we can never know whether what we observe is due to chance/how closely our observations of a small part of a population map to the whole population.

I don't know how Steve arrived at his figures, but I'm sure if he were to explain, then the method would be logically and mathematically sound.

If you were to shoot a shotgun into a flock of birds and you knew roughly the size of the flock, you could look at the ratio of dead red birds to green birds and construct a bell curve of possible ratios of red to green in the actual flock. If your ratio is 20 to 1 red to green, it becomes increasingly less likely that the actual ratio in the flock is the ratio (15, 12, 9, 5 etc to 1) as you move away from that number.

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Not making sense to me

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He left out the probability of 4 covid deaths versus 20 jabracadabra suicides.


Did this only one person Lara Logan knows who died from COVID really do so, or was it really iatrogenic homicide, such as from Veklury or improper intubation, or even denial of food and water?

BTW, Mr. Optical Mouse mistyped 4 as "5".

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I love Jabracadabra. First time I've heard that.

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The ONE person I know who died of COVID, did so because of lack of early treatment, then allowed to slowly die of asphyxiation in the ICU.

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"Slowly"? The bronchial spasms were very sudden, so this would imply pneumonia which sets in some days after ILI infection. An ICU can't deal with it? What good are they?

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They were not allowed to intubate by the designated advocate. Me. Once they were released to give narcotics, he died almost immediately, as expected, "into the arms of Morpheus."

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Naloxone wasn't allowed in the hospital pharmacy? Or did they "not notice" he had quit breathing? Sounds like a malpractice suit!

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You misunderstand. What do you think happens when the patient becomes a hospice status? Increasing amounts of narcotic is given and they drift off, whether intentional or not.

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my neighbor went to medical city dallas....was sedated with fentanyl and put on a vent.... organs shutting down and dead in 2 days! This was after having turbo prostate cancer for a year. Died Sept 2022 Wonder how much pfarma made $$ off of all his ill choices from getting the death poke? If any of you watch Daystar TV ... Marcus Lamb went into Grapevine hospital with 'covid' and was immediately sedated (seems to be the new way to murder you without you being able to advocate for yourself....the 'Cosby' technique)...wife said when she got there he was delusional and never came out alive after a week or so.

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A great way for the hospitals to enrich themselves.

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re: "Did this only one person ... who died from COVID really do so, or was it really iatrogenic homicide, such as from Veklury or improper intubation, or even denial of food and water?"

Following the official, 'prescribed' protocols but ending in a casualty would infer - what? I'm lacking an appropriate term here, outside of "A Fauci-cide" ...

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As Steve's recent interview with nurse whistleblowers confirmed, at least 90 percent of hospitalized "Covid deaths" were from the hospital/CDC protocols. I bet it's 98 percent.

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Jabracadabra is right up there with "stabbinated!"

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....'twas Biden and the slimey toads did gyre and gimbel in the swampee..."...

LOL, THNX!....

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omg!!!! jabracadabra

i’m stealing it, too

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I’m stealing “jabracadabra”. 😁

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Analyzing England’s Shocking 1 Million Vaccinated Deaths Compared To Just 61k Unvaccinated Deaths


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The masks not working/effectiveness made up and the 6ft made up for social distancing has me wondering if getting covid off of surfaces was fabricated/made up? Remember when we were wiping everything after use?

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Crazy really. My sister is an ortho surgeon and still believes mercilessly in it. Doesn’t believe or even read anything I send her. Blind faith is rampant. Doesn’t help she married a German. SMH 🙄🤷🏻‍♀️🫠

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Americans including medical personnel are willfully ignorant about the lethal injections, but are very excited about the Super Bowl. They cannot discern that their own lives and those of their family are at risk. My sister died one week after my brother gave her the Pfizer injection. Many of my family refused to listen to me or look at the clear proof of the injections being deadly. My doctors refuse to listen. I am expecting more deaths and diseases in my family.

I sent proof last week to Dr. Ladapo about the deaths of Floridians from the twin bioweapons, COVID and the lethal injections. I previously wrote the Florida attorney general. They must be afraid to actually pull the “vaccines” from the Florida shelves. Maybe their lives have been threatened?

I tabulated the all cause death numbers from the Florida Health Website.


The COVID bioweapon deployment murdered 32,406 Floridians in 2020.

54,271 were murdered in 2021, mostly by the lethal injections, but some were killed by the COVID bioweapon. 2022 added another 31,978 deaths.

The total for those three years is 118,000 murdered Floridians. The total murdered Americans since March 2020 is 1.8 million.

This is a spiritual war and the evil ones continue to win for now. It will end some day.

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Terri, just goes to show how incompetent he was. He did have the power to fire Fauci. He also had the power to stop the indictment of J Assange by his pick for Secretary of State. . He had the power to not sign the go ahead to manufacture the the shots, 19/9/2019. The declaration to bring in prep act, and warp speed military operation. 13/3/2020. Hitler had the same problem. Bad advice. Give me a break. 8.3 trillion in debt in under 4 yrs. Not even sniffy has managed this feat. Under his prep act. The military are mandated for shots automatically. He is a mass murdering blowhard braggart. And responsible for millions of deaths. And he is still bragging about it. Without his signature!! No shots!

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Biden’s just playing catchup. He has over 6 months to do WWIII or a global plandemic.

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I would like to know how many died of COVID away from Hospitals or clinics vs died under Hospital protocols. Now that would make a fertile study for Grand Jury investigations.

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I’ve been keeping track of the people in my life and as of right now 40% of the vaccinated have either died or are severely injured. Glad I didn’t take any jabs.

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Funny to see a government suddenly so desperate to protect personal privacy, when their normal course is the tread on it with glee.

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Genocide. My tears will not bring him back. Oh my I feel for all of you have lost loved ones.

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Well Jim, why didn’t trump sack him. Or Fauci. Trump gave Fauci, AZAR, birx, milley, kushna , a presidential commendations for their work on the warp speed military operation, after he indicted Julian Assange. It’s not my brain on the floor.

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Trump could not fire Fauci. I forget the exact reason, but he was not a person that was able to be fired by the President. And a President doesn't issue indictments, the last I checked. Trump had gotten unbelieveable bad advice from probably 90% of his advisors, in all areas. How was he to know they were feeding him a line of bull? And this WAS a military operation, remember.

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Discussed Kirsch's really key interview with nurse Macrae on my stack, alongside three other crucial dissident-news videos. For those of us not quite on the cutting edge like Steve, but wanting nonetheless to follow the story: https://pomocon.substack.com/p/recent-must-see-vids-on-the-covidvax

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None of these words can mend my broken heart. I am only one of thousands| millions in the world who have lost our most precious friends and family. Again thank you Steve. Bless your heart ❤️

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Thank you. He was my best friend. Thank you Steve for your Substack.

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