For many years prior to the cv psyop many, I mean many speculated with clear concise data, that the FDA, WHO, CDC, NIH were doing awful things to us all. Approving toxic poisons for the public. People were warned extensively about the findings, the autism and many other maladies. We are seeing the culmination of this ongoing conspiracy to destroy our lives via the lie of public health and it being a homeland security threat. The threat is them. The threat is us finding out that they are genocidal maniacs. Finding out that the entire American corporate system is based on deception, theft and genocide. FDA = Fear & Death Admin. CDC = Centers for Disease Creation. WHO = World HeLL Org.

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Anyone in the US fancy doing some FOIs to the FDA to see if this was ever done?

Pfizer's US plants got a long history of failing inspections:


But in that article is this snippet:

"Pfizer’s emergency use authorization letter for its mRNA vaccine includes safeguards, such as quarterly reports to the FDA and a quality analysis from the company for each manufactured drug lot at least 48 hours before it is distributed."

Was this analysis ever done and sent to the FDA do you think?

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Just reading this childish post and all the radical, conspiracy crazy comments leaves me as vaccine injured realizing how none of you whackos are helping us. Every crazy word you speak publicly puts another nail in our coffin!

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You may want to look FLCCC protocols. https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/

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The question should be, what have you done to help yourself besides blame others?

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Sad to say... The people who took the jab have won the Darwin award as the biggest fools the human race has to offer. A "Safe and Effective" treatment developed at Warp Speed with almost no testing, with the ingredients kept secret and must have legal protection for the manufacturer protecting them from lawsuits? Again... sad to say but the ones that died immediately are probably the lucky ones.

To this day we still have no idea what is actually in these concoctions. Graphene Oxide looks certain... Nano-Tech most probably... HIV proteins? Marburg? Who the hell knows. And the winners of the Darwin Award lined up like the obedient trusting little Sheeple they are and then start crying when it all turns out to be a depopulation bio-weapon. People need to start waking up fast before the Next phase of the plan hits. On that note i have created 2 videos on bitchute called RED PILLED under the name etzipperhead. check them out and share them if you think them worthy.

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My neighbors had the vaccine. 3 told me they had gastrointestinal issues. One no longer knows when she's hungry -- she eats on a schedule, not based on feelings of hunger. Two have IBS-type symptoms. They said they had covid without symptoms. They believe these are the side effects of covid. They don't make the connection between the vaccine and their present state. How many more vaccine injured would come forward if their doctors weren't lying to them?

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These "Doctors" are the worst. Complete utter morons; devoid of intellectual curiousity or genuine concern.

ANY parent still vaccinating their child for childhood illnesses (let alone the CONvid nonsense); after all these revelations the past two years; is equally as foolish

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I had to go to Wikipedia to find out who Peter Marks is.

"Peter Marks is an American hematologist oncologist serving as the director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research within the Food and Drug Administration."

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The mass hypnosis / psychosis is still in play, so the harms are massively under reported because they aren’t acknowledged. A close coworker of mine’s mother dropped immediately and died the next day. An immediate family member of mine died four days after hers. Two close friends of mine had cancers that had been in remission for years return and kill them in a matter of weeks. A classmate of mine got horrible hand tremors for weeks. None of these were reported because none of the people involved will put the blame where it belongs. They consider me to be quite insane for even suggesting there might be a causal link between the “medicine” and the negative outcomes. Call me crazy, but when a previously healthy individual dies days after an experimental procedure, I might consider the procedure had something to do with it. In their eyes that makes me a crazy conspiracy theorist who needs to be ostracized.

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It's time to start cleaning house in America. Sweeping Dr. Peter Marks out of any position of power or authority would be a good start.

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My recent comment was to MaryLS,not general .

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I think we'll all find that the deliberately engineered global financial collapse, beyond anything ever seen before, which we are now teetering on the edge of, is the reason why the global cabal which controls all governments worldwide is not greatly bothered by rising numbers of people realizing that the Covid 'vaccines' are killing large numbers of people - and that the current death numbers are just the very thin edge of the wedge, compared with the mass die-off to come over the next 2 - 3 years.

