Finally! A recorded interview with a Harvard professor who disagrees with me
One of my friends arranged for me to have an 80-minute recorded Zoom discussion with a Harvard professor who believes the COVID vaccines are safe. Here's what happened.
Dr. Ozonoff is Faculty Scientist, Division of Infectious Diseases, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School.
With credentials like that, you'd expect him to refuse to engage with anyone (like me) who disagrees with the mainstream narrative. None of them would be caught dead subscribing to my substack newsletter. Yet Dr. Ozonoff had clearly read some of the things I had written so he knew what my views were going into this.
I was pleasantly surprised to find him open to discussing a wide range of issues, starting with “How come nobody is willing to talk about this stuff nowadays?”
Towards the end of the interview, we get into questions like “Is the vaccine safe?” and “Has the vaccine killed more people than it saved?” and “Is it possible that I’m right about this?”
For those of you who ask, “Did he find a flaw in your analysis?” the answer is no. He disagrees with the validity of the analysis, e.g., he believes you can’t get a quantitative signal from VAERS, but we didn’t explore that question. We didn’t do a deep dive into all 8 methods I used, but did discuss the fact I had 8 ways to get to the same number. He didn’t have a number of deaths. He doesn’t know. He tends to agree with the clinical trial which found no excess deaths, but I said there were no autopsies… shouldn’t there be?
As for did he win a million dollars for talking with me, the answer is no. I made him an offer during the video, but he didn’t accept. Here is the list of my million dollar offers.
You’ll find this interview to be a rare insight into the current state of medical profession with respect to dissenting views, vaccine misinformation, reliance on authorities, etc.
Dr. Ozonoff is truly exceptional
I applaud his willingness to do something few of his colleagues are willing to do: have an open discussion with people he doesn’t agree with.
While we (currently) don’t see eye-to-eye on all issues (there are some issues we totally agree on but he’s not allowed to say those on-camera as you might imagine… it is not his fault he can’t talk about these issues), he’s open to exploring what the data says about vaccine safety in future conversations.
We’ve always said we are open to anyone showing us how we got it wrong and he has the same attitude about his position.
Dr. Ozonoff is a credit to his profession and I look forward to future conversations.
Two options to view the video (full and excerpts)
Here’s the full 80 minute interview on Rumble: Dr. Al Ozonoff interview: Have the vaccines killed more people than they have saved?
Short on time? You can view this 2 minute version created by Marcus Allen (here’s the original post on Twitter).
What’s next
The next call with Al will be quite interesting. We’ll tackle the number dead, how we know, and see if we can have a breakthrough off-the-record.
Isn't it absurd that we have to congratulate this man - and, I'm not making light of it, I'm glad he did it - but that we have to congratulate him for......... being willing to defend his point of view and hear out someone who disagrees. Wow, revolutionary right!
I work in industrial R&D - this is a daily occurrence in the design and management of complex system. The products would die in no time if we never had to do this and could run down rabbit holes holding hands with those who agree with us. Only academics and others sufficiently insulated from the real-world consequences of their actions can get away with a refusal to engage.
The fundamental problem here, imo, is that the burden of persuasion is in the wrong place: it is Ozonoff and those on his side of this who should bear - and meet - that burden NOT SK et al. It is because the burden is in the wrong place that their side is under no pressure to even form a coherent argument.