I predict that the imminent global financial collapse will be so catastrophic for everyone except the very rich,and the global corporations who are helping execute it under the WEF's direction, that people will be in such a state of desperation and fear that they won't have time to think about what the fake Covid 'vaccines' are doing to people.

The global cabal needs to basically destroy the economies and financial systems of the West (particularly) in order to sufficiently terrify the populations that they will submit to the Great Reset.

A primary 'narrative' (as the WEF like to call them) for the supposed cause of this imminent economic and financial wipe out will be totally fake (like everything the globalists do) supposed desperate energy shortages that they have organized, using the Ukraine war as the pretext.

I would suggest that people plan for electricity and other energy sources blackouts, a collapse of the economies and financial system, possible inability to withdraw cash from ATMs, and likely riots and worse to come over the next six months - all planned many years ago, just like the 'Covid crisis' and the fake 'Covid vaccines'.

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That is definitely the WEF/Davos agenda, now in motion and planned years ago. The more that people die of cancer (due to destroyed immune systems), the more people will WTFU. The maniacal globalists, view this incremental genocide, as eugenicists usually do, to be justified to "save humanity." Arrogant maniacs "serving humanity" by eliminating the useless eaters.

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Sep 26, 2022
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Justice will be served for sure when they leave their physical bodies and when they have no ego defense mechanisms, and that is when hell will break loose, no matter which vigilantes get hold of them before hand. No escapes their karma.

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I have observed that, of the Vax Injury Deniers, not one appears to be vax injured.

None prostrate with Jab Illnesses, none of them dead after jabs.

Perhaps They have not been jabbed at all.

Perhaps They have not been jabbed with real Vaccine Substance.

Perhaps Their bodies are not at all harmed by GMO sludge.

That is all so odd.

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Most people have "back stories " but whatever Browder has done nothing can detract from the good he has demonstrably done in this case. From your comment are we to believe that the Magnitsky Act is a fairy tale or that Sergei's son is a figment of imagination? It appears to me to be very mean spirited to bring up allegations against this man who obviously has done some good in the world. If all of us could perform just one act of kindness or humanity we could be in a far better place than we are at present. If he were such a charlatan I doubt he would be able to produce this book and his previous one without some call out. I notice that many of the people thanked in the acknowledgements are fairly prominent and in a good position to challenge him. My advice to you is to look for the good in people and not try to black brush them. There is little point in recommending the books of Judy Mikovits,Robert F Kennedy,Naomi Wolfe ,et al to you as no doubt you would find "back stories" there too. Wishing you a kinder outlook on your fellows. PS I wonder what Steve's "back story " is for he too is very wealthy? Perhaps he mishandled the mouse!

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Here’s a doozey: see TWiV #939 just out today. As you may know, these Columbia guys have been pumping (pimping) new age vaccines as solutions to all that ail us, and mRNAs in particular. With guest Tom Monath today this comment was made (timestamp 1:10:33) regarding poor vaccine uptake: “In a way, SARS – Cov-2 wasn’t deadly enough. All you would need is for Smallpox to sweep through the country and some attitudes would change.”

Now, that comment is undoubtedly correct, but it’s coming from supposedly smart fellows who are so beholden to Big Pharma that they have a near 99% correlation with their PR statements. If these guys could force-feed the vaxx, they would. I thought you might like that one.

Jim R


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Heartless ruthless SOBs

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This has been a great psychological operation as the average person has no understanding about mrna , DNA or PCR. Most physicians are ignorant as well. My doctor endorsed mrna shots without even reading about them. I asked him about PCR testing and cycle rates - he did not even know what a cycle rate was. Yet he is big on testing anyone that wants to be in his divine presence. I confronted him about his ignorance. Then I got a registered letter saying he will no longer treat me. In a fair world he should not be treating anyone.

